22 research outputs found

    Bacterial endophyte communities in the foliage of coast redwood and giant sequoia

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    The endophytic bacterial microbiome, with an emerging role in plant nutrient acquisition and stress tolerance, is much less studied in natural plant populations than in agricultural crops. In a previous study, we found consistent associations between trees in the pine family and acetic acid bacteria (AAB) occurring at high relative abundance inside their needles. Our objective here was to determine if that pattern may be general to conifers, or alternatively, is more likely restricted to pines, or conifers growing in nutrient limited and exposed environments. We used 16S rRNA pyrosequencing to characterize the foliar endophyte communities of two conifers in the Cupressaceae family: Two coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) populations and one giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum) population were sampled. Similar to the pines, the endophyte communities of the giant trees were dominated by Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Acidobacteria, and Actinobacteria. However, although some major OTUs occurred at a high relative abundance of 10-40% in multiple samples, no specific group of bacteria dominated the endophyte community to the extent previously observed in high-elevation pines. Several of the dominating bacterial groups in the coast redwood and giant sequoia foliage (e.g. Bacillus, Burkholderia, Actinomycetes) are known for disease- and pest suppression, raising the possibility that the endophytic microbiome protects the giant trees against biotic stress. Many of the most common and abundant OTUs in our dataset were most similar to 16S rRNA sequences from bacteria isolated from lichens or arctic plants. For example, an OTU belonging to the uncultured Rhizobiales LAR1 lineage, which is commonly associated with lichens, was observed at high relative abundance in many of the coast redwood samples. The taxa shared between the giant trees, arctic plants, and lichens may be part of a broadly defined endophyte microbiome common to temperate, boreal, and tundra ecosystems

    Nitrogen addition alters soil fungal communities, but root fungal communities are resistant to change

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    Plants are colonized by numerous microorganisms serving important symbiotic functions that are vital to plant growth and success. Understanding and harnessing these interactions will be useful in both managed and natural ecosystems faced with global change, but it is still unclear how variation in environmental conditions and soils influence the trajectory of these interactions. In this study, we examine how nitrogen addition alters plant-fungal interactions within two species of Populus - Populus deltoides and P. trichocarpa. In this experiment, we manipulated plant host, starting soil (native vs. away for each tree species), and nitrogen addition in a fully factorial replicated design. After ~10 weeks of growth, we destructively harvested the plants and characterized plant growth factors and the soil and root endosphere fungal communities using targeted amplicon sequencing of the ITS2 gene region. Overall, we found nitrogen addition altered plant growth factors, e.g., plant height, chlorophyll density, and plant N content. Interestingly, nitrogen addition resulted in a lower fungal alpha diversity in soils but not plant roots. Further, there was an interactive effect of tree species, soil origin, and nitrogen addition on soil fungal community composition. Starting soils collected from Oregon and West Virginia were dominated by the ectomycorrhizal fungi Inocybe (55.8% relative abundance), but interestingly when P. deltoides was grown in its native West Virginia soil, the roots selected for a high abundance of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, Rhizophagus. These results highlight the importance of soil origin and plant species on establishing plant-fungal interactions

    Interactions with microbial consortia have variable effects in organic carbon and production of exometabolites among genotypes of Populus trichocarpa

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    Abstract Poplar is a short‐rotation woody crop frequently studied for its significance as a sustainable bioenergy source. The successful establishment of a poplar plantation partially depends on its rhizosphere—a dynamic zone governed by complex interactions between plant roots and a plethora of commensal, mutualistic, symbiotic, or pathogenic microbes that shape plant fitness. In an exploratory endeavor, we investigated the effects of a consortium consisting of ectomycorrhizal fungi and a beneficial Pseudomonas sp. strain GM41 on plant growth (including height, stem girth, leaf, and root growth) and as well as growth rate over time, across four Populus trichocarpa genotypes. Additionally, we compared the level of total organic carbon and plant exometabolite profiles across different poplar genotypes in the presence of the microbial consortium. These data revealed no significant difference in plant growth parameters between the treatments and the control across four different poplar genotypes at 7 weeks post‐inoculation. However, total organic carbon and exometabolite profiles were significantly different between the genotypes and the treatments. These findings suggest that this microbial consortium has the potential to trigger early signaling responses in poplar, influencing its metabolism in ways crucial for later developmental processes and stress tolerance

    Data from: Plant host identity and soil macronutrients explain little variation in sapling endophyte community composition: is disturbance an alternative explanation?

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    1. Bacterial endophytes may be fairly host specific; nonetheless, an important subset of taxa may be shared among numerous host species forming a community-wide core microbiome. Moreover, other key factors, particularly the supply of limiting macronutrients and disturbances, may supersede the importance of host identity. 2. We tested the following four non-mutually exclusive hypotheses: 1. The Host Identity Hypothesis: endophytes vary substantially among different host plant species. 2. The Core Microbiome Hypothesis: a subset of microbial taxa will be shared among all host plant species. 3. The Soil Resource Supply Hypothesis: endophytes vary substantially among habitats with experimentally elevated levels of macronutrients. 4. The Disturbance-Disruption Hypothesis: disturbances created by the periodic application of antibiotics structure bacterial endophyte communities. 3. We tested these hypotheses by characterizing endophytes using high-throughput sequencing among seedlings of five phylogenetically diverse tree species nested within a long-term, full factorial nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium soil fertilization experiment. We artificially disturbed one of our focal species by applying antibiotics every 10-14 days for 29 months within the soil (N,P,K) fertilization experiment. 4. While we detected a significant effect of host identity and soil nutrient additions, together they explained little variation in endophyte community composition (< 10%). We found unequivocal evidence for a core microbiome shared by all species. Specifically, we found nine OTUs were present among 95% or more of all control saplings, representing a third of the total reads. These bacterial taxa belonged to the Actinobacteria. 5. In contrast, disturbance (antibiotics) explained more endophyte variation than all nutrient addition combinations combined and twice the variation explained by host identity for all five tree species. Synthesis: Our results challenge the idea that host identity is a primary filter shaping bacterial endophyte communities; this suggests that many of the same bacterial taxa occur inside plant hosts even if those host plants are phylogenetically diverse. Moreover, we documented a distinct core microbiome shared among our five focal tree species. Finally, we found that disturbance was an important driver of microbial community composition, which parallels the importance of disturbance in other areas of community ecology

    From wolves to humans: oral microbiome resistance to transfer across mammalian hosts

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    ABSTRACTThe mammalian mouth is colonized by complex microbial communities, adapted to specific niches, and in homeostasis with the host. Individual microbes interact metabolically and rely primarily on nutrients provided by the host, with which they have potentially co-evolved along the mammalian lineages. The oral environment is similar across mammals, but the diversity, specificity, and evolution of community structure in related or interacting mammals are little understood. Here, we compared the oral microbiomes of dogs with those of wild wolves and humans. In dogs, we found an increased microbial diversity relative to wolves, possibly related to the transition to omnivorous nutrition following domestication. This includes a larger diversity of Patescibacteria than previously reported in any other oral microbiota. The oral microbes are most distinct at bacterial species or strain levels, with few if any shared between humans and canids, while the close evolutionary relationship between wolves and dogs is reflected by numerous shared taxa. More taxa are shared at higher taxonomic levels including with humans, supporting their more ancestral common mammalian colonization followed by diversification. Phylogenies of selected oral bacterial lineages do not support stable human-dog microbial transfers but suggest diversification along mammalian lineages (apes and canids). Therefore, despite millennia of cohabitation and close interaction, the host and its native community controls and limits the assimilation of new microbes, even if closely related. Higher resolution metagenomic and microbial physiological studies, covering a larger mammalian diversity, should help understand how oral communities assemble, adapt, and interact with their hosts.IMPORTANCENumerous types of microbes colonize the mouth after birth and play important roles in maintaining oral health. When the microbiota-host homeostasis is perturbed, proliferation of some bacteria leads to diseases such as caries and periodontitis. Unlike the gut microbiome, the diversity of oral microbes across the mammalian evolutionary space is not understood. Our study compared the oral microbiomes of wild wolves, dogs, and apes (humans, chimpanzees, and bonobos), with the aim of identifying if microbes have been potentially exchanged between humans and dogs as a result of domestication and cohabitation. We found little if any evidence for such exchanges. The significance of our research is in finding that the oral microbiota and/or the host limit the acquisition of exogenous microbes, which is important in the context of natural exclusion of potential novel pathogens. We provide a framework for expanded higher-resolution studies across domestic and wild animals to understand resistance/resilience

    Draft Metagenome Sequences of the Sphagnum (Peat Moss) Microbiome from Ambient and Warmed Environments across Europe

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    We present 49 metagenome assemblies of the microbiome associated with Sphagnum (peat moss) collected from ambient, artificially warmed, and geothermally warmed conditions across Europe. These data will enable further research regarding the impact of climate change on plant-microbe symbiosis, ecology, and ecosystem functioning of northern peatland ecosystems

    Seasonality and longer-term development generate temporal dynamics in the Populus microbiome

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    ABSTRACTTemporal variation in community composition is central to our understanding of the assembly and functioning of microbial communities, yet the controls over temporal dynamics for microbiomes of long-lived plants, such as trees, remain unclear. Temporal variation in tree microbiomes could arise primarily from seasonal (i.e., intra-annual) fluctuations in community composition or from longer-term changes across years as host plants age. To test these alternatives, we experimentally isolated temporal variation in plant microbiome composition using a common garden and clonally propagated plants, and we used amplicon sequencing to characterize bacterial/archaeal and fungal communities in the leaf endosphere, root endosphere, and rhizosphere of two Populus spp. over four seasons across two consecutive years. Microbial community composition differed among seasons and years (which accounted for up to 21% of the variation in microbial community composition) and was correlated with seasonal dissimilarity in climatic conditions. However, microbial community dissimilarity was also positively correlated with time, reflecting longer-term compositional shifts as host trees aged. Together, our findings demonstrate that temporal patterns in tree microbiomes arise from both seasonal fluctuations and longer-term changes, which interact to generate unique seasonal patterns each year. In addition to shedding light on two important controls over the assembly of plant microbiomes, our results also suggest future studies of tree microbiomes should account for background temporal dynamics when testing the drivers of spatial patterns in microbial community composition and temporal responses of plant microbiomes to environmental change.IMPORTANCEMicrobiomes are integral to the health of host plants, but we have a limited understanding of the factors that control how the composition of plant microbiomes changes over time. Especially little is known about the microbiome of long-lived trees, relative to annual and non-woody plants. We tested how tree microbiomes changed between seasons and years in poplar (genus Populus), which are widespread and ecologically important tree species that also serve as important biofuel feedstocks. We found the composition of bacterial, archaeal, and fungal communities differed among seasons, but these seasonal differences depended on year. This dependence was driven by longer-term changes in microbial composition as host trees developed across consecutive years. Our findings suggest that temporal variation in tree microbiomes is driven by both seasonal fluctuations and longer-term (i.e., multiyear) development