263 research outputs found

    Rossby Wave Propagation Tracks in Southern Hemisphere Mean Basic Flows Associated to Generalized Frosts over Southern South America

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    A partir de los estudios observacionales previos acerca de los eventos extremos fríos en el sudeste de América del Sur, surge la hipótesis la cual plantea que los patrones de gran escala condicionan la frecuencia de ocurrencia de heladas, a través de la propagación de ondas de Rossby excitadas remotamente. Aplicando los conceptos de la teoría lineal de propagación de ondas de Rossby, el objetivo en este artículo es analizar la propagación de tales ondas en dos estados básicos diferentes referidos a los inviernos con una máxima y mínima frecuencia de ocurrencia de heladas generalizadas en la Pampa Húmeda (centro–noreste de Argentina). Basado en los conceptos teóricos acerca de la dispersión de onda y el trazo de trayectorias, se identifican los caminos preferenciales de las ondas de Rossby que alcanzan América del Sur a través de la técnica conocida como trazado de rayos. El análisis del flujo básico desde una perspectiva teórica, basado en los cálculos de las trayectorias, permite comprobar que las ondas de Rossby excitadas en forma remota son el mecanismo que favorece la máxima ocurrencia de heladas generalizadas. Siendo los lugares de excitación de tales ondas condicionados por el estado básico en que se propagan. Ellas son excitadas en lugares determinados de la atmósfera, desplazándose hasta América del Sur a lo largo de los jets que actúan como guías de dichas ondas, propiciando la generación de heladas generalizadas. En suma, este artículo presenta una revisión de la técnica de trazado de rayos y como puede ser usada para investigar la ocurrencia de importantes eventos sinópticos tales como las heladas en una región específica y su relación con la propagación de ondas planetarias de gran escala.Based on previous observational studies on cold extreme events over southern South America, some recent studies suggest a possible relationship between Rossby wave propagation remotely triggered and the occurrence of frost. Using the concept of linear theory of Rossby wave propagation, this paper analyzes the propagation of such waves in two different basic states that correspond to austral winters with maximum and minimum generalized frost frequency of occurrence in the Wet Pampa (central–northwest Argentina). In order to determine the wave trajectories, the ray tracing technique is used in this study. Some theoretical discussion about this technique is also presented. The analysis of the basic state, from a theoretical point of view and based on the calculation of ray tracings, corroborates that remotely excited Rossby waves is the mechanism that favors the maximum occurrence of generalized frosts. The basic state in which the waves propagate is what conditions the places where they are excited. The Rossby waves are excited in determined places of the atmosphere, propagating towards South America along the jet streams that act as wave guides, favoring the generation of generalized frosts. In summary, this paper presents an overview of the ray tracing technique and how it can be used to investigate an important synoptic event, such as frost in a specific region, and its relationship with the propagation of large scale planetary waves.Fil: Muller, Gabriela Viviana. Provincia de Entre Ríos. Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia de Tecnología a la Producción. Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos. Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia de Tecnología a la Producción. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia de Tecnología a la Producción; ArgentinaFil: Ambrizzi, Tércio. Universidade de Sao Paulo; Brasi

    Inter ENSO variability and its influence over the South American monsoon system

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    Previous studies have discussed the interannual variability of a meridional seesaw of dry and wet conditions over South America (SA) associated to the modulation of the South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ). However, they did not explore if the variability inter ENSO (El Ni&#241;o Southern Oscillation) can be related to the phase changes of this dipole. To answer this question, an observational work was carried out to explore the atmospheric and Sea Surface Temperature (SST) conditions related to the same ENSO signal and to opposite dipole phases. <P style=&quot;line-height: 20px;&quot;> Rotated Empirical Orthogonal Function (REOF) analysis was applied over normalized Chen precipitation seasonal anomalies in order to find the dipole mode in the Austral Summer (December to February). The fourth rotated mode, explaining 6.6% of the total variance, consists of positive loading over the SACZ region and negative loading over northern Argentina. Extreme events were selected and enhanced activity of SACZ during the Summer season (SACZ+) was identified in nine years: five during La Ni&#241;a events (LN) and two in El Ni&#241;o episodes (EN). On the other hand, inhibited manifestations of this system (SACZ-) were identified in seven years: four in EN and two during LN. <P style=&quot;line-height: 20px;&quot;> Power spectrum analysis indicated that the interannual variability of the precipitation dipole seems to be related to the low frequency and to the quasi-biennial part of ENSO variability. The ENSO events with the same signal can present opposite phases for the dipole. The results suggest that the displacement of the convection over Indonesia and western Pacific can play an important role to modulate the seesaw pattern

    Inter-El Niño variability and its impact on the South American low-level jet east of the Andes during austral summer ? two case studies

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    International audienceThe impact of the maximum convection location over eastern and central Equatorial Pacific over the intensity and positioning of the South American Low-Level Jet east of the Andes (SALLJ) during the austral summer was investigated. The Bonner criteria 1 was applied to the NCEP-NCAR circulation fields during the El Niño of 1997/1998 and 2002/2003 to identify the SALLJ episodes. The composites of the atmospheric circulation over the South America during El Niño events showed that the SALLJ can be influenced by small displacements of the quasi-stationary Rossby waves position. During the strong El Niño event of 1997/1998 the SALLJ is maintained by the eastern trade winds. A low-level anomalous anticyclonic circulation over the central part of Brazil enhanced the wind in the nucleus of the jet and displaced its axis to the Northern Argentina and South of Brazil. However, the northern trade winds seem to maintain the SALLJ during the weak El Niño of 2002/2003. The jet was weaker and displaced more southeastward of Brazil than during the strong event

    Changes in the Austral Winter Hadley Circulation and the Impact on Stationary Rossby Waves Propagation

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    The present study investigates how changes in the Hadley Cell (HC) intensity impact the stationary Rossby waves energy propagation in the Southern Hemisphere (SH) extratropics. Composites for weak and strong HC Intensity Index (HCI) were used in this analysis. The results for weak HC cases showed a wave train emanating from the subtropical central-west Indian Ocean in an arc-like route, with zonal wavenumber three in the polar jet waveguide, and reaching the north of South America. For strong HC cases, the wave train is also trapped inside the polar jet waveguide with zonal wavenumber four, emanating from subtropical central-east Indian Ocean and reaching the subtropical west coast of Africa. A weaker zonally oriented wave train with zonal wavenumber five has been found in the subtropical region with opposite polarity for weak and strong HC cases. Over the South America, the results show that an HC weakening can lead to a very cold and rainy winter in the southwest of the continent and a mild warm and dry winter on Brazilian states of Minas Gerais and Bahia. A pattern almost opposite was observed when the CH strengthens

    Moisture Sources and Life Cycle of Convective Systems over Western Colombia

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    This paper describes life cycle and moisture sources of mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) observed over western Colombia. Results show that, in general, MCS are more frequent during boreal summer and autumn, and particularly, systems observed in summer season present longer life and larger extension. On the continent, MCS genesis is strongly affected by sea breeze and diurnal heating and presents a peak from 15 to 18 LST. For oceanic systems, the main genesis period is later, from 00 to 03 LST. Continental and oceanic systems present a tendency of westward displacement. Analysis using a Lagrangian approach implemented to estimate air parcel trajectories suggests that, during boreal winter, the main moisture sources are from the Caribbean Sea and tropical north Atlantic, possibly resulting from the moisture-laden trade winds and the land-ocean temperature contrast over northern South America. In summer, it is clear the influence of ITCZ positioning with moisture particles traveling from the tropical Atlantic over Amazonian river basin. In Autumn, Chilean-Peruvian Pacific is the main moisture source, confirming the importance of Chocó low level jet to MCS genesis

    The role of the observed tropical convection in the generation of frost events in the southern cone of South America

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    Based on previous results obtained from observations and linear wave theory analysis, the hypothesis that large-scale patterns can generate extreme cold events in southeast South America through the propagation of remotely excited Rossby waves was already suggested. This work will confirm these findings and extend their analysis through a series of numerical experiments using a primitive equation model where waves are excited by a thermal forcing situated in positions chosen according to observed convection anomalies over the equatorial region. The basic state used for these experiments is a composite of austral winters with maximum and minimum frequency of occurrence of generalized frosts that can affect a large area known as the Wet Pampas located in the central and eastern part of Argentina. The results suggest that stationary Rossby waves may be one important mechanism linking anomalous tropical convection with the extreme cold events in the Wet Pampas. The combination of tropical convection and a specific basic state can generate the right environment to guide the Rossby waves trigged by the tropical forcing towards South America. Depending on the phase of the waves entering the South American continent, they can favour the advection of anomalous wind at low levels from the south carrying cold and dry air over the whole southern extreme of the continent, producing a generalized frost in the Wet Pampa region. On the other hand, when a basic state based on the composites of minimum frosts is used, an anomalous anticyclone over the southern part of the continent generates a circulation with a south-southeast wind which brings maritime air and therefore humidity over the Wet Pampas region, creating negative temperature anomalies only over the northeastern part of the region. Under these conditions even if frosts occur they would not be generalized, as observed for the other basic state with maximum frequency of occurrence of generalized frosts

    Conductas restauradas en dibujos performativos: transferencias de uso, dibujos protocolarios, actos fingidos y lo performativo infeliz

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    Discusión baseada en un ensayo práctico encuadrado por una narrativa personal donde se recontruye, como memoria incorporada, la relación performativa y el juego infantil, actualizada en procesos artísticos híbridos. Esta memoria es investigada, experimentalmente, a través de la creación de dibujos baseados en conductas restauradas (restored behaviour – Schechner): procesos compuestos por fragmentos de otros procesos, de diversas procedencias. Buscamos reflexionar sobre como actualizar memorias episódicas en procesos de dibujo y cuales son las posibilidades creativas y conceptuales. Serán presentados algunos procesos de creación en desarollo que permiten discutir sobre: como transformar un evento en un dibujo; el dibujo como acto performativo – instrucciones como juegos mentales entre lo exequible y lo imposible (la posibilidad de imaginar aquilo que es enunciado); el dibujo como auto-ficción; el dibujo como sustituto de la acción – donde hay una parte de mi que consigue experimentar la acción a través del dibujo; y el dibujo como función performativa e inscripción de una performance virtual. Estos trabajos serán pensados como dibujos protocolarios en su dupla acepción de una instrucción para ser seguida a la letra, o en el sentido de romper el protocolo, como puro juego, sin qualquiera sugestión para que sean realmente ejecutadas. Los dibujos protocolarios son comprendidos como actos directivos (John Searle) cuyo propósito es intentar conducir al deseo para que alguién haga algo, o como proto-performances (Schechner) no que se refiere a lo que precede o potencia la acción. En la incapacidad (o la cobardia) de esas memorias se realizaren como performances, pero como dibujos, donde yo dibujo para no hacerlo, tenemos lo que John L. Austin define como lo performativo infeliz, o sea, cuando su objetivo no se cumple.La performance y lo performativoFacultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Rossby wave propagation during winters of maximum frequency of frost occurrence over the wet pampa

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    Neste trabalho estudou-se a influência dos padrões de onda extratropicais, que favorecem o desenvolvimento de eventos extremos frios no sudeste Sul-Americano, e em particular na região conhecida como Pampa Úmida. O aquecimento anômalo observado na região do oceano Pacífico tropical ocidental a nordeste da Austrália, durante os invernos de máxima freqüência de ocorrência de Geadas Generalizadas (GG) no centro-leste da Argentina, (região conhecida como Pampa Úmida - PU), atua como disparador de ondas de Rossby, as quais se propagam até o continente, favorecendo assim a ocorrência daqueles eventos. O padrão de propagação obtido nas simulações numéricas com um modelo baroclínico global, mostra o predomínio de um número de onda 3. Adicionalmente, foram analisadas as correlações do vento meridional em altos e baixos níveis observados para os eventos de GG, selecionados dentro dos invernos de máxima freqüência de ocorrência desses eventos. O vento meridional global em 250hPa apresenta regiões com correlação estatisticamente significativa com o vento meridional médio na PU. A configuração obtida no caso do vento meridional global em 250hPa, correlacionado com o vento meridional na PU, pode estar associada ao padrão de propagação das ondas simuladas numericamente a partir da forçante tropical. Igualmente importantes e significativos são os valores de correlação do vento sul nos baixos níveis, em particular para toda região da PU. O padrão de ondas simulado está bem representado pelas significativas correlações entre o vento meridional hemisférico em altos níveis e a temperatura no dia de evento de GG.The influence of extratropical waves on the development of extreme cold events over southeast South America, particularly on the Argentinean Wet Pampa region is studied in this work. An anomalous heating observed over the occidental tropical Pacific Ocean, northeast of Australia, during Austral winters of maximum frequency of Generalized Frost (GF) occurrence over the center-east of Argentina, known as Wet Pampa (WP), acts as a Rossby wave source which generate waves that propagate towards the South American continent favoring the frost events. The wave propagation pattern obtained from simulations using a Global Baroclinic Model shows wavenumber 3 dominance. Additional, upper and lower levels meridional wind correlations during the GF events selected were analyzed. The 250hPa global meridional wind shows a significant correlation (0.9) with the meridional wind at the WP region. The wave propagation pattern observed in this case agrees with that simulated by the model when a heating source is located at the Pacific tropical ocean. Also, significant correlation values were found for the low level southern winds at the WP region. The wave pattern simulated shows a good correlation between the hemispheric meridional wind at higher levels and the air temperature in the day of GF events.Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET

    Observational evidences on the modulation of the South American Low Level Jet east of the Andes according the ENSO variability

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    The differences on the phase and wavelength of the quasi-stationary waves over the South America generated by El Niño (EN) and La Niña (LN) events seem to affect the daily evolution of the South American Low Level Jet east of the Andes (SALLJ). For the austral summer period of 1977–2004 the SALLJ episodes detected according to Bonner criterion 1 show normal to above-normal frequency in EN years, and in LN years the episodes show normal to below-normal frequency. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; During EN and LN years the SALLJ episodes were associated with positive rainfall anomalies over the La Plata Basin, but more intense during LN years. During EN years the increase in the SALLJ cases were associated to intensification of the Subtropical Jet (SJ) around 30&amp;deg; S and positive Sea Level Pressure (SLP) anomalies over the western equatorial Atlantic and tropical South America, particularly over central Brazil. This favored the intensification of the northeasterly trade winds over the northern continent and it channeled by the Andes mountain to the La Plata Basin region where negative SLP are found. The SALLJ cases identified during the LN events were weaker and less frequent when compared to those for EN years. In this case the SJ was weaker than in EN years and the negative SLP anomalies over the tropical continent contributed to the inversion of the northeasterly trade winds. Also a southerly flow anomaly was generated by the geostrophic balance due to the anomalous blocking over southeast Pacific and the intense cyclonic transient over the southern tip of South America. As result the warm tropical air brought by the SALLJ encounters the cold extratropical air from the southerly winds over the La Plata basin. This configuration can increase the conditional instability over the La Plata basin and may explain the more intense positive rainfall anomalies in SALLJ cases during LN years than in EN years

    Play with bubbles

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    Acción performativa que tiene como base el concepto “play” de Allan Kaprow en lo que se refiere a las relaciones entre arte y vida a partir de una manifestación artística que tiene su origen en las memorias de la infancia: los juegos con pompas de jabón. Esta propuesta piensa el jugar libre como estrategia de creación para el início del proceso creativo, un juego sin reglas que, a lo longo del tiempo, podrá constituir sus propias reglas y que, por su vez, podrán ser rompidas.Performances, obras, instalaciones, videos, hibridacionesFacultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació