5 research outputs found

    Strategiauudistuksen vaikutukset finanssialan myyntityön näkökulmasta

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on perehtyä finanssialan yrityksen strategiseen uudistumiseen ja uudistuksen aiheuttamiin muutoksiin yrityksen henkilöstön näkemyksissä. Työn tavoitteena on löytää mahdollisia eroja ja yhtäläisyyksiä työntekijäryhmien välillä sekä niiden sisällä. Opinnäytetyö koostuu teoriaosiosta ja empiirisestä osiosta. Teoriaosuus on jaettu kahteen osaan; ensimmäinen osa käsittelee strategian toimeenpanoa ja toinen osa strategian näkymistä myyntityössä. Teoriaosuuden on tarkoitus selventää strategian viemistä teoriasta käytäntöön sekä käsitellä strategian toimeenpanoa myyntityössä. Opinnäytetyön empiirinen osio toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena eli laadullisena tutkimuksena. Se käsittelee toimeksiantajayrityksen strategisesta uudistumisesta aiheutuvia mielipiteitä ja näkemyksiä. Empiirinen osio on jaettu kahteen osaan; teemahaastatteluina toteutettuihin esimiesten haastatteluihin sekä myyjien kyselyyn. Tutkimus osoittaa strategisen uudistumisen aiheuttavan erilaisia näkemyksiä niin eri työntekijäryhmien välillä kuin työntekijäryhmien sisällä. Yrityksen strateginen uudistus ei kuitenkaan tutkimuksen mukaan aiheuta äärimmäisiä reaktioita, vaikkakin hajontaa löytyy. Tutkimuksen mukaan yhdeksi merkittävimmäksi näkemyseroksi esimiesten ja myyjien välillä osoittautui strategialinjausten eroava tärkeysjärjestys. Esimiehet korostivat vahvasti yhtä linjausta, kun taas myyjien kesken mielipiteet motivoivimmasta linjauksesta hajautuivat.The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the renewal of a company’s strategy operating in the financial sector and to analyse the viewpoints of the personnel. The goal of this thesis is to find possible differences and similarities among members. This thesis is divided into theory and empirical sections. There are two theory parts; the first is about the implementation of strategy and the second is about strategy in sales work. The theoretical part clarifies how the often abstract strategy is implemented and how the strategy affects sales work. The empirical section of this thesis was carried out as a qualitative research. It is about company’s strategic renewal. There are two parts in this section; the interview with the supervisors and the enquiry of the sales personnel. The interviews with supervisors were conducted as theme interviews. The research shows that the strategic renewal divides the opinions of the personnel. However, the renewal doesn’t raise radical views. Nevertheless there is still dispersion among personnel groups. One of the most significant differences between supervisors and sales personnel was the prioritization of strategic alignments. Supervisors emphasized one of the four strategic alignments while the sales personnel’s opinions were divided into several views

    A randomized controlled trial of an intervention delivered by mobile phone text message to increase the acceptability of effective contraception among young women in Palestine

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    Abstract Background Research has shown that mobile phone contraceptive behavioral interventions can increase knowledge and use of contraception, but other studies have failed to demonstrate a beneficial effect. The objective of this trial was to estimate the effect of a contraceptive behavioral intervention delivered by mobile phone text message on young Palestinian women’s attitudes towards effective contraception. Methods We conducted a randomized controlled trial among women aged 18–24 years living in the West Bank, who were not using an effective method of contraception. The intervention group received zero to three messages per day (113 messages for female-not married and 120 messages for female-married) for 120 days. The control group received 16 messages over 120 days about trial participation. The primary outcome was acceptability of at least one method of effective contraception at 4 months. Secondary outcomes were use of effective contraception at 4 months and any use during the study, acceptability of individual methods, service uptake, unintended pregnancy and abortion. Process outcomes included knowledge, perceived norms, personal agency and intention. All outcomes were self-reported. We analyzed the outcomes using logistic and linear regression. Results A total of 578 participants were enrolled and 464 (80%) completed follow up at 4 months. Intervention group participants were more likely to find at least one method of effective contraception acceptable (31% in the intervention group versus 17% in the control group, adjusted OR 2.34, 95% CI 1.48–3.68, p < 0.001). They had a higher mean knowledge score, were more likely to find the intrauterine device, injection, implant and patch acceptable, to agree that their friends would use an effective method and to intend to use an effective method, compared to participants in the control group. While in the direction of intervention benefit, there were no differences between the groups in the use of effective contraception at 4 months and any use during the study, pill acceptability, service uptake, unintended pregnancy and induced abortion. Conclusions The intervention can improve attitudes, knowledge-perceived norms and intention to use effective contraception among young women in Palestine. Research is needed to evaluate the efficacy of the intervention for contraceptive behavioral outcomes in Palestine. Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT02905461. Registered on 14 September 2016. World Health Organization Trial Registration Data Set: http://apps.who.int/trialsearch/Trial2.aspx?TrialID=NCT0290546

    Development of an intervention delivered by mobile phone aimed at decreasing unintended pregnancy among young people in three lower middle income countries

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    The collection consists of four files: [1] a discussion guide used in focus group discussions and interviews with the target group; [2] a discussion guide used in interviews with providers; [3] a matrix that displays the change objectives by crossing the determinants and performance objectives; and [4] the behaviour change methods included in the intervention, the basis upon which they were selected, determinants, parameters for effectiveness, and how the parameters were taken into account