502 research outputs found

    Studies on the male partners of couples presenting with infertility

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    A prospective study of 1000 males attending the infertility clinics of three tertiary health institutions was carried out, examining their spermogram, seminal fructose concentration and body mass index (BMI). The twogroups (of 500 males partners each) examined were those of queried infertile by the clinicians and those of proven fertility (fertile men with time to pregnancy (TTP) . 12 months as reference group). Questionnaires andoral interviews were administered to the patients and subjects to reveal their occupational and medical histories, health conditions, working conditions, smoking habits and lifestyles. An inverse relationship between body mass index and the total number of sperm cells per subjects was observed. There was no relationship between the seminal fructose concentration and seminal activity. The mean percentage motility of spermatozoa was found to be statistically higher in fertile subjects (87.15 } 4.66 %) than in queried infertile subjects (40.70 } 22.96 %) at P <0.05. The mean percentage sperm cell count was found to be statistically higher in fertile subjects (71.74 } 15.22x10 cells/ml) than in queried infertile subjects (23.68 } 21.07x10 cells/ml) at p < 0.05. To ensure maximum fertility potential patients presenting with infertility may be advised to reduce body weight. c 2012 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Body mass index, seminal fructose, motility, sperm cell count, morphology

    Brazil’s Education Policicies

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    Risk Factors Associated with Severe Injuries in Inland Aquaculture Farms

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    Objective: The main objective of this study was to analyze risk factors associated with severe occupational injuries among inland aquaculture farms. Methods: Survey results were compiled in a data set that consisted of qualitative data from 51 farmers who were interviewed between 2008 and 2011 in 10 states and the Canadian province of British Columbia. Chi-square and Fisher’s exact test were used to assess the differences in the dichotomous level of severity among several farm and injury variables. Logistic regression was used to predict the outcome of a severe injury event. Results: Injury observations that indicated the use of raceway systems made up 42.4% of severe injuries compared to 61.5% of injury observations that indicated use of raceway systems in the less severe category. Injury observations that happened on farms that use of pond had higher percentage of severe injuries (63.8%) compared to less severe injuries (51.9%). Injury observations that happened on farms that use raceway systems indicated an adjusted odds ratio of 0.62 [95% CI: 0.26 – 1.48] and observations that happened on farms that use ponds indicated an adjusted odds ratio of 1.33 [95% CI: 0.54 – 3.27]. Conclusion: Farms that use more advanced technology are less likely to have a severe injury event occur. This study suggest that workers may be have a higher odds of a severe injury when working on farms that are less automated and have less technology

    Corporate Culture and Organizational Effectiveness: A Study of the Nigerian Banking industry

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    The study examined the effect of Corporate Culture on organizational effectiveness in the banking industry. A total of 388 managers were randomly drawn from a population of 13,339 managers of all the 24 banks in Nigeria. The instruments used for data collection were questionnaires and oral interview. A total of 320 copies of the questionnaire were retrieved and analyzed. Spearman’s Rank Correlation Statistical tool was used to test the hypotheses. The findings indicate that adaptability positively influences organizational profitability and market share. There is no significant relationship between adaptability and organizational productivity.  Shared mission, employee involvement, and shared values (consistency) are positively related to profitability, productivity and market share. Based on these findings we concluded that corporate culture has significant influence on organizational effectiveness. It is therefore recommended that in addition to continuous adaptability, organizations should put in place definite plans to minimize cost and waste, as this will promote effectiveness. Organizations’ mission should be shared amongst employees to enable them contribute effectively to the achievement of organizational goals. Employees should be involved in decision-making process, especially in issues that concern them, as this will make them to be committed to the achievement of such decisions taken. Organization’s values should be shared amongst employees as it will enable them to act in the interest of the organization at all times. Socialization of new employees should be encouraged, as it is a powerful tool in managing shared values.  New bases for shared values need to be reformulated in response to variety in the organization’s environment to enable the organization adapt to environmental turbulence. Keywords: Corporate culture, adaptability, shared mission, employee involvement, shared values, organizational effectiveness

    Culture on Entrepreneurial Attitude and Organizational Survival

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    The study investigated the influence of culture on entrepreneurial attitudes and the survival of small and medium scale enterprises in Port Harcourt. The cross sectional survey method was adopted. A sample size of eighty was drawn from a population of one hundred employees using the Taro Yamane formula. The questionnaire was the main instrument for data collection and data obtained was analysed using the SPSS. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient was used to test the hypothesis. Our finding revealed that culture significantly related to entrepreneurial attitudes and the survival of small and medium scale enterprises. We concluded that culture has significant effect on entrepreneurial attitude and survival of small and medium scale enterprises. We recommended that Managers should cultivate adaptive culture that enables organization members to have and maintain entrepreneurial attitude that can help the organizations to survive and achieve their goals. Keywords: culture, entrepreneurial attitude, survival, small/medium scale enterprises

    Effect of Financial Reporting Quality on Financial Performance of Manufacturing Firms in Nigeria

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    The major purpose of the study is to examine the effect of FRQ on financial performance of Manufacturing Firms in Nigeria. The study covered the period of 2005-2014. The Impact of DPS, NAVPS, CAR, MPS, PER, and EPS were tested on FRO. Simple regression analysis was employed in testing the date collected from annual published financial statement of selected manufacturing companies.  Financial reporting quality was proxy by accrual using is Dechow 1994 model. The regression result shows that DPS, CAR, MPS, PER have negative significant relationship with FRQ while NAVP and EPS has positive significant relationship with FRQ. The researcher recommended that the government should by way of regulatory authorities compel manufacturing organisations’ to embark on proper recode keeping and should also see quality reporting as investment to their advantage. Keywords: Financial reporting quality, Manufacturing Companies, Net asset value per share, Dividend per share, Current asset Market price per share, Price Earnings ratio, Earning per share. DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/10-11-01 Publication date:June 30th 2019

    The direct and interactive roles of work family conflict and work family facilitation in voluntary turnover

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    The direct effect of work family conflict on turnover has received much attention in organizational studies. However, neither the direct effect of work family facilitation on turnover nor the effect of its interaction with work family conflict on voluntary turnover has received similar attention. This has resulted in low explained variance in turnover in models that excluded these relationships. Using 450 participants drawn from employees in Nigeria, I found significant direct and interaction effect of work family facilitation on turnover. These results support the view that work family facilitation buffers the effect of work family conflict on turnoverThe direct effect of work family conflict on turnover has received much attention in organizational studies. However, neither the direct effect of work family facilitation on turnover nor the effect of its interaction with work family conflict on voluntary turnover has received similar attention. This has resulted in low explained variance in turnover in models that excluded these relationships. Using 450 participants drawn from employees in Nigeria, I found significant direct and interaction effect of work family facilitation on turnover. These results support the view that work family facilitation buffers the effect of work family conflict on turnove

    An appraisal of the rights of the niger-delta peoples over natural resources under the African charter on human and peoples’ rights

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    The people of the Niger-Delta region of Nigeria have persistently demanded for the control of the natural resources being exploited in their territory by oil companies pursuant to the powers granted to them by the federal government of Nigeria. They decry the deleterious impact of resources exploitation on their environment and livelihoods. They decry lack of benefit from the proceeds of exploitation. They have most often founded their demand on the provisions of international and regional human rights legal instruments. This article based on doctrinal research methodology examined the contentions of the Niger-Delta peoples of Nigeria and the relevant provisions of the African Charter on Human and Peoples‟ Rights, decisions of the African Commission on Human Rights and other relevant materials and concluded that the rights enshrined therein enure to the benefit of the Niger-Delta peoples‟ of Nigeria. It called on the Nigerian government to fast track legislative and policy reforms aimed at realizing the rights of the Niger-Delta peoples‟ as guaranteed under the African Charter on Human and Peoples‟ Rights. Keywords: “Natural Resources”, “Exploitation”, “Ownership”, “Rights of Peoples”

    I. Mechanism of the formation of methylenecyclobutenone by the flash vacuum pyrolysis of furfuryl benzoate, II. Chemistry of 2-methylenebenzocyclobutenone and indenone prepared by the flash vacuum pyrolysis of 3-benzoyloxymethylbenzofuran

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    The flash vacuum pyrolysis chemistry of a series of deuterated furfuryl benzoates, furfuryl-(alpha), (alpha)-d(,2) benzoate, furfuryl-5-d(,1) benzoate, and furfuryl-3-d(,1) benzoate have been investigated. Mechanisms were proposed for the formation of the pyrolysis products, methylenecyclobutenone, vinylacetylene, and the dimer of cyclopentadienone, from each of the compounds studied which involved initial alpha elimination of benzoic acid, a single 3,3 migration followed by alpha elimination of benzoic acid, and two 3,3 migrations followed by alpha elimination of benzoic acid. GLC/MS analyses of the deuterium content of these products showed that the major contributing route for the formation of these products involves two 3,3 migrations followed by alpha elimination of benzoic acid which provides 70-90% range of contribution. The other two routes are minor contributors. It was also shown that the difference between the pyrolysis chemistry of furfuryl benzoate and furfuryl acetate was minor;Synthesis of 2-methylenebenzocyclobutenone for the first time, and indenone by the flash vacuum pyrolysis of 3-benzoyloxymethylbenzofuran is described. A procedure was developed for the decarboxylation of 2,3-benzofurandicarboxylic acid in \u3e 80% yield to the key intermediate 3-benzofurancarboxylic acid which involved FVP at 700(DEGREES)C and ca. 10(\u27-4) Torr. For the preparation of pure samples of 2-methylenebenzocyclobutenone, two procedures were developed which involved: (a) adding a known amount of pyrrolidine to the product mixture obtained by the FVP of 3-benzoyloxymethylbenzofuran at 500-580(DEGREES)C followed by flash chromatography which gave a 13% yield, and (b) adding a large excess of cyclopentadiene to the product mixture obtained by the FVP of 3-benzoyloxymethylbenzofuran at 500-580(DEGREES)C followed by flash chromatography of the resulting mixture which gave 25% yield. Mechanisms were proposed for the formation of the pyrolysis products 2-methylenebenzocyclobutenone, indenone, phenylacetylene, and o-ethynylbenzaldehyde
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