181 research outputs found

    Electronic properties of graphene and graphene nanoribbons with "pseudo-Rashba" spin-orbit coupling

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    We discuss the electronic properties of graphene and graphene nanoribbons including "pseudo-Rashba" spin-orbit coupling. After summarizing the bulk properties, we first analyze the scattering behavior close to an infinite mass and zigzag boundary. For low energies, we observe strong deviations from the usual spin-conserving behavior at high energies such as reflection acting as spin polarizer or switch. This results in a spin polarization along the direction of the boundary due to the appearance of evanescent modes in the case of non-equilibrium or when there is no coherence between the two one-particle branches. We then discuss the spin and density distribution of graphene nanoribbons.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures; section on nanoribbons adde

    Structure optimization effects on the electronic properties of Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8_8

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    We present detailed first-principles calculations for the normal state electronic properties of the high TC_C superconductor Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8_8, by means of the linearized augmented plane wave (LAPW) method within the framework of density functional theory (DFT). As a first step, the body centered tetragonal (BCT) cell has been adopted, and optimized regarding its volume, c/ac/a ratio and internal atomic positions by total energy and force minimizations. The full optimization of the BCT cell leads to small but visible changes in the topology of the Fermi surface, rounding the shape of CuO2_2 barrels, and causing both the BiO bands, responsible for the pockets near the \textit{\=M} 2D symmetry point, to dip below the Fermi level. We have then studied the influence of the distortions in the BiO plane observed in nature by means of a 2×2\sqrt{2}\times\sqrt{2} orthorhombic cell (AD-ORTH) with BbmbBbmb space group. Contrary to what has been observed for the Bi-2201 compound, we find that for Bi-2212 the distortion does not sensibly shift the BiO bands which retain their metallic character. As a severe test for the considered structures we present Raman-active phonon frequencies (q=0q = 0) and eigenvectors calculated within the frozen-phonon approximation. Focussing on the totally symmetric Ag_{g} modes, we observe that for a reliable attribution of the peaks observed in Raman experiments, both cc- and a-axis vibrations must be taken into account, the latter being activated by the in-plane orthorhombic distortion.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    Ab-initio prediction of the electronic and optical excitations in polythiophene: isolated chains versus bulk polymer

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    We calculate the electronic and optical excitations of polythiophene using the GW approximation for the electronic self-energy, and include excitonic effects by solving the electron-hole Bethe-Salpeter equation. Two different situations are studied: excitations on isolated chains and excitations on chains in crystalline polythiophene. The dielectric tensor for the crystalline situation is obtained by modeling the polymer chains as polarizable line objects, with a long-wavelength polarizability tensor obtained from the ab-initio polarizability function of the isolated chain. With this model dielectric tensor we construct a screened interaction for the crystalline case, including both intra- and interchain screening. In the crystalline situation both the quasi-particle band gap and the exciton binding energies are drastically reduced in comparison with the isolated chain. However, the optical gap is hardly affected. We expect this result to be relevant for conjugated polymers in general.Comment: 15 pages including 4 figures; to appear in Phys. Rev. B, 6/15/200

    First-Principles Calculations of Hyperfine Interactions in La_2CuO_4

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    We present the results of first-principles cluster calculations of the electronic structure of La_2CuO_4. Several clusters containing up to nine copper atoms embedded in a background potential were investigated. Spin-polarized calculations were performed both at the Hartree-Fock level and with density functional methods with generalized gradient corrections to the local density approximation. The distinct results for the electronic structure obtained with these two methods are discussed. The dependence of the electric-field gradients at the Cu and the O sites on the cluster size is studied and the results are compared to experiments. The magnetic hyperfine coupling parameters are carefully examined. Special attention is given to a quantitative determination of on-site and transferred hyperfine fields. We provide a detailed analysis that compares the hyperfine fields obtained for various cluster sizes with results from additional calculations of spin states with different multiplicities. From this we conclude that hyperfine couplings are mainly transferred from nearest neighbor Cu^{2+} ions and that contributions from further distant neighbors are marginal. The mechanisms giving rise to transfer of spin density are worked out. Assuming conventional values for the spin-orbit coupling, the total calculated hyperfine interaction parameters are compared to informations from experiments.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figure

    Spin, charge and orbital ordering in ferrimagnetic insulator YBaMn2_2O5_5

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    The oxygen-deficient (double) perovskite YBaMn2_2O5_5, containing corner-linked MnO5_5 square pyramids, is found to exhibit ferrimagnetic ordering in its ground state. In the present work we report generalized-gradient-corrected, relativistic first-principles full-potential density-functional calculations performed on YBaMn2_2O5_5 in the nonmagnetic, ferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic states. The charge, orbital and spin orderings are explained with site-, angular momentum- and orbital-projected density of states, charge-density plots, electronic structure and total energy studies. YBaMn2_2O5_5 is found to stabilize in a G-type ferrimagnetic state in accordance with experimental results. The experimentally observed insulating behavior appears only when we include ferrimagnetic ordering in our calculation. We observed significant optical anisotropy in this material originating from the combined effect of ferrimagnetic ordering and crystal field splitting. In order to gain knowledge about the presence of different valence states for Mn in YBaMn2_2O5_5 we have calculated KK-edge x-ray absorption near-edge spectra for the Mn and O atoms. The presence of the different valence states for Mn is clearly established from the x-ray absorption near-edge spectra, hyperfine field parameters and the magnetic properties study. Among the experimentally proposed structures, the recently reported description based on PP4/nmmnmm is found to represent the stable structure

    Response theory for time-resolved second-harmonic generation and two-photon photoemission

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    A unified response theory for the time-resolved nonlinear light generation and two-photon photoemission (2PPE) from metal surfaces is presented. The theory allows to describe the dependence of the nonlinear optical response and the photoelectron yield, respectively, on the time dependence of the exciting light field. Quantum-mechanical interference effects affect the results significantly. Contributions to 2PPE due to the optical nonlinearity of the surface region are derived and shown to be relevant close to a plasmon resonance. The interplay between pulse shape, relaxation times of excited electrons, and band structure is analyzed directly in the time domain. While our theory works for arbitrary pulse shapes, we mainly focus on the case of two pulses of the same mean frequency. Difficulties in extracting relaxation rates from pump-probe experiments are discussed, for example due to the effect of detuning of intermediate states on the interference. The theory also allows to determine the range of validity of the optical Bloch equations and of semiclassical rate equations, respectively. Finally, we discuss how collective plasma excitations affect the nonlinear optical response and 2PPE.Comment: 27 pages, including 11 figures, version as publishe

    Linear and Second-order Optical Response of the III-V Mono-layer Superlattices

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    We report the first fully self-consistent calculations of the nonlinear optical properties of superlattices. The materials investigated are mono-layer superlattices with GaP grown on the the top of InP, AlP and GaAs (110) substrates. We use the full-potential linearized augmented plane wave method within the generalized gradient approximation to obtain the frequency dependent dielectric tensor and the second-harmonic-generation susceptibility. The effect of lattice relaxations on the linear optical properties are studied. Our calculations show that the major anisotropy in the optical properties is the result of strain in GaP. This anisotropy is maximum for the superlattice with maximum lattice mismatch between the constituent materials. In order to differentiate the superlattice features from the bulk-like transitions an improvement over the existing effective medium model is proposed. The superlattice features are found to be more pronounced for the second-order than the linear optical response indicating the need for full supercell calculations in determining the correct second-order response.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phy. Rev.

    Down regulation of E-Cadherin (ECAD) - a predictor for occult metastatic disease in sentinel node biopsy of early squamous cell carcinomas of the oral cavity and oropharynx

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Prognostic factors in predicting occult lymph node metastasis in patients with head and neck squamous-cell carcinoma (HNSCC) are necessary to improve the results of the sentinel lymph node procedure in this tumour type. The E-Cadherin glycoprotein is an intercellular adhesion molecule in epithelial cells, which plays an important role in establishing and maintaining intercellular connections.</p> <p>Objectives</p> <p>To determine the value of the molecular marker E-Cadherin in predicting regional metastatic disease.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>E-Cadherin expression in tumour tissue of 120 patients with HNSCC of the oral cavity and oropharynx were evaluated using the tissue microarray technique. 110 tumours were located in the oral cavity (91.7%; mostly tongue), 10 tumours in the oropharynx (8.3%). Intensity of E-Cadherin expression was quantified by the Intensity Reactivity Score (IRS). These results were correlated with the lymph node status of biopsied sentinel lymph nodes. Univariate and multivariate analysis was used to determine statistical significance.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>pT-stage, gender, tumour side and location did not correlate with lymph node metastasis. Differentiation grade (<it>p </it>= 0.018) and down regulation of E-Cadherin expression significantly correlate with positive lymph node status (<it>p </it>= 0.005) in univariate and multivariate analysis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These data suggest that loss of E-cadherin expression is associated with increased lymhogeneous metastasis of HNSCC. E-cadherin immunohistochemistry may be used as a predictor for lymph node metastasis in squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity and oropharynx.</p> <p><b>Level of evidence: 2b</b></p

    Resolution-of-identity approach to Hartree-Fock, hybrid density functionals, RPA, MP2, and \textit{GW} with numeric atom-centered orbital basis functions

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    Efficient implementations of electronic structure methods are essential for first-principles modeling of molecules and solids. We here present a particularly efficient common framework for methods beyond semilocal density-functional theory, including Hartree-Fock (HF), hybrid density functionals, random-phase approximation (RPA), second-order M{\o}ller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP2), and the GWGW method. This computational framework allows us to use compact and accurate numeric atom-centered orbitals (popular in many implementations of semilocal density-functional theory) as basis functions. The essence of our framework is to employ the "resolution of identity (RI)" technique to facilitate the treatment of both the two-electron Coulomb repulsion integrals (required in all these approaches) as well as the linear density-response function (required for RPA and GWGW). This is possible because these quantities can be expressed in terms of products of single-particle basis functions, which can in turn be expanded in a set of auxiliary basis functions (ABFs). The construction of ABFs lies at the heart of the RI technique, and here we propose a simple prescription for constructing the ABFs which can be applied regardless of whether the underlying radial functions have a specific analytical shape (e.g., Gaussian) or are numerically tabulated. We demonstrate the accuracy of our RI implementation for Gaussian and NAO basis functions, as well as the convergence behavior of our NAO basis sets for the above-mentioned methods. Benchmark results are presented for the ionization energies of 50 selected atoms and molecules from the G2 ion test set as obtained with GWGW and MP2 self-energy methods, and the G2-I atomization energies as well as the S22 molecular interaction energies as obtained with the RPA method.Comment: 58 pages, 15 figures, and 7 table

    Tuning intermolecular interactions in di-octyl substituted polyfluorene via hydrostatic pressure

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    Polyfluorenes (PFs) represent a unique class of poly para-phenylene based blue-emitting polymers with intriguing structure-property relationships. Slight variations in the choice of functionalizing side chains result in dramatic differences in the inter- and intra-chain structures in PFs. We present photoluminescence (PL) and Raman scattering studies of bulk samples and thin films of dioctyl-substituted PF (PF8) under hydrostatic pressure. The bulk sample was further thermally annealed at 1.9 GPa. The PL vibronics of the as-is sample red-shift at an average rate of 26 meV/GPa. The thermally annealed sample is characterized by at least two phase transitions at 1.1 GPa and 4.2 GPa, each of which has a different pressure coefficient for PL vibronics. The Huang-Rhys factor, a measure of the electron-phonon interaction, is found to increase with increasing pressures signaling a higher geometric relaxation of the electronic states. The Raman peaks harden with increasing pressures; the intra-ring C-C stretch frequency at 1600 cm1^{-1} has a pressure coefficient of 7.2 cm1^{-1}/GPa and exhibits asymmetric line shapes at higher pressures, characteristic of a strong electron-phonon interaction. The optical properties of PF8 under high pressure are further contrasted with those of a branched side chain substituted PF.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figure