652 research outputs found

    Constraints on LVS Compactifications of IIB String Theory

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    We argue that once all theoretical and phenomenological constraints are imposed on the different versions of the Large Volume Scenario (LVS) compactifications of type IIB string theory, one particular version is favored. This is essentially a sequestered one in which the soft terms are generated by Weyl anomaly and RG running effects. We also show that arguments questioning sequestering in LVS models are not relevant in this case.Comment: 14 pages, additional discussion of D7 brane case and mSUGRA, reference adde

    The Problem of Time and Quantum Black Holes

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    We discuss the derivation of the so-called semi-classical equations for both mini-superspace and dilaton gravity. We find that there is no systematic derivation of a semi-classical theory in which quantum mechanics is formulated in a space-time that is a solution of Einstein's equation, with the expectation value of the matter stress tensor on the right-hand side. The issues involved are related to the well-known problems associated with the interpretation of the Wheeler-deWitt equation in quantum gravity, including the problem of time. We explore the de Broglie-Bohm interpretation of quantum mechanics (and field theory) as a way of spontaneously breaking general covariance, and thereby giving meaning to the equations that many authors have been using to analyze black hole evaporation. We comment on the implications for the ``information loss" problem.Comment: 30 pages, COLO-HEP-33

    Coupling of branes and normalization of effective actions in string/M-theory

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    We discuss issues involving p(D)- brane charge quantization and the normalization of effective actions, in string/M-theory. We also construct the action of (the bosonic sector of) eleven dimensional supergravity in the presence of two- and five- branes and discuss (perturbative) anomaly cancellation.Comment: Discussion of anomaly cancellation expanded. 36 pages, latex, no figure

    Semiclassical Approach to Black Hole Evaporation

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    Black hole evaporation may lead to massive or massless remnants, or naked singularities. This paper investigates this process in the context of two quite different two dimensional black hole models. The first is the original CGHS model, the second is another two dimensional dilaton-gravity model, but with properties much closer to physics in the real, four dimensional, world. Numerical simulations are performed of the formation and subsequent evaporation of black holes and the results are found to agree qualitatively with the exactly solved modified CGHS models, namely that the semiclassical approximation breaks down just before a naked singularity appears.Comment: 15 pages, PUPT-1340, harvmac, 11 figures available on reques

    A Comparison of Supersymmetry Breaking and Mediation Mechanisms

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    We give a unified treatment of different models of supersymmetry breaking and mediation from a four dimensional effective field theory standpoint. In particular a comparison between GMSB and various gravity mediated versions of SUSY breaking shows that, once the former is embedded within a SUGRA framework, there is no particular advantage to that mechanism from the point of view of FCNC suppression. We point out the difficulties of all these scenarios - in particular the cosmological modulus problem. We end with a discussion of possible string theory realizations.Comment: Added clarifications and references, 20 page

    Black Hole Formation by Sine-Gordon Solitons in Two-dimensional Dilaton Gravity

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    The CGHS model of two-dimensional dilaton gravity coupled to a sine-Gordon matter field is considered. The theory is exactly solvable classically, and the solutions of a kink and two-kink type solitons are studied in connection with black hole formation.Comment: 11 pages, no figures, revte

    On Gauge Mediated SUSY Breaking and Moduli Stabilization

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    A generic lesson of string theory is that the coupling constants of an effective low energy theory are determined by the vacuum values of a set of fields - the so-called moduli - some of which are stabilized at relatively low masses by non-perturbative effects. We argue that the physics of these moduli cannot be separated from the issues of dynamical and gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking. To illustrate this point we present a modified version of the type IIB KKLT model where the criteria for gauge mediated SUSY breaking may be realized.Comment: References added, 18 page

    Robust Inflation from fibrous strings

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    Successful inflationary models should (i) describe the data well; (ii) arise generically from sensible UV completions; (iii) be insensitive to detailed fine-tunings of parameters and (iv) make interesting new predictions. We argue that a class of models with these properties is characterized by relatively simple potentials with a constant term and negative exponentials. We here continue earlier work exploring UV completions for these models—including the key (though often ignored) issue of modulus stabilisation—to assess the robustness of their predictions. We show that string models where the inflaton is a fibration modulus seem to be robust due to an effective rescaling symmetry, and fairly generic since most known Calabi-Yau manifolds are fibrations. This class of models is characterized by a generic relation between the tensor-to-scalar ratio r and the spectral index ns of the form r ∝ (ns−1)2 where the proportionality constant depends on the nature of the effects used to develop the inflationary potential and the topology of the internal space. In particular we find that the largest values of the tensor-to-scalar ratio that can be obtained by generalizing the original set-up are of order r lesssim 0.01. We contrast this general picture with specific popular models, such as the Starobinsky scenario and α-attractors. Finally, we argue the self consistency of large-field inflationary models can strongly constrain non-supersymmetric inflationary mechanisms

    Quantum Black Holes in Two Dimensions

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    We show that a whole class of quantum actions for dilaton-gravity, which reduce to the CGHS theory in the classical limit, can be written as a Liouville-like theory. In a sub-class of this, the field space singularity observed by several authors is absent, regardless of the number of matter fields, and in addition it is such that the dilaton-gravity functional integration range (the real line) transforms into itself for the Liouville theory fields. We also discuss some problems associated with the usual calculation of Hawking radiation, which stem from the neglect of back reaction. We give an alternative argument incorporating back reaction but find that the rate is still asymptotically constant. The latter is due to the fact that the quantum theory does not seem to have a lower bound in energy and Hawking radiation takes positive Bondi (or ADM) mass solutions to arbitrarily large negative mass.Comment: 28 pages, phyzzx, revised discussion of Hawking radiatio
