8,131 research outputs found

    Large Tunneling Anisotropic Magneto-Seebeck Effect in a CoPt|MgO|Pt Tunnel Junction

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    We theoretically investigate the Tunneling Anisotropic Magneto-Seebeck effect in a realistically-modeled CoPt|MgO|Pt tunnel junction using coherent transport calculations. For comparison we study the tunneling magneto-Seebeck effect in CoPt|MgO|CoPt as well. We find that the magneto-Seebeck ratio of CoPt|MgO|Pt exceeds that of CoPt|MgO|CoPt for small barrier thicknesses, reaching 175% at room temperature. This result provides a sharp contrast to the magnetoresistance, which behaves oppositely for all barrier thicknesses and differs by one order of magnitude between devices. Here the magnetoresistance results from differences in transmission brought upon by changing the tunnel junction's magnetization configuration. The magneto-Seebeck effect results from variations in asymmetry of the energy-dependent transmission instead. We report that this difference in origin allows for CoPt|MgO|Pt to possess strong thermal magnetic-transport anisotropy.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Kinematic Density Waves in Accretion Disks

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    When thin accretion disks around black holes are perturbed, the main restoring force is gravity. If gas pressure, magnetic stresses, and radiation pressure are neglected, the disk remains thin as long as orbits do not intersect. Intersections would result in pressure forces which limit the growth of perturbations. We find that a discrete set of perturbations is possible for which orbits remain non-intersecting for arbitrarily long times. These modes define a discrete set of frequencies. We classify all long-lived perturbations for arbitrary potentials and show how their mode frequencies are related to pattern speeds computed from the azimuthal and epicyclic frequencies. We show that modes are concentrated near radii where the pattern speed has vanishing radial derivative. We explore these modes around Kerr black holes as a possible explanation for the high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations of black hole binaries such as GRO J1655-40. The long-lived modes are shown to coincide with diskoseismic waves in the limit of small sound speed. While the waves have long lifetime, they have the wrong frequencies to explain the pairs of high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations observed in black hole binaries.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figures; extended comparison with diskoseismology; added reference to astro-ph/060368

    Quantum Nondemolition Charge Measurement of a Josephson Qubit

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    In a qubit system, the measurement operator does not necessarily commute with the qubit Hamiltonian, so that the readout process demolishes (mixes) the qubit energy eigenstates. The readout time is therefore limited by such a mixing time and its fidelity will be reduced. A quantum nondemolition readout scheme is proposed in which the charge of a flux qubit is measured. The measurement operator is shown to commute with the qubit Hamiltonian in the reduced two-level Hilbert space, even though the Hamiltonian contains non-commuting charge and flux terms.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, a paragraph added to describe how the scheme works in charge regim

    Remotely Activated Virtual Laboratory An e-Learning Tool

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    Colleges are usually equipped with the laboratory equipment required for the prescribed experiments. However, many theoretical concepts require practical demonstration (with sophisticated equipment) for better understanding. These equipment may not be available in colleges, due to which, teaching faculties face difficulty in demonstrating them. In order to overcome this situation, an attempt has been made to develop a system which provides an interface to the user through which sophisticated equipment situated at a remote location can be easily accessed via any computing device. This work emphasizes on Publisher-Subscriber pattern, Subscriber can be any computing system connected to the internet and the Publisher will be a system with LabVIEW to which the lab equipment will be connected via National Instruments Data Acquisition Module (DAQ). For communication between Publisher and Subscriber, an add-on called Smartphone and Cross-Platform Communication Tool (SCCT) has been used

    Algorithmic approach to adiabatic quantum optimization

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    It is believed that the presence of anticrossings with exponentially small gaps between the lowest two energy levels of the system Hamiltonian, can render adiabatic quantum optimization inefficient. Here, we present a simple adiabatic quantum algorithm designed to eliminate exponentially small gaps caused by anticrossings between eigenstates that correspond with the local and global minima of the problem Hamiltonian. In each iteration of the algorithm, information is gathered about the local minima that are reached after passing the anticrossing non-adiabatically. This information is then used to penalize pathways to the corresponding local minima, by adjusting the initial Hamiltonian. This is repeated for multiple clusters of local minima as needed. We generate 64-qubit random instances of the maximum independent set problem, skewed to be extremely hard, with between 10^5 and 10^6 highly-degenerate local minima. Using quantum Monte Carlo simulations, it is found that the algorithm can trivially solve all the instances in ~10 iterations.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Epoxy Resin Grout System for Solutions to Traditional Geotechnical Problems

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    Use of chemicals for foundation treatment and sealing of crack is of recent origin. The aim of this paper is to find time-viscosity and time-strength relationships of epoxy grout system for proper flow mechanism and strength interaction with rock collected from dam sites of India. The bonding mechanism of gel in the injected mass is explained with the help of Scanning electron microscopy and Infra-red spectroscopy. After trial field grouting the stratascopy has revealed better bonds of moist surface with flexibility to accommodate movement before bond or shear failure occurred and had lower volumetric shrinkage during curing