9 research outputs found

    An IP Algorithm for RNA Folding Trajectories

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    Vienna RNA Package software Kinfold implements the Gillespie algorithm for RNA secondary structure folding kinetics, for the move sets MS1 [resp. MS2], consisting of base pair additions and removals [resp. base pair addition, removals and shifts]. In this paper, for arbitrary secondary structures s, t of a given RNA sequence, we present the first optimal algorithm to compute the shortest MS2 folding trajectory s = s0, s1, . . .sm = t, where each intermediate structure si+1 is obtained from its predecessor by the addition, removal or shift of a single base pair. The shortest MS1 trajectory between s and t is trivially equal to the number of base pairs belonging to s but not t, plus the number of base pairs belonging to t but not s. Our optimal algorithm applies integer programming (IP) to solve (essentially) the minimum feedback vertex set (FVS) problem for the "conflict digraph" associated with input secondary structures s, t, and then applies topological sort, in order to generate an optimal MS2 folding pathway from s to t that maximizes the use of shift moves. Since the optimal algorithm may require excessive run time, we also sketch a fast, near-optimal algorithm (details to appear elsewhere). Software for our algorithm will be publicly available at http://bioinformatics.bc.edu/clotelab/MS2distance/

    RNAmountAlign: Efficient software for local, global, semiglobal pairwise and multiple RNA sequence/structure alignment.

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    Alignment of structural RNAs is an important problem with a wide range of applications. Since function is often determined by molecular structure, RNA alignment programs should take into account both sequence and base-pairing information for structural homology identification. This paper describes C++ software, RNAmountAlign, for RNA sequence/structure alignment that runs in O(n3) time and O(n2) space for two sequences of length n; moreover, our software returns a p-value (transformable to expect value E) based on Karlin-Altschul statistics for local alignment, as well as parameter fitting for local and global alignment. Using incremental mountain height, a representation of structural information computable in cubic time, RNAmountAlign implements quadratic time pairwise local, global and global/semiglobal (query search) alignment using a weighted combination of sequence and structural similarity. RNAmountAlign is capable of performing progressive multiple alignment as well. Benchmarking of RNAmountAlign against LocARNA, LARA, FOLDALIGN, DYNALIGN, STRAL, MXSCARNA, and MUSCLE shows that RNAmountAlign has reasonably good accuracy and faster run time supporting all alignment types. Additionally, our extension of RNAmountAlign, called RNAmountAlignScan, which scans a target genome sequence to find hits having high sequence and structural similarity to a given query sequence, outperforms RSEARCH and sequence-only query scans and runs faster than FOLDALIGN query scan

    RNAdualPF: software to compute the dual partition function with sample applications in molecular evolution theory.

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    BACKGROUND: RNA inverse folding is the problem of finding one or more sequences that fold into a user-specified target structure s 0, i.e. whose minimum free energy secondary structure is identical to the target s 0. Here we consider the ensemble of all RNA sequences that have low free energy with respect to a given target s 0. RESULTS: We introduce the program RNAdualPF, which computes the dual partition function Z ∗, defined as the sum of Boltzmann factors exp(-E(a,s 0)/RT) of all RNA nucleotide sequences a compatible with target structure s 0. Using RNAdualPF, we efficiently sample RNA sequences that approximately fold into s 0, where additionally the user can specify IUPAC sequence constraints at certain positions, and whether to include dangles (energy terms for stacked, single-stranded nucleotides). Moreover, since we also compute the dual partition function Z ∗(k) over all sequences having GC-content k, the user can require that all sampled sequences have a precise, specified GC-content. Using Z ∗, we compute the dual expected energy 〈E ∗〉, and use it to show that natural RNAs from the Rfam 12.0 database have higher minimum free energy than expected, thus suggesting that functional RNAs are under evolutionary pressure to be only marginally thermodynamically stable. We show that C. elegans precursor microRNA (pre-miRNA) is significantly non-robust with respect to mutations, by comparing the robustness of each wild type pre-miRNA sequence with 2000 [resp. 500] sequences of the same GC-content generated by RNAdualPF, which approximately [resp. exactly] fold into the wild type target structure. We confirm and strengthen earlier findings that precursor microRNAs and bacterial small noncoding RNAs display plasticity, a measure of structural diversity. CONCLUSION: We describe RNAdualPF, which rapidly computes the dual partition function Z ∗ and samples sequences having low energy with respect to a target structure, allowing sequence constraints and specified GC-content. Using different inverse folding software, another group had earlier shown that pre-miRNA is mutationally robust, even controlling for compositional bias. Our opposite conclusion suggests a cautionary note that computationally based insights into molecular evolution may heavily depend on the software used. C/C++-software for RNAdualPF is available at http://bioinformatics.bc.edu/clotelab/RNAdualPF .Funding for this research was provided by National Science Foundation grant DBI-1262439

    RNAdualPF: software to compute the dual partition function with sample applications in molecular evolution theory.

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    BACKGROUND: RNA inverse folding is the problem of finding one or more sequences that fold into a user-specified target structure s 0, i.e. whose minimum free energy secondary structure is identical to the target s 0. Here we consider the ensemble of all RNA sequences that have low free energy with respect to a given target s 0. RESULTS: We introduce the program RNAdualPF, which computes the dual partition function Z ∗, defined as the sum of Boltzmann factors exp(-E(a,s 0)/RT) of all RNA nucleotide sequences a compatible with target structure s 0. Using RNAdualPF, we efficiently sample RNA sequences that approximately fold into s 0, where additionally the user can specify IUPAC sequence constraints at certain positions, and whether to include dangles (energy terms for stacked, single-stranded nucleotides). Moreover, since we also compute the dual partition function Z ∗(k) over all sequences having GC-content k, the user can require that all sampled sequences have a precise, specified GC-content. Using Z ∗, we compute the dual expected energy 〈E ∗〉, and use it to show that natural RNAs from the Rfam 12.0 database have higher minimum free energy than expected, thus suggesting that functional RNAs are under evolutionary pressure to be only marginally thermodynamically stable. We show that C. elegans precursor microRNA (pre-miRNA) is significantly non-robust with respect to mutations, by comparing the robustness of each wild type pre-miRNA sequence with 2000 [resp. 500] sequences of the same GC-content generated by RNAdualPF, which approximately [resp. exactly] fold into the wild type target structure. We confirm and strengthen earlier findings that precursor microRNAs and bacterial small noncoding RNAs display plasticity, a measure of structural diversity. CONCLUSION: We describe RNAdualPF, which rapidly computes the dual partition function Z ∗ and samples sequences having low energy with respect to a target structure, allowing sequence constraints and specified GC-content. Using different inverse folding software, another group had earlier shown that pre-miRNA is mutationally robust, even controlling for compositional bias. Our opposite conclusion suggests a cautionary note that computationally based insights into molecular evolution may heavily depend on the software used. C/C++-software for RNAdualPF is available at http://bioinformatics.bc.edu/clotelab/RNAdualPF .Funding for this research was provided by National Science Foundation grant DBI-1262439