2,872 research outputs found

    On infinitely cohomologous to zero observables

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    We show that for a large class of piecewise expanding maps T, the bounded p-variation observables u_0 that admits an infinite sequence of bounded p-variation observables u_i satisfying u_i(x)= u_{i+1}(Tx) -u_{i+1}(x) are constant. The method of the proof consists in to find a suitable Hilbert basis for L^2(hm), where hm is the unique absolutely continuous invariant probability of T. In terms of this basis, the action of the Perron-Frobenious and the Koopan operator on L^2(hm) can be easily understood. This result generalizes earlier results by Bamon, Kiwi, Rivera-Letelier and Urzua in the case T(x)= n x mod 1, n in N-{0,1} and Lipchitizian observables u_0.Comment: 24 pages. We included new results by A. Avila. He kindly agreed to include them in this new version. We also fixed some typo

    On infinitely cohomologous to zero observables

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    We show that for a large class of piecewise expanding maps T, the bounded p-variation observables u_0 that admits an infinite sequence of bounded p-variation observables u_i satisfying u_i(x)= u_{i+1}(Tx) -u_{i+1}(x) are constant. The method of the proof consists in to find a suitable Hilbert basis for L^2(hm), where hm is the unique absolutely continuous invariant probability of T. In terms of this basis, the action of the Perron-Frobenious and the Koopan operator on L^2(hm) can be easily understood. This result generalizes earlier results by Bamon, Kiwi, Rivera-Letelier and Urzua in the case T(x)= n x mod 1, n in N-{0,1} and Lipchitizian observables u_0.Comment: 24 pages. We included new results by A. Avila. He kindly agreed to include them in this new version. We also fixed some typo


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    This document is a student report containing the methods and results of surveys of the Burnham Cemetery (8BR2352) Site. It contains data on missing graves collected through metal detectors, soil probing, thermal imaging. It aims to reanalyze previously collected data througth GPR

    Um olhar para o discurso docente a partir dos processos de recontextualizações de uma prática pedagógica inovadora no Brasil

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    Nesta pesquisa, a partir da entrevista com uma professora que participou de um programa de formação continuada, no qual tratou-se da questão da inovação no ensino de ciências e com base no referencial teórico-metodológico da Análise Crítica do Discurso e do conceito de recontextualização desenvolvido por Bernstein, investigamos como o discurso docente é constituído e constitui discursos que moldam práticas pedagógicas. Análises de realocações, reorganizações e rearticulações discursivas nos permitiram entender o discurso da professora no contexto das relações de poder e de controle estabelecidas entre os campos discursivos ao qual está subordinada


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    Resumo Trata-se de um estudo sobre as percepções de jovens universitários do curso de Serviço Social da UFRJ a respeito do aborto e da homossexualidade. A hipótese que orientou este estudo é de que a entrada deles na universidade permitiria um maior debate desses temas e um alinhamento de pensamento com as demandas dos movimentos feministas e GLBT. Foram realizadas vinte entrevistas semi-estruturadas com os estudantes inseridos nos períodos finais. A opção pelo curso de Serviço Social se deve ao fato da profissão possuir uma prática interventiva ligada à luta pela garantia, ampliação e consolidação dos direitos de cidadania e intervenção direta nas políticas sociais. A análise dos dados apontou mais aceitação em relação à homossexualidade, percebendo-a com um direito relacionado à sexualidade e livre escolha dos indivíduos. Em relação ao aborto se mostraram favoráveis a criminalização, não tendo a visão disso com um direito da mulher, com fortes influências de questões morais e religiosas

    Perceived self-efficacy and future expectations of rural, low-qualified NEET youths in a small peripheral region of Portugal

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    Our study intended to explore how socioeconomic status (SES) indicators and perceived self-efficacy perceptions are associated with future expectations, namely professional and community involvement expectations among rural, underqualified youths Not in Employment, nor in Education or Training (NEET), and if this model varies across gender groups. One-hundred and eighty eight NEET youths aged 18 to 29 years old participated in this study. One-hundred and two of them (54.30%) were aged between 18 and 24 years old, the majority were female (58.50%) and 65.40 % had completed upper middle school (9th grade) or less. Our data collection took place in the Azores islands, a small and peripheral Portuguese archipelago, with the support of the local employment agency. Using a Structural Equation Model approach, we found that participants showing more positive perceptions regarding their self-efficacy strengths showed stronger expectations regarding their professional future, contrary to those who perceived their self-efficacy as a barrier. We also found that greater independence regarding parents’ household as well as more positive perspective about self-efficacy resources showed to increment these women’s sense of self-efficacy compared to men.Nosso estudo teve como objetivo explorar como os indicadores de estatuto socioeconómico e perceções de autoeficácia estão associados a expectativas futuras, designadamente, expectativas de envolvimento profissional e comunitário entre jovens rurais e subqualificados, que não estão nem em emprego, nem em educação ou formação (NEEF) e se esse modelo varia entre os grupos de género. Participaram 188 jovens NEEF, com idades entre 18 e 29 anos. Cento e dois deles (54,30%) tinham entre 18 e 24 anos, a maioria eram mulheres (58,50%) e 65,40% tinham o ensino básico completo (9º ano) ou menos. Os dados foram recolhidos nos Açores, um pequeno arquipélago periférico português, e contaram com o apoio da agência de emprego local. Usando a abordagem do Modelo de Equações Estruturais, verificamos que os participantes que apresentaram perceções mais positivas em relação a seus pontos fortes de autoeficácia mostraram expectativas mais fortes em relação ao futuro profissional, ao contrário daqueles que consideraram sua autoeficácia como uma barreira. Os resultados também revelaram que uma maior independência em relação à família dos pais, bem como uma perspetiva mais positiva sobre os recursos de autoeficácia, demonstraram aumentar o senso de autoeficácia das mulheres, quando comparadas com os homens

    Shovel Test Pit Paperwork of Transect 6 From Hotel (8BR240)

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    This document contains the field notes taken during phase 1 survey for the Hotel (8BR240) shovel test pits

    Cellular glycosphingolipid imbalance modulates EMT in cancer cells

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    Sphingolipids are key components of the plasma membrane and are regulators of complex biological processes often altered in cancer cells. In human tumors, genes of key enzymes that regulate levels of glucosylceramide and lactosylceramide are often amplified. However, it is unknown why these traits are positively selected in transformed cells. In this work, we used CRISPR-Cas9 to knockout two key enzymes amplified in tumors in HeLa and H1703 tumor-derived cell-lines. As expected, the knockout lines had dramatic accumulation of GlcCer and LacCer. However, unexpectedly, they showed significantly decreased in-vitro wound-healing capacity and an almost complete loss of in-vitro extra-cellular matrix invasion. Based on these results, we probed for protein markers of the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Data showed a significant increase of the levels of E-cadherin and a decrease of N-cadherin, suggesting that knockout cells acquired a more epithelial-like phenotype. Knockout lines also had significant changes in SNAIL levels, an important regulator of E-cadherin expression and EMT marker. As SNAIL can be regulated by growth factor receptors such as EGFR, we probed for global changes in growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) activation. Results showed that, compared to their otherwise isogenic wild-type counterparts, knockout lines had broad changes in growth factor RTK activation patterns. The knockout cells also had significant changes in their responses to cytotoxic chemotherapeutic agents. Our work suggests that increased expression of key glycosphingolipid regulating enzymes in transformed cells are critical to promote malignant phenotypes by impacting EMT, sustained activity of growth factor RTKs, and responses to therapy.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/uresposters/1430/thumbnail.jp