12 research outputs found

    Whey Tahu Sebagai Penghasil Biolektrisitas Pada Sistem Microbial Fuel Cell Dengan Lactobacillus Plantarum

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    Bioelectricity of soy whey in Microbial Fuel Cell system with Lactobacillus plantarum has been performed. This study aims to determine the capacity of soy whey as a substrate in the MFC system and determine the influence of the speed of agitation against potential difference generated. The potential difference compared to different substrates, namely soy whey, glucose and lactose. Determination of the potential difference in speed variation agitation performed with variations 30, 60, 90, 125 and 250 rpm. The potential difference at the maximum voltage variation of the substrate obtained by soy whey by 33.3 mV / 100 mL at the 15th hour, whereas glucose and lactose reaches the maximum potential difference at the 12th hour with a relatively similar value. Agitation speed that generates the highest potential difference in soy whey substrate was obtained at 90 rpm with maximum potential difference of 63.1 mV / 100mL at the 14th hour

    The Comparison of Spectrophotometric and TLC-Densitometric for DPPH Radical Scavenging Activity Analysis of Three Medicinal Plant Extracts

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    In this research, Thin Layer Chromatography-Densitometry has proven to be a good method for analyzing 1, 1 diphenyl 2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity, since this approach displayed the similar trends with UV-Vis spectrophotometric method. Three medicinal plants collected from Semarang used to evaluate both methods.  The IC50 value ranged from 25.26 - 4913.74 ppm shown by UV-Vis spectrophotometric and 24.74 – 4674.61 ppm using TLC-Densitometric. Meniran Dechlorophyllated (Phyllanthus niruri) provides the strongest antioxidant activity and the weakest de-chlorophylated parsley (Petroselinum crispum). The paired sample t-test points from a non-dechlorophylation extract using the TLC densitometry test significantly gives a lower IC50 value than the UV spectrophotometry method-has. The maximum increase of peak area under the UV light 365 nm up to 56.08 %. This evidence supports the presumption that the scavenging radical DPPH caused not only decreasing the maximum absorbance under UV light 516 nm but also increasing the absorbance under UV light ± 365 nm

    Genetic Diversity and Connectivity of Sea Urchin Tripneustes gratilla in Region Surrounding Cenderawasih Bay, Papua-Indonesia and Indo-Pacific

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    Cenderawasih Bay has extremely high biodiversity with an enormous amount of endemic species due to geography isolation. Tripneustes gratilla is one of the species that is abundant in the bay. The species has ecological value that is suitable for bio-indicators of the environmental condition. Since the Bay relatively isolated area, then we examined the impact of the geographical conditions on genetic diversity and connectivity of Tripneustes gratilla among populations in the region surrounding Cenderawasih Bay based on the mitochondrial cytochrome c-oxidase-1 gene. Results of the study showed that genetic variation of the species within the population is high; despite the genetic variation among populations was low. The data suggested that the entire population of T. gratilla were closed connected, homogeneous, and shared polymorphic profile. Then we assumed the gene flow occurred for a long time among populations without geographical barriers. This information is a warrant to develop an effective strategy to maintain biodiversity in the Cenderawasih Bay

    Analisis Komunitas dan Filogeni Bakteri Bakteri Termofilik Sumber Air Panas di Wilayah Jawa Tengah

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    Seven emplieons have been obtained at the first year, and need to be analyzed fit her. These PCR products were the re fragments of 16S rRNA that amplified chromosomal DNA of themmphilic bacteria from Gedongsongo, Babnniden, and Dieng hot springs. These seven amplicons have been analyzed using DOGE method. The DOGE were optimized acconimg to denaturing gradient, voltage, sad lime cleamphoresis miming The DGGE result from ELI Gedongsongo isolates revealed 12 different bands, three bands from each sample present at the same line. Seven bands have been re-PCR wad sequenced. Three bands have a phylogenetic relationship with Therms sp., and We other four bands hay,. been expected as novel bacteria. The single colony from GS (He) has a high similarity with Geordie:airs sp. according to morphological study and 168 rISNA fragment gene sequence. The Beturmden DOOR pattern showed Were are 10 different bands, Three f them have been sequenced their nucleotide and having relationship with Bacillus sp. The Mbw isolate of Baturraden single colony is Geobacillus sp There are four predominant bands in Dieng DOGE gel. Isolate AD3 from Dieng that oilmen in Sulfolobus medium showed a high similarity of their 16 rRNA gene fragment with Pseusiomonas sp. Extra cellular enzyme analysis of He, Mbw, and AD3 isolates revealed that He and Mbw have protease, amylase, and betalfidectosidase. However AD3 has any extra cellular protease. Pada ulna pertama telah diperoleh 7 amplikon UM* dianalisis rebel Imam. Produk PCR temebut bempe flagmen DNA berukuren seldlar 400 pb yang dipetoleh dad basil amplifikasi /ragmen gen 165 rRNA menggemakan templet DNA kromosom isolat bakteri temmfidik dari cumber eh pan Geelong Songo, Dieng den Baturraden. Ketujub =Mem tersebut dianalisis meaggunakan metade Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophorus& (DGGE). DOGE dilakukan dalam berbagai kondisi =lama vatiesi gradien denaturan gel, besar tegangan den waktu yang digunalcut dalam proses elektroforcsis. Hand analisis DOGE forbad%) bagmen DNA dari selumh isolat Gedong Soup (GS) menunjuldcan adanya 12 pita, tip pita pada masingmasing isolat berada pada penal yang siMar. Toth pita DGGE dati Gedongsougo telab dianalisis man nukthotidanya, tiga pita menunjukkan kesemean culwp tiuggi &man golongan Thennus sedangkan empat pita yang lain diduga mermakan spesies ham Sam koluul nmggal dari GS (He) teridentifikan sebagai Geobacillus. Pada isolat Beturraden (BR), hoed DOGE menunjuldam adanya 10 pita. 'DP Pita yang dianalisis mem madeoddanya memmjukkan tingket kekerabatan tinggi dengan golongan Bacillus (Geobactllus), demildan pule Magma Mani maga' dati BR yaitu Mbw tames* golonganGeobacillus. Heed DOGE diktat set kawah Diem menunjukkan adanya empat pita yang cukup dominan. Seth sam kultur Dieng yang diturobthkan pada media adfolobus (AD3), daexab vanabed 9 deli gene 16S rRNA yang teramplifikesi deri DNA kromosomaya mennliki kesamaan tthggi dengan urutannukleotida can Pstudomonas sp. Hasil nji enzim eketraseluler terhadop kiiltur tunggel He Mbw, den AD3; menunjukkan bahwa He dm Mbw memiliki protease, amilase den beta¬galaktosidase. Sedengkaa AD3 limy* nodal memitiki protease ekstraseluler

    Biodegradasi Jerami Padi Menggunakan Kompos Termofilik Dan Profil SSCP Konsorsium Mikroba

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    Jerami merupakan bahan lignoselulosa, terdiri atas lignin yang terikat pada hemiselulosa dan selulosa. Sebagian besar penelitian biodegradasi biomassa secara mikrobiologis, memanfaatkan kerja mikroba tunggal yang umumnya bekerja kurang optimal. Dalam penelitian ini jerami didegradasi menjadi gula pereduksi menggunakan konsorsium mikroba dari kompos termofilik. Fermentasi jerami padi dilakukan pada media semisolid menggunakan starter kompos termofilik, dan proses degradasi dipantau berdasarkan kadar gula pereduksi yang dihasilkan setiap 24 jam. Kelimpahan mikroba diamati melalui fragmen gen 16S dan 18S rRNA dengan teknik SSCP (Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism). Degradasi optimum jerami padi didapatkan pada jam ke-72 dengan kadar gula sebesar 0,474 mg/L. Profil pita-pita SSCP ditunjukkan dengan perbedaan jumlah dan intensitas pita-pita dari kelompok jamur maupun bakteri. Perbedaan pita-pita tersebut menunjukkan adanya perbedaan kelimpahan komunitas mikroba baik pada konsorsium kompos maupu mikroba pendegradasi jerami padi

    Isolasi Komunitas Bakteri Termofilik Selulolitik Dari Kompos Serta Identifikasi Fenotipik Dan Genotipik Dengan Metode Sscp

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    Bioetanol sebagai sumber energi alternatif baru dapat dihasilkan dari degradasi selulosa secara enzimatis. Proses enzimatis degradasi selulosa menggunakan enzim termostabil yang dihasilkan oleh bakteri termofilik selulolitik. Kompos diketahui merupakan habitat alami bakteri termofilik selulolitik. Eksplorasi sumber bakteri baru penghasil enzim selulase termostabil untuk mengoptimalkan potensi kompos. Isolasi bakteri termofilik selulolitik dari kompos dan identifikasi fenotipik dan genotipik untuk mengetahui profil dan perkiraan jumlah bakteri dari komunitas bakteri telah dilakukan. Hasil penelitian diperoleh isolat komunitas bakteri termofilik selulolitik kompos yang mampu tumbuh pada media CMC. Identifikasi fenotipik menghasilkan lima kenampakan koloni bakteri serta tiga bentuk morfologi bakteri. Data SSCP menunjukkan tiga profil komunitas bakteri dan ada sekitar sembilan spesies yang tumbuh baik pada media CMC. Korelasi kedua identifikasi membuktikan bahwa adanya komunitas bakteri termofilik penghasil enzim selulase pada kompos termofilik