36 research outputs found

    Procurement of β-carotene, lycopene, lutein and zeaxanthin in households of Brazil’s urban areas

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    An assessment was made of the consumer accessibility by income to carotenoids in the eleven major Brazilian urban centers. The consumption data published by the POF (National Household Budget Survey, 1995-1996) and the Brazilian database on food carotenoids provided the basis for the study. The USDA-NCC Carotenoid Database for US foods was used whenever the carotenoid content was not found locally. Prudent individual daily intakes of beta-carotene (3 to 6mg), pro-vitamins A (5.2 to 6mg) and total carotenoids (9 to 18mg) were far from attained by the poorer households in all of the regions studied, but the availability rose as the level of income increased in all regions. The principal foods identified, which significantly contributed to the carotenoid supply were: (β-carotene) carrots, squash, mango and tomato, (lycopene) tomato, tomato sauce, watermelon and papaya, (lutein and zeaxanthin) corn flour, kale, lettuce and orange. The study suggests that consumption of carotenogenic foods in Brazil may have been low at the time, despite the wide natural distribution and abundance in the country. The implications that low consumption of carotenogenic foods may have on public health came to be better known in more recent years, but the data should be useful when comparing with the 2002/2003 POF

    Cholesterol reducing and bile-acid binding properties of taioba (Xanthosoma sagittifolium) leaf in rats fed a high-fat diet

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    AbstractThe consumption of vegetables has been correlated with reduced risk of chronic non-communicable diseases due to the high fiber content and bioactive compounds found in vegetables. The arrowleaf elephant ear (Xanthosoma sagittifolium), which is known in Brazil as taioba, is a common plant in tropical America. Although its leafy portion possesses a high nutritional value, it is not widely consumed and has not been well studied. This study assessed the effect of lyophilised taioba leaf (LTL) as a hypolipidemic and prebiotic agent. Thirty-two Wistar rats were assigned to four groups: group 1 was fed a high-fat diet containing 3.67% (w/w) cellulose (low cellulose — LCEL); group 2 received a high-fat diet supplemented with 10% (w/w) cellulose (CEL); group 3 received a high-fat diet supplemented with 10% (w/w) inulin (INU); and group 4 was fed a high-fat diet supplemented with 28.4% LTL (TAI) to provide 10% (w/w) taioba fiber. The groups were fed their respective diets for 4weeks. The addition of LTL to the diet resulted in reduced weight gain, reduced liver fat, and increased fecal mass and lipid, in addition to higher fecal short chain fatty acid and bile salt concentrations, compared to the LCEL group. Additionally, only the TAI group exhibited a lower serum cholesterol concentration and a higher body ash content (p<0.05) than the LCEL group. Both the high bile salt binding capacity and high fermentability of LTL suggest that this plant may have a protective effect against cardiovascular diseases and bowel cancer

    Phytochemicals and functional foods. Current situation and prospect for developing countries

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    This review updates and attempts to present the complex panorama of bioactive phytochemicals and functional foods. For such purpose and given the breadth of the field, it was necessary to survey a large volume of scientific literature. The different types of studies used to provide evidence for efficacy are described. The different groups of health-promoting substances (carotenoids, phenolic compounds, phytosterols and phytostanols, tocotrienols, organosulfur compounds, nondigestible carbohydrates) are presented with a discussion of the dietary sources and the chemical and biological properties that explain their modes of action. Functional foods of plant origin (broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables, oat, flaxseed, tomato, soybean, citrus, berries, tea, grapes and wine, garlic) are discussed in terms of their health effects, the phytochemicals responsible and the body of evidence supporting such effects. The review emphasizes the importance of consuming fruits and vegetables for the general state of health of the population and points out some technical and scientific opportunities that can be explored in developing countries

    Proteins of cupuacu seeds (Theobroma grandiflorum Schum) and changes during fermentation and roasting

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    Cupuacu (Theobroma grandiflorum Schum) is a native fruit from northern Brazil with great economic potential. Its productive chain is currently sustained by the pulp market. The seed, treated as a by-product of the pulp industrialization, presents considerably protein content. However, very little or nothing is known on its eletrophoretic profile and amino acids, the main protein fractions and alterations due to the fermentation and toasting. The objective of this study was to characterize protein changes in cupuacu seeds, fermented beans, and roasted beans, through the analysis of the electrophoresis profiles, aminograms, and protein fractionations based on solubility. Fermentation and roasting promoted a slight reduction in the total protein and amino acid contents. The seeds and fermented beans presented four main protein bands with 15.5, 20.4, 27.1, and 33.6 kDa. The beans submitted to fermentation followed by roasting presented only one strong protein band with an apparent molecular weight of 21.0 kDa. The extractions for protein fractionation based on solubility did not result in pure protein fractions. Four main bands were observed in all isolated protein fractions. The 21.1 kDa band was predominant in all cases. This band is apparently very similar to the albumin fraction of cocoa, whose apparent molecular weight is 21.3 kDa.O cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum Schum) é um fruto típico da região Norte do Brasil, com grande potencial econômico. Atualmente, é a polpa que mobiliza e sustenta a produção, a industrialização e a comercialização deste fruto. A semente, um subproduto da industrialização da polpa, apresenta teor considerável de proteínas. Entretanto, muito pouco ou nada se conhece acerca de seu perfil eletroforético, de aminoácidos e de principais frações, uma vez que ocorrem alterações protéicas devidas aos processos de fermentação e torração. O objetivo deste estudo consiste em caracterizar as alterações da proteína da semente, da amêndoa fermentada e da amêndoa torrada de cupuaçu, mediante a análise dos perfis eletroforéticos, dos aminogramas característicos e do fracionamento da proteína em diferentes solubilidades. A fermentação e a torração provocaram uma ligeira redução nos teores de proteína total e aminoácidos totais, quando comparados aos teores das sementes não submetidas a essas etapas do processamento. Observou-se, para a semente e a amêndoa fermentada, a presença de quatro bandas protéicas principais de 20,4, 33,6 e 38,7 kDa. Para as amêndoas que foram submetidas ao processo de fermentação e, em seguida, à torração, observou-se a presença de uma única banda protéica forte, com peso molecular aparente de 21,0 kDa. As extrações para fracionamento das proteínas em diferentes solubilidades não resultaram em frações protéicas puras. Observou-se a presença de quatro bandas principais em todas as frações protéicas isoladas, sendo a banda de peso molecular próximo a 21,1 kDa a mais abundante em todos os casos. Esta banda é aparentemente muito semelhante à fração albumina do cacau, que apresenta peso molecular aparente de 21,3 kDa.986993Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Dietary reference intakes: application of tables in nutritional studies

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    Diet planning and food intake evaluation are professional activities classically performed by comparing mean values of ingestion against reference values of nutrient and energy intakes, for either groups or individuals. Without considering certain intrinsic limitations of the reference values, such task may render equivocal conclusions with regard to nutritional adequacy. The nutritional recommendations, prepared as a joint effort between the US Institute of Medicine and Health Canada published since 1997 and known as Dietary Reference Intakes, offer a new model by establishing indices of nutrient intake and refining the concept of risk associated with diet evaluation. Errors of both intra and interindividual nature, due to the variability of an individual's feeding pattern, the uneven distribution of requirements within a population, respectively, and the small number of days of observation, are factors that together can have a large impact on the confidence of the analysis. For these reasons, only the judicious selection of the reference values, published in the form of tables from 1997 through 2005, should enable the user to reach the proper assessment. This paper had the objective of highlighting various critical characteristics of application and compiling the values in order to facilitate their use by both professionals and students of the area.As avaliações de dietas e o planejamento de consumo são atividades tradicionalmente realizadas por meio da comparação de médias de ingestão contra valores de referência de energia e nutrientes, seja para indivíduos ou grupos. Limitações de ordem técnica devem ser levadas em conta, sem as quais se pode chegar a conclusões equivocadas quanto ao atendimento das necessidades nutricionais. As Recomendações Nutricionais propostas pelo Institute of Medicine dos Estados Unidos, em conjunto com a agência Health Canada, a partir de 1997, conhecidas como Dietary Reference Intakes, representam um novo paradigma para o estabelecimento de indicadores nutricionais de consumo, ao aperfeiçoarem o uso do conceito de risco na avaliação de dietas. Fontes de erro intra ou interindividuais, devidas à variabilidade de padrão de consumo e decorrentes da distribuição das necessidades na população, aliadas a um pequeno número de dias de observação, têm grande impacto sobre a confiabilidade da análise. Por esta razão devem orientar a utilização dos valores, que foram organizados em tabelas com as quatro categorias de nutrientes, publicadas entre 1997 e 2005. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo destacar algumas características de aplicação e consolidar os valores diários de Tolerable Upper Intake Level, Adequate Intake e Recommended Dietary Allowance, facilitando a consulta por parte de profissionais e estudantes da área de nutrição.74176

    Prehydrolyzed dietary protein reduces gastrocnemial DNA without impairing physical capacity in the rat

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    Previous studies have shown that hydrolyzed proteins exhibit antioxidant properties and may confer physical and physiological advantages when consumed by the exercising rat. The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of feeding either intact (I) and partly hydrolyzed (H) milk whey proteins on gastrocnemial DNA contents and protein metabolism in exercising Wistar rats. Protein synthesis and degradation, protein and DNA contents, and concentration of the serum insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF1) were determined in six experimental groups according to the type of protein consumed [casein (C), whey protein isolate (I), hydrolyzed whey protein (H) and level of physical activity (sedentary (S) and trained (T)]. H produced significantly lower rates of protein synthesis and degradation and DNA contents in the gastrocnemius, while no differences were observed in the total muscle protein content and serum levels of IGF1. These results indicate that consumption of prehydrolyzed whey protein alters muscle metabolism resulting in less DNA, but maintains the muscle protein levels constant and sustain or improves physical performance, compared to the unhydrolyzed protein.Keywords: Dietary protein, hydrolyzed whey protein, peptides in muscle metabolism, phenylalanine, tyrosine, physical activityAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(16), pp. 2058-206

    A high-protein soybean cultivar contains lower isoflavones and saponins but higher minerals and bioactive peptides than a low-protein cultivar

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    a b s t r a c t Soybean is a major source of protein and other nutrients and non-nutrient bioactives for human health. The objective was to compare the bioactive compounds of a low-protein (BRS 133) soybean in comparison to a high-protein (BRS 258) soybean cultivar. The high-protein soybean contained 17% lower carbohydrates and a lower chemical score (63) in relation to the low-protein soybean, which had a higher chemical scor