662 research outputs found

    ANETAC: Arabic named entity transliteration and classification dataset

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    In this paper, we make freely accessible ANETAC, our English-Arabic named entity transliteration and classification dataset that we built from freely available parallel translation corpora. The dataset contains 79, 924 instances, each instance is a triplet (e, a, c), where e is the English named entity, a is its Arabic transliteration and c is its class that can be either a Person, a Location, or an Organization. The ANETAC dataset is mainly aimed for the researchers that are working on Arabic named entity transliteration, but it can also be used for named entity classification purposes. This dataset was developed and used as part of a previous research study done by Hadj Ameur et al. [1]

    Digital Availability of Product Information for Collaborative Engineering of Spacecraft

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    In this paper, we introduce a system to collect product information from manufacturers and make it available in tools that are used for concurrent design of spacecraft. The planning of a spacecraft needs experts from different disciplines, like propulsion, power, and thermal. Since these different disciplines rely on each other there is a high need for communication between them, which is often realized by a Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) process and corresponding tools. We show by comparison that the product information provided by manufacturers often does not match the information needed by MBSE tools on a syntactic or semantic level. The information from manufacturers is also currently not available in machine-readable formats. Afterwards, we present a prototype of a system that makes product information from manufacturers directly available in MBSE tools, in a machine-readable way.Comment: accepted at CDVE201

    Pseudotumoral Malacoplakia of the Bladder

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    Malacoplakia is a rare inflammatory condition most often affecting the genitourinary system. We report the case of a 24-year-old man who presented with gross hematuria, nocturia, frequency, dysuria and considerable weight loss during the preceding three months. Digital rectal examinationshowed a solid pelvic mass. Ultrasonography and computed tomography showed calyceal dilatation on the right side and a solid bladder mass 10 cm in diameter suspicious of bladder cancer. Transurethral resection of the tumor was incomplete, due to the large volume of the bladder mass. Histological examination of the resected specimen revealed malacoplakia of the bladder. The patient was treated with fluoroquinolone and vitamin C. Follow-up at 3 months showed marked regression of the bladder mass and complete resolution of the calyceal dilatation

    L’adénome métanéphrique bilatéral du rein

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    L’adénome métanéphrique du rein est une tumeur épithéliale bénigne rare. Son diagnostic est exclusivement histologique. Le diagnostic différentiel se fait essentiellement avec le néphroblastome et le carcinome papillaire à cellules rénales. L’étude cytogénétique apporte des éléments importants pour différencier entre ces trois entités histologiques. L’adénome métanéphrique bilatéral est exceptionnel (pour autant que nous sachions un seul cas a été rapporté dans la littérature) et pose un problème de diagnostic différentiel avec le cancer rénal bilatéral. Nous rapportons une nouvelle observation de cette affection rare chez un patient âgé de 64 ans

    On bulk singularities in the random normal matrix model

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    We extend the method of rescaled Ward identities of Ameur-Kang-Makarov to study the distribution of eigenvalues close to a bulk singularity, i.e. a point in the interior of the droplet where the density of the classical equilibrium measure vanishes. We prove results to the effect that a certain "dominant part" of the Taylor expansion determines the microscopic properties near a bulk singularity. A description of the distribution is given in terms of a special entire function, which depends on the nature of the singularity (a Mittag-Leffler function in the case of a rotationally symmetric singularity).Comment: This version clarifies on the proof of Theorem
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