13,601 research outputs found

    Partial duplication of the APBA2 gene in chromosome 15q13 corresponds to duplicon structures.

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    BackgroundChromosomal abnormalities affecting human chromosome 15q11-q13 underlie multiple genomic disorders caused by deletion, duplication and triplication of intervals in this region. These events are mediated by highly homologous segments of DNA, or duplicons, that facilitate mispairing and unequal cross-over in meiosis. The gene encoding an amyloid precursor protein-binding protein (APBA2) was previously mapped to the distal portion of the interval commonly deleted in Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes and duplicated in cases of autism.ResultsWe show that this gene actually maps to a more telomeric location and is partially duplicated within the broader region. Two highly homologous copies of an interval containing a large 5' exon and downstream sequence are located approximately 5 Mb distal to the intact locus. The duplicated copies, containing the first coding exon of APBA2, can be distinguished by single nucleotide sequence differences and are transcriptionally inactive. Adjacent to APBA2 maps a gene termed KIAA0574. The protein encoded by this gene is weakly homologous to a protein termed X123 that in turn maps adjacent to APBA1 on 9q21.12; APBA1 is highly homologous to APBA2 in the C-terminal region and is distinguished from APBA2 by the N-terminal region encoded by this duplicated exon.ConclusionThe duplication of APBA2 sequences in this region adds to a complex picture of different low copy repeats present across this region and elsewhere on the chromosome

    Quantum Field Theory of Forward Rates with Stochastic Volatility

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    In a recent formulation of a quantum field theory of forward rates, the volatility of the forward rates was taken to be deterministic. The field theory of the forward rates is generalized to the case of stochastic volatility. Two cases are analyzed, firstly when volatility is taken to be a function of the forward rates, and secondly when volatility is taken to be an independent quantum field. Since volatiltiy is a positive valued quantum field, the full theory turns out to be an interacting nonlinear quantum field theory in two dimensions. The state space and Hamiltonian for the interacting theory are obtained, and shown to have a nontrivial structure due to the manifold moving with a constant velocity. The no arbitrage condition is reformulated in terms of the Hamiltonian of the system, and then exactly solved for the nonlinear interacting case.Comment: 7 Figure

    Evidence for dielectric aging due to progressive 180 domain wall pinning in polydomain Pb(Zr0.45Ti0.55)O3 thin films

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    An evidence that the dielectric ageing in the polydomain Pb(Zr0.45Ti0.55)O3 thin films is controlled by progressive pinning of 180 domain walls is presented. To provide such a conclusion, we use a general method, which is based on the study of the time evolution of the nonlinear, but anhysteretic, dielectric response of the ferroelectric to a weak electric field. A thermodynamic model of the ferroelectric system where the dielectric response is controlled by bending movements of pinned 180 domain walls is developed. Within this model, the nonlinear permittivity of the ferroelectric is expressed as a function of the microstructural parameters of the domain pattern. It is shown that using the analysis of the time evolution of the nonlinear permittivity, it is possible to estimate changes in the concentration of the pinning centers that block the movements of the 180 domain walls during aging in polydomain perovskite ferroelectrics.Comment: This version is modifed and corrected according to recently published Erratum: Phys. Rev. B 79, 219903(E) (2009). 21 pages, 3 figure

    Numerical modeling of dynamic powder compaction using the Kawakita equation of state

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    Dynamic powder compaction is analyzed using the assumption that the powder behaves, while it is being compacted, like a hydrodynamic fluid in which deviatoric stress and heat conduction effects can be ignored throughout the process. This enables techniques of computational fluid dynamics such the equilibrium flux method to be used as a modeling tool. The equation of state of the powder under compression is assumed to be a modified version of the Kawakita loading curve. Computer simulations using this model are performed for conditions matching as closely as possible with those from experiments by Page and Killen [Powder Metall. 30, 233 (1987)]. The numerical and experimental results are compared and a surprising degree of qualitative agreement is observed

    Respon Lima Varietas Jagung (Zea Mays L.) Pada Aplikasi Pyraclostrobin

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    Aktivitas nitrat reduktase dapat ditingkatkan oleh pyraclostrobin. Penyerapan nitrogen pada tanaman dipengaruhi oleh aktivitas nitrat reduktase. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mempelajari respon lima varietas jagung pada aplikasi pyraclostrobin. Penelitian dilaksanakan di kebun percobaan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya yang berlokasi di Desa Jatikerto, Kecamatan Kromengan, Kabupaten Malang. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni 2011 sampai Oktober 2011. Bahan tanam yang digunakan ialah benih jagung varietas NK-22, NK-6326, P-21, BISI-2, dan BISI-816 dan pyraclostrobin 400 ppm berfungsi sebagai perlakuan. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan Pyraclostrobin tidak memberikan pengaruh pada pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman jagung. Lima varietas uji menunjukkan perbedaan pertumbuhan dan hasil karena pengaruh genetik masing-masing varietas. Interaksi perlakuan pyraclostrobin dan beberapa varietas mempengaruhi pertumbuhan tanaman pada tinggi tanaman umur 8 minggu setelah tanam, jumlah daun umur 5 minggu setelah tanam, dan umur muncul bunga betina

    A review on removal of pharmaceuticals from water by adsorption

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    Pharmaceuticals and personal care products are recognized as emerging pollutants in water resources. Various treatment options have been investigated for the removal of pharmaceuticals that include both conventional (e.g., biodegradation, adsorption, activated sludge) and advanced (e.g., membrane, microfiltration, ozonation) processes. This article reviews literature for adsorptive removal of pharmaceuticals from water sources. Adsorbents from various origins were reviewed for their capacity to remove pharmaceuticals from water. These adsorbents include carbonaceous materials, clay minerals, siliceous adsorbents, and polymeric materials. The adsorption capacity of adsorbents to adsorb pharmaceuticals from water is discussed in this study. The review discusses the mechanism for adsorption of pharmaceuticals onto adsorbents as well. Finally, effectiveness of processing parameters during adsorption processes is presented

    Local community on trial

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    While plenty has been written about the reinvention of the social by the Third Way as a new governmentality of control, consensus, and social integration, less has been said about its subtle elision of social and the local, and the implications of this elision for urban and regional regeneration. This is the theme taken up by this paper, beginning with a critical appraisal of the recent turn by New Labour to community cohesion and social capital as a means of overcoming local poverty and disadvantage. It shows how the social has come to be redefined as community, localized, and thrown back at hard-pressed areas as both cause and solution in the area of social, political, and economic regeneration. The second half of the paper develops an alternative designation of the local-social that is less instrumentalist, decidedly a-moral (though equally ethical), agonistically political, and geographically unconstrained. It argues for a return to ideas of agonistic democracy and the society of commitments and connections so thoroughly repudiated by new versions of market social democracy