20,659 research outputs found

    Langmuir dark solitons in dense ultrarelativistic electron-positron gravito-plasma in pulsar magnetosphere

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    Nonlinear propagation of electrostatic modes in ultrarelativistic dense elelectron-positron gravito-plasma at the polar cap region of pulsar magnetosphere is considered. A nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation is obtained from the reductive perturbation method which predicts the existence of Langmuir dark solitons. Relevance of the propagating dark solitons to the pulsar radio emission is discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Science. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:astro-ph/9808047 by other authors without attributio

    Mesoscopic multiterminal Josephson structures: I. Effects of nonlocal weak coupling

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    We investigate nonlocal coherent transport in ballistic four-terminal Josephson structures (where bulk superconductors (terminals) are connected through a clean normal layer, e.g., a two-dimensional electron gas). Coherent anisotropic superposition of macroscopic wave functions of the superconductors in the normal region produces phase slip lines (2D analogs to phase slip centres) and time-reversal symmetry breaking 2D vortex states in it, as well as such effects as phase dragging and magnetic flux transfer. The tunneling density of local Andreev states in the normal layer was shown to contain peaks at the positions controlled by the phase differences between the terminals. We have obtained general dependence of these effects on the controlling supercurrent/phase differences between the terminals of the ballistic mesoscopic four-terminal SQUID.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figure

    Towards Chemical Constraints on Hot Jupiter Migration

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    The origin of hot Jupiters -- gas giant exoplanets orbiting very close to their host stars -- is a long-standing puzzle. Planet formation theories suggest that such planets are unlikely to have formed in-situ but instead may have formed at large orbital separations beyond the snow line and migrated inward to their present orbits. Two competing hypotheses suggest that the planets migrated either through interaction with the protoplanetary disk during their formation, or by disk-free mechanisms such as gravitational interactions with a third body. Observations of eccentricities and spin-orbit misalignments of hot Jupiter systems have been unable to differentiate between the two hypotheses. In the present work, we suggest that chemical depletions in hot Jupiter atmospheres might be able to constrain their migration mechanisms. We find that sub-solar carbon and oxygen abundances in Jovian-mass hot Jupiters around Sun-like stars are hard to explain by disk migration. Instead, such abundances are more readily explained by giant planets forming at large orbital separations, either by core accretion or gravitational instability, and migrating to close-in orbits via disk-free mechanisms involving dynamical encounters. Such planets also contain solar or super-solar C/O ratios. On the contrary, hot Jupiters with super-solar O and C abundances can be explained by a variety of formation-migration pathways which, however, lead to solar or sub-solar C/O ratios. Current estimates of low oxygen abundances in hot Jupiter atmospheres may be indicative of disk-free migration mechanisms. We discuss open questions in this area which future studies will need to investigate.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Quasiclassical calculation of spontaneous current in restricted geometries

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    Calculation of current and order parameter distribution in inhomogeneous superconductors is often based on a self-consistent solution of Eilenberger equations for quasiclassical Green's functions. Compared to the original Gorkov equations, the problem is much simplified due to the fact that the values of Green's functions at a given point are connected to the bulk ones at infinity (boundary values) by ``dragging'' along the classical trajectories of quasiparticles. In finite size systems, where classical trajectories undergo multiple reflections from surfaces and interfaces, the usefulness of the approach is no longer obvious, since there is no simple criterion to determine what boundary value a trajectory corresponds to, and whether it reaches infinity at all. Here, we demonstrate the modification of the approach based on the Schophol-Maki transformation, which provides the basis for stable numerical calculations in 2D. We apply it to two examples: generation of spontaneous currents and magnetic moments in isolated islands of d-wave superconductor with subdominant order-parameters s and d_{xy}, and in a grain boundary junction between two arbitrarily oriented d-wave superconductors. Both examples are relevant to the discussion of time-reversal symmetry breaking in unconventional superconductors, as well as for application in quantum computing.Comment: 6 pages, Submitted for publication in the proceedings of MS+S2002 conference, Japa

    Decoherence in adiabatic quantum computation

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    We have studied the decoherence properties of adiabatic quantum computation (AQC) in the presence of in general non-Markovian, e.g., low-frequency, noise. The developed description of the incoherent Landau-Zener transitions shows that the global AQC maintains its properties even for decoherence larger than the minimum gap at the anticrossing of the two lowest energy levels. The more efficient local AQC, however, does not improve scaling of the computation time with the number of qubits nn as in the decoherence-free case. The scaling improvement requires phase coherence throughout the computation, limiting the computation time and the problem size n.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, published versio

    Weighted ℓ_1 minimization for sparse recovery with prior information

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    In this paper we study the compressed sensing problem of recovering a sparse signal from a system of underdetermined linear equations when we have prior information about the probability of each entry of the unknown signal being nonzero. In particular, we focus on a model where the entries of the unknown vector fall into two sets, each with a different probability of being nonzero. We propose a weighted ℓ_1 minimization recovery algorithm and analyze its performance using a Grassman angle approach. We compute explicitly the relationship between the system parameters (the weights, the number of measurements, the size of the two sets, the probabilities of being non-zero) so that an iid random Gaussian measurement matrix along with weighted ℓ_1 minimization recovers almost all such sparse signals with overwhelming probability as the problem dimension increases. This allows us to compute the optimal weights. We also provide simulations to demonstrate the advantages of the method over conventional ℓ_1 optimization

    Divide-and-conquer: Approaching the capacity of the two-pair bidirectional Gaussian relay network

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    The capacity region of multi-pair bidirectional relay networks, in which a relay node facilitates the communication between multiple pairs of users, is studied. This problem is first examined in the context of the linear shift deterministic channel model. The capacity region of this network when the relay is operating at either full-duplex mode or half-duplex mode for arbitrary number of pairs is characterized. It is shown that the cut-set upper-bound is tight and the capacity region is achieved by a so called divide-and-conquer relaying strategy. The insights gained from the deterministic network are then used for the Gaussian bidirectional relay network. The strategy in the deterministic channel translates to a specific superposition of lattice codes and random Gaussian codes at the source nodes and successive interference cancelation at the receiving nodes for the Gaussian network. The achievable rate of this scheme with two pairs is analyzed and it is shown that for all channel gains it achieves to within 3 bits/sec/Hz per user of the cut-set upper-bound. Hence, the capacity region of the two-pair bidirectional Gaussian relay network to within 3 bits/sec/Hz per user is characterized.Comment: IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, accepte