494 research outputs found

    Bartolomeo Miniatore e l’Umanesimo volgare: con edizione critica del “Formulario di esordi ed epistole missive e responsive per Giacomo Bolognini”

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    [Italiano]: Nel corso del XV secolo, l’evoluzione delle strutture organizzative degli stati italiani e lo stabilizzarsi dei rapporti diplomatici tra i molteplici soggetti politici determinarono un incremento ipertrofico del ricorso al mezzo epistolare. In quel contesto, le raccolte di exempla exordiorum del trattatista e miniatore ferrarese Bartolomeo di Benincà (Ferrara, 1420 ca. - ?, ante 1485) intervennero a rispondere alla domanda culturale delle élites di potere che, esprimendosi in volgare, intendevano rappresentarsi e riconoscersi attraverso gli strumenti del linguaggio. Nelle vesti di autore e collettore dei testi, Bartolomeo registrava su raffinati codici pergamenacei i migliori frutti di quella pratica, offrendo così uno strumento utile a chi volesse comporre lettere in volgare assimilabili per eleganza a quelle degli allora ben più prestigiosi modelli latini. Delineando i contorni di una precoce proposta stilistica per la prosa letteraria di un italiano ancora in via di definizione, si rese in tal modo protagonista di una sofisticata operazione critica. Con le sue raccolte di modelli in volgare, inoltre, innovò profondamente i caratteri dell’ars dictaminis.In questo volume si offre l’edizione critica di una delle raccolte di Bartolomeo, preceduta da un ampio studio di contestualizzazione storica e culturale./[English]: During the fifteenth century, the evolution of the structures of the Italian states and the stabilization of their diplomatic relations led to a hypertrophic increase in the use of the letters. In that context, the collections of exempla exordiorum composed by the Ferrarese treatise writer and illuminator Bartolomeo di Benincà (Ferrara, ca. 1420 - ?, before 1485) responded to the political élites who, speaking and writing in ancient vernacular Italian, wishing to represent themselves through the instruments of the language. As author and collector of texts, Bartolomeo recorded the best examples of these practices on refined parchment codes, offering a useful tool for anyone wishing to compose letters in vernacular similar in elegance to those of the then much more prestigious Latin models. By outlining a stylistic proposal for literary prose in ancient Italian vulgar, he carried out a refined critical operation. Furthermore, with his collections of models in vernacular, he profoundly innovated the characters of the ars dictaminis. This volume offers the critical edition of one of Bartolomeo's collections, preceded by an extensive study focussed on the historical and cultural context

    Le "artes dictandi" di Bartolomeo Miniatore da Ferrara e l’Umanesimo volgare. Con l’edizione del "Formulario di esordi ed epistole per Giacomo Bolognini".

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    L'elaborato ricostruisce la vita e le opere di Bartolomeo di Benincà da Ferrara, miniatore, maestro di scuola, epistolografo e autore di trattati di epistolografia in volgare attivo in area emiliano-romagnola nella corso della seconda metà del XV sec. Di Bartolomeo da Ferrara si fornisce, inoltre, un'edizione critica del "Formulario di esordi ed epistole missive e responsive per Giacomo Bolognini", una raccolta di "exempla exordiorum" di ispirazione umanistica, di cui resta testimonianza in quattro codici del XV sec

    “Tanta suavità et dolceza è quella dele littere”. The Letter in the Vernacular in the Treatises of the Second Half of the 15th Century

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    peer reviewedThe contribution focuses on some collections of exempla exordiorum of the second half of the fifteenth century intended for teaching the composition of letters in the vernacular, with particular attention to the anthologies created by Bartolomeo di Benincà, teacher and illuminator from Ferrara active in Emilia-Romagna between the second and third quarter of the century

    Lack of evidence of Chikungunya virus infection among blood donors during the Chikungunya outbreak in Lazio Region, Italy, 2017

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    Background: The latest European Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) outbreak occurred in Italy in 2017, in the municipalities of Anzio and Rome (Lazio Region), with a secondary outbreak in the Calabrian Region. Most CHIKV infections are symptomatic but about 15% of people who acquire the infection may be asymptomatic. A retrospective study was conducted with the aim of assessing the prevalence of recent/ongoing CHIKV infections on the blood donor population in the Lazio Region, during the 2017 outbreak (including in the period before it was detected). Methods: The study was conducted on 4595 plasma samples from donors who donated in 14 different Blood Establishments in the Lazio Region, in the period June-November 2017. A total of 389 of these samples were collected in provinces not affected by the outbreak and were used as negative controls. All samples were tested for IgM detection by the use of an ELISA test, and positive samples were tested for confirmation through the use of a PRNT. Molecular tests were performed on sera that were found to be IgM-positive or borderline. Results: A total of 41 (0.89%) blood donors tested positive for IgM. None of these positive IgM ELISA results was confirmed either by PRNT or by molecular tests. Conclusions: Our study has shown no evidence of recent/ongoing CHIKV infection in blood donors of the affected area

    Secondary Autochthonous Outbreak of Chikungunya, Southern Italy, 2017

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    In 2017, a chikungunya outbreak in central Italy later evolved into a secondary cluster in southern Italy, providing evidence of disease emergence in new areas. Officials have taken action to raise awareness among clinicians and the general population, increase timely case detection, reduce mosquito breeding sites, and promote mosquito bite prevention

    Basilici Carlo

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