6 research outputs found

    Efecto de la suplementaci贸n con vitamina E natural en el agua de bebida sobre el nivel s茅rico de tocoferol y actividad antioxidante en lechones tras el destete

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    En el presente trabajo se estudi贸 la influencia de la suplementaci贸n de vitamina E natural (D-伪 - tocoferol) en el agua de bebida administrada simult谩neamente con la forma sint茅tica en pienso a cerdas durante el periodo de lactaci贸n y/o a los lechones tras el destete, sobre la concentraci贸n de 伪-tocoferol en el suero del lech贸n as铆 como su poder antioxidante. Los lechones suplementados con vitamina E natural en el agua de bebida, que nacieron de las madres que se suplementaron con la misma forma de vitamina E (S-Cerda-Lech贸n) tuvieron la m谩s alta concentraci贸n de 伪-tocoferol a los 5 d铆as post-destete, mientras que la m谩s baja concentraci贸n de tocoferol fue encontrado en el grupo que consumi贸 la forma sint茅tica (伪- tocoferol acetato) y que nacieron de las madres que consumieron esta misma forma de vitamina E (Control). El FRAP del suero se afect贸 de forma significativa por la suplementaci贸n con vitamina E natural de los lechones (P=0.037). Los efectos observados fueron debidos principalmente a la suplementaci贸n de los lechones

    Eumycetoma caused by Diaporthe phaseolorum (Phomopsis phaseoli): a case report and a mini-review of Diaporthe/Phomopsis spp invasive infections in humans

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    AbstractDiaporthe phaseolorum (syn. Phomopsis phaseoli) is a frequent fungal parasite of plants, present on all continents around the world. It has rarely been involved in human diseases. We report a case of eumycetoma with osteomyelitis of the forefoot caused by this fungus and diagnosed by molecular biology. The patient had positive HTLV-1 serology and was a farmer from French Guiana who walked barefoot. He was successfully treated with long-term oral itraconazole (400 mg/day). A review of the literature underlines the essential roles of plants and host immunosuppression in this infection and the favourable outcome with a triazole antifungal treatment

    Rethinking the employability of international graduate migrants: reflections on the experiences of Zimbabweans with degrees from England

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    The last decade has seen the rise of literatures that have focused on the rapid expansion of the numbers of international students in higher education globally and the growing policy discourse around improving graduate employability. However, both, inevitably, have limitations. Together, they tend to homogenise international learners and see them narrowly as simply economic actors. More recently, however, there have been signs of important new developments in both literatures, drawing on interactive employability and capability accounts that stress both agency and structure in more satisfactory ways. We seek to further the development of an account that bridges the new wave of student mobility research and the capability-employability account. In doing so, we offer two further elements to the literature. First, we aim to bridge the gap between international higher education accounts and those of migration and diasporic studies. Second, we deliberately focus on a group that is marginal to the mainstream discourse but who are migrants that have engaged in international higher education in order to improve their labour market prospects, amongst other motivations. We do this through examining the stories of five Zimbabweans who embarked on additional higher educational studies in England after migrating to the country. Through this unique approach, we offer an important new perspective on how the debates on international higher education, employability and migration can be taken forward through closer articulation between these accounts

    A Comprehensive Review of Neutrophilic Diseases

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