167 research outputs found

    Color in Pharma: Color Associations and Expected Efficacies

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    Colors influence our daily perceptions and expectations which can manifest in a variety of ways. This research has three main objectives: the first is to demonstrate this effect on the relationship between the colors of pills and their perceived and expected efficacies. The second is to test this effect on a wide variety of demographics, thereby demonstrating that categories such as ethnicity, location, age, gender, educational levels, and pill usage frequency can influence the choices made by participants. Finally, the third objective is to understand the reasoning behind the choices made by participants, as well as the color associations exhibited. The stimuli colors chosen in this research are blue, green, red, white, and yellow, and the efficacies of interest are sedative, stimulant, anti-anxiety, pain-relief, and hallucinogenic. This research does not involve the intake of drugs by participants, but rather collects data via surveys. Three surveys were run separately over a span of 18 months. The first survey was conducted physically at two of RIT’s global campuses: USA and UAE on standardized iPad devices. The second survey was done online and covered four of RIT’s global campuses: USA, UAE, Croatia, and Kosovo. The third survey was launched online at five RIT global campuses: USA, UAE, Croatia, Kosovo, and China. While there were some clear patterns and similarities identified in the results, differences were also apparent across the various demographics considered in this study. It is evident that four out of the six efficacies tested had a strong association with a particular color, while the results of the remaining two efficacies varied based on different demographics. The strongest and most consistent color associations were those of white with pain relief and red with stimulant efficacies. The emerged patterns will help pharmaceutical companies, as well as medical practitioners, to better design and prescribe drugs, thus maximizing the effects of the pills on patients overall, and increasing their compliance rates

    Elevating Physical Education Teacher Through Technology Integration

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    This paper explores how the integration of educational technology (EdTech) has been incorporated into the field of physical education (PE) and explores the difficulties encountered by Physical Education teachers (PETs) in successfully implementing technology. Through a systematic secondary literature review spanning the past decade, this paper identifies several key challenges, including unpreparedness, a trial-and-error approach, a shift in teaching priorities, and variations in teacher effectiveness. These challenges underscore the pressing need for readiness, adaptability, and preparation in the face of unforeseen disruptions, particularly in the context of online instruction. This study presents substantial recommendations to address these issues, emphasizing the pivotal role of technology-infused teacher education programs and advocating for Physical Education teachers’ education (PETE) faculty to embrace technology leadership. By implementing these recommendations, PETE programs can better equip preservice teachers and faculty members to harness technology for more effective learning experiences. Consequently, this endeavor aims to elevate the quality of PE in our increasingly digitalized era

    Disparities in the 2009 Swine Flu Pandemic and COVID-19: A Literature Review

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    The purpose of this thesis was to identify causes of disparities in affliction (infection) and mortality for minority populations (Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and American Indian/Alaskan Natives) during the Swine Flu (H1N1) and COVID-19 (Sars-Cov-2) Pandemics. A literature review was conducted gathering peer-reviewed journal articles related to racial and socioeconomic disparities in affliction and mortality during both pandemics. The model of Blumenshine et al. (2008) was used as a guide for the analysis of this thesis, and measures of exposure, susceptibility, and treatment were hypothesized as causes for the disparities experienced by the minority populations during the two pandemics. Ultimately, it was established that the causes of the disparities noted were found to be differences in social determinants of health experienced by minority populations including poverty, education, occupation, and housing location. Differences in each of these social determinants of health then led to disparities in exposure, susceptibility, and treatment. All of these disparities combined together caused disproportionate affliction and mortality for minority populations during both pandemics. Organizing disparities in terms of social determinants of health and identifying possible explanations for disparities is important for future pandemic planning, and the model of Blumenshine et al. (2008) is a structured way to hypothesize certain causes of disparities during a pandemic based on social determinants of health. Emphasis needs to be placed on developing a pandemic vulnerability index based on the measures hypothesized so that future pandemic planning can direct resources to those most vulnerable

    The Impact of Both Physical Exhaustion and Disruption of Circadian Rhythm on Blood Coagulation Factors in Rats

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    Effects of circadian rhythm and different durations of physical exercise on blood clotting and fibrinolytic systems were measured in 60 male Wistar rats. Rats were divided into control (n=20) and experimental groups (n=40). Blood samples were collected from rat tail tip at several stages; before and after physical activity in various functional conditions of pineal gland (activation and inhibition). The first group of  rats were housed in absolutely  light-  conditions (inhibition phase) for 10 days ,while the other group was kept in absolutely dark room for 10 days , at ambient temperature 23ºC±2ºC. A standard rat diet and water were supplied ad labium. Our data showed that no statistically significant variation was found in blood clotting time and thrombin time of samples after a short – physical exercise in the normal subject, but there was a significant shortening in blood clotting time and thrombin time after strenuous exercise. Physical activity significantly prolonged clotting time in animals with inhibited pineal gland. Rats with activated pineal gland (dark phase), the clotting time prolonged after both durations (short and long exercise); thrombin generation time shortened

    E-Assessments Systems: A Comparison of the Views of Samples of Students and Professors

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    The research has two folds; firstly, it aims to compare the different views of trends between two sample groups of professors and students who used assessments system at the University, and secondly it aims to investigate the uses of e-assessments systems in other universities in the region. The Personal trends are about the relationship between the availability of supplies needed to carry out or take e-assessments and to what extent it has been implemented successfully. In previous research, descriptive analytical methods have been used on two samples that consisted of (44) professors and (246) students from (5) colleges. The research tool was composed of many variables for measuring the relationship influenced among them. The research concluded that there is a relationship effect between the availability of supplies and the success of the implementation process of the electronic examinations system. In addition, there is a difference in the perspectives of members of the research sample on any of the variables. The researchers observed that the variation in personal trends differed for the research variables where the results indicated that there is variation in personal trends about one variable, when there is no variation on other variables. In previous study done on students, there was a variation in the attitudes about all the variables. Results indicated that there is a difference in professors’ attitudes about the problems facing the implementation process and the variations on indicators of the success of the implementation process

    The Influence of SMS Advertising by Jordanian Commercial Companies on Mobile Phone Users' Consuming Behaviour

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    This research aims to study the influence of SMS advertising used by Jordanian commercial companies on the behaviour of a number of mobile phones users. It is an empirical study on a sample of consumers in Jordan. A random sample of 250 Jordanians living in the various provinces was selected and a questionnaire was distributed, while a descriptive analytical approach was used to analyse the data collected from the questionnaires. Results have shown that the majority of participants agreed that SMS ads are important to them and that it influences their purchase behaviour. The results also indicated that there is a significant correlation between the use of SMS advertising and all consumer purchase behaviour variable, though weak. In addition, results have shown that there is a statistically significant correlation between the 'use of SMS ads' variable and consumer purchase motivations. Its interpretation ability was larger than its influence on purchase behaviour variables combined. The research arrived at a set of recommendations. Key words:  SMS ads, Jordanian Commercial, mobile phones, Consuming Behaviour

    The Variations in Blood Pressure Values in Deadsea and Sea Level in Jordan are not Influenced by the Level of Angiotensin Ii

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    Introduction: hypertension may be affected by environment. The variation of altitudes has been reported to play a role in hypertension. In Jordan, we have an environment rich in diversity as having areas in the sea level and others in the lowest depth in the world (the Dead Sea). Objectives: to examine the impact of altitudes on the level of angioten II among study participants. Methods and subjects: across sectional design was conducted. Two areas were included: the Dead Sea and the Sea level area, Jordan. The study sample included a total of 1000 participants of them 500 participants were included from each area. All participants were males, matched for age grouping, and they were apparently healthy. A working paper was made for each participant which included study variables such as blood pressure, weight, height, waist circumference, heart rate per minute, the level of angiotensin II, and packed cell volume (PCV). We analyzed data using SPSS version 20. All data were included and represented as mean and standard deviation. The relations between variables were computed using independent T test. Significance was considered at alpha <0.05. Study findings: there were no statistical differences between study groups for all variables except systolic blood pressure which its mean was 122.42±10.53 mmHg in the area of Dead Sea and this was significantly higher than that of the Sea level (118.07±11.64) (p=0.001). The mean of blood pressure in the Dead Sea was 91.64 ± 8.90 mmHg, and this was significantly higher than that of the Sea level (89.84 ± 8.72) (p=0.001). The level of angiotensin II was 8.48±4.65pg/ml in the Dead Sea area, and this was less than that of the Sea level (11.21± 6.05pg/ml). The difference in means for angiotensin II was not statistically significant. Conclusion: the altitude differences in the study area affected, but not significantly, the level of angiotensin II and significantly the level of systolic blood pressure

    Effect of hCG on the morphology of rat epididymal epithelial cells in vitro

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    The epididymis is an androgen-dependent organ. The hormones regulate the morphology and secretory activity of the epididymal epithelial cells. The cells in vitro resume their function as in vivo and also reveal features of steroidogenic cells. It can be expected that, as with Leydig cells, the morphology and function of the cells can be regulated by LH/hCG. The aim of the study was to assess the morphology of epididymal epithelial cells in vitro after stimulation with hCG. The experiment was performed on cells isolated from sexually mature rats. The epididymal epithelial cells were cultured in a medium with the addition of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Moreover, the cells were cultured in the medium with DHT and without DHT but enriched with hCG. The epididymal epithelial cells cultured with DHT formed a monolayer and accumulated glycogen, a PAS-positive substance and lipid droplets. The cells cultured without DHT were stellate in shape and low in glycogen and PASpositive substance but they contained lipid droplets. The morphology of epididymal epithelial cells cultured without DHT but after stimulation with hCG was similar to the morphology of the cells cultured with DHT. This was the first sign that the morphology of the cells can be influenced by hCG

    The Immunoexpression of FSH-R in the Ductuli Efferentes and the Epididymis of Men and Rat: Effect of FSH on the Morphology and Steroidogenic Activity of Rat Epididymal Epithelial Cells In Vitro

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    The Sertoli cells were regarded as the only target for FSH in male reproductive system. The expression of FSH receptor (FSH-R) was detected also in epithelial cells of the caput epididymis of rat and monkey. We showed in the immunohistochemistry study the expression of FSH-R in rat and human ductuli efferentes and the caput, corpus, and cauda epididymis, moreover, by Western blot analysis in the caput and cauda epididymis of rat. Additionally, we presented that the morphology of rat epididymal epithelial cells in vitro was affected by FSH, and FSH stimulation resulted in the increase of 17β-estradiol synthesis by rat caput epididymal cells in dose-depended manner. In conclusion, the identification of FSH receptors in human and rat epididymides supports our results that the epididymis is a target organ not only for LH but additionally for FSH. On the basis of the results we showed for the first time that morphology of epididymal epithelial cells and epididymal steroidogenesis can be regulated by FSH

    Rat epididymal epithelial cells and 17beta-estradiol synthesis under hCG stimulation in vitro.

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    Epithelial cells of human and animal epididymis display features of steroidogenic cells. Rat epididymal epithelial cells in vitro produce androgens which are converted to 17beta-estradiol, and released into the medium. The regulation of the epididymal steroidogenesis is not fully understood but it could be expected that it remains under LH influence. In previous study we observed that the morphology of rat epididymal epithelial cells in vitro was affected by hCG and the increase of amount of lipid droplets, glycogen and PAS-positive substances was observed. The present studies show the organelles which take part in synthesis of steroids in rat epididymal epithelial cells in vitro and the effect of hCG on E2 synthesis. The cells were cultured in the medium with/without DHT and without DHT in supplementation with hCG. After hCG stimulation the amount of an active mitochondria were increased when compared to the amount of mitochondria in the epididymal epithelial cells cultured without DHT. Ultrastructure of the cells was similar to the cells cultured with DHT, while the cytoplasm of the cells cultured without DHT was disorganized. The synthesis of 17beta-estradiol was stimulated by hCG, that exerted its effect through LH/hCG receptors, localized in the epididymal epithelial cells