776 research outputs found

    Generación de ficheros de input para la construcción y el mantenimiento de tesauros en BRS mediante un sistema de gestión de bases de datos en microordenador

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    A method is presented for batch creation and maintenance of BRS thesaurus files . The thesaurus elaborated contains 7.500 terms corresponding to world geography and is used to control input and retrieval from severa! bibliographic and audiovisual databases. The load file structure, as well as the delimitations of terminological rclationships, have been performed using a microcomputer database management system. Semantic scope of every term has been represented by alphanumeric classificatory codcs, equivalencc relationship being represented by equality of notation and jerarquic relationships by inclusion of generic codes in the more specific ones. Thc procedure is also applicable to associative relationships. Processing is based on the connection between two main term files, one containing all terrns in alphabetic arrangement and the other sorting preferred term by their endes. Two additional files contain non preferred and associatcd terms. As a result, not only the alphabetic and hierarchical displays. out a combination of hoth are obtaincd, suitable for a later loading of the file in BRS thesaurus module. Source programs are provided.Se presenta un procedimiento que ha permitido la creación en lote de un tesauro en el entorno BRS. Dicho tesauros comprende 7.500 términos correspondientes a la geografía mundial y controla bases de datos bibliográficas y audiovisuales de información de actualidad. La estructuración del fichero de carga y la delimitación de las relaciones terminológicas se han realizado empleando un sistema de gestión de base de datos en microordenador. El alcance semántico de los términos se ha representado mediante códigos clasificatorios alfanuméricos que permiten identificar las relaciones de equivalencia (igualdad de códigos) y jerárquicas (inclusión de los códigos más genéricos en los de los términos específicos). El procedimiento es igualmente aplicable al establecimiento de relaciones asociativas. Los programas, detallados a lo largo del trabajo, se basan en la relación de un fichero general en que los términos se ordenan alfabéticamente y otro en que los términos preferentes se disponen en orden jerárquico según sus códigos. Dos ficheros adicionales contienen los términos no preferentes y los asociados. Como resultado se obtienen tanto las ediciones alfabética y jerárquica simples como una combinación de ambas, apta para la carga posterior del fichero en el módulo tesauro de BRS u otros grandes sistemas

    Unraveling the Interplay between Quantum Transport and Geometrical Conformations in Monocyclic Hydrocarbons Molecular Junctions

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    In the field of molecular electronics, particularly in quantum transport studies, the orientation of molecules plays a crucial role. This orientation, with respect to the electrodes, can be defined through the cavity of ring-shaped monocyclic hydrocarbon molecules. In this manuscript, we unveil the geometrical conformation of these molecules when they are trapped between two atomically sharp electrodes through a combination of dynamic simulations, electronic transport calculations based on density functional theory, and break junction experiments under room conditions. Moreover, we present a novel criterion for determining the molecular orientation of benzene, toluene, (aromatic) and cyclohexane (aliphatic) solvents. Our findings for the identification of the molecular orientations on gold metal nanocontacts and their associated transport properties, can improve the understanding of molecular electronics using more complex cyclic hydrocarbons.Comment: 8 pages,9 figures, suplemental material include

    The internationalisation of the Spanish SME sector

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    As part of a wider research program, we analysed the theoretical framework and the recent developments of the process of internationalisation (transnationalisation) of the small- and medium-sized enterprises in Spain. The paper highlights the main trends and barriers of this internationalisation process. Methodology included document analyses, interviews, and the analyses of statistical databases

    CMMSE2017: On two classes of fourth- and seventh-order vectorial methods with stable behavior

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    [EN] A family of fourth-order iterative methods without memory, for solving nonlinear systems, and its seventh-order extension, are analyzed. By using complex dynamics tools, their stability and reliability are studied by means of the properties of the rational function obtained when they are applied on quadratic polynomials. The stability of their fixed points, in terms of the value of the parameter, its critical points and their associated parameter planes, etc. give us important information about which members of the family have good properties of stability and whether in any of them appear chaos in the iterative process. The conclusions obtained in this dynamical analysis are used in the numerical section, where an academical problem and also the chemical problem of predicting the diffusion and reaction in a porous catalyst pellet are solved.This research was partially supported by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad MTM2014-52016-C02-2-P and Generalitat Valenciana PROMETEO/2016/089.Cordero Barbero, A.; Guasp, L.; Torregrosa Sánchez, JR. (2018). CMMSE2017: On two classes of fourth- and seventh-order vectorial methods with stable behavior. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry. 56(7):1902-1923. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10910-017-0814-0S19021923567S. Amat, S. Busquier, Advances in Iterative Methods for Nonlinear Equations (Springer, Berlin, 2016)S. Amat, S. Busquier, S. Plaza, Review of some iterative root-finding methods from a dynamical point of view. Sci. Ser. A Math. Sci. 10, 3–35 (2004)S. Amat, S. Busquier, S. Plaza, A construction of attracting periodic orbits for some classical third-order iterative methods. Comput. Appl. Math. 189, 22–33 (2006)I.K. Argyros, Á.A. Magreñn, On the convergence of an optimal fourth-order family of methods and its dynamics. Appl. Math. Comput. 252, 336–346 (2015)D.K.R. Babajee, A. Cordero, J.R. Torregrosa, Study of multipoint iterative methods through the Cayley quadratic test. Comput. Appl. Math. 291, 358–369 (2016). doi: 10.1016/J.CAM.2014.09.020P. Blanchard, The dynamics of Newton’s method. Proc. Symp. Appl. Math. 49, 139–154 (1994)F.I. Chicharro, A. Cordero, J.R. Torregrosa, Drawing dynamical and parameters planes of iterative families and methods. Sci. World J. 2013, Article ID 780153 (2013)C. Chun, M.Y. Lee, B. Neta, J. Džunić, On optimal fourth-order iterative methods free from second derivative and their dynamics. Appl. Math. Comput. 218, 6427–6438 (2012)A. Cordero, E. Gómez, J.R. Torregrosa, Efficient high-order iterative methods for solving nonlinear systems and their application on heat conduction problems. Complexity 2017, Article ID 6457532 (2017)A. Cordero, J.R. Torregrosa, Variants of Newton’s method using fifth-order quadrature formulas. Appl. Math. Comput. 190, 686–698 (2007)R.L. Devaney, An Introduction to Chaotic Dynamical Systems (Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, 1989)P.G. Logrado, J.D.M. Vianna, Partitioning technique procedure revisited: formalism and first application to atomic problems. Math. Chem. 22, 107–116 (1997)C.G. Jesudason, I. Numerical nonlinear analysis: differential methods and optimization applied to chemical reaction rate determination. Math. Chem. 49, 1384–1415 (2011)Á.A. Magreñán, Different anomalies in a Jarratt family of iterative root-finding methods. Appl. Math. Comput. 233, 29–38 (2014)M. Mahalakshmi, G. Hariharan, K. Kannan, The wavelet methods to linear and nonlinear reaction-diffusion model arising in mathematical chemistry. Math. Chem. 51(9), 2361–2385 (2013)K. Maleknejad, M. Alizadeh, An efficient numerical scheme for solving Hammerstein integral equation arisen in chemical phenomenon. Proc. Comput. Sci. 3, 361–364 (2011)B. Neta, C. Chun, M. Scott, Basins of attraction for optimal eighth-order methods to find simple roots of nonlinear equations. Appl. Math. Comput. 227, 567–592 (2014)M.S. Petković, B. Neta, L.D. Petković, J. Džunić, Multipoint Methods for Solving Nonlinear Equations (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2013)R.C. Rach, J.S. Duan, A.M. Wazwaz, Solving coupled Lane–Emden boundary value problems in catalytic diffusion reactions by the Adomian decomposition method. Math. Chem. 52(1), 255–267 (2014)R. Singh, G. Nelakanti, J. Kumar, A new effcient technique for solving two-point boundary value problems for integro-differential equations. Math. Chem. 52, 2030–2051 (2014

    DNA adducts in fish following an oil spill exposure

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    On 12 December 1999, one third of the load of the Erika tanker, amounting to about 10,000 t crude oil flowed into sea waters close to the French Atlantic Coast. This oil contained polycyclic aromatic compounds (PAC) that are known to be genotoxic. Genotoxic effects induce DNA adducts formation, which can thus be used as pollution biomarkers. Here, we assessed the genotoxic impact of the “Erika” oil spill by DNA adducts detection in the liver of immature fishes (Solea solea) from four locations of the French Brittany coasts. Two months after the spill, a high amount of DNA adducts was found in samples from all locations, amounting to 92–290 DNA adduct per 109 nucleotides. Then total DNA adduct levels decreased to reach about 50 adducts per 109 nucleotides nine months after the spill. In vitro experiments using human cell cultures and fish liver microsomes evidence the genotoxicity of the Erika fuel. They also prove the formation of reactive species able to create DNA adducts. Furthermore, in vitro and in vivo DNA adducts fingerprints are similar, thus confirming that DNA adducts are a result of the oil spill

    Exploring opportunities of adopting biophilic cities concept into mixed-use development project in malaysia

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    Mixed-use development project in urban area emerged to cater the increase of population in the region. Due to rapid urbanisation, many research recommended the engagement of human with nature in cities development, including the mixed-use development project since nature and human are holistically created to complement each other. This is where the United Nation (UN) under its sustainable development programme has established 17 development goals that amongst all cover both sustainable cities and communities. This shows the urgency of having cities that best fit human nature. However, although many mixed-use development projects were constructed with senses of nature, many of these projects are harmful to environment as they are unable to sustain the natural habitat as well as human needs. Hence, there are many attempts to connect human with nature in Malaysia via sustainable cities and green cities concepts although no specific guidelines on these have been established. Recently, emerged the term biophilic cities, a new concept combining sustainable and resilient cities, which are also seen as the panacea to these mixed-use development project issues despite the efforts done via the former concepts of sustainable and green cities alone. Generally, biophilic cities resemble green cities with a few enhanced greener criteria that affiliate human to nature as opposed to green and sustainable cities that merely bring nature to human. Therefore, this paper aims at investigating the elements of biophilic cities that can be adopted for mixed-use development project in Malaysia. Via systematic literature review, this paper listed the criteria of biophilic cities from previous studies, which are then used in designing the questionnaires distributed to 173 construction players in the mixed-use development projects in Malaysia. It is found that biophilic cities encompass four main criteria that are important to be adopted in mixed-use development project in Malaysia, namely "building", "block", "street" and "neighbourhood", with a total of eight design elements. As biophilic cities are closer to human needs and environment whilst able to manage the rapid urbanisation and increased world population that is meant to be tackled by the mixed-use development project, construction players should start to consider adopting the biophilic cities concept in their mixed-use development project in Malaysia