17 research outputs found

    The effect of participatory management style of managers on job satisfaction

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    In the new millennia, human relations in organizations are considered as one of the important factors for survival and advancement. In educational organizations that most activities’ aim is to transfer knowledge, improve skills and creating some kind of philosophy, human relations have a crucial role. So every manager has to try and improve some skills and use them in action. On the other hand, employees will become more motivated by direct partnership in setting goals, methods and etc. and because of this motivation, they will reach a good level of job satisfaction. It seems participatory management that has two main goals, respecting human values and achieving organizational goal with the help of employees, can improve the relations between management and employees and increase the level of motivation and job satisfaction in employees. So the author of this article has tried to examine the effect of this management style on job satisfaction of teachers of girls’ high schools in Rasht. In the current example, there is a strong connection between the degree of synergy, close relationships, improving employees’ morale, respecting teachers and also creating a calm environment and atmosphere by teachers. In fact, it can be stated that according to the research findings, there is a connection between the behavior of managers and job satisfaction of employees. So the more managers try to change their behavior and move toward participatory management style, the highest level of job satisfaction will be seen in employees

    The effect of participatory management style of managers on job satisfaction

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    In the new millennia, human relations in organizations are considered as one of the important factors for survival and advancement. In educational organizations that most activities’ aim is to transfer knowledge, improve skills and creating some kind of philosophy, human relations have a crucial role. So every manager has to try and improve some skills and use them in action. On the other hand, employees will become more motivated by direct partnership in setting goals, methods and etc. and because of this motivation, they will reach a good level of job satisfaction. It seems participatory management that has two main goals, respecting human values and achieving organizational goal with the help of employees, can improve the relations between management and employees and increase the level of motivation and job satisfaction in employees. So the author of this article has tried to examine the effect of this management style on job satisfaction of teachers of girls’ high schools in Rasht. In the current example, there is a strong connection between the degree of synergy, close relationships, improving employees’ morale, respecting teachers and also creating a calm environment and atmosphere by teachers. In fact, it can be stated that according to the research findings, there is a connection between the behavior of managers and job satisfaction of employees. So the more managers try to change their behavior and move toward participatory management style, the highest level of job satisfaction will be seen in employees

    Culture of Dental Pulp Stem Cells on Nanoporous Alumina Substrates Modified by Carbon Nanotubes

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    Purpose: Alumina substrates are one of the commonly used scaffolds applied in cell culture, but in order to prevent formation of biofilm on the alumina substrate, these substrates are modified with carbon nanotube. Methods: The alumina substrate was made by a two-step anodization method and was then modified with carbon nanotubes by simple chemical reaction. The substrates were characterized with FTIR, SEM, EDX, 3D laser scanning digital microscope, contact angle (CA) and surface free energy (SFE). To determine how this modification influences the reduction of biofilm, biofilm of two various bacteria, Escherichia coli (E.coli) and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), were investigated. Results: The biofilm on the modified substrate decreased due to the presence of carbon nanotubes and increased antibacterial properties. Dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) were cultured onto flat alumina (FA) and nanoporous alumina-multiwalled carbon nanotubes (NAMC) substrates to examine how the chemical modification and surface topography affects growth of DPSCs. Conclusion: Cell attachment and proliferation were investigated with SEM and Presto Blue assay, and the findings show that the NAMC substrates are suitable for cell culture

    Umor očiju korisnika terminala za videoprikaz i njegov odnos s poremećajima spavanja

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    Visual display terminal (VDT) work has become a major part of operation in majority of workplace. This study aimed to eye fatigue in video display terminal users and its relation to sleep disorders. This cross-sectional study was done on 209 computer users who work more than one year in this field. All participants completed a questionnaire about their age, sex, BMI, years of experience, and hours of daily computer use. A standardized visual fatigue questionnaire was used for detection presence and severity of eye strain. Sleep quality was used to assess Pittsburg Sleep Quality Questionnaire (PSQI) , and the Epworth Sleepiness Questionnaire (ESS) to assess daytime sleepiness in participants. Insomnia was assessed by Insomnia Severity Index (ISI). The most common eye symptoms including eye fatigue (65.5%), eyelid heaviness sensation (69.4%), eye irritation (67.2%), dry eye (67.8%), blurred vision (68.5%), and tearing (68.1%) were significantly higher in participants who were working more than 8 hours with DVT in day. There was a significant correlation between scores of eye fatigue and insomnia severity (Rho=0.32, P<0.05). According to results, the prevalence of eye symptoms particularly eyelid heaviness sensation and blurred vision was high. However, eye fatigue was more affected insomnia severity in VDT users. Therefore, it is needed to protect computer users from the adverse effects of VDT. Implementing proper ergonomic programs to the workplace are important for achievement to good physical and mental health among VDT users.Rad terminala za vizualni prikaz (VDT) postao je glavni dio pogona na većini radnih mjesta. Ova studija presjeka provedena je na 209 korisnika računala koji rade više od jedne godine u ovom području. Svi sudionici ispunili su upitnik o svojoj dobi, spolu, indeksu tjelesne mase, godinama iskustva i satima svakodnevnog korištenja računala. Standardizirani upitnik korišten je kako bi se detektirala prisutnost i ozbiljnost naprezanja oka. Upitnik sadrži 15 pitanja o problemima s očima. Nesanica je ocijenjena indeksom ozbiljnosti nesanice. Najčešći očni simptomi uključujući umor očiju (65,5 %), osjećaj težine kapaka (69,4 %), iritacija oka (67,2 %), suho oko (67,8 %), zamagljen vid (68,5 %) i suzenje oka (68,1 %) bili su značajno viši u sudionika koji su radili više od osam sati s VDT-om na dan. Postojala je značajna korelacija između rezultata umora očiju i ozbiljnosti nesanice (Rho=0,32, P<0,05). Prema ovim rezultatima, prevalencija očnih simptoma bila je visoka i povezana s ozbiljnošću nesanice u naših VDT korisnika. Dakle, potrebno je zaštititi korisnike računala od štetnih VDT učinaka. Implementacija ispravnih ergonomskih programa na radnom mjestu važna je kako bi se postiglo dobro fizičko i mentalno zdravlje među VDT korisnicima

    Investigating the mediating role of self-criticism between emotional self-regulation and students\' shyness

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    Background and Aim: The purpose of this research is to investigate the mediating role of self-criticism between emotional self-regulation and shyness of students. Methods: The current research method is descriptive-survey of correlation type. The purpose of the research is applied and cross-sectional in terms of time. The statistical population includes all female secondary school students of Bojnord city who were engaged in the analysis in the academic year of 2014-2016. In order to estimate the sufficient sample size, Klein's (2005) sample size determination method was used, and 567 people were selected as the sample size. The sampling method is a single-stage cluster. The data collection method is library and field studies, and the information collection tools were Thompson and Zorov's self-criticism levels questionnaire (2004), Stanford's shyness questionnaire (1990) and emotional self-regulation questionnaire from Hoffman and Kashdan's questionnaire (2010). Results: The findings showed that the causal model of students' shyness based on emotional self-regulation with the mediating role of self-criticism has a suitable fit. Also, emotional self-regulation has a direct effect on self-criticism, and emotional self-regulation has a direct effect on shyness. Another is that self-criticism has a direct effect on shyness, and self-criticism plays a mediating role between emotional self-regulation and shyness. Conclusion: It can be concluded that self-criticism plays a mediating role between students' emotional self-regulation and shyness. Therefore, the planners of the educational system with the help of psychologists and school counselors can include the necessary measures in the curriculum to remove the shyness of students

    Biobank1 - hvorfor velger noen å stå utenfor?

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    Biobank1 er Helse Midt-Norges regionale forskningsbiobank. I styringsdokumentet fra 2016 står det at forskningsprosjekter som innebærer innsamling, lagring og/eller bruk av biologisk materiale fra pasienter ved sykehusene i Midt-Norge, skal organiseres gjennom Biobank1. Selv etter at dette ble bestemt, er det likevel en del forskere som ikke benytter seg av Biobank1, men heller samler inn og lagrer prøvemateriale fra pasienter på egen hånd. Formålet med denne oppgaven var å finne ut hvorfor dette er tilfellet. Vi ønsket også å finne ut hvordan forskningsgruppene har organisert innsamling og lagring, og i tillegg undersøke om personvern og dataoppbevaring blir gjort på en forsvarlig måte. For å finne aktuelle forskningsprosjekter ble det gjort søk i ulike registre og databaser. Disse var henholdsvis REK-registeret, databasen til CRISTIN og biobankregisteret. Aktuelle prosjektledere ble kontaktet via e-post med forespørsel om intervju. Til prosjektledere som ikke hadde mulighet til intervju, ble det sendt avkrysningsskjema. Det ble gjort fire intervjuer og samlet inn informasjon fra to avkrysningsskjema. Det var ikke alle prosjektene som brukte autorisert helsepersonell til innsamling av prøvemateriale, men de hadde utarbeidet retningslinjer på hvordan det skulle bli gjort. Alle prosjektene hadde lagringssystemer som er tilkoblet alarm hvis noe skulle gå galt. Prøvene ble merket med et unikt studienummer, de brukte koblingslister og de lagret signerte samtykkeskriv innelåst. På spørsmål om hvorfor prosjektlederne valgte å ikke involvere Biobank1 til sine forskningsprosjekter var det tre svar som kom frem: 1) pris, 2) særlig krav til metodekompetanse og 3) nærhet til laboratoriet. Det virket som alle forskningsgruppene utførte innsamling og lagring av biologisk materiale og personopplysninger på en god måte, med god ivaretakelse av personvern

    Kinetic and thermodynamic studies of the removal of murexide from aqueous solutions on to activated carbon

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    Abstract The objective of this study was to assess the adsorption potential of activated carbon (AC) as an adsorbent for the removal of Murexide (Mu) from aqueous solutions. The influence of variables parameters including pH, amount of adsorbent, sieve size of adsorbent, temperature and contact time on Mu removal was studied. Following optimization of variables, the relation between concentrations of dye remained in aqueous and adsorbent has been evaluated using various adsorption isotherm models like, Langmuir, Freundlich, Tempkin, Harkins-Jura and Dubinin-Radushkevich. Thermodynamic parameters such as enthalpy (∆H • ), and, entropy (∆S • ), activation energy (E a ), sticking probability (S * ), and Gibb&apos;s free energy changes (∆G • ) were also calculated. It was found from evaluated different thermodynamic parameters, viz., ∆H • , ∆S • and ∆G • that the adsorption of Mu by AC was feasible, spontaneous and endothermic process. The kinetic studies suggest that the all process following pseudo second order kinetics and involvement of intera-particle diffusion mechanism. The results indicated that the intraparticle diffusion also is the rate limiting factor