501 research outputs found

    A socio-economic analysis of land settlement in Libya : the case of the Wadi Al Hai project

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    The present study is concerned with the settlement and agricultural development process as it is taking place in the Wadi Al-Hai agricultural project and the influence of some socio-economic factors on the agricultural exploited area. The Wadi Al-Hai project is one of the most important agricultural development projects in Libya. It is located 85 km south-west of the capital city Tripoli, and includes 417 farms, with each farm being 25 hectares, and consisting of a modern house and all agricultural requirements. For the empirical study, two types of analysis will be used: - Descriptive statistical analysis: describing the study the main features of the structure of agriculture development in the Wadi Al-Hai area, and the economic situation of the farmers in the project. The data for this part were analyzed on the basis of simple but appropriate statistical measures, such as frequency ratios, means and distributions, standard error and the chi-square test. - Econometric Analysis: using economic statistical analysis and the relations between different economic and social variables in a set of mathematical models aiming to explore the potential contributions and influences of such factors in this project. In short, a log-linear cross sectional model is developed aiming at relating the relevant socio-economic factors to the exploited areas. Also the study is based on a survey of 105 settlement households located in the Wadi Al- Hai project. Key socio-economic characteristics of the farmers are related to their experience and quantitative survey data are supplemented by qualitative interview material. Additional documents were provided by the Council of Agricultural Development, Secretariat of Planning. The theoretical analysis is based on economic development and growth with reference to agriculture and agricultural development in Libya. A number of weaknesses in the project are identified such as in the operation of co-operatives, marketing arrangements, extension services and water management. In conclusion, some agricultural policy recommendations are made for the exploitation of natural resources and human resources in the project. Our initial results indicate that all the variables studied have statistically significant effects on the agricultural exploited area in the project

    Performance Auditing in the Libyan Public Sector

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    Libya is a developing Arab State with a small population and a large geographic area. After the Alfatah revolution in 1969, the Libyan economy changed. Most activities such as agriculture, industry, investment, and other associated services were developed. Accordingly, the number of users of financial information in Libya rose steadily and has continued to grow ever since due to economic growth and flourishing business. This situation has led to an increased need for more reliable information to enable the country's authorities to exercise full accountability concerning the efficient and effective use of the available scarce resources on the part of those entrusted with administering public programmes and activities. In a response to this need, PA was required to be conducted by auditors in 1989. Consequently, PA examinations are carried out by two separate institutions, namely the Institute of Financial Auditing (IFA) and the Institute of Investigation and Public Control (IIPC). Accordingly, a comprehensive description of the nature of PA as practised by the Libyan auditors, assessing the degree to which these practices have been effectively operated and suggesting improvements in these practices, was felt necessary. A mixed-methodological design was utilized in this study. Close-ended questionnaires and semistructured interviews are the data collection techniques. The questionnaires were sent to a sample of performance auditors and public sector managers. The interviews were also conducted with a sample of performance auditors and public sector managers. The findings of this study revealed that the Libyan experience in the field of PA shares, in various instances, a common base with what has been identified in the literature or reported in the practices of other state audit institutions. The research findings, furthermore, showed that PA in the Libyan public sector is "rarely effective" or "ineffective" due to many obstacles that the current system of PA is facing, such as "ambiguity of organizations' objectives", "lack of performance measures", "lack of a sound internal control system", and "shortage of qualified performance auditors and specialized staff from different disciplines to carry out PA investigations". In addition, the findings showed that the PA system in Libya can be improved through the adoption of certain procedures, of which the most important are improving performance auditors' skills and attention being paid to PA by the legislative and administrative officials at higher levels in Libya. Lastly, in the light of these findings recommendations were proposed to overcome the reported deficiencies and to improve PA practices in the Libyan public sector

    Nanotubes d’imogolite et propriétés de l’eau confinée : organisation, structure et dynamique

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    This work is dedicated to the study of the structure and to the confinement properties of water in imogolite nanotubes. These aluminosilicate (germanate) inorganic nanotubes exist as single (SW) and double-walled (DW) nanotubes with diameters in the nanometer range. This study concerns the synthesis of imogolite nanotubes, the control of their self-assembling, their structure and deformation, and the properties of confined water.In the first two chapters, we present the state of art on the subject and we describe the different experimental methods used in this work. The third chapter is dedicated to the synthesis of the nanotubes and the properties of hybrid nanotubes. We first present a new method of synthesis allowing the increase of an order of magnitude of the length of double-walled nanotubes; secondly, we demonstrate the affinity of the organic molecule bromopropanol with the methylated hybrid nanotubes.Next chapter focuses on the determination of the atomic structure of different types of imogolite: natural and synthetic, silicon or germanium-based, SW and DW. Results are obtained from computational models based on a geometrical structure minimization, in agreement with the results of small- and wide-angle X-Ray scattering experiments.In the next chapter, we explain how to control the self-assembling and organization of imogolites in powder. Moreover, we analyze the shape deformation of the nanotubes according to their organization.In the last chapter, we describe the behavior of confined water molecules in the imogolite powder as a function of temperature. By combining X-Ray and inelastic neutron scattering techniques, we propose the following sequence for dehydration: external water ‒ confined water in the tube center ‒ bounded water. Dynamical properties of confined and bounded waters are found to be drastically different.Ce travail de thèse concerne l'étude des propriétés structurales et de confinement des nanotubes inorganiques d’imogolite. Ces nanotubes d’alumino-silicate et/ou germanate existent sous forme mono- et double-parois avec des diamètres de l’ordre du nanomètre. Nous avons étudié la synthèse de ces nanotubes et le contrôle de leur organisation, leur structure et leur déformation, ainsi que les propriétés de l’eau confinée.Dans les deux premiers chapitres, nous présentons un état de l’art sur les nanotubes d’imogolite et les différentes méthodes expérimentales utilisées. Dans le troisième chapitre, dédié à la synthèse des nanotubes et aux propriétés de nanotubes hybrides, nous présentons une nouvelle méthode de synthèse qui permet d’augmenter d’un ordre de grandeur la longueur des nanotubes double-parois et nous démontrons l’affinité du bromopropanol, une molécule organique, avec des nanotubes hybrides méthylés.Dans le chapitre suivant, nous nous focalisons sur la détermination de la structure atomique des différents nanotubes d’imogolite, naturels et synthétiques, à base de silicium ou de germanium, mono- et double-parois. Les résultats issus des modèles de minimisation géométrique développés sont confrontés, avec succès, à ceux de diffusion des rayons X expérimentaux aux petits et aux grands angles. Le contrôle de l’auto-organisation des nanotubes en poudre est présenté dans le cinquième chapitre. On y analyse de plus la déformation de la base des nanotubes selon leur état d’auto-organisation.Dans le dernier chapitre, nous décrivons le phénomène de déshydratation des imogolites. En combinant les résultats de diffusion des rayons X et de diffusion inélastique des neutrons, nous proposons la séquence de déshydratation suivante : eau externe ‒ eau confinée au centre de tubes ‒ eau liée. Ces deux derniers types d’eau présentent des caractéristiques spécifiques au niveau des modes de translation et de libration

    Mixed finite element approximation for a coupled petroleum reservoir model

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    In this paper, we are interested in the modelling and the finite element approximation of a petroleum reservoir, in axisymmetric form. The flow in the porous medium is governed by the Darcy-Forchheimer equation coupled with a rather exhaustive energy equation. The semi-discretized problem is put under a mixed variational formulation, whose approximation is achieved by means of conservative Raviart-Thomas elements for the fluxes and of piecewise constant elements for the pressure and the temperature. The discrete problem thus obtained is well-posed and a posteriori error estimates are also established. Numerical tests are presented validating the developed code

    Les normes prudentielles : étude d’impact sur la solvabilité bancaire

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    The evolution of the banking regulatory environment in recent years raises many questions about the effectiveness of prudential measures and the relevance of the legal system in this new landscape. The Cooke ratio, replaced in 2003 by the Mc Donough ratio, has since become an international benchmark for banks. Banks that are less risky and comply with prudential standards are solvent. Thus, with their compliance with prudential standards, Tunisian commercial banks are relatively safe from risks. From a sample of 10 commercial banks between 2007 and 2015, we studied the impact of compliance with prudential standards on the solvency of the banking institution. To do this, we based on the studies of Kefi and Maraghni (2011). Indeed, we have made estimates on panel data, these results show that the ratio of liquidity, interest rate risk ratio and Return on assets have positive and significant effects on the risk coverage ratio

    Les normes prudentielles : étude d’impact sur la solvabilité bancaire

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    The evolution of the banking regulatory environment in recent years raises many questions about the effectiveness of prudential measures and the relevance of the legal system in this new landscape. The Cooke ratio, replaced in 2003 by the Mc Donough ratio, has since become an international benchmark for banks. Banks that are less risky and comply with prudential standards are solvent. Thus, with their compliance with prudential standards, Tunisian commercial banks are relatively safe from risks. From a sample of 10 commercial banks between 2007 and 2015, we studied the impact of compliance with prudential standards on the solvency of the banking institution. To do this, we based on the studies of Kefi and Maraghni (2011). Indeed, we have made estimates on panel data, these results show that the ratio of liquidity, interest rate risk ratio and Return on assets have positive and significant effects on the risk coverage ratio

    Impact de risque de crédit et de liquidité sur la stabilité bancaire

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    The global financial crisis has induced a series of failures of most conventional banks. This study investigates the main sources of banking fragility. We use a sample of 49 banks operating in the Tunisian over the period 2006-2015 to analyze the relationship between credit risk and liquidity risk and its impact on bank stability. Our results show that credit risk and liquidity risk do not have an economically meaningful reciprocal contemporaneous or time-lagged relationship. However, both risks separately affect bank stability and their interaction contributes to bank instability. These findings provide bank managers with more understanding of bank risk and serve as an underpinning for recent regulatory efforts aimed at strengthening the joint risk management of liquidity and credit risks

    Impact de risque de crédit et de liquidité sur la stabilité bancaire

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    The global financial crisis has induced a series of failures of most conventional banks. This study investigates the main sources of banking fragility. We use a sample of 49 banks operating in the Tunisian over the period 2006-2015 to analyze the relationship between credit risk and liquidity risk and its impact on bank stability. Our results show that credit risk and liquidity risk do not have an economically meaningful reciprocal contemporaneous or time-lagged relationship. However, both risks separately affect bank stability and their interaction contributes to bank instability. These findings provide bank managers with more understanding of bank risk and serve as an underpinning for recent regulatory efforts aimed at strengthening the joint risk management of liquidity and credit risks