36 research outputs found

    Aktualisasi Nilai-nilai Pancasila dalam Putusan Hakim

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    Pelaku inti yang secara fungsional melaksanakan kekuasaan kehakiman adalah hakim. Tugas hakim dirumuskan paling anggun yaitu alat kekuasaan yang merdeka yang menyelenggarakan peradilan guna menegakkan hukum dan keadilan berdasarkan Pancasila demi terselenggaranya negara hukum Republik Indonesia. Nilai-nilai Pancasila perlu diaktualisasikan dalam putusan hakim. Tulisan ini akan membahas tentang  bagaimanakah nilai-nilai Pancasila yang seharusnya termuat dalam putusan-putusan hakim. Indonesia adalah negara hukum berdasarkan Pancasila. Terdapat nilai-nilai dalam Pancasila yang perlu diaktualisasikan dalam putusan hakim yaitu: Ketuhanan yang Maha Esa, keserasian hubungan antara pemerintah dan rakyat berdasarkan asas kerukunan, hubungan fungsional yang proporsional antara kekuasaan-kekuasaan negara, prinsip musyawarah mufakat dan peradilan menjadi sarana mewujudkan keseimbangan antara hak dan kewajiban. Kata kunci: Aktualisasi, Nilai Pancasila, Putusan Haki

    Court Connected Mediation: Civil Dispute with A Local Society Cultural Approach

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    Perdamaian melalui lembaga pengadilan diterapkan dalam lembaga pengadilan di Indonesia sejak jaman Hindia Belanda tahun 1848,  namun western model tersebut tidak berhasil. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis model pendekatan hakim dalam proses mediasi di pengadilan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan filosofis dan konseptual. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder terkait dengan pendekatan hakim dalam court connected mediation untuk menyelesaikan sengketa. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan studi literatur dengan mencari, menggali, mengumpulkan dan menganalisis data yang diperlukan. Data analysis was carried out by qualitative analysis until conclusion were deduced. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Mahkamah Agung telah mengembangkan mediasi di Pengadilan namun tidak maksimal melalui Peraturan Mahkamah Agung tentang mediasi di Pengadilan. Pendekatan yang perlu dilakukan hakim adalah pendekatan yang sesuai dengan budaya masyarakat setempat. Hal ini sejalan dengan adanya kewajiban hakim dalam mewujudkan amanat luhur yaitu mengakomodasi nilai-nilai hukum yang hidup dalam masyarakat

    Mewujudkan Keadilan Sosial dalam Penyelesaian Sengketa di Pengadilan Administrasi

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    Administrative Courts in developing countries carry out more demanding tasks than those in developed countries because they have to be able to keep the balance between protecting public and individual interests. This research raises the issue of how to realize social justice in resolving a dispute in Administrative Courts. This is a doctrinal research using legal, conceptual, and comparative approaches. The research result indicates that Administrative Courts, carry out the oversight function against the acts of government officials, have to realize the justice which becomes the essence of the administrative law\u27s goal, that is social justice. Social justice which is built on the basis of Pancasila, functions to maintain the balance between the individual interest and the society\u27s rights so that the balance and harmony between the government and the people will be created. Furthermore, the Administrative Courts have to be able to realize the social justice, not only normative or procedural justices


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    The task of the judge in realizing justice is inseparable from the decisions that are made. A qualified judge's decision is obtained through the judge's thought process through a choice of judges that reflects judicial activism. The problem in this research is how judicial activism is used by judges in issuing decisions and how the implementation of judicial activism in decision making. Judicial Activism is the choice of decision making by judges in order to realize justice. Judicial activism in the Indonesian judicial system is regulated in Article 5 paragraph (1) of Law Number 48 of 2009 concerning Judicial Power. The law requires judges to explore the law and sense of justice that lives in society. The implementation of judicial activism is carried out by judges through means of legal discovery. Through means of legal discovery, judges play an active role in realizing justice as a law that lives in a dynamically developing society

    Evaluasi Program Peningkatan Kompetensi Hakim melalui Pelatihan yang Terintegrasi dan Berkelanjutan di Indonesia

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    The ability of judges to make decisions is acquired from their experiences during the career that they have undergone. The problems formulated in this study were, first why is it necessary to improve the competence of judges through trainings of judges? Second, how is the model of judge competence improvement program aimed to create professional and authoritative judges with high integrity? This was a socio-legal or non-doctrinal research. The results of this study indicated that: first, judge training programs are highly necessary in order to create professional and authoritative judges with high integrity. Besides, these trainings also serve as a means to improve the quality of judge decisions and judge competencies, including professional competence, personal competence, social competence, and leadership competence. Second, the model of judge competence improvement program to create professional and authoritative judges with high integrity is through integrated and continuous trainings

    Strengthening the Position of Expert Witness in Judicial Process

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    An expert witness is a person requested to give testimony based on his/her specific expertise in a court trial. Expert testimony is needed to help the judges discovering the truth. A problem emerges when the expert witness is sued for his/her testimony by the losing party. The purpose of this research is to elaborate the role of expert witness and the need to strengthen its position in judicial process. This doctrinal research relies on the secondary data and employs a qualitative juridical analysis. The result of the research shows that the expert testimony is needed to clarify particular issue that cannot be addressed by the judges themselves. Considering its importance, the expert witnesses should be able to give their testimonies freely and protected from any legal action due to their testimonies.

    Politik Kriminal dalam Penanggulangan Kejahatan Carok di Pamekasan

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    Carok in society of Madura have become culture tradition taken place by generations. Carok enough disturb fortenforcer punish because of generating victim which relative quite a lot and there is strive from each group conflicting and also at any times can rappear in unforeseen atmosphere. Problem becoming background of the happening of carok is women problem, land, irrigate, misunderstanding etc but altogether have estuary to of at one matter that is self regard existence which flatter. This go together concept lose face resulted by an outsider making somebody feel worthless. Every problems that happened can be finished gratified for neutral mediator by powered a kind of custom peace institute to all party which disagreeing so that each every problems that happened can be finished gratified for both.Key words : Carok, Culture of Madura, Criminal Polic

    Evaluasi Aktualisasi Pancasila Melalui Harmonisasi Hukum

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    Tulisan ini didasari perlunya revitalisasi Pancasila sebagai dasar negara dan pandangan hidup berbangsa dan bernegara. Pancasila sebagai cita hukum (rechtsidee) harus dijadilan dasar dan tujuan setiap hukum di Indonesia. Evaluasi aktualisasi Pancasila dalam perumusan peraturan perundang-undangan dapat dilakukan melalui harmonisasi hukum sebagai upaya atau proses untuk merealisasi keselarasan, kesesuaian, keserasian, kecocokan, keseimbangan diantara norma-norma hukum di dalam peraturan perundang-undangan sebagai sistem hukum dalam satu kesatuan kerangka sistem hukum nasional. Apabila ada dugaan pelanggaran oleh dan di dalam sebuah Peraturan Daerah (Perda) maka harus diuji dan diawasi sesuai dengan instrumen hukum yang tersedia seperti pembatalan oleh pemerintah, judicial review, legislative review dan instrumen hukum lain yang menyangkut seleksi perencanaan yaitu Prolegnas dan Prolegda. Kata kunci: Revitalisasi, Pancasila, Harmonisasi Huku

    Existence of Protected Forest Function as Protection Area

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    The enactment of Law No. 41 Year 1999 emphasizes the position of protected forests as protected areas that must be maintained to provide protection for the surrounding area. Law No. 41/1999 stipulates that open-pit mining activities are prohibited in protected forest areas. However, the effectiveness of Law No. 41/1999 is questioned by the issuance of Law No. 19/2004 which still accommodates open-pit mining in protected forest areas with the argument that the law should not apply retroactively. This article uses normative legal research methods, namely normatively examining various related regulations governing the function of protected forests. The results show that the birth of Law No. 19/2004 which allows several mining entrepreneurs to carry out open-pit mining activities in protected forest areas has resulted in protected forest areas being no different from production forest areas. This can threaten the function of protected forest areas as areas that provide protection for surrounding areas from various natural disaster hazards.Keywords: Existence, Function of Protected Forest, Forestry La


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    Persoalan lingkungan menjadi semakin kompleks, tidak hanya bersifat praktis, konseptual, ekonomi saja, tetapi juga merupakan masalah etika baik sosial maupun bisnis. Hukum pidana tidak hanya melindungi alam, flora dan fauna (the ecological approach), tetapi juga masa depan kemanusiaan yang kemungkinan menderita akibat degradasi lingkungan hidup (the antropocentris approach). Sanksi pidana bagi korporasi yang melakukan pencemaran dan/atau perusakan lingkungan hidup seringkali mengalami kendala yaitu diantaranya mencari ahli kehutanan, ahli perkebunan, ahli pidana korporasi memerlukan waktu yang lama, saksi atau calon tersangka tidak diketahui keberadaannya, terutama warga asing serta kondisi geografis sulit dijangkau. Dalam kasus Montara maka perlu adanya upaya-upaya mengorganisasikan secara sistematis kebijakan kriminal (criminal policy) dengan menggunakan secara berpasangan langkah-langkah yuridis (penggunaan hukum perdata, hukum administrasi dan hukum pidana) maupun langkah-langkah non yuridis dalam bentuk tindakan-tindakan pencegahan dalam mengatasi kendala-kendala di atas. Selain itu diperlukan kerjasama penegakan hukum dengan pendekatan multi-door (terpadu). Kata kunci: sanksi, pidana korporasi, lingkungan hidu