13 research outputs found
Thermal body patterns for healthy Brazilian adults (male and female)
The aim of this study was to establish the skin temperature (Tsk) thermal profile for the Brazilian population and to compare the differences between female and male Brazilian adults. A total of 117 female and 103 male were examined with a thermographic camera. The Tsk of 24 body regions of interest (ROI) were recorded and analyzed. Male Tsk results were compared to female and 10 ROI were evaluated with respect to the opposite side of the body (right vs. left) to identify the existence of significant contralateral Tsk differences (?Tsk). When compared right to left, the largest contralateral ?Tsk was 0.3 °C. The female vs. male analysis yielded significant differences (p menor que0.05) in 13 of the 24 ROI. Thigh regions, both ventral and dorsal, had the highest ?Tsk by sex (? 1.0 °C). Tsk percentile below P5 or P10 and over P9o or P95 may be used to characterize hypothermia and hyperthermia states, respectively. Thermal patterns and Tsk tables 2 were established for Brazilian adult men and women for each ROI. There is a low Tsk variation between sides of the body and gender differences were only significant for some ROIs
Measuring skin temperature before, during and after exercise: a comparison of thermocouples and infrared thermography
Measuring skin temperature (TSK) provides important information about the complex thermal control system and could be interesting when carrying out studies about thermoregulation. The most common method to record TSK involves thermocouples at specific locations; however, the use of infrared thermal imaging (IRT) has increased. The two methods use different physical processes to measure TSK, and each has advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the objective of this study was to compare the mean skin temperature (MTSK) measurements using thermocouples and IRT in three different situations: pre-exercise, exercise and post-exercise. Analysis of the residual scores in Bland-Altman plots showed poor agreement between the MTSK obtained using thermocouples and those using IRT. The averaged error was -0.75 °C during pre-exercise, 1.22 °C during exercise and -1.16 °C during post-exercise, and the reliability between the methods was low in the pre- (ICC = 0.75 [0.12 to 0.93]), during (ICC = 0.49 [-0.80 to 0.85]) and post-exercise (ICC = 0.35 [-1.22 to 0.81] conditions. Thus, there is poor correlation between the values of MTSK measured by thermocouples and IRT pre-exercise, exercise and post-exercise, and low reliability between the two forms of measurement
Time required to stabilize thermographic images at rest
Thermography for scientific research and practical purposes requires a series of procedures to obtain images that should be standardized; one of the most important is the time required for acclimatization in the controlled environment. Thus, the objective of this study was to identify the appropriate acclimatization time in rest to reach a thermal balance on young people skin. Forty-four subjects participated in the study, 18 men (22.3 ± 3.1 years) and 26 women (21.7 ± 2.5 years). Thermographic images were collected using a thermal imager (Fluke ®), totaling 44 images over a period of 20 minutes. The skin temperature (TSK) was measured at the point of examination which included the 0 minute, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20. The body regions of interest (ROI) analyzed included the hands, forearms, arms, thighs, legs, chest and abdomen. We used the Friedman test with post hoc Dunn?s in order to establish the time at rest required to obtain a TSK balance and the Mann-Whitney test was used to compare age, BMI, body fat percentage and temperature variations between men and women, considering always a significance level of pmenor que0.05. Results showed that women had significantly higher temperature variations than men (pmenor que0.01) along the time. In men, only the body region of the abdomen obtained a significant variance (pmenor que0.05) on the analyzed period, both in the anterior and posterior part. In women, the anterior abdomen and thighs, and the posterior part of the hands, forearms and abdomen showed significant differences (pmenor que0.05). Based on our results, it can be concluded that the time in rest condition required reaching a TSK balance in young men and women is variable, but for whole body analysis it is recommended at least 10 minutes for both sexes
Polar S810 as an alternative resource to the use of the electrocardiogram in the 4-second exercise test
BACKGROUND: The 4-second exercise test (T4s) evaluates the cardiac vagal tone during the initial heart rate (HR) transient at sudden dynamic exercise, through the identification of the cardiac vagal index (CVI) obtained from the electrocardiogram (ECG).
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the use of the Polar S810 heart rate monitor (HRM) as an alternative resource to the use of the electrocardiogram in the 4-second exercise test.
METHODS: In this study, 49 male individuals (25 ± 20 years, 176 ±12 cm, 74 ± 6 kg) underwent the 4-second exercise test. The RR intervals were recorded simultaneously by ECG and HRM. We calculated the mean and the standard deviation of the last RR interval of the pre-exercise period, or of the first RR interval of the exercise period, whichever was longer (RRB), of the shortest RR interval of the exercise period (RRC), and of the CVI obtained by ECG and HRM. We used the Student t-test for dependent samples (p < 0.05) to test the significance of the differences between means. To identify the correlation between the ECG and the HRM, we used the linear regression to calculate the Pearson's correlation coefficient and the strategy proposed by Bland and Altman.
RESULTS: Linear regression showed r2 of 0.9999 for RRB, 0.9997 for RRC, and 0.9996 for CVI. Bland e Altman strategy presented standard deviation of 0.92 ms for RRB, 0.86 ms for RRC, and 0.002 for CVI.
CONCLUSION: Polar S810 HRM was more efficient in the application of T4s compared to the ECG.FUNDAMENTO: O teste de exercÃcio de 4 segundos (T4s) avalia o tônus vagal cardÃaco durante o transiente inicial da frequência cardÃaca (FC), em exercÃcio dinâmico súbito, por meio da identificação do Ãndice vagal cardÃaco (IVC) obtido a partir do eletrocardiograma (ECG).
OBJETIVO: Testar a utilização do monitor de frequência cardÃaca (MFC) Polar S810 como recurso alternativo ao ECG na aplicação do T4s.
MÉTODOS: Neste trabalho, 49 indivÃduos do sexo masculino (25 ± 20 anos, 176 ± 12 cm, 74 ± 6 kg) realizaram o T4s. Os intervalos RR foram registrados simultaneamente por ECG e MFC. Calcularam-se média e desvio padrão do último intervalo RR do perÃodo pré-exercÃcio ou o primeiro do perÃodo de exercÃcio, aquele que for mais longo (RRB), do mais curto intervalo RR do perÃodo de exercÃcio (RRC) e do IVC obtidos por ECG e MFC. Utilizou-se o teste t de Student para amostras dependentes (p < 0,05) para testar a significância das diferenças entre as médias. Para identificar a concordância entre o ECG e o MFC, utilizou-se a regressão linear, com cálculo do coeficiente de correlação de Pearson e a estratégia proposta por Bland e Altman.
RESULTADOS: A regressão linear apresentou r2 de 0,9999 para o RRB, 0,9997 para o RRC e 0,9996 para o IVC. A estratégia de Bland e Altman apresentou desvio padrão de 0,92 ms para o RRB, 0,86 ms para o RRC e 0,002 para o IVC.
CONCLUSÃO: O MFC Polar S810 se mostrou eficiente na aplicação do T4s quando comparado ao ECG
Satellite Cells: Regenerative Mechanisms and Applicability in Muscular Dystrophy
The satellite cells are long regarded as heterogeneous cell population, which is intimately linked to the processes of muscular recovery. The heterogeneous cell population may be classified by specific markers. In spite of the significant amount of variation amongst the satellite cell populations, it seems that their activity is tightly bound to the paired box 7 transcription factor expression, which is, therefore, used as a canonical marker for these cells. Muscular dystrophic diseases, such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy, elicit severe tissue injuries leading those patients to display a very specific pattern of muscular recovery abnormalities. There have been works on the application of precursors cells as a therapeutic alternative for Duchenne muscular dystrophy and initial attempts have proven the cells inefficient; however later endeavours have proposed solutions for the experiments improving significantly the results. The presence of a range of satellite cells populations indicates the existence of specific cells with enhanced capability of muscular recovery in afflicted muscles
Techniques for measuring body temperature: a special attention to changes in skin temperature measured by thermography throughout the day
Esta dissertação foi proposta com dois objetivos principais: a) analisar os diferentes métodos de mensuração da temperatura central, seus aspectos favoráveis e desfavoráveis durante o exercÃcio fÃsico; b) identificar a ocorrência de variação diária da temperatura da pele (Tpele), tanto de homens como de mulheres, utilizando a técnica de termografia infravermelha. Para elucidar o primeiro objetivo, foi realizado um estudo de revisão que identificou as seis principais técnicas de mensuração da temperatura central. A temperatura retal e a temperatura gastrointestinal parecem ser os métodos mais aplicados em exercÃcio fÃsico, contudo nenhum método deverá ser excluÃdo sem que antes sejam analisadas suas limitações, o tipo de exercÃcio fÃsico realizado e os objetivos do registro da temperatura central. Para alcançar o segundo objetivo, realizaram-se dois estudos em que participaram 31 militares do sexo masculino e 20 militares do sexo feminino. Os avaliados estavam sob o mesmo treinamento fÃsico por, no mÃnimo, seis meses, não eram fumantes ou portadores de condição patológica inflamatória, ou apresentavam algum problema que pudesse alterar a Tpele. As imagens termográficas foram coletadas em uma sala climatizada a 23°C ± 1°C e obtidas através de termovisor posicionado a 4 m de distância do avaliado. Foram coletadas 4 imagens englobando 25 regiões corporais de interesse (RCI), esse procedimento foi repetido ao longo do mesmo dia em cinco ocasiões: à s 7h, à s 11h, à s 15h, à s 19h e à s 23h. Para o comportamento térmico geral, também foi considerada a temperatura média da pele. Empregou-se a ANOVA One Way com medidas repetidas, seguida pelo teste post-hoc de Tukey, para localizar a diferença significativa entre os diferentes horários do dia em cada RCI. O nÃvel de significância adotado foi p<0,05, realizado no software SigmaPlot, versão 11. Em todas as RCI, tanto em homens como em mulheres, foram registradas diferenças significativas, indicando claramente uma mudança da temperatura da pele ao longo do dia, com cada RCI apresentando um comportamento térmico especÃfico. Contudo, tanto para os homens [31,4±0,7ºC] quanto para as mulheres [30,2±0,7ºC], a menor temperatura média da pele tende a ocorrer à s 7h. Quanto ao pico de temperatura, nos homens [32,3±0,8ºC] tende a ocorrer à s 23h e nas mulheres [32,5±0,4ºC], esse comportamento foi mais claramente observado à s 15h. As diferenças de temperatura entre os segmentos, quando comparados os dimÃdios corporais, são usualmente inferiores a 0,5°C em ambos os gêneros. Nos homens, a face anterior das mãos foi a região que apresenta maior variação ao longo do dia, com diferença de 4,4 e 4,5°C entre o primeiro e o último registro. Nas mulheres, a região que apresentou maior diferença foram as mãos direita e esquerda, anteriores e posteriores, com variações de 3,1 e 3,0°C e 2,7 e 3,0°C, respectivamente. Consideram-se como conclusões desse trabalho: 1ª) os métodos de registro da Tcentral recomendados durante o exercÃcio fÃsico são a Tretal, principalmente em ambiente laboratorial, além da Tgastrointestinal que apresenta como vantagem o uso em condições reais de exercÃcio mesmo fora do laboratório; 2ª) tanto em homens como em mulheres, a Tpele de todas as RCI analisadas e a TMpele demonstraram variações ao longo do dia com menores valores no inÃcio da manhã (7h); 3ª) as variações de temperatura observadas são especÃficas em função da RCI, havendo perÃodos de estabilização térmica em algumas regiões e tendência ascendente da Tpele ao longo do dia; e 4ª) as RCI bilaterais apresentam mesmo comportamento térmico.This dissertation was proposed with two main objectives: a) analyze the different methods for measurement of core temperature, favorable and unfavorable aspects during exercise; b) identifying the occurrence of daily variation in skin temperature (Tskin) both men and women using the technique of infrared thermography. To elucidate the first objective was a study review that identified six main techniques for measuring the core temperature. The rectal and gastrointestinal temperature seem to be the most used methods in physical exercise, however, no method should be deleted without first being analyzed its limitations, the type of exercise performed and the goals of the central temperature record. To achieve the second objective two studies were conducted which involved a total sample of 31 male military and 20 women military.The evaluated were subjected to the same physical training for at least six months, were nonsmokers or patients with inflammatory pathological condition or a problem that could change the Tskin. The thermographic images were collected in a room heated to 23°C ± 1°C and obtained by the thermal imager positioned 4 m away from the volunteer. We collected 4 images encompassing the 25 body regions of interest (RBI), this procedure was repeated along the same day on five occasions at 7h, 11h, 15h, 19h and 23h. For the thermal behavior was also considered the overall average temperature of the skin. We applied the One Way ANOVA with repeated measures followed by post-hoc Tukey test to determine significant differences between different times of day in each RBI. The significance level of p<0,05 was adopted for all calculations which were performed in SigmaPlot software, version 11. In all the RBI in both men and women statistical differences were observed, clearly indicating a change in temperature of the skin throughout the day with RCI each having a specific thermal behavior. However, both for men [31.4±0.7ºC] as for women [30.2±0.7ºC], the lowest temperature tends to be 7h, temperature peak in men [32.3 ± 0.8°C] tends to be 23h, in women [32.5 ± 0.4ºC] this behavior was most clearly observed 15h. Temperature differences between the segments when comparing the sides of the body are usually lower than 0.5ºC in both genres. In men, the anterior surface of the hands was the region with the greatest variation throughout the day, with a difference of 4.4 and 4.5°C between the first and last record. The women the region with the biggest difference were the right and left hands regions preceding and subsequent with oscillations of 3.1 to 3.0°C and 2.7 and 3.0°C respectively. Are considered as findings of this work: 1ª) The methods of registration of core temperature recommended during physical exercise are Trectal, mainly in laboratory environment, and Tgastrointestinal besides having the advantage use in real-world exercise even outside the laboratory; 2ª) both in men as in women, the Tskin of all RBI analyzed and mean skin temperature (MTSkin) showed fluctuations throughout the day with lowest values in the early morning (7h); 3ª) The temperature fluctuations are observed depending on the specific RBI, with periods of thermal stabilization in some regions and an increasing trend of Tskin throughout the day; 4ª) The bilateral RBI have the same thermal behavior
Daily rhythm of skin temperature of women evaluated by infrared thermal imaging.
It is well known that skin temperature varies due to circadian rhythm. Although there is information available
for men, little is known about women's circadian rhythm in the analysis of skin temperature (Tsk) using infrared
thermography. The objective of this study is to identify Tsk variations on different body regions in women through infrared thermography during the day. The sample consisted of 20 female (mean age of 20.5±1.3 years, body weight of 62.2±9.2 kg and height of 165.0±4.7 cm). Oneway ANOVA for repeated measures, and Cosinor analysis was used to determine the MESOR, amplitude and acrophase of Tsk. The regions of the forearm,upper arm and anterior and posterior legs in the lower limbs, as well as the chest and scapulae in the upper limbs showed higher variability throughout the day. In general, distal regions had lower values compared with the central regions, and the pectoral region had the lowest standard deviation values. Tsk of the analyzed regions at different times show significant differences between periods of the day in young active women, showing the minimum absolute values for both Tsk in the early morning. These results highlight the need to consider the time of day when analyzing women's skin temperature. Future studies should report the time of day when the images
were collected, as well as consider the circadian rhythm when making comparisons
Polar S810 como recurso alternativo ao eletrocardiograma no teste de exercÃcio de 4 segundos Polar S810 como recurso alternativo al electrocardiograma en la prueba de ejercicio de 4 segundos Polar S810 as an alternative resource to the use of the electrocardiogram in the 4-second exercise test
FUNDAMENTO: O teste de exercÃcio de 4 segundos (T4s) avalia o tônus vagal cardÃaco durante o transiente inicial da frequência cardÃaca (FC), em exercÃcio dinâmico súbito, por meio da identificação do Ãndice vagal cardÃaco (IVC) obtido a partir do eletrocardiograma (ECG). OBJETIVO: Testar a utilização do monitor de frequência cardÃaca (MFC) Polar S810 como recurso alternativo ao ECG na aplicação do T4s. MÉTODOS: Neste trabalho, 49 indivÃduos do sexo masculino (25 ± 20 anos, 176 ± 12 cm, 74 ± 6 kg) realizaram o T4s. Os intervalos RR foram registrados simultaneamente por ECG e MFC. Calcularam-se média e desvio padrão do último intervalo RR do perÃodo pré-exercÃcio ou o primeiro do perÃodo de exercÃcio, aquele que for mais longo (RRB), do mais curto intervalo RR do perÃodo de exercÃcio (RRC) e do IVC obtidos por ECG e MFC. Utilizou-se o teste t de Student para amostras dependentes (p FUNDAMENTO: El test de ejercicio de 4 segundos (T4s) evalúa el tono vagal cardÃaco durante el transiente inicial de la frecuencia cardÃaca (FC), en ejercicio dinámico súbito, por medio de la identificación del Ãndice vagal cardÃaco (IVC) obtenido a partir del electrocardiograma (ECG). OBJETIVO: Probar la utilización del monitor de frecuencia cardiaca (MFC) Polar S810 como recurso alternativo al ECG en la aplicación del T4s. MÉTODOS: En este trabajo, 49 individuos del sexo masculino (25 ± 20 años, 176 ±12 cm, 74 ± 6 kg) llevaron el T4s. Los intervalos RR fueron registrados simultáneamente por ECG y MFC. Se calcularon el promedio y la desviación estándar del último intervalo RR del perÃodo pre ejercicio o el primer del perÃodo de ejercicio, aquel que fuera más largo (RRB), del más corto intervalo RR del perÃodo de ejercicio (RRC) y del IVC obtenidos por ECG y MFC. Se utilizó la prueba t de Student para muestras dependientes (P BACKGROUND: The 4-second exercise test (T4s) evaluates the cardiac vagal tone during the initial heart rate (HR) transient at sudden dynamic exercise, through the identification of the cardiac vagal index (CVI) obtained from the electrocardiogram (ECG). OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the use of the Polar S810 heart rate monitor (HRM) as an alternative resource to the use of the electrocardiogram in the 4-second exercise test. METHODS: In this study, 49 male individuals (25 ± 20 years, 176 ±12 cm, 74 ± 6 kg) underwent the 4-second exercise test. The RR intervals were recorded simultaneously by ECG and HRM. We calculated the mean and the standard deviation of the last RR interval of the pre-exercise period, or of the first RR interval of the exercise period, whichever was longer (RRB), of the shortest RR interval of the exercise period (RRC), and of the CVI obtained by ECG and HRM. We used the Student t-test for dependent samples (p < 0.05) to test the significance of the differences between means. To identify the correlation between the ECG and the HRM, we used the linear regression to calculate the Pearson's correlation coefficient and the strategy proposed by Bland and Altman. RESULTS: Linear regression showed r² of 0.9999 for RRB, 0.9997 for RRC, and 0.9996 for CVI. Bland e Altman strategy presented standard deviation of 0.92 ms for RRB, 0.86 ms for RRC, and 0.002 for CVI. CONCLUSION: Polar S810 HRM was more efficient in the application of T4s compared to the ECG