1,897 research outputs found

    An Examination Of The Effects Of Body Mapping Instruction On Singers’ Static Standing Posture And Posture While Singing

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    Physical posture is one of the fundamental aspects of vocal technique, and voice pedagogues suggest that effective alignment is necessary for healthy vocal production. Body Mapping (BMG) is a somatic method that focuses on the understanding and correction of errors in a person’s body map to facilitate effective movement for musical activity. Because this method has balance, physical alignment, and posture as foundational, it may be an effective way to begin to instruct students. This study investigated whether the use of the BMG method, which teaches posture through movement, scientific pictures, and anatomical models, would result in a significant difference in postural alignment. This study also examined whether there was an association between posture and breath capacity while singing. In a pre-test/posttest study, the Vicon motion capture system was used to measure 49 undergraduate choir students on six postural alignment points (Atlanto- Occipital joint, shoulder joints, lumbar region, hip joints, knee joints, and ankle joints). Chest expansion was also measured to look for changes in breath capacity. Participants stood in a static position for 20 seconds and then sang “Happy Birthday” three times. Participants were distributed into a control group that received basic postural instruction and an experimental group that received BMG instruction. Participants were again measured for postural alignment and breath capacity. Statistical analyses comparing the two groups found that the experimental group (n = 24) improved significantly more than the control group (n = 25) in static lumbar alignment. Comparisons of the pre-test/posttest data for each group showed improved static and singing A/O alignment for the experimental group and improved static lumbar alignment for both groups. An overall improvement was also found for the experimental group in the singing position. Analysis of the breath data showed significant improvement across the entire sample. These results provide preliminary evidence that BMG is an effective method for teaching static and singing posture

    Cuban Heritage Collection, University of Miami Libraries

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    The Cuban Heritage Collection at the University of Miami Libraries is home to the largest repository of materials on Cuba outside of the island and the most comprehensive collection of resources about Cuban exile history and the global Cuban diaspora experience. As a premier research destination, the Collection hosts researchers, students, and visitors from around the world who can explore and discover a wide and ever-expanding range of information. These materials include published works such as rare and contemporary books, journals, artists books, and newspapers, as well as archival materials including personal papers, organizational records, correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, maps, works on paper, audiovisual content, ephemera, and growing born-digital and digitized collections. The Collection organizes a calendar of events and programing and curates exhibitions that showcase the richness of the repository. The span of the University of Miami Libraries’ Cuban Heritage Collection reinforces the University’s hemispheric mission and commitment to a continuing relationship with its neighbors

    Discourses Across Periods of Time

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    This literature review explores the revolutionary effect of generative artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality (VR) on digital art history, specifically concentrating on their capacity to enable dialogical exchanges with historical figures and deepen the understanding of artworks. This study considers the current state of research, detecting key methodologies, areas of improvement, and possible challenges and ethical concerns. The example historical figure used in this analysis is the iconic Mexican artist Frida Kahlo. Kahlo’s refusal to correspond to a specific artistic style makes her an ideal subject for generative AI and VR-based investigation, offering fresh insights into her work. The incorporation of generative artificial intelligence and virtual reality technologies in humanities education, particularly in digital art history, has grown meaningful interest such as virtual museum exhibits and interactive art history course assignments offered in some universities. These tools allow immersive learning encounters, permitting students to become involved with art in advanced methods by using devices like Oculus VR. Text-based and image-based generative AI adds significantly to digital art history by producing new perceptions, depictions, and realizations from immense datasets. Additionally, the combination of generative AI and VR opens doors to vivid interactions with historical figures aided by natural language processing algorithms. While this tactic enhances historical and art history education, the following paper acknowledges the obstacles of artificial intelligence reproductions in presenting truthful responses. The paper addresses the ethical concerns linked to generative AI, stressing the importance of responsible usage in art history research. Ultimately, generative AI and VR integration promises to unlock new aspects of knowledge and understanding, further improving language learning, literature study, and cultural examination within the digital humanities

    El correcto cumplimiento del deber de prevención ante el acoso: la diligente gestión de los factores de riesgos psicosociales y la indemnización por los incumplimientos: Comentario a la Sentencia del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Canarias/Las Palmas 299/2021, de 22 de marzo

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    It is very interesting to observe how many of the judgments of our courts come to know about harassment issues through the procedures of violation of fundamental rights, but in connection with the right to occupational health and safety of workers. Such is the case of the judgment that is the subject of the comment that is presented in this work. We will analyze the importance of compliance with prevention measures in relation to psychosocial risks, the importance of the implementation and operation of the harassment procedure, and the consequences of non-compliance with these preventive obligations in relation to liability for damages.Resulta muy interesante observar cómo muchas de las sentencias de nuestros tribunales llegan a conocer de los asuntos de acoso a través de los procedimientos de vulneración de derechos fundamentales, pero en conexión con el derecho a la seguridad y salud laboral de las personas trabajadoras. Tal es el caso de la sentencia objeto del comentario que se presenta en este trabajo. Analizaremos la importancia del cumplimiento de las medidas de prevención en relación con los riesgos psicosociales, la importancia de la puesta en marcha y funcionamiento del protocolo de acoso, y las consecuencias que tiene el incumplimiento de estas obligaciones preventivas en relación con la responsabilidad por daños

    Responsabilidade pré-contratual pela ruptura injustificada das negociações : fundamento, natureza jurídica e quantificação do dano

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    Este trabalho tem como propósito realizar uma análise do instituto da responsabilidade pré-contratual, mais especificamente quanto à hipótese de ruptura ilegítima das negociações preparatórias do contrato, buscando-se, a partir de doutrina e jurisprudência nacional e estrangeira, identificar qual seu fundamento, sua natureza jurídica e suas consequências. Observa-se ser o abuso de direito o fundamento para o dever de indenizar pela ruptura das negociações, forte no art. 187 do Código Civil, sendo abusiva a ruptura exercida em desconformidade com os deveres de lealdade e probidade derivados da boa-fé objetiva. O regime de responsabilidade aplicável deve ser o extracontratual, por melhor se amoldar às especificidades da responsabilidade précontratual, notadamente por inexistir vínculo contratual entre as partes e pelo fato de no Brasil, diferentemente da Alemanha, existir um princípio geral de responsabilidade civil. Em sendo assim, vê-se não ser possível a execução específica do contrato, mas tão só a indenização por perdas e danos, a qual deve ater-se ao interesse contratual negativo, neste incluídos os danos emergentes e os lucros cessantes, tendo como limite o interesse contratual positivo.This paper aims to analyze the institute of pre-contractual liability, specifically in the case of the illegitimate rupture of preliminary negotiations, seeking to identify its legal foundation, its juridical nature and its consequences, according to national and foreign doctrine and jurisprudence. It’s found that the legal basis for the duty to indemnify for the rupture of negotiations is the abuse of rights, based on art. 187 of the brazilian Civil Code, being abusive the rupture exercised in disagreement with the duties of loyalty and probity originating from good faith. The non-contractual liability regime must be applied in this case, for its the one that better suits the peculiarities of pre-contractual liability, notably because there is still no contract between the parties and because in Brazil, unlike Germany, there is a general principle of civil liability. Therefore, the consequence to pre-contractual liability can never be specific performance, but only the compensation for damages. The indemnity must be in line with the negative interest, encompassing financial loss or loss of an opportunity, being limited by the amount of the positive interest

    Desarrollo de un emulador en tiempo real de un motor diesel sobrealimentado de automoción

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    [ES] El proyecto consiste en el desarrollo de un sistema para emular el comportamiento de un motor Diesel sobrealimentado. El proyecto combinará diferentes modelos de motor en una plataforma de desarrollo capaz de simular las salidas analógicas de diferentes sensores, de forma que sea posible conectar unidades de control de motor (ECU) al sistema para su evaluación y desarrollo.Iglesias Moreno, A. (2014). Desarrollo de un emulador en tiempo real de un motor diesel sobrealimentado de automoción. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/49639.TFG

    Atualização do modelo de geração de emprego do BNDES 1999

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Departamento de Economia, 2019.O desenvolvimento do estudo da macroeconomia propiciou a crescente de registros estatísticos nacionais e, por ventura, a uniformização destes dados o que possibilita aos agentes quantificarem a atividade econômica de um país. A sistematização dos dados, no âmbito da Contabilidade Nacional, propiciou o desenvolvimento de instrumentos que pudessem identificar encadeamentos de uma atividade produtiva sobre os diversos setores econômicos de um país e possibilitassem estimativas de indicadores econômicos. Este trabalho se propõe a estimar um multiplicador de emprego via Matriz de Leontief, de forma a originar uma Matriz Geração de Emprego para o Brasil em 2018. O modelo estimado calcula os empregos a serem gerados em decorrência de aumento de demanda por produtos de um setor. Trabalhou-se com três tipos de empregos direto, indireto e efeito-renda. A partir da metodologia utilizada pelo BNDES em 1999 para calcular a Matriz Geração de Emprego do Brasil, encontrou-se dados acerca da estrutura empregatícia do país que mostram que existe uma menor necessidade de mão de obra na economia que em 1999, o que podemos atribuir a conjectura do progresso técnico.The development of the field of Macroeconomics has fostered a growth of national statistical records and, luckily, the standardization of their data, which made it feasible to quantify a country's economic activity. Data structuring in the scope of National Accounting has since enabled the creation of instruments for identifying how the effect of one productive activity unfolds on a country's various economic segments, which facilitates estimating economic indexes. This work sets out to estimate an Employment Multiplier using a Leontief Matrix, to create an Employment Generation Matrix for Brazil in 2018. The model estimates the jobs generated as a result of a spike in demand for an economic sector's products. Three kinds of jobs were considered: direct, indirect and income effect. Data on the labor structure of Brazil was computed using the method employed by BNDES in 1999 to generate the country's Employment Generation Matrix, which shows that there's less demand for labor in the economy now than in 2018, which is assumed to be due to technological progress