24 research outputs found

    Use of \u3cem\u3eN\u3c/em\u3e-Alkane Technique to Estimate Sheep Dry Matter Intake

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    Given the complexity of evaluating intake on grazing, some compounds have been studied to promote qualitative and quantitative estimates of animal physiology. In this sense, the technique using n-alkanes as a marker has been used in several animal species, especially in grazing ruminants (Dove and Mayes 1996). By definition, validation under grazing or browsing conditions is not possible, because actual intakes are unknown (Dove and Mayes 2005). Thus, the aim of the study was to evaluate the methodology of n-alkanes to estimate herbage intake by sheep in metabolic cages

    Decreased expression of ADAMTS-1 in human breast tumors stimulates migration and invasion

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    Abstract\ud \ud \ud \ud Background\ud \ud ADAMTS-1 (a disintegrin and metalloprotease with thrombospondin motifs) is a member of the ADAMTS family of metalloproteases. Here, we investigated mRNA and protein levels of ADAMTS-1 in normal and neoplastic tissues using qPCR, immunohistochemistry and immunoblot analyses, and we addressed the role of ADAMTS-1 in regulating migration, invasion and invadopodia formation in breast tumor cell lines.\ud \ud \ud \ud Results\ud \ud In a series of primary breast tumors, we observed variable levels of ADAMTS-1 mRNA expression but lower levels of ADAMTS-1 protein expression in human breast cancers as compared to normal tissue, with a striking decrease observed in high-malignancy cases (triple-negative for estrogen, progesterone and Her-2). This result prompted us to analyze the effect of ADAMTS-1 knockdown in breast cancer cells in vitro. MDA-MB-231 cells with depleted ADAMTS-1 expression demonstrated increased migration, invasion and invadopodia formation. The regulatory mechanisms underlying the effects of ADAMTS-1 may be related to VEGF, a growth factor involved in migration and invasion. MDA-MB-231 cells with depleted ADAMTS-1 showed increased VEGF concentrations in conditioned medium capable of inducing human endothelial cells (HUVEC) tubulogenesis. Furthermore, expression of the VEGF receptor (VEGFR2) was increased in MDA-MB-231 cells as compared to MCF7 cells. To further determine the relationship between ADAMTS-1 and VEGF regulating breast cancer cells, MDA-MB-231 cells with reduced expression of ADAMTS-1 were pretreated with a function-blocking antibody against VEGF and then tested in migration and invasion assays; both were partially rescued to control levels.\ud \ud \ud \ud Conclusions\ud \ud ADAMTS-1 expression was decreased in human breast tumors, and ADAMTS-1 knockdown stimulated migration, invasion and invadopodia formation in breast cancer cells in vitro. Therefore, this series of experiments suggests that VEGF is involved in the effects mediated by ADAMTS-1 in breast cancer cells.This investigation was supported by The State of São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP grants 2006/54963-0, 2006/01026-0, 2008/57103-8, 2010/07699-1), and Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq grant 470779/2007-1). The authors also want to thank Dr. Stanley Zucker (Stony Brook University; Stony Brook, NY, USA) and Dr. Rama Khokha (University of Western Ontario, Toronto, Canada) for suggestions made on data analysis

    Partial selectivity levels (mean ± standard error) for inter-tussock stratum by ewes.

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    <p>The continuous line represents the feeding station to bite scale and the dashed line represents the search path or patch scale. Values >1.0 mean that the inter-tussock was selected more than expected by random encounter.</p

    Histograms of tussock cover measured in a 1-m<sup>2</sup> grid in each of the treatments applied at the whole plot or paddock level (0, 25, 50 and 75% of <i>Eragrostis plana</i> Nees.) Spatial variability in tussock cover resulted in a variety of values observed within each treatment.

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    <p>Histograms of tussock cover measured in a 1-m<sup>2</sup> grid in each of the treatments applied at the whole plot or paddock level (0, 25, 50 and 75% of <i>Eragrostis plana</i> Nees.) Spatial variability in tussock cover resulted in a variety of values observed within each treatment.</p