163 research outputs found

    Advances in the analysis of iminocyclitols: methods, sources and bioavailability

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    Iminocyclitols are chemically and metabolically stable, naturally occurring sugar mimetics. Their biological activities make them interesting and extremely promising as both drug leads and functional food ingredients. The first iminocyclitols were discovered using preparative isolation and purification methods followed by chemical characterization using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. In addition to this classical approach, gas and liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry are increasingly used; they are highly sensitive techniques capable of detecting minute amounts of analytes in a broad spectrum of sources after only minimal sample preparation. These techniques have been applied to identify new iminocyclitols in plants, microorganisms and synthetic mixtures. The separation of iminocyclitol mixtures by chromatography is particularly difficult however, as the most commonly used matrices have very low selectivity for these highly hydrophilic structurally similar molecules. This review critically summarizes recent advances in the analysis of iminocyclitols from plant sources and findings regarding their quantification in dietary supplements and foodstuffs, as well as in biological fluids and organs, from bioavailability studies

    Determinació del contingut de magnesi en una sal mitjançant una volumetria complexomètrica

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    Aquest document descriu un procediment per analitzar magnesi en sals mitjançant una volumetria de complexaci

    Efecto da vendaxe preventiva do nocello no rendimento

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    [Resumen] Introducción: el vendaje preventivo de tobillo es una estrategia común para evitar las lesiones de tobillo, sobre todo para la vuelta a la práctica deportiva. El tipo de vendaje más utilizado en la actualidad es el “gibney closed basket-weave” ya que produce cuatro efectos principalmente: mecánico, propioceptivo, compresivo y psicológico. Disponemos de ciertas variables como la fuerza, la agilidad, el equilibrio, la propiocepción o la velocidad que nos permiten valorar un concepto tan amplio como el rendimiento. La interacción del vendaje en el rendimiento no está del todo clara, con resultados contradictorios de varios autores. Objetivo: determinar si el vendaje preventivo inelástico de tobillo tiene efectos en el rendimiento. Material y métodos: se realiza una revisión sistemática de la literatura en diferentes bases de datos: PubMed, SPORTDiscus, WoS y PEDro. Se incluyen ensayos clínicos realizados en humanos de los últimos 10 años, cuyos sujetos no presenten patología del complejo tobillo-pie, ni sean menores de edad o mayores de 65 años, a los cuales se les aplique un vendaje preventivo inelástico para evaluar diferentes variables del rendimiento. Resultados: se incluyen un total de 12 estudios en la revisión; 9 ECCA y 3 ECCnA, en los cuales analizamos una muestra total de 175 sujetos, con una media de edad de 23.68 años. Las variables analizadas son la fuerza, ROM, equilibrio, agilidad, propiocepción y velocidad. La calidad metodológica de los estudios fue medida con la escala PEDro, con una media de 6.58/10. Conclusiones: el vendaje preventivo de tobillo restringe el ROM de tobillo sin influir en el rendimiento (fuerza, equilibrio, agilidad, velocidad y propiocepción). No obstante, debemos mantenernos alerta tras su aplicación en el ámbito deportivo, ya que su efecto restrictivo parece reducirse tras 15 minutos de ejercicio vigoroso.[Abstract] Background: the prophylactic ankle taping is a common strategy to avoid ankle injuries, especially for the return to sports practice. The most common type of ankle taping nowadays is the “gibney closed basket-weave” as it produces four main effects: mechanical, propioceptive, compressive and psychological. We have certain variables such as strength, agility, balance, propioceptive or speed that allow us to value a concept as broad as performance. The interaction of the taping in performance is not completely clear, with contradictory results from several authors. Objetive: to determine if the inelastic prophylactic ankle taping has performance effects. Methods: a systematic review of the literature is performed in different databases: PubMed, SPORTDiscus, WoS and PEDro. Included are clinical trials performed on humans for the last 10 years, whose subjects do not present pathology of the ankle-foot complex, examines who are neither underage nor older than 65, to whom an inelastic prophylactic ankle taping is applied to evaluate different variables of the performance. Outcomes: a total of 12 studies are included in the review; 9 ECCA and 3 ECCnA, in which we analyze a total sample of 175 subjects, with an average of 23.68. The variables analyzed are strenght, ROM, balance, agility, propioception and speed. The methodological quality of the studies was measured using the PEDro scale, with an average of 6.58/10. Conclusions: prophylactic ankle taping restricts ankle ROM without affecting perfomance (strength, balance, agility, speed and propioception). However, we must remain alert after its application in the sports field, since its restrictive effect seems to be reduced after 15 minutes of vigorous exercise.[Resumo] Introdución: a vendaxe preventiva do nocello é unha estratexia común para evitar as lesións de nocello, sobre todo para a volta á práctica deportiva. O tipo de vendaxe máis utilizada na actualidade é o “gibney closed basket-weave” xa que produce catro efectos principalmente: mecánico, propioceptivo, compresivo e psicolóxico. Dispoñemos de certas variables como a forza, a axilidade, o equilibrio, a propiocepción ou a velocidade que nos permiten valorar un concepto tan amplo coma o rendemento. A interacción da vendaxe no rendemento non está de todo clara, con resultados contraditorios de varios autores. Obxectivo: determinar se a vendaxe preventiva inelástica de nocello ten efectos no rendemento. Material e método: realízase unha revisión sistemática da literatura en diferentes bases de datos: PubMed, SPORTDiscus, WoS e PEDro. Inclúense ensaios clínicos realizados en humanos dos últimos 10 anos, cuxo suxeitos non presenten patoloxía do complexo nocello-pé, nin sexan menores de idade ou maiores de 65 anos, ós cales se lles aplique unha vendaxe preventiva inelástica para avaliar diferentes variables do rendemento. Resultados: inclúense un total de 12 estudos na revisión; 9 ECCA e 3 ECCnA, nos cales analizamos unha mostra total de 175 suxeitos, cunha media de idade de 23.68 anos. As variables analizadas son a forza, ROM, equilibrio, axilidade, propiocepción e velocidade. A calidade metodolóxica dos estudos foi medida coa escala PEDro, cunha media de 6.58/10. Conclusións: a vendaxe preventiva de nocello restinxe o ROM de nocello sen influir no rendemento (forza, equilibrio, axilidade, velocidade e propiocepción). Non obstante, debemos manternos alerta trala súa aplicación no ámbito deportivo, xa que o seu efecto restritivo parece reducirse tras 15 minutos de exercicio vigoroso.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FCS). Fisioterapia. Curso 2016/201

    Teatro como herramienta de transformación en el Trabajo Social

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    Tras un acercamiento hacia la creatividad y su capacidad transformadora en las personas, individual y colectivamente, se proponen las Artes Escénicas como una innovadora forma de intervenir también desde el Trabajo Social. Las técnicas teatrales utilizadas en distintas metodologías de Trabajo Social, permiten reflexionar acerca de su aplicabilidad en los distintos grupos y comunidades que precisan de un cambio, de una trasformación. Es por ello, que en este TFG se describen cuatro experiencias de teatro social muy distintas entre ellas, como forma de demostrar su variada aplicabilidad y efectividad tanto en las personas como en el mismo grupo y en su comunidad. Finalmente, se realiza una propuesta de poder introducir el teatro o las artes en general, en la formación de la disciplina de Trabajo SocialLet us reflect to creativity and its ability to transform people, individually and collectively, the Performing Arts are proposed as an innovative way to intervene in Social Work. Theatrical techniques used in different methodologies of Social Work, lets reflect on their applicability in different groups and communities that need a change, a transformation. That is why there are described 4 different experiences that include social drama. In this way, the applicability and effectiveness is demonstrated, seeing the change in people, groups and communities. Finally, I have proposed to introduce the theater or art in general, in the formation of the discipline of Social WorkGraduado o Graduada en Trabajo Social por la Universidad Pública de NavarraGizarte Lanean Graduatua Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa

    Historia apologética y descripción del Reyno de Navarra y de su mucha antigüedad, nobleza, calidades, y Reyes que dieron principio a su Real casa, y procuraron sus acrecentamientos... : dividida en III libros...

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    Sign.: [cruz latina]6, A8, B12, C-D8, E9, F-O8, P4, [calderón]2Error de fol.: triplica la numeración en h. 14 y 15 y la duplica en h. 16 y 33Port. con esc. xil. heráldicoTexto a dos colDigitalización. Vitoria-Gasteiz : Fundación Sancho el Sabio, 2008Digitalización. Vitoria-Gasteiz : Archivos y Bibliotecas, Junio 1997Pergamin

    Evaluation of the interactions between human serum albumin (HSA) and warfarin or diflunisal by using molecular fluorescence using two approaches

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    Serum albumin is the main drug transporter of the bloodstream and contains two main binding sites: Sudlow I or acidic drug binding site, and Sudlow II or benzodiazepine binding site. Warfarin, a well-known anticoagulant drug commonly used in the prevention of thrombosis and thromboembolism, binds to Sudlow I site, whereas non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as diflunisal bind preferentially to Sudlow II site. Albumin is a fluorophore that modifies its fluorescence (quenching or enhancement effect) when it is bound to a drug. The application of the double logarithm Stern-Volmer equation allows the calculation of the stoichiometry and the binding constant of the process. This procedure does not consider the possible interferences coming from the fluorescence of the drug though. Another strategy to evaluate the binding constants is to consider the whole spectrum, taking into account all the possible species in equilibrium; in this case we have used an extended version of the STAR program, which can deal with 300 spectra, each containing up to 300 data points. The aim of this work is to compare both approaches to evaluate the interaction between warfarin (Sudlow I) and diflunisal (Sudlow II) and HSA: the double logarithm Stern-Volmer equation and the STAR program

    Feasibility of the estimation of octanol-water distribution coefficients of acidic drugs by microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography

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    Previous studies have shown that a microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography (MEEKC) system can estimate the logarithm of the octanol-water partition coefficient (log Po/w) of neutral solutes. In the present work, the applicability of the method to partially and fully ionized acids has been evaluated. Naproxen, a monoprotic acid, has been used as test solute. The retention factor (k) of this compound has been measured in MEEKC at several values of pH and the retention factor-pH profile has been established. As log Po/w correlates with log kMEEKC for neutral compounds, this correlation has been used to estimate the logarithm of the octanol-water partition coefficient of the neutral (log Po/w(HA)), and the fully ionized (log P o/w(A-)) forms of naproxen. Then, the logarithm of the octanol-water distribution coefficient (log Do/w) of the partially ionized form of the acid has been estimated. The comparison of the estimated values with the ones obtained experimentally using the classical procedures, such as the shake-flask method, shows differences under 0.4 log Do/w units either if the acid is partially ionized or in its neutral form in the most part of the pH range. However, the method overestimates the log Do/w of the highly (>99.5 %) or fully ionized form of naproxe

    Evaluation of the interactions between human serum albumin (HSA) and warfarin or diflunisal by using molecular fluorescence using two approaches

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    Serum albumin is the main drug transporter of the bloodstream and contains two main binding sites: Sudlow I or acidic drug binding site, and Sudlow II or benzodiazepine binding site. Warfarin, a well-known anticoagulant drug commonly used in the prevention of thrombosis and thromboembolism, binds to Sudlow I site, whereas non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as diflunisal bind preferentially to Sudlow II site. Albumin is a fluorophore that modifies its fluorescence (quenching or enhancement effect) when it is bound to a drug. The application of the double logarithm Stern-Volmer equation allows the calculation of the stoichiometry and the binding constant of the process. This procedure does not consider the possible interferences coming from the fluorescence of the drug though. Another strategy to evaluate the binding constants is to consider the whole spectrum, taking into account all the possible species in equilibrium; in this case we have used an extended version of the STAR program, which can deal with 300 spectra, each containing up to 300 data points. The aim of this work is to compare both approaches to evaluate the interaction between warfarin (Sudlow I) and diflunisal (Sudlow II) and HSA: the double logarithm Stern-Volmer equation and the STAR program

    Determination of the retention factor of ionizable compounds in microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography

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    Determination of the retention factor of ionized compounds in microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography requires two mobility measurements at the same pH: one in the presence of the microemulsion and another in plain buffer. However, it has been observed that in some cases subtracting one mobility from another determined in a different medium leads to negative retention factors, which makes no sense from a chemical point of view. This indicates that there is some error in the process which has a direct impact when retention factors are used for further applications. Here, we evaluate how the components of the microemulsion confer different properties to the buffer medium, particularly varying the viscosity parameter (which is inversely related to mobility). Whereas sodium dodecyl sulfate, the surfactant used in the microemulsion, has little effect on the medium viscosity (only an increase of 5%-6%), the presence of 1-butanol, used as a stabilizer, increases it by around 30%. Meanwhile, heptane, which is used as an oil, provokes a slight decrease. Consequently, the mobilities obtained in the microemulsion system are shifted to higher values (less negative mobilities) compared to mobilities obtained in the aqueous buffer, and so one cannot be directly subtracted from the other. Since the microemulsion-buffer medium cannot be directly reproduced, we propose a correction that takes into account the variation of viscosities. This is determined from the electrophoretic mobility of the benzoate ion. As this ion does not interact with the microemulsion, the ratio of its mobilities (measured in plain buffer and microemulsion) is equivalent to the ratio of viscosities, and can be used as the correction factor for other measurements. Thus, mobilities in buffer and microemulsion media are placed on the same scale, overcoming the errors in retention factor determination

    Estimation of the octanol-water distribution coefficient of acidic compounds by microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography

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    The feasibility of extending the determination of the lipophilicity of partially ionized acids (log Do/w) by microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography (MEEKC) is tested. Theoretical considerations predict that a linear log Do/w vs. log k correlation can be obtained only when the neutral and ionic forms of an acid follow the same correlation equation and the slope of the correlation is unity. In practice, since the lipophilicity of the neutral acid is much higher than that of the ionic form and the correlation slope is not very different from 1, the general linear correlation for neutral compounds can be applied across most of the ionization range of the acid. The linear correlation between log Po/w and log k of 20 neutral solutes (calibration curve) has been established and extended to 6 acids used as models, tested across their full ionization range. log Do/w-pH, and log k-pH profiles have been obtained for these 6 acids, and plotted log Do/w against log k for any acid at any degree of ionization. Furthermore, the log Do/w of the acids has been estimated from the calibration curve and log k-pH profile, and compared to values in the literature determined using reference methods such as the shake-flask one. Accurate values have been obtained using the MEEKC method when the acids are in their neutral form or partially ionized (ionization degree, α < 0.995). However, this parameter is overestimated when the acids are highly or fully ionized (α ≈ 1). Finally, in order to test the applicability of this method, we have applied the same procedure to estimate log Do/w at pH = 7.4 (blood physiological pH) of a set of 30 additional compounds (including partially and fully ionized acids). The results at this pH foll