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    À propos de quelques concepts au fondement des sciences selon le néocriticisme de Charles Renouvier

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    International audienceNous proposons de présenter et de discuter quelques problèmes ontologiques à la base des sciences en nous appuyant sur diverses notions qu’on peut considérer comme formant le socle de la « philosophie des sciences » de Charles Renouvier : les principes de relativité et de contradiction, les notions de phénomène, de loi et de catégorie, en particulier celles de relation et de personne, car toute chose est par le biais de représentations. La clé de voûte de la philosophie de Renouvier est que tout est relatif, que nos idées abstraites expriment toujours un rapport et que l’être même est relation. Ainsi toute science est fondée sur des abstractions, car on ne peut connaître une chose qu’en l’envisageant sous certains rapports. Le principe de contradiction est le second principe phare de sa philosophie, Renouvier l’estime indispensable à toute connaissance commune ou scientifique. À ces yeux l’objet des sciences est la recherche des lois qui ordonnent les relations entre les phénomènes. De là une nécessité logique ou matérielle qui est un caractère des lois. Parmi elles certaines sont complexes ou variables, Renouvier les nomme fonctions et il appelle catégories celles qui sont conditions de l’exercice de l’entendement. Ces dernières sont les fondements des sciences et leurs donnent leur cadre : notre représentation humaine. La relation et la personnalité sont selon lui deux catégories qui surplombent les autres, car il n’y a de connaissance que donnée dans une représentation, avec un représentatif et un représenté

    Terrorism and International Law: Cure the Underlying Problem, Not Just the Symptom

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    KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Terrorism and International Law: Cure the Underlying Problem, Not Just the Symptom. The Honorable Chief Sir Arnold K. Amet, Minister for Justice and Attorney General of Papua New Guinea. Previously served in Papua New Guinea as Chief Justice, Governor of Madang Province and Judge of the National and Supreme Courts. Also held positions as a State Attorney and Public Solicitor of Papua New Guinea, as well as Legal Officer and Secretary of Air Niugini and the National Airline Commission

    Terrorism and International Law: Cure the Underlying Problem, Not Just the Symptom

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    KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Terrorism and International Law: Cure the Underlying Problem, Not Just the Symptom. The Honorable Chief Sir Arnold K. Amet, Minister for Justice and Attorney General of Papua New Guinea. Previously served in Papua New Guinea as Chief Justice, Governor of Madang Province and Judge of the National and Supreme Courts. Also held positions as a State Attorney and Public Solicitor of Papua New Guinea, as well as Legal Officer and Secretary of Air Niugini and the National Airline Commission

    Terrorism and International Law: Cure the Underlying Problem, Not Just the Symptom

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    Terrorist activities are not of recent origin on the international plane. They have been around since the beginning of humanity. Although international law may not be accused of addressing the issue of terrorism with levity, it was after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States that the international community’s efforts toward fighting terrorism garnered more strength and attention. The debatable critical question is whether terrorism under international law should be studied and treated as a specific subject in developing the legal norms and principles for its fight and regulation, or whether terrorism should be fought and regulated based on the already existing relevant international legal norms and principles. We favor the later approach. Terrorism like piracy, torture, genocide etc. should be examined within the context of the already existing framework of international law, because it does not, as of the present time, have clear legal norms. Terrorism has become one of the top ranking problems threatening the peace and stability of the international community and challenging international law at the present time. While the international community as a whole has not avoided addressing the challenges of this anathema, a lot still needs to be done to adequately combat terrorism. More cooperation among States and international organizations is a sine qua non in this direction. One major impediment to the efforts being made to contain terrorism is the inability of the international community to adopt a comprehensive and generally acceptable definition of terrorism that would capture its constitutive elements. The objectives of this paper are: to discuss the genesis of the doctrine of war, use of force, difficulties associated with the definition of terrorism, causes of terrorism, terrorism during both armed conflict and peace time; the United Nations efforts in dealing with the definition of terrorism; the legal responsibility for acts of terrorism; and attempt to outline how best to cure the underlying problem and not just the symptoms. Hopefully these efforts will help in identifying the best ways through which the fight against terrorism may be won. Cite as: 19 Annl. Survey Int\u27l. Comp. L. 17 (2013)

    Terrorism and International Law: Cure the Underlying Problem, Not Just the Symptom

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    Terrorist activities are not of recent origin on the international plane. They have been around since the beginning of humanity. Although international law may not be accused of addressing the issue of terrorism with levity, it was after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States that the international community’s efforts toward fighting terrorism garnered more strength and attention. The debatable critical question is whether terrorism under international law should be studied and treated as a specific subject in developing the legal norms and principles for its fight and regulation, or whether terrorism should be fought and regulated based on the already existing relevant international legal norms and principles. We favor the later approach. Terrorism like piracy, torture, genocide etc. should be examined within the context of the already existing framework of international law, because it does not, as of the present time, have clear legal norms. Terrorism has become one of the top ranking problems threatening the peace and stability of the international community and challenging international law at the present time. While the international community as a whole has not avoided addressing the challenges of this anathema, a lot still needs to be done to adequately combat terrorism. More cooperation among States and international organizations is a sine qua non in this direction. One major impediment to the efforts being made to contain terrorism is the inability of the international community to adopt a comprehensive and generally acceptable definition of terrorism that would capture its constitutive elements. The objectives of this paper are: to discuss the genesis of the doctrine of war, use of force, difficulties associated with the definition of terrorism, causes of terrorism, terrorism during both armed conflict and peace time; the United Nations efforts in dealing with the definition of terrorism; the legal responsibility for acts of terrorism; and attempt to outline how best to cure the underlying problem and not just the symptoms. Hopefully these efforts will help in identifying the best ways through which the fight against terrorism may be won. Cite as: 19 Annl. Survey Int\u27l. Comp. L. 17 (2013)

    The Multipoles Factory: An Element of the LHC Control

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    The measurements performed at CERN on prototypes and first pre-series main dipole magnets confirm the need of an active control of the Large Hadron Collider to compensate the dynamic field changes during the proton beam injection and acceleration. This control requires in turn an accurate forecast of the magnetic field in the accelerator. We plan to predict the field on the basis of two elements: theoretical field models tailored through the accumulated knowledge of the main magnets during series tests, and an on-line measurement system running on few reference magnets tracking the LHC current cycle. Data coming from this "Multipoles Factory" will result from the fusion of the two sources. Based on this system we foresee to deliver calibration information for pre-defined accelerator cycles as well as real time information for the active control. In this paper we report the conceptual design of the system, and we discuss the features and performance of the models that we have developed for the field forecast

    La Congrégation du Saint-Esprit, depuis sa fondation en la fête de la Pentecôte 1703, jusqu\u27à la fusion avec la Congrégation du S. Cœur de Marie, le 24 août 1848

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    Table des Matières Précis Historique Sur La Société du Saint-esprit (p. 5) Première Période 1703-1792 Chapitre I . M. Claude-François Poullart des Places (p. 9) 1. Le Fondateur (p. 9) 2. Son education, Sa vocation (p. 10) 3. Collège Louis le Grand (p. 10) 4. Le P. Grignion (de Montfort) (p. 11) 5. Les pauvres Etudiants (p. 11) 6. A la rue des Cordiers (p. 12) 7. Ils sont 12, puis 72 (p. 12) 8. Prêtrise, maladie et mort de M. des Places (p. 13) Chapitre II . M. Jacques-Hyacinthe Garnier (Octobre 1709-Mars 1710) (p. 16) Chapitre III . M. Louis Bouic (1710-1763) (p. 17) I. Personnel (p. 17) II. Approbation canonique et reconnaissance légale (p. 21) III. La direction des Séminaires de Meaux et de Verdun est confiée prêtres du Saint-Esprit (p. 24) IV. Les prêtres du Saint-Esprit sont fidèles à la saine doctrine (p. 27) V. Le temporal de la Congrégation (p. 29) Chapitre IV. M. François Becquet, 4e Supérieur Général (4 février 1763-28 octobre 1788) (p. 34) I. Les constructions, Chapelle, grande aile, pavillon (p. 35) II. Les missions (p. 40) III. Derniers actes et mort de M. Becquet (p. 48) Chapitre V . M. Jean-Marie Duflos, 5e Supérieur (6 novembre 1788-18 août 1792-28 février 1805) (p. 50) I. Confiscation et suppression (p. 51) II. Budgets du Séminaire en 1789-1792 (p. 53) III. Les serments (p. 55) IV. La dispersion en 1792 (p. 57) V. La liquidation (p. 59) VI. Les dernières ordination (p. 60) VII. Location et vente du Séminaire (p. 60) VIII. La Chapelle (p. 63) IX. Dernières années et mort de M. Duflos (p. 64) Deuxième Période de 1805 à 1848 Chapitre Ier . M. Bertout, 6e Supérieur (1805-1816-1932) (p. 65) I. L’homme providentiel (p. 65) II. Premier rétablissement de l\u27Œuvre du Saint-Esprit sous l\u27Empire (p. 70) III. Second rétablissement en 1816 (p. 70) IV. Rachat du Séminaire (p. 71) V. Les dotations (p. 74) VI. Approbation des Règles à Rome (p. 74) VII. M. Berout élu Supérieur Général (p. 76) VIII. Epreuves diverses (p. 77) IX. Maladie et mort de M. Bertout (p. 79) Chapitre II . M. Amable-Jacques-Célestin Fourdinier, 7e Supérieur (22 décembre 1832 – 5 janvier 1845) (p. 81) I. Election-Reprise des Bâtiments (p. 81) II. Subsides des colonies (p. 82) III. Question de l’abolition de l’esclavage (p. 83) IV. Essais d’association du clergé colonial (p. 83) Chapitre III. M. Nicolas-Joseph Warnet, 8e Supérieur (7 janvier-28 avril 1845) (p. 87) Chapitre IV. M. Alexandre le Guay, 9e Supérieur de la Congrégation du Saint-Esprit (28 avril 1845-2 mars 1848) (p. 89) Chapitre V. M. Monnet, 10e Supérieur de la Congrégation du Saint-Esprit (2 mars-22 novembre 1848) (p. 93) Table des Matières (p.101)https://dsc.duq.edu/spiritan-books/1056/thumbnail.jp

    Web application penetration testing

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    Safety of information is needed either in private sector or business for protection from market with competitive secrets or only for privacy. Advantages of internet and web applications is that they are accessible from everyone, but in business word data should be safe, reliable accessible. Although these are not new problems and always had different solutions to these problems, we always need to be on the cutting edge with new attacks that appear every day and to try to achieve a greater security. In this paper we present some of the most dangerous forms of risk which are risking web applications in year 2015/2016.we will demonstrate step by step how to achieve unauthorized access from web application inside server system and we will explain why is happened for our analysis that we have done. In testing stages we used some parts of real tests that we have done on several web applications, with Penetration Testing Methods which is procedure for testing and documentations including infrastructure of Networks, servers, Web applications, Wireless communications and all other technological parts. Penetration Testing is Testing Procedure for Web applications usually made on port 80 and 443.In this paper we will explain the real analyzing of tests with all the procedures for one web applications, including all the attached stages which are used in real life for testing the safety of web applications from safety testers

    Verwertung von Schulzeugnissen in Erstausbildungsberatungen : Wie Berufsberatende Schulzeugnisse einschätzen und verwenden

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    Der Umgang der Berufsberater mit Schulzeugnissen in Erstausbildungsberatungen ist ein für die Forschung noch gänzlich unbekanntes Terrain. Der Berufsberatung kommt dabei an der Schnittstelle zwischen der Schule als ausstellende Institution und den Lehrbetrieben als Empfänger des Zeugnisses im Rahmen des Auswahlverfahrens eine nicht unwichtige Rolle zu, orientiert die Berufsberatung doch die Schüler nicht nur in Bezug auf ihre Interessen, sondern, oft auf Aufforderung der Schüler oder deren Eltern, auch bezüglich ihrer Chancen. Die Befragung von 7 Berufsberatern aus dem Kanton Zürich zur Einschätzung und Verwertung der Schulzeugnisse in Erstausbildungsberatungen zeigt eine beeindruckend grosse und anregende Palette von Funktionen der Schulzeugnisse. Es werden aber auch grosse Unterschiede in der Gewichtung der Schulzeugnisse sichtbar. Zudem kann z.T. eine Diskrepanz zwischen der Sicht der Berufsberater und der gut erforschten Perspektive der Betriebe festgestellt werden. Schliesslich erwiesen sich die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit als höchst brauchbar und nützlich für die Beratungspraxis des Autors selbst, der dadurch zahlreiche eigene blinde Flecken und Fehlannahmen aufdecken konnte
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