20 research outputs found


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    With technological advances and the popularization of the Internet of Things (IoT), more concepts of Smart Cities have been adopted in large urban centers,in particular, in smart buildings, that use sensors to better control their facilities. One of the areas of smart buildings is the presence and meeting management that manages the displacement and location of occupants in the building. The detection of people in indoor environments is becoming increasingly useful, espe- cially in times of pandemic, when it is important to identify which people were close to each other in the same place and for how long. Considering this scenario, this study presents a distributed software architecture that uses four components that provide services for storing and consulting data, meeting notifications, and identifying the devices involved. In a flexible way, beacons and Android devices can be used to represent both people and physical spaces. In addition, the proposed architecture enables to determine attendances in real time, calculate the total time of stay, and check meetings of people. The effectiveness of the proposed solution was demonstrated through an experimental evaluation simulating its use.Com o avanço tecnológico e a popularização da Internet das Coisas (IoT), aplicações para Cidades Inteligentes tem sido mais frequentes, em particular, nos prédios inteligentes, que utilizam sensores para melhor gerir seus recursos. Uma das áreas de atuação da IoT, no contexto de prédios inteligentes, consiste na gestão de presença e encontros de pessoas em ambientes fechados. A detecção de pessoas em ambientes internos torna-se relevante, especialmente em tempos de pandemia, em que é fundamental identificar os locais que uma pessoa esteve, por quanto tempo e se houve encontro entre pessoas. Este trabalho apresenta uma arquitetura de software distribuída que serve de base para o desenvolvimento de aplicações que requeiram a gestão de presenças e encontros de pessoas em ambientes internos. Composta por quatro componentes, a arquitetura proposta utiliza beacons Bluetooth e dispositivos Android para representar pessoas e espaços físicos. Com a integração dos componentes, a arquitetura pode detectar presença de pessoas em tempo real, calcular o tempo total de permanência, e verificar encontros de pessoas. A efetividade da solução proposta foi demonstrada através da obtenção de resultados promissores em uma avaliação experimental que comparou o tempo real de permanência de uma pessoa em um espaço físico com o tempo computado pela arquitetura

    Differential Functional Constraints on the Evolution of Postsynaptic Density Proteins in Neocortical Laminae

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    The postsynaptic density (PSD) is a protein dense complex on the postsynaptic membrane of excitatory synapses that is implicated in normal nervous system functions such as synaptic plasticity, and also contains an enrichment of proteins involved in neuropsychiatric disorders. It has recently been reported that the genes encoding PSD proteins evolved more slowly than other genes in the human brain, but the underlying evolutionary advantage for this is not clear. Here, we show that cortical gene expression levels could explain most of this effect, indicating that expression level is a primary contributor to the evolution of these genes in the brain. Furthermore, we identify a positive correlation between the expression of PSD genes and cortical layers, with PSD genes being more highly expressed in deep layers, likely as a result of layer-enriched transcription factors. As the cortical layers of the mammalian brain have distinct functions and anatomical projections, our results indicate that the emergence of the unique six-layered mammalian cortex may have provided differential functional constraints on the evolution of PSD genes. More superficial cortical layers contain PSD genes with less constraint and these layers are primarily involved in intracortical projections, connections that may be particularly important for evolved cognitive functions. Therefore, the differential expression and evolutionary constraint of PSD genes in neocortical laminae may be critical not only for neocortical architecture but the cognitive functions that are dependent on this structure

    Acúmulo de metais pesados em cana-de-açúcar mediante a aplicação de lodo de esgoto e vinhaça

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    O uso de resíduos agroindustriais pode acumular metais pesados no solo e na planta. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do lodo de esgoto e/ou vinhaça, aplicados no solo, disponibilizando Cd, Cr, Ni e Pb ao solo e quantificar as respectivas concentrações em plantas de cana-de-açúcar, após três aplicações anuais sucessivas. O experimento foi conduzido em condições de campo, com parcelas experimentais de cinco linhas espaçadas de 1,5 m e 10 m de comprimento. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o de blocos casualizados, com três repetições. Os tratamentos avaliados foram: 1. Lodo de esgoto com 100% de N; 2. Lodo de esgoto com 200% de N; 3. Vinhaça com 100% de K; 4. Vinhaça com 200% de K; 5. Lodo de esgoto+vinhaça com 100% de N e K; 6. Lodo de esgoto+vinhaça com 200% de N e K; 7. Testemunha (fertilização mineral). Os baixos teores de metais pesados (Cd, Cr, Ni e Pb) disponíveis no solo e nas partes das plantas de cana-de-açúcar indicam que o lodo de esgoto e a vinhaça, empregados nas doses mencionadas, não apresentaram, após três aplicações anuais sucessivas, potencial de contaminação do sistema solo-planta.The organic residues are able to change heavy metals in soil and plant. The objective of this work was to evaluate the sewage sludge and/or vinasse effects in Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb soil valuable contents and sugarcane accumulated amounts after three successive annual applications. The experiment was conducted in field conditions. The experimental plots were made of five plant lines spaced of 1.5 m, with 10 m of length. The experimental design was a randomized blocks with three replications. The treatments were: 1. Sewage sludge (100% of N); 2. Sewage sludge (200% of N); 3. Vinasse (100% of K); 4. Vinasse (200% of K); 5. Sewage sludge plus vinasse (100% of N and K); 6. Sewage sludge plus vinasse (200% of N and K); 7. Control (mineral fertilization to sugarcane plants). The small soil heavy metal contents and small sugarcane heavy metal accumulated amounts it can be draw that the used residues, at these doses, do not present, until this moment, soil-plant system contamination potential

    Physical atributes of oxisol cultivated with sugar cane after applications of sewage sludge and vinasse

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar se a aplicação anual de lodo de esgoto e vinhaça, resíduos empregados com a finalidade exclusiva de fornecer a quantidade necessária de N e K para cana-de-açúcar, causaria alteração em alguns atributos físicos de um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico argiloso, após as colheitas do 3º e 4º cortes da cultura. O experimento foi conduzido em blocos ao acaso, com três repetições. Os tratamentos foram: (i) dose de lodo de esgoto para suprir 100% do N exigido pela cultura; (ii) dose de lodo de esgoto para suprir 200% do N exigido; (iii) dose de vinhaça para suprir 100% do K exigido; (iv) dose de vinhaça para suprir 200% do K exigido; (v) combinação dos tratamentos (i) e (iii); (vi) combinação dos tratamentos (ii) e (iv); (vii) testemunha (adubação mineral recomendada). Os somatórios das doses dos resíduos foram de 39 e 51 t ha-1 de lodo de esgoto e de 870 e 1.174 m³ ha-1 de vinhaça até o 3º e 4º cortes, respectivamente. Nas camadas de 0-10; 10-20; 20-30; 30-40 e 40-50 cm de profundidade, após as colheitas do 3º e 4º cortes da cultura, foram determinados: teor de matéria orgânica, porosidade total, macroporosidade, microporosidade, densidade do solo, densidade de partícula, resistência do solo à penetração e teor de água gravimétrico. Aplicações de lodo de esgoto e vinhaça não causaram modificação nos atributos físicos, resultado associado à falta de efeito dos resíduos na matéria orgânica do solo.The objective of this work was to evaluate if annual application of sewage sludge and vinasse, residues employed with exclusive purpose of supply N and K to sugar cane, would cause alteration on some physical attributes of clayey Haplustox after the harvests of the 3rd and 4th cuts of the crop. The experiment was carried out in a complete randomized block design with three repetitions. The treatments were: (i) rate of sewage sludge to supply 100% of the required N by the crop; (ii) dose rate of sewage sludge to supply 200% of the required N; (iii) rate of vinasse to supply 100% of the required K; (iv) rate of vinasse to supply 200% of the required K; (v) combination of the treatments (i) and (iii); (vi) combination of the treatments (ii) e (iv); (vii) control (mineral fertilization recommended). Sums rates of the residues were of 39 and 51 t ha-1 of sewage sludge and 870 and 1,174 m³ ha-1 of vinasse until the 3rd and 4th cuts, respectively. Soil samples were taken in the layers of 0-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-40 e 40-50 cm of depth, after the harvests of the 3rd and 4th cuts of the crop. In these samples were determined the organic matter content, total porosity, macroporosity, microporosity, soil bulk density, particle density, soil resistance to penetration and gravimetric water content. Sewage sludge and vinasse applications did not cause any alteration on the physical attributes, result associated to lack of effect of the residues in the soil organic matter

    Outbreak of Beriberi in an Indian Population of the Upper Amazon Region, Roraima State, Brazil, 2008

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    Edema, parasthesias, and paresis affected 10 residents of an Indian community in Roraima state; three died. Mining with mercury occurs locally; caxirí, a traditional alcoholic drink, is consumed daily. We conducted a 1:2 unmatched case-control study; a case was an Indian from Uiramutã county (population of 9,127) who presented ≥ 1 of lower extremity edema, paresthesias, paresis, or weakness. Controls were asymptomatic Indians randomly selected from the population. We identified 90 cases (prevalence of 1%) and 180 controls; all were enrolled. Among cases, 79% were male, and the median age was 31 years. Ethnicity was Macuxí, and 49% had income. Cases had lower extremity edema (85%), upper extremity paresthesias (84%), and lower extremity weakness and pain (78%). Risk factors were male sex (odds ratio [OR] = 6.8; P < 0.001), age 31–40 years (OR = 5.63; P < 0.001), and consumption of caxirí (OR = 2.7; P < 0.003). Mercury exposure was not a risk. Thiamine therapy produced complete rapid clinical recovery in all cases, confirming the diagnosis of beriberi. We recommend surveillance, thiamine supplementation, and nutritional intervention

    Produtividade e qualidade de cana-de-açúcar cultivada em solo tratado com lodo de esgoto, vinhaça e adubos minerais Yield and quality of sugar cane cultivated in sewage sludge, vinasse and mineral fertilization supplied soil

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    O uso agrícola de resíduos orgânicos, de origem agrícola, urbana ou industrial, é uma interessante alternativa de disposição, permitindo a reciclagem de nutrientes (NPK) nos ecossistemas. Este trabalho avaliou o efeito da aplicação de lodo de esgoto como fonte de N e de vinhaça como fonte de K comparado ao uso de fontes minerais desses nutrientes sobre a produtividade e variáveis agroindustriais da cana-de-açúcar, por dois anos consecutivos (cana-planta e cana-soca). O experimento foi conduzido em Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico típico, em Pontal - SP, e a variedade de cana-de-açúcar avaliada foi a SP 81-3250. Utilizou-se de esquema fatorial 3x2x2+1, ou seja, três tipos de resíduos (lodo de esgoto + KCl; vinhaça + uréia, e lodo de esgoto + vinhaça); dois modos de aplicação (na linha de plantio ou em área total); duas doses (100 e 200% do N e K necessários à cultura) e um tratamento adicional com adubação mineral, sendo os tratamentos distribuídos na área em blocos ao acaso, com três repetições. Foram avaliadas a produtividade e as variáveis agroindustriais (&deg;brix, pol no caldo, fibra, pureza, pol na cana, AR e ATR). As produtividades de colmo e de açúcar para cana-planta foram mantidas quando N e K foram fornecidos pelo lodo de esgoto e vinhaça, respectivamente. A cana-soca apresentou maior produtividade de colmo e de açúcar quando foram utilizados os resíduos separadamente, complementados com fontes minerais. Quanto ao modo de aplicação, não foram observadas diferenças significativas para as variáveis analisadas.<br>The agricultural use of organic residues is an interesting alternative to disposal allowing the recycling of nutrients (NPK) in the ecosystems. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of sludge application as N source and vinasse as K source when compared to the use of mineral sources of these nutrients on yield and technological variables of the sugar cane, over two consecutive years (cane-plant and first ratoon cane). The experiment was conducted on a Haplustox, in Pontal county, São Paulo state, Brazil. The sugarcane variety was SP 81-3250. The results were organized in a factorial scheme 3x2x2+1: three residue types (sewage sludge + KCl, vinasse + urea and sewage sludge + vinasse); two application mode (planting line and total area); two doses (100 and 200% of N and K for sugarcane crop) and an additional treatment (mineral fertilization). The experimental design was a randomized blocks with three replications. The analyzed parameters were productivity and technological variables (juice brix, juice sucrose contents, reducing sugars juice contents, purity, cane sucrose contents, and recoverable total sugar (RTS) cane contents and RTS productivity). The stalks and the sugar yields of cane-plant did not change while the N and K were suplyied by the sludge and by vinasse, respectively. The first ratoon cane presented greater stalks and sugar yield when residue were used separated complemented by mineral fertilization. In relation to application mode, no differences were observed for all paremeters