17 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar CAD Mahasiswa Teknik Otomotif Non-Reguler FT UNY melalui Pembuatan “Pohon Kata” Perintah dalam Program AutoCAD

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan meningkatkan prestasi belajar mata kuliah Computer Aided Design (CAD) mahasiswa prodi Teknik Otomotif Non-Reguler yang dinyatakan dalam bentuk rerata nilai akhir semester yang berasal dari komponen nilai tugas harian, nilai ujian tengah semester dan nilai ujian akhir semester. Penelitian quasi-eksperimen ini terdiri dari tahapan penelitian diawali dengan penyusunan materi pembelajaran sejumlah pokok bahasan tertentu dalam satu job sheet (lembar kerja), dilanjutkan dengan pembuatan bantuan “Pohon Kata” perintah dalam Auto CAD kepada kelas eksperimen yang ditentukan secara random dari dua kelas peserta kuliah Auto CAD pada Semester Genap 2008/2009. Kedua kelas diamati prestasinya, baik kecepatan penyelesaiannya maupun kualitas kebenaran gambarnya. Prestasi belajar kedua kelas juga diukur melalui pemberian ujian tengah semester dan ujian akhir semester. Setelah data prestasi kedua kelas terkumpul dilanjutkan dengan analisis statistik melalui uji beda (t-test) setelah sebelumnya dilakukan uji persyaratan analisis yang ternyata dapat dipenuhi. Hasil penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa: prestasi belajar CAD mahasiswa pada kelas yang diberi perlakuan strategi pembelajaran menggunakan “Pohon Kata” perintah dalam Program Auto CAD lebih baik dibanding prestasi belajar CAD mahasiswa pada kelas yang tidak diberi perlakuan (75,41>70,89), dengan demikian pembelajaran CAD menggunakan media “Pohon Kata” perintah dalam Program Auto CAD dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar mahasiswa Teknik Otomotif Program Non-Reguler

    Clinical, Pathological, and Molecular Characteristics of CpG Island Methylator Phenotype in Colorectal Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

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    BACKGROUND: CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP) tumors, comprising 20% of colorectal cancers, are associated with female sex, age, right-sided location, and BRAF mutations. However, other factors potentially associated with CIMP have not been robustly examined. This meta-analysis provides a comprehensive assessment of the clinical, pathologic, and molecular characteristics that define CIMP tumors. METHODS: We conducted a comprehensive search of the literature from January 1999 through April 2018 and identified 122 articles, on which comprehensive data abstraction was performed on the clinical, pathologic, molecular, and mutational characteristics of CIMP subgroups, classified based on the extent of DNA methylation of tumor suppressor genes assessed using a variety of laboratory methods. Associations of CIMP with outcome parameters were estimated using pooled odds ratio or standardized mean differences using random-effects model. RESULTS: We confirmed prior associations including female sex, older age, right-sided tumor location, poor differentiation, and microsatellite instability. In addition to the recognized association with BRAF mutations, CIMP was also associated with PIK3CA mutations and lack of mutations in KRAS and TP53. Evidence of an activated immune response was seen with high rates of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (but not peritumoral lymphocytes), Crohn-like infiltrates, and infiltration with Fusobacterium nucleatum bacteria. Additionally, CIMP tumors were associated with advance T-stage and presence of perineural and lymphovascular invasion. CONCLUSION: The meta-analysis highlights key features distinguishing CIMP in colorectal cancer, including molecular characteristics of an active immune response. Improved understanding of this unique molecular subtype of colorectal cancer may provide insights into prevention and treatment