4,474 research outputs found

    A transport model of the turbulent scalar-velocity

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    Performance tests of the third-order turbulence closure for predictions of separating and recirculating flows in backward-facing steps were studied. Computations of the momentum and temperature fields in the flow domain being considered entail the solution of time-averaged transport equations containing the second-order turbulent fluctuating products. The triple products, which are responsible for the diffusive transport of the second-order products, attain greater significance in separating and reattaching flows. The computations are compared with several algebraic models and with the experimental data. The prediction was improved considerably, particularly in the separated shear layer. Computations are further made for the temperature-velocity double products and triple products. Finally, several advantages were observed in the usage of the transport equations for the evaluation of the turbulence triple products; one of the most important features is that the transport model can always take the effects of convection and diffusion into account in strong convective shear flows such as reattaching separated layers while conventional algebraic models cannot account for these effects in the evaluation of turbulence variables

    Dispersion Relations in String Theory

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    We analyze the analytic continuation of the formally divergent one-loop amplitude for scattering of the graviton multiplet in the Type II Superstring. In particular we obtain explicit double and single dispersion relations, formulas for all the successive branch cuts extending out to plus infinity, as well as for the decay rate of a massive string state of arbitrary mass 2N into two string states of lower mass. We compare our results with the box diagram in a superposition of ϕ3\phi^3-like field theories. The stringy effects are traced to a convergence problem in this superposition.Comment: 17 pages, COLUMBIA-YITP-UCLA/93/TEP/45 (figures fixed up

    Comparison of thread-cutting behaviour in three specialist predatory mites to cope with complex webs of Tetranychus spider mites

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    Anti-predator defenses provided by complex webs of Tetranychus mites can severely impede the performance of generalist predatory mites, whereas this may not be true for specialist predatory mites. Although some specialist predatory mites have developed morphological protection to reduce the adverse effects of complex webs, little is known about their behavioral abilities to cope with the webs. In this study, we compared thread-cutting behavior of three specialist predatory mites, Phytoseiulus persimilis, Neoseiulus womersleyi and N. californicus, exhibited inside the complex web of T. urticae. No major difference was observed among them in the basic pattern of this behavior, using chelicerae and palps, and in the number of silken threads severed while moving inside the web. These results and observations suggest that each predator species cut many sticky silken threads to move inside the complex web without suffering from serious obstructio

    The One-Loop Five-Graviton Scattering Amplitude and Its Low-Energy Limit

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    A covariant path integral calculation of the even spin structure contribution to the one-loop N-graviton scattering amplitude in the type-II superstring theory is presented. The apparent divergence of the N=5N=5 amplitude is resolved by separating it into twelve independent terms corresponding to different orders of inserting the graviton vertex operators. Each term is well defined in an appropriate kinematic region and can be analytically continued to physical regions where it develops branch cuts required by unitarity. The zero-slope limit of the N=5N=5 amplitude is performed, and the Feynman diagram content of the low-energy field theory is examined. Both one-particle irreducible (1PI) and one-particle redicible (1PR) graphs with massless internal states are generated in this limit. One set of 1PI graphs has the same divergent dependence on the cut-off as that found in the four-graviton case, and it is proved that such graphs exist for all~NN. The 1PR graphs are contributed by the poles in the world-sheet chiral Green functions.Comment: 23 pages, ITP-SB-92-6

    Current-feedback-stabilized laser system for quantum simulation experiments using Yb clock transition at 578 nm

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    We developed a laser system for the spectroscopy of the clock transition in ytterbium (Yb) atoms at 578 nm based on an interference-filter stabilized external-cavity diode laser (IFDL) emitting at 1156 nm. Owing to the improved frequency-to-current response of the laser-diode chip and the less sensitivity of the IFDL to mechanical perturbations, we succeeded in stabilizing the frequency to a high-finesse ultra-low-expansion glass cavity with a simple current feedback system. Using this laser system, we performed high-resolution clock spectroscopy of Yb and found that the linewidth of the stabilized laser was less than 320 Hz.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure

    Momentum Analyticity and Finiteness of the 1-Loop Superstring Amplitude

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    The Type II Superstring amplitude to 1-loop order is given by an integral of ϑ\vartheta-functions over the moduli space of tori, which diverges for real momenta. We construct the analytic continuation which renders this amplitude well defined and finite, and we find the expected poles and cuts in the complex momentum plane.Comment: 10pp, /UCLA/93/TEP/

    Cardiac rupture after catheter ablation procedure

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    ArticleAnnals of Thoracic Surgery. 80(1): 326-328 (2005)journal articl
