42 research outputs found

    Prostate cancer revealed by skin metastasis: A case report in black African man

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    AbstractIntroductionProstate cancer is the most common male malignancy in Togo. Most patients present with advanced and metastatic disease. Skin metastasis from prostate cancer is very rare and it occurs late and often with a poor prognosis. We report a case in a 52-year-old Togolese man where the skin lesions reveal the disease and with a good prognosis three years after treatment.ObservationIn 2012, a 52-year-old man presented in dermatology with multiple painless skin nodules on his chest. He did not have lower urinary tract symptoms The biopsy of the skin lesion (three nodules) showed a metastasis of adenocarcinoma type tumor and tumor markers performed pointed toward prostate as primary site. In urology a diagnostic biopsy (12 cores) of prostate revealed a high-grade (Gleason grade 4+4) adenocarcinoma. We performed a bilateral orchiectomy as androgen deprivation therapy and one month after this treatment the skin lesions have disappeared.ConclusionSkin metastasis of prostate cancer is rare and their recognition remains poor among practitioners requiring biopsy of the lesions. The prognosis could be better in newly diagnosed prostate cancer

    Inheritance of Striga hermonthica adaptive traits in an earlymaturing white maize inbred line containing resistance genes from Zea diploperennis

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    Striga hermonthica can cause as high as 100% yield loss in maize depending on soil fertility level, type of genotype, severity of infestation and climatic conditions. Understanding the mode of inheritance of Striga resistance in maize is crucial for introgression of resistance genes into tropical germplasm and deployment of resistant varieties. This study examined the mode of inheritance of resistance to Striga in early‐maturing inbred line, TZdEI 352 containing resistance genes from Zea diploperennis. Six generations, P1, P2, F1, F2, BC1P1 and BC1P2 derived from a cross between resistant line, TZdEI 352 and susceptible line, TZdEI 425 were screened under artificial Striga infestation at Mokwa and Abuja, Nigeria, 2015. Additive‐dominance model was adequate in describing observed variations in the number of emerged Striga plants among the population; hence, digenic epistatic model was adopted for Striga damage. Dominance effects were higher than the additive effects for the number of emerged Striga plants at both locations signifying that non‐additive gene action conditioned inheritance of Striga resistance. Inbred TZdEI 352 could serve as invaluable parent for hybrid development in Striga endemic agro‐ecologies of sub‐Saharan Africa

    Imagerie multimodale dans le diagnostic d’un osteochondrome costal simulant une masse mammaire : un exemple de la complementarite des techniques irradiantes et non irradiantes.

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    Nous dĂ©crivons l’apport de l’imagerie mĂ©dicale multimodale dans le diagnostic d’un cas d’ostĂ©ochondrome Ă  localisation exceptionnelle costale mais retromammaire gauche, confĂ©rant un aspect de masse mammaire, chez une jeune fille de 17 ans, sans antĂ©cĂ©dent particulier. L’augmentation asymĂ©trique du volume mammaire et la fermetĂ© sans douleur du sein gauche, Ă©taient le motif de consultation. L’imagerie basĂ©e sur la mammo-Ă©chographie, le scanner thoracique ont permis une orientation diagnostique. La certitude diagnostique est apportĂ©e par la biopsie de la lĂ©sion avec une Ă©tude cytohistologique. Ce cas illustre la complĂ©mentaritĂ© des techniques diagnostiques irradiantes et non irradiantes et dont la fusion en une imagerie hybride est Ă  promouvoir.Mots clĂ©s: Mammographie, Ă©chographie, scanner, ostĂ©ochondrome, costale retromammaire

    Ulcere de dieulafoy: une cause rare d’hemorragie digestive basse

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    L’ulcĂšre de Dieulafoy est une cause rare d’hĂ©morragie digestive en particulier l’hĂ©morragie digestive basse. Nous rapportons dans cette observation un cas d’ulcĂšre de Dieulafoy colique responsable d’une hĂ©morragie digestive basse chez un sujet de 60 ans aux conditions de vie prĂ©caires, admis aux urgences de l’hĂŽpital Saint-Louis de Paris. Le bilan initial comportant une rectosigmoidoscopie ainsi qu’une artĂ©riographie coeliomĂ©sentĂ©rique n’ayant pas permis de retrouver l’origine du saignement, une laparotomie exploratrice avec colectomie subtotale a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e. L’examen histologique de la piĂšce opĂ©ratoire avait montrĂ© au niveau de la paroi caecale une ulcĂ©ration de la muqueuse et de la partie superficielle de la sous muqueuse, en regard d’une artĂšre tortueuse et ectasique sous muqueuse, Ă©voquant un ulcĂšre de Dieulafoy. Cette observation illustre l’importance de l’examen histologique dans la prise en charge de cette lĂ©sion.Mots clĂ©s: Dieulafoy, hĂ©morragie digestive basse, histopathologieEnglish Title: Dieulafoy disease: a rare cause of lower GI bleedingEnglish AbstractDieulafoy's ulcer is a rare cause of gastrointestinal bleeding in particular the lower gastrointestinal haemorrhage. We report in this observation a case of colonic Dieulafoy ulcer responsible for a lower gastrointestinal haemorrhage in a patient of 60 years, admitted to the emergency hospital of Saint Louis. Initial tests with arectosigmoidoscopy and a mesenteric arteriography laparoscopic did not reveal the source of bleeding, an exploratory laparotomy with subtotal colectomy was performed. Histological examination of the surgical specimen showed at the caecal wall an ulceration of the mucosa and superficial part of submucosa, associated with a tortuous and ectatic artery submucosa, suggesting a Dieulafoy ulcer. This case illustrates the importance of histology in the management of this lesion.Keywords: Dieulafoy, lower GI bleeding, histopatholog

    Hernie de richter revelee par un abces inguinal droit

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    Objectifs : rapporter un cas de hernie de Richter de diagnostic difficile rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© par un abcĂšs.Observation : Un cultivateur ĂągĂ© de 40 ans sans antĂ©cĂ©dents particuliers avait Ă©tĂ© admis en consultation chirurgicale au CHR de TsĂ©viĂ© pour tumĂ©faction inguinale droite douloureuse Ă©voluant depuis deux mois.L’examen avait rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©e une tumĂ©faction douloureuse, luisante et infiltrant une paroi inflammatoire avec phĂ©nomĂšne de peau d’orange ; non impulsive Ă  la toux, irrĂ©ductible. L’exploration chirurgicale sous anesthĂ©sie gĂ©nĂ©rale avait permis de drainer du pus, de noter une anse accolĂ©e Ă  la paroi du sac et nĂ©crosĂ©e Ă  son sommet avec perforation du bord antimĂ©sentĂ©rique par incarcĂ©ration latĂ©rale. Nous avions procĂ©dĂ© Ă une rĂ©section d’ilĂ©on avec une anastomose immĂ©diate. Une cure herniaire selon Bassini avait Ă©tĂ© pratiquĂ©e. Les suites opĂ©ratoires ont Ă©tĂ© marquĂ©es par une suppuration pariĂ©tale.Conclusion : la hernie de Richter est une forme rare de diagnostic difficile Ă  cause de sa symptomatologie atypique. Le retard de consultation  favorise le dĂ©veloppement de phlegmon pyostercoral. Mots-clĂ©s : Hernie de Richter, Ă©tranglement, abcĂšs. Richter hernia revealed by right inguinal abscess.Objectives: Report a difficult diagnose Richter hernia reveled by abcess.The 40 years old farmer was admitted at surgical department of regional hospital of TsĂ©viĂ© for inguinal abcess since two mounths. The exploration under general anesthesia fund pus, adherent necrosed small intestine. The intestinal resection was practiced and Bassini technic applied to the hernia. The postoperative consisted of wound suppuration.Conclusions: the Richter hernia is not frequent and it diagnose is difficult because of atypical symptoms. The late diagnose lead to abcess.Keys Words: Richter hernia, strangulation, abcess

    Combining Ability of Extra-Early Maize Inbreds Derived from a Cross between Maize and Zea diploperennis and Hybrid Performance under Contrasting Environments

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    Knowledge of the genetic mechanisms conditioning drought tolerance in maize is crucial to the success of hybrid breeding programs aimed at developing high-yielding cultivars under drought. The objectives of this study were to determine the combining ability of extra-early inbreds, compute the heritability of measured traits, assess the performance of inbreds in hybrid combinations and investigate the associations among traits under drought and optimal conditions. A total of 252 hybrids generated by crossing 63 inbreds to four testers, along with four commercial hybrid checks, were evaluated for 2 years under drought and rainfed conditions. General combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) for the traits were significant. A total of 57.1% and 53.4% of the genotypic sum of squares were attributable to GCA effects for grain yield under managed drought and rainfed conditions, respectively. Hybrids TZdEEI 91 × TZEEI 21 and TZdEEI 55 × TZEEI 13 out-yielded the best checks under drought and optimal conditions by 49.13% and 39.05%, respectively. The most promising hybrids with consistently high grain yield under drought and rainfed conditions, were TZdEEI 54 × TZEEI 13, TZdEEI 91 × TZEEI 21 and TZdEEI 55 × TZEEI 21 and should be further evaluated for possible commercial production in sub-Saharan Africa

    Orchi-Ă©pididymite tuberculeuse isolĂ©e : Ă  propos d’un cas observĂ© au CHU de Cocody, Abidjan (RĂ©publique de CĂŽte d’Ivoire)

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    L’orchi-épididymite tuberculeuse isolée est une atteinte rare. Nous rapportons dans cette observation un cas chez un patient âgé de 62 ans présentant une douleur testiculaire avec masse scrotale droite d'allure tumorale. L'élimination d'un cancer testiculaire n'était pas possible sur les seules données échographiques. Une orchidectomie a été réalisée retrouvant à l'examen histopathologique un testicule détruit par plusieurs granulomes tuberculeux typiques avec fibrose emboutissant les tubes séminifères. Le traitement a consisté en une chimiothérapie antibacillaire avec évolution favorable. Cette observation illustre la nécessité d’évoquer l’orchi-épididymite tuberculeuse devant un testicule augmenté de taille chez un homme de région endémique et montre l'importance de l’anatomie pathologique dans la prise en charge pluridisciplinaire des patients.Mots clés : Orchi-épididymite, tuberculose, Anatomie pathologique.Isolated epididymo-orchitis is an uncommon presentation of tuberculosis. We report a case of 62 year-old patient with testicular pain and right scrotal mass-like tumor. The elimination of a testicular cancer was not possible on the only ultrasound data. An orchiectomy was done and the histopathological examination of specimen shown a testicle destroyed by several typical tuberculous granulomas with fibrosis stamping the seminiferous tubules. The treatment consisted of antibacillar chemotherapy with good evolution. This observation illustrates the need to think about tuberculous in case of an increased size testicle in endemic area, and shows the importance of pathology in the multidisciplinary care of patients.Keywords: Orchi-epididymitis, tuberculosis, pathology