5 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Implementation of Independent Learning-Independent Campus (MBKM) Curriculum by Using the CIPP Evaluation Model

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    This study aims to evaluate the implementation of the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) Curriculum in the PTIK program. This study uses a qualitative approach to the case study at Bung Hatta University. The research data is in the form of the evaluation of the MBKM Curriculum Implementation using the CIPP model. This study collected data through literature studies and interviews with students, lecturers, and heads of PTIK study programs. Evaluation is carried out on the dimensions of the context, input, process, and products of the MBKM curriculum. Evaluation data analysis was conducted with context evaluation, input evaluation, process evaluation, and product evaluation. The research results show that evaluation of the independent curriculum using the CIPP model in the Bung Hatta University PTIK study program by systemizing the evaluation context, input, process, and product evaluation: The context of the curriculum in the PTIK study program is by formulating identification and objectives rather than implementing an independent curriculum. The input step in the Bung Hatta University PTIK Study Program is carried out by analyzing the curriculum's design and structure, reviewing the lecture material offered, and evaluating Human Resources. The evaluation process reviews the independent curriculum, the obstacles encountered while using the curriculum, how students participate, and internal and external responses. Product evaluation is carried out by identifying the results and impacts of the MBKM curriculum, reviewing successes, and identifying the relevance and quality of graduates

    Pengaruh Orientasi Kepemimpinan Dan Tingkat Penghargaan Terhadap Loyalitas Karyawan Di Universitas Lancang Kuning Pekanbaru

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    Human resources are people who design and produce goods or services, oversee quality, market products, allocate financial resources and formulate all strategies and objectives of the organization. Full and continuous management and utilization of existing human resources so that they can work optimally, effectively and productively in achieving organizational or company goals. Lancang Kuning University is an educational institution that has administrative and teaching and learning activities. The total number of employees or employees is 513, consisting of 377 educators and 144 education staff. Simultaneous Influence. Based on the results of the discussion, the simultaneous influence of leadership orientation and rewards on employee loyalty is 32.1%, while the remaining 67.9%, while the partial effect of multiple regression analysis shows that supervision has an influence on employee work discipline by 0.435, awards have an influence to employee loyalty of 0.279. Keywords: rewards, employees, leadership, data &nbsp

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD) Berbasis Proyek terhadap Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of using Student Worksheets (LKPD) Class XI SMK 4 Payakumbuh majoring in Software Engineering (RPL) with material for making forms on web pages for Mobile Device Web Programming subjects. This research was conducted at SMK 4 Payakumbuh on October 15 and November 15 2022. The analytical method used was a pure experiment with participants from each class in the Class XI RPL class which consisted of around 2 classes with 23 students each. The two sample groups used in cluster random sampling were class IX RPL 1 which was designated as the Experimental Group, and class IX RPL 2 which was designated as the control group. The average value of each is as follows: the Control Class is 77.78 and the Experimental Class is 85.48. the research produced a Sig value <0.05 so it can be concluded that the use of project-based worksheets has an effect on student learning outcomes

    Application of Alternative Assessment in Efforts to Improve Education Quality

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    Abstract-Various have been made by the Government in an effort to improve the quality of national education which is needed in building the nation and the Republic of Indonesia. However, understanding and how to measure the quality of education that is appropriate and reliable is still a subject of endless discussion. The quality of education nationally is essentially a reflection of the learning outcomes of each student. Therefore, various techniques and forms of assessment are made to obtain student learning outcomes that can be accounted for and can truly describe the abilities of students as a whole. This paper discusses the meaning and techniques of measuring the quality of education

    Penerapan Augmented Reality Untuk Pengenalan Ukiran Rumah Gadang Khas Minangkabau Menggunakan Metode 3d Objek Tracking

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    West Sumatra is a famous place which loved for tourist both its natural beauty and culture products such as tourist attraction of the seribu rumah gadang, the pagaruyuang palace and rumah gadang sungai beringin. At the rumah gadang sungai beringin currently there is no tour guide that explains the meaning of the engraving contained in the rumah gadang. Then we need a technology that can be used by visitors through mobile such as Augmented Reality. Augmented Reality is a technology that combines two-dimensional and or three-dimensional virtual objects into a real three-dimensional environment and then projects these virtual objects in a real time. So using Augmented Reality technology can make it easier for users to know and learn the meaning contained in the Minangkabau traditional house carvings. So the first with collecting data carvings in the Rumah gadang sungai beringin as a target model. Furthermore, it is processed by using Unity as the target databases. Features in this application display the details of engraving and pepatah minang equipped with audio. By the presence of mobile-based Augmented Reality technology, it can make it easier for users to understand and learn the carvings that found in the Rumah Gadang sungai beringi