56 research outputs found

    Reaction of chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) genotypes and hybrids against Fusarium wilt (Fusarium solani)

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    Field experiment was conducted to evaluate chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) genotypes and hybrids against Fusarium solani. About 56 restorer lines and 38 F1 hybrids were evaluated for resistance to Fusarium solani under laboratory conditions. Among the 56 genotypes, none of them were immune or resistant. However, only one genotype viz., P3 was found moderately resistant in both seed inoculation and rapid root dip transplanting techniques. However, out of 38, two hybrids, viz., JNA2 × ACB1 × 9608D and Rajaput × P3 showed resistance under sick pot culture condition. &nbsp

    Human Blood Vessel–Derived Endothelial Progenitors for Endothelialization of Small Diameter Vascular Prosthesis

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    BACKGROUND:Coronary bypass graft failure as a result of acute thrombosis and intimal hyperplasia has been the major challenge in surgical procedures involving small-diameter vascular prosthesis. Coating synthetic grafts with patients' own endothelial cells has been suggested to improve the patency rate and overall success of bypass surgeries. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:We isolated endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) from leftover pieces of human saphenous vein/mammary artery. We demonstrate that EPCs can be expanded to generate millions of cells under low-density culture conditions. Exposure to high-density conditions induces differentiation to endothelial cell phenotype. EPC-derived endothelial cells show expression of CD144high, CD31, and vWF. We then assessed the ability of differentiated endothelial cells to adhere and grow on small diameter expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) tubings. Since ePTFE tubings are highly hydrophobic, we optimized protocols to introduce hydrophilic groups on luminal surface of ePTFE tubings. We demonstrate here a stepwise protocol that involves introduction of hydrophilic moieties and coating with defined ECM components that support adhesion of endothelial cells, but not of blood platelets. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE:Our data confirms that endothelial progenitors obtained from adult human blood vessels can be expanded in vitro under xenoprotein-free conditions, for potential use in endothelialization of small diameter ePTFE grafts. These endothelialized grafts may represent a promising treatment strategy for improving the clinical outcome of small-caliber vascular grafts in cardiac bypass surgeries

    Bioagents Induced Resistance to Ceratocystis fimbriata in Pomegranate

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    Pomegranate is the most important fruit crop consumed in the world. In India the plant is cultivated in almost all agroecological areas, however, yields remain low due to attacks by various pathogens and insects. Among the pathogens, wilt caused by Ceratocystis fimbriata is an important disease and its soil-borne pathogen is difficult to manage. To contribute to the control of this microbial pathogen, the stimulatory effect of the Pomegranate defense system of bioagents in the pomegranate interaction was evaluated. Resistance-inducing rhizobacteria offer an excellent alternative in providing natural, effective, safe, persistent, and durable protection. Plants have endogenous defense mechanisms that can be induced in response to the pathogen and bio-agents. The increased activities of the defense enzymes, viz. peroxidase (PO), polyphenol oxidase (PPO), phenylalamine ammonia lyase (PAL), and phenolic compounds in the bio-agents treated plants of pomegranate challenged with C. fimbriata were recorded in the present studies. The maximum activity of defense enzymes viz., peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and total phenol was recorded in diamond (T. viride) followed by T. harzianum (Th-R) and Platinum (P. fluorescens) indicating the role of bio-agents in increasing the role of defense enzymes in suppression of wilt

    Cultural Variability among Ceratocystis fimbriata Ell. and Halst. Isolates Causing Wilt Disease of Punica granatum L.

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    Punica granatum L (Pomegranate) is one of the important fruit crops cultivated all over the world, particularly in the tropical and sub-tropics. It is affected by several diseases of which one of the most important disease is wilt caused by Ceratocystis fimbriata. In recent years, several orchards of farmers have been severely infected by wilt and were removed in Karnataka state. This may be due to changes in the pathogenic characteristics of the fungus. Very little work has been carried out on the cultural variability of C. fimbriata associated with Punica granatum L (Pomegranate) wilt in Karnataka. Moreover, cultural variability is the property of an organism to change its character from one generation to the other. Therefore, there is a need to study on cultural variability of C. fimbriata. Cultural variability showed variation among the C. fimbriata isolates. On the basis of colony color, type of colony growth, type of margin, margin color, and colony growth, fifty isolates were categorized

    Diversity in Morphological Characteristics of C. fimbriata Isolates on Oat Meal Agar: Unveiling Variability and Patterns

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    Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) is one of the important fruit crops cultivated all over the world, particularly in tropical and sub-tropics. It is affected by several diseases of which wilt one of the most important diseases caused by Ceratocystis fimbriata. Very little work is done on the characterization of C. fimbriata associated with pomegranate wilt in Karnataka. Although the morphological structures defining this species are reasonably defined. In recent years, several orchards of farmers have been severely infected by wilt and were removed in Karnataka state. This may be due to changes in the pathogenic characteristics of the fungus. Moreover, variability is the property of an organism to change its character from one generation to the other. Therefore, there is a need to study on morphological variability of C. fimbriata. On oatmeal agar, C. fimbriata produced a maximum colony diameter (90 mm) after 16 days of incubation at room temperature. Dark-shaded perithecia with a globose base were seen with a size of 181.1 x 131.2 μm, radiating little, hyaline and cap-formed ascospores from the summit of the perithecium which measures 5.13 x 4.27 μm. Endoconidia were hyaline, round, and hollow, and the normal size was 23.6 x 4.90 μm. Aleurioconidia were thick-walled ellipsoidal or pyriform with size of 18.5 x 10.10 μm. Morphological variability showed little variation among C. fimbriata with respect size of perithecia, ascospores, endoconidia, and alerioconidia

    Bio-Intensive Disease Management Strategy as a Way to Control Pomegranate Wilt Caused by Ceratocystis fimbriata Ell. and Halst

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    Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) is one of the important fruit crops cultivated all over the world, particularly in the tropical and sub-tropics. It is affected by several diseases of which one of the most important diseases is Ceratocystis fimbriata. In the present study, we aimed to the management of pomegranate wilt. The management, under in vitro studies, captan, mancozeb, ziram, thiram, and zineb recorded maximum inhibition of mycelial growth at all concentrations (0.10%, 0.20%, and 0.30% respectively). Out of nine systemic fungicides tested, carbendazim, hexaconazole, thiophanate methyl, propiconazole, and tebuconazole showed 100 per cent inhibition at all concentrations (0.05%, 0.10% and 0.15% respectively). In case of combi-fungicide molecules, hexaconazole + zineb, carbendazim + mancozeb, trifloxystrobin + tebuconazole and captan + hexaconazole were found highly effective. Among bio-agents tested, T. harzianum (Th-R) and Diamond (T. viride) were found more effective as compared to other bio-control agents and inhibited maximum fungal growth (100%) of C. fimbriata. The fungicides and bio-agents which showed superior performance in vitro were selected and treatment combinations were made to develop a bio-intensive integrated management strategy against pomegranate wilt under field conditions. Field evaluation over two years indicated that three drenching of propiconazole (0.2%), Diamond (T. viride) (0.7 g/l) and T. harzianum (5g/l) at an interval of 15 days showed maximum disease control

    Superior lithium storage properties of carbon coated Li2MnSiO4 cathodes

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    Li2MnSiO4 is synthesized by solid state reaction method under the optimized conditions of 900oC in Ar atmosphere. Here, adipic acid is used as the source material for carbon. Powder X-ray diffraction measurements confirm the Li2MnSiO4 phase formation. The Li/Li2MnSiO4 cell delivers initial discharge capacity of 160 mAh g–1 at C/20 rate. After a few initial cycles, the cell exhibits a stable discharge behavior ∼140 mAh g–1 with coloumbic efficiency over 90%. For the first time, we observed such stable discharge behavior for Li2MnSiO4 electrodes. Thus, improved stability is due to proper optimization of the compound as well as the source material for carbon

    Screening of Okra Genotypes against Powdery Mildew under Natural Epiphytotic Conditions

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    Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) is a globally crucialannual vegetable belonging to family malvaceae, it is the most broadly distributed vegetable all over the world. Among the fungal diseases affecting okra crops, powdery mildew caused by Erysiphecichoracearum DC. is the most crucial disease-causing considerable yield losses. Host plant resistance is one of the most practical, economical and feasible methods of management of plant diseases. An attempt was made to identify sources of resistance which could be used in developing resistant variety to mitigate loss in farmer’s field.Fifty okra genotypes were screened for their response to powdery mildew under natural epiphytotic conditions during Rabi, 2020-21Results revealed that, out of fifty genotypes screened, none of them showed immune and resistant reactions to powdery mildew. However, one genotype i.e., EC329404 showed a moderately resistance reaction. Twenty genotypes showed a moderately susceptible reaction. While twenty-two genotypes showed susceptible reaction, and one genotype viz., IC42531 showed a highly susceptible reaction. The average ‘r’ value ranged from 0.070 to 0.123. The highest average ‘r-value (0.123) was observed in genotypes IC42524 and EC329405, with the least average ‘r’ value in genotype EC329415 (0.070). For yield, It was found that most of the genotypes screened were potential yielders and recorded good yield despite the pathogen attack. Thus these high-yielding genotypes can be utilised in back cross-breeding along with disease resistant parent (EC 329404) to obtain resistant variety with high-yielding potential

    Antifungal activity of Azotobacter nigricans against trichothecene-producing Fusarium species associated with cereals

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    Antifungal efficacy of Azotobacter nigricans on Fusarium infection, total seedlings mass,root and shoot length, and seed germination in maize, sorghum, and wheat were investigated.Antifungal efficacy of A. nigricans against Fusarium sporotrichioides, Fusarium graminearum, Fusariumpoae and Fusarium equiseti showed a significant reduction in growth and Fusarium infection incidence(up to 50%) in all the three treated cereals. However, challenge inoculation of Fusarium spp. to thethree cereals showed 100% infection incidence. Total mass of the maize seedlings increased two foldby A. nigricans treatment; however, only a slight increase was observed in sorghum and wheatseedlings. The highest vigour index recorded in maize was 1321 against Fusarium crookwellense,1616.71 against Fusarium sporotrichioides in sorghum, and 1584.8 against Fusarium acuminatum inwheat treated with A. nigricans. Highest germination incidence of 64% was in maize, 67% in sorghum,and 56% in wheat treated with A. nigricans