37 research outputs found

    A Role for the Vacuolating Cytotoxin, VacA, in Colonization and Helicobacter pylori-Induced Metaplasia in the Stomach

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    Carriage of Helicobacter pylori strains producing more active (s1/i1) forms of VacA is strongly associated with gas-tric adenocarcinoma. To our knowledge, we are the first to determine effects of different polymorphic forms of VacA on inflammation and metaplasia in the mouse stomach. Bacteria producing the less active s2/i2 form of VacA colonized mice more efficiently than mutants null for VacA or producing more active forms of it, providing the first evidence of a positive role for the minimally active s2/i2 toxin. Strains producing more active toxin forms induced more severe and extensive metaplasia and in flammation in the mouse stomach than strains producing weakly active (s2/i2) toxin. We also examined the association in humans, controlling for cag PAI status. In human gastric biopsy specimens, the vacA i1 allele was strongly associated with precancerous intestinal metaplasia, with almost complete absence of intestinal metaplasia in subjects infected with i2-type strains, even in a vacA s1, cagA+ background

    The adaptiveness in stock markets: testing the stylized facts in the DAX 30

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    © 2017, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. By testing a simple asset pricing model of heterogeneous agents to characterize the power-law behavior of the DAX 30 from 1975 to 2007, we provide supporting evidence on empirical findings that investors and fund managers use combinations of fixed and switching strategies based on fundamental and technical analysis when making investment decisions. A mechanism analysis based on the calibrated model provides a behavioral insight into the explanatory power of rational switching behavior of investors on the volatility clustering and long range dependence in return volatility

    Employment Protection and Parental Child Care

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    I examine if employment protection affects parental childcare. I find that a softer employment protection has a substantial effect on how parents use and divide paid childcare between them. The identification relies on a reform that made it easier for employers in Sweden to dismiss workers in small firms. I estimate that a softer employment protection reduces the total days of parental childcare in targeted firms, measured as total days of parental leave or temporary parental leave. Both a sorting effect and a behavioral effect can explain the reduced childcare. I also find evidence of a redistribution effect of paid parental childcare within households if only one partner was affected by the reform. I interpret the redistribution effect as a way of evading an external cost on the child

    Empirical Validation of Simulated Models through the GSL-div: An Illustrative Application

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    A major concern about the use of simulation models regards their relationship with the empirical data. The identification of a suitable indicator quantifying the distance between the model and the data would help and guide model selection and output validation. This paper proposes the use of a new criterion, called GSL-div and developed in Lamperti (2015), to assess the degree of similarity between the dynamics observed in the data and those generated by the numerical simulation of models. As an illustrative application, this approach is used to distinguish between different versions of the well known asset pricing model with heterogeneous beliefs proposed in Brock and Hommes (1998). Once the discrimination ability of the GSL-div is proved, model's dynamics are directly compared with actual data coming from two major stock market indexes (EuroSTOXX 50 for Europe and CSI 300 for China). Results show that the model, once calibrated, is fairly able to track the evolution of both the two indexes, even though a better fit is reported for the Chinese stock market. However, I also find that many different combinations of traders behavioural rules are compatible with the same observed dynamics. Within this heterogeneity, an emerging common trait is found: to be empirically valid, the model has to account for a strong trend following component, which might either come from a unique trend type that heavily extrapolates information from past observations or the combinations of different types with milder, or even opposite, attitudes towards the trend

    Microbial carcinogenic toxins and dietary anti-cancer protectants

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    Estimation of Financial Agent-Based Models with Simulated Maximum Likelihood

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    This paper proposes a general computational framework for empirical estimation of financial agent based models, for which criterion functions do not have known analytical form. For this purpose, we adapt a nonparametric simulated maximum likelihood estimation based on kernel methods. Employing one of the most widely analysed heterogeneous agent models in the literature developed by Brock and Hommes (1998), we extensively test properties of the proposed estimator and its ability to recover parameters consistently and efficiently using simulations. Key empirical findings point us to the statistical insignificance of the switching coefficient but markedly significant belief parameters defining heterogeneous trading regimes with superiority of trend-following over contrarian strategies. In addition, we document slight proportional dominance of fundamentalists over trend following chartists in main world markets

    Population pharmacodynamic modeling of eflornithine-based treatments against late-stage gambiense human African trypanosomiasis and efficacy predictions of l-eflornithine-based therapy

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    Eflornithine is a recommended treatment against late-stage gambiense human African trypanosomiasis, a neglected tropical disease. Standard dosing of eflornithine consists of repeated intravenous infusions of a racemic mixture of L- and D-eflornithine. Data from three clinical studies, (i) eflornithine intravenous monotherapy, (ii) nifurtimox-eflornithine combination therapy, and (iii) eflornithine oral monotherapy, were pooled and analyzed using a time-to-event pharmacodynamic modeling approach, supported by in vitro activity data of the individual enantiomers. Our aim was to assess (i) the efficacy of the eflornithine regimens in a time-to-event analysis and (ii) the feasibility of an L-eflornithine-based therapy integrating clinical and preclinical data. A pharmacodynamic time-to-event model was used to estimate the total dose of eflornithine, associated with 50% reduction in baseline hazard, when administered as monotherapy or in the nifurtimox-eflornithine combination therapy. The estimated total doses were 159, 60 and 291 g for intravenous eflornithine monotherapy, nifurtimox-eflornithine combination therapy and oral eflornithine monotherapy, respectively. Simulations suggested that L-eflornithine achieves a higher predicted median survival, compared to when racemate is administered, as treatment against late-stage gambiense human African trypanosomiasis. Our findings showed that oral L-eflornithine-based monotherapy would not result in adequate efficacy, even at high dose, and warrants further investigations to assess the potential of oral L-eflornithine-based treatment in combination with other treatments such as nifurtimox. An all-oral eflornithine-based regimen would provide easier access to treatment and reduce burden on patients and healthcare systems in gambiense human African trypanosomiasis endemic areas. Graphical abstract