20 research outputs found

    Mortality profile of myeloid and lymphoid leukemias in Brazil: 2000 to 2018 / Perfil de mortalidade por leucemias mieloide e linfoide no Brasil: 2000 a 2018

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    Introduction: Leukemias, despite their declining mortality over the years, continue to be a major public health problem in Brazil. Objective: to analyze trends in mortality from myeloid leukemia (LM) and lymphoid leukemia (LL) in Brazil from 2000 to 2018, correlating with health services and municipal human development index (MHDI). Methods: Data were collected from DATASUS databases for the year 2000 to 2018, regarding mortality rate, number of specialized hospitals, MDHI, primary care coverage and population by state. Correlation analyzes were performed between the studied variables and time series analysis to measure trends over the years (VPA – annual percentage change). Results: Approximately 50% of the Brazilian states showed a tendency to increase mortality from LL and LM. The North and Northeast regions have higher APC and lower MDHI. There is a statistically significant difference between MHDI and referral hospitals (p = 0.000; r = 0.64) and MHDI with primary care (p = 0.034; r = -0.41). For LL, mortality is higher in men (p < 0.001). There was a statistically significant correlation for LL mortality rate in women with primary care coverage (p=0.049; r=-0.38). Conclusions: Approximately 50% of Brazilian states showed increasing mortality. Mortality is higher in men with LL. Mortality of women with LL is lower where there are more primary and referral centers


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    Introdução: O aumento no número de casos de infecção pelo HIV/AIDS entre a população de adolescentes e adultos jovens,caracteriza um fenômeno chamado de juvenização da epidemia de HIV/AIDS. Desenvolver estudos voltados à compreensãodos aspectos que favorecem a propagação do HIV neste segmento, torna-se importante mecanismo de controle do avançodesta doença. Objetivo: Verificar associação entre as características sóciocomportamentais e prevalência de HIV/AIDS entreadolescentes e adultos jovens. Métodos: Estudo quantitativo de corte transversal, realizado nos centros de testagem sorológicaanti-HIV, da capital maranhense, com 5.786 adolescentes e adultos jovens, baseado nos dados do sistema SI-CTA. Realizou-se teste Qui-quadrado de Pearson para verificar a associação entre soropositividade e características sócio comportamentais.Os resultados foram interpretados ao nível de significância de 5,0% (p≤0, 05). Resultados: Verificou-se maior proporçãode soropositivos entre indivíduos com faixa etária entre 20 e 24 anos de idade. Associou-se ao HIV variáveis como: sexo(p<0,01), escolaridade (p<0,001), uso de drogas (p<0,01), doença sexualmente transmissível (p=0,01), orientação sexual(p<0,01) e uso de preservativo com parceiro eventual no último ano (p<0,01). Conclusões: Conclui-se que a infecção peloHIV/AIDS se associou a variáveis sociocomportamentais, destacando-se o comportamento sexual de risco como elemento devulnerabilidade entre os pesquisados.Palavras-chave: Adolescente. Adulto Jovem. AIDS. HIV. Fatores de risco.AbstractIntroduction: The increase in the number of cases of HIV/AIDS infection among adolescents and young adults, characterizes aphenomenon known as juvenization of the HIV / AIDS epidemic. Developing studies aimed at understanding the epidemiologicalprofile of HIV/AIDS infection is essential for understanding aspects that favor the spread of the virus. Object: To analyzethe association of socio-behavioral variables to HIV/AIDS among adolescents and young adults. Methods: It is a crosssectionalstudy, quantitative, conducted in the centers of serologic centers for HIV, the capital of Maranhão, with 5,786 adolescentsand young adults, based on the data in the SI system (CTA). Held Pearson Chi-square test to verify the associationbetween seropositivity and socio-behavioral characteristics. The results were interpreted at the 5% level of significance (p≤0,05). Results: There was a greater proportion of HIV among individuals aged between 20 and 24 years. Joined the HIV factorssuch as: sex (p <0.001), education (p<0.001), drug use (p<0.001), sexually transmitted disease (p=0.001), sexual orientation(p <0.001) and condom use with casual partner in the last year (p<0.001). Conclusion: It is concluded that the HIV/AIDS infectionis associated to socio-behavioral variables, highlighting the high-risk sexual behavior as an element of vulnerabilityamong respondents.Keywords: Adolescent. Young Adult. AIDS. HIV. Risk Factors

    Cooking Workshops Increase the Sensory Acceptability of Watercress-Added Products Among Children

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    The objective of the research was to evaluate the knowledge, consumption and acceptance of children in relation to vegetables, especially the watercress, their participation in the preparation of meals and the degree of food neophobia of this public. Also, evaluate the effect of cooking workshops on the acceptability of watercress-added food products among children, in addition to analyzing the products physico-chemical composition. Twenty-three school-age children answered questionnaires and participated in cooking workshops for the preparation and sensory evaluation of cookie and cheese bread, added of watercress. The products were also evaluated in relation to the physico-chemical composition. Most children had low knowledge of vegetables and low acceptance of watercress. In general, the participation of children in the cooking workshops increased the products acceptability. The products presented a good nutritional profile and can be offered to school-age children, since they contain a better nutrient content than those traded without the addition of vegetables, especially for the contents of minerals and fibers. It was concluded that school-age children have low knowledge and acceptability of vegetables, among them the watercress. Cooking workshop is an effective educational strategy to improve the acceptability of food products added of watercress by this public. In addition, these products have a good nutritional profile, which promotes the supply of healthier foods, contributing to the reduction of the risk of future chronic non-communicable diseases

    Dimensional change of impression materials for dental prothesis using different measuring methods

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    The aim of this study was to verify the effectiveness of alternative techniques for measuring the linear dimensional change of molds obtained by different impression materials. A stainless-steel die containing three lines was used to get the impressions. The impression materials were handled according to the manufacturers' instructions. After gelation/polymerization time, the molds (n=12) were stored for 30 minutes and the lines were subsequently measured using: a microscope (Olympus Measuring Microscope STM; Olympus Optical Co) with a 30x magnification (MM, control group), a digital caliper (Mitutoyo Digimatic; Kawasaki) (DC) and digitization using a digital camera (Canon EOS Rebel 3Ti; Canon)  (DI). For each mold, a mean of the length of the lines was obtained. For each impression material, the difference in the length between the metallic matrix and the mold was considered as linear dimensional change (%). The data were submitted to the non-parametric Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, followed by one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for each material, and the means were compared by the Tukey test (α=0.05). The DI group promoted values of dimensional accuracy without significant differences with the control group (MM), except for the putty-body condensation silicone. The DC group showed significant differences for MM and DI groups for all impression materials tested. The DI group showed to be a reliable methodology (Standard error of the mean 10%) to measure the linear dimensional change of all impression materials. The DI group presented molds with linear dimensional change values without significant differences with MM group, except for the putty-body addition silicone. The digitization is a reliable methodology to evaluate the linear dimensional changes of molds made with impression materials, except for the putty-body elastomeric impression materials.Key words: Dimensional Measurement Accuracy; Dental impression materials; Microscopy


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    RESUMO OBJETIVO: apreender as representações do pai/homem frente ao cuidado ao filho prematuro e/ou de muito baixo peso hospitalizado, com o apoio de um protocolo de cuidados direcionados para o pai, realizado em uma unidade neonatal de um hospital-escola da região norte do Paraná. MÉTODO: trata-se de uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa com 15 pais entrevistados entre junho e dezembro de 2016. Para a análise, utilizou-se o referencial teórico das representações sociais, seguindo-se o método do discurso do sujeito coletivo (DSC). RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO: após a análise dos dados emergiram cinco ideias centrais: prazer em cuidar; reforço da identidade paterna; superação do medo; apropriação do papel de cuidador; e a importância da permanência na unidade de internação. CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS: é necessário que a figura paterna esteja mais presente durante a internação hospitalar de um filho prematuro e, consequentemente, mais inserida na realização dos cuidados

    Effect of polymerization method and fabrication method on occlusal vertical dimension and occlusal contacts of complete-arch prosthesis

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    Made available in DSpace on 2019-09-12T16:57:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2018PURPOSE. This study evaluated the dimensional stability of a complete-arch prosthesis processed by conventional method in water bath or microwave energy and polymerized by two different curing cycles. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Forty maxillary complete-arch prostheses were randomly divided into four groups (n = 10): MW1 - acrylic resin cured by one microwave cycle; MW2 - acrylic resin cured by two microwave cycles: WB1 - conventional acrylic resin polymerized using one curing cycle in a water bath; WB2 - conventional acrylic resin polymerized using two curing cycles in a water bath. For evaluation of dimensional stability, occlusal vertical dimension (OVD) and area of contact points were measured in two different measurement times: before and after the polymerization method. A digital caliper was used for OVD measurement. Occlusal contact registration strips were used between maxillary and mandibular dentures to measure the contact points. The images were measured using the software IpWin32, and the differences before and after the polymerization methods were calculated. The data were statistically analyzed using the one-way ANOVA and Tukey test (alpha=.05). RESULTS. The results demonstrated significant statistical differences for OVD between different measurement times for all groups. MW1 presented the highest OVD values, while WB2 had the lowest OVD values (P<.05). No statistical differences were found for area of contact points among the groups (P=.7150). CONCLUSION. The conventional acrylic resin polymerized using two curing cycles in a water bath led to less difference in OVD of complete-arch prosthesis.[Barbosa Lima, Ana Paula; Vitti, Rafael Pino; Amaral, Marina; Claro Neves, Ana Christina; da Silva Concilio, Lais Regiane] Universidade de Taubaté (Unitau), Dent Sch, Dept Prosthodon

    Linear dimensional change of edentulous models made of high-density laboratory silicones at different storage times

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    ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the dimensional change of edentulous models made of high density laboratory silicones at different storagetimes. Methods: A metallic master model simulating an edentulous maxilla was used. The model had projections of 1.8 cm located in the regions of canines (A and B) and molars (C and D) allowing the linear measurement of distances AB, BC, CD, DA, AC and BD. A laboratory silicone mold was made for duplication of master model in the following materials (n = 10): G1: Zetalabor 85, G2: Titanium 95, G3: Platinum 95 and G4: Gypsum type III (control). The samples were photographed and measured using a software (Image J) at times T1 (baseline) and T2 (after one week of models fabrication). The data were statistically analyzed using Kruskal- Wallis and Dun non-parametric tests (α = 0.05). Results: The storage time influenced the behavior of the materials evaluated. All groups presented dimensional changes in both times and the group Tit95 presented the best results. Only Zet85 group showed a different behavior related to the region of the model. Conclusions: The high density laboratory silicones showed satisfactory results when compared to the gypsum group. Tit95 was the most stable material and it can be recommended as an edentulous model for total protheses


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    A utilização de plantas medicinais, no tratamento ou prevenção das enfermidades corriqueiras da criação de animais, além do uso como suplementação aos animais é uma atividade antiga transcorrida entre várias gerações e que ainda hoje é utilizada, principalmente, na zona rural. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar quais plantas, forrageiras, frutos e demais que são utilizadas empiricamente junto aos produtores rurais do município de Unaí-MG como produtos terapêuticos e/ou como fonte de alimentação de suas criações animais. Foram realizadas entrevistas por meio de um formulário estruturado, para realizar levantamento etnobotânico e registrar a biodiversidade vegetal associada ao uso fitoterápico e de alimentação dos animais. As entrevistas e acompanhamentos foram realizados durante sete meses junto à 10 famílias em locais representativos do município de Unaí. No levantamento etnobotânico foram registradas 25 espécies, nas quais pertenciam à 15 famílias. Foram identificados diversas plantas e forrageiras com potencial para a utilização como alimentação animal na forma de suplementação. É necessário a realização de mais pesquisas para validar o uso destas plantas e forrageiras. O resgate e a transmissão de conhecimentos acerca do plantio e uso adequado das espécies nutricionais são de grande importância, e o Cerrado dispõe de um grande potencial econômico, principalmente no que diz respeito ao uso medicinal. Ele oferece várias possibilidades a serem descobertas quanto ao seu aproveitamento e utilização, sendo assim, é preciso aumentar as pesquisas acadêmicas nessa área para elevar o conhecimento dessas possibilidades em fitoterápicos e em plantas potenciais para a nutrição animal

    Influence of Different Ceramic Systems on Marginal Misfit

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    Made available in DSpace on 2019-09-12T16:56:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2017OBJECTIVE: the aim of this study was to evaluate the marginal misfit at the interface between a ceramic coping and its abutment. METHODS: Twenty-four specimens were made with solid abutments. The specimens were divided into 3 groups according to the ceramic system (n = 8): Lava (zirconia), IPS e.max Press (lithium disilicate), and IPS Empress Esthetic (leucite). All copings were cemented with resin luting agent (RelyX U200) and the marginal misfit were evaluated at 3 different times: initial, after cementation, and after mechanical cycling using a linear measuring microscope (Measuring Microscope STM-Olympus) at a magnification of 40x. All specimens were subjected to mechanical cycling (1 million cycles) by an universal testing machine (Instron 8800). The results were statistically analyzed using Analysis of Variance and Student's t-test (alpha = 0.05). RESULTS: all groups showed an increase in the marginal misfit after cementation. The lithium disilicate group demonstrated the lowest interacial gap values at each evaluation (p = 0.001). The zirconia and leucite groups showed similar interfacial gap values (initial, p = 0.244; and post cementation, p = 0.751). CONCLUSIONS: the cementation increase the marginal misfit, but the mechanical cycling did not influence the marginal misfit of the ceramics systems evaluated.[Vargas, Sebastiao Pires; Claro Neves, Ana Christina; Vitti, Rafael; Amaral, Marina; Henrique, Mirelle Nery; Silva-Concilio, Lais Regiane] Universidade de Taubaté (Unitau), Dept Den