10 research outputs found

    Risiko Bencana Dalam Perspektif Ulama Dayah: Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Pidie Jaya

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    The role of Islamic dayah scholars in providing a perspective of disaster risk reduction to the people of Aceh has a very central position. The purpose of this study was to determine the perspectives of dayah scholars in Pidie Jaya in understanding the concepts and efforts of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) as well as its influence on community culture in responding to disaster issues. The sample in this study were 7 individuals from the Dayah Ulama group and 14 individuals from the community from various educational and professional backgrounds spread across Pidie Jaya Regency. Data collection was carried out by the process of field interviews and the collection of relevant documents from various sources. This study found Ulama in Pidie Jaya argued that disaster was a disaster from God in the form of reprimand to humanity and its prevention by patience and trying to avoid risks and pray to Allah. This study also found that the views of the Pidie Jaya community in responding to disaster risk were influenced by the opinions of ulama. The existence of scholars in the community as a reference shaft in religion and decision making in attitude. Scholars are very good at mediating Qur'anic knowledge using language that is easily understood by the public. This condition makes it strategic to make Dayah Ulema as catalysts for transforming disaster knowledge in the perspective of disaster risk reduction management to the community. As a center of social, it is very important to involve ulama in campaigning and carrying out disaster risk reduction actions undertaken by related parties

    Analisis Penutupan Lahan Kawasan Hutan Pada Daerah Aliran Sungai Krueng Aceh Pra dan Pasca Tsunami

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    Forest Land Cover Analysis of Krueng Aceh Watershed in Pre and Post-TsunamiAbstract. The objective of the study is to assess the changes of coverage of forest area, in watershed of Krueng Aceh by using GIS and remote sensing. The method used in classifying the image data is supervised classification, that is by determining the condition of the land coverage prior to its classification by the image. The pre tsunami classification of Landsat 5 image (2001) of the state-owned forest area along the watershed of Krueng Aceh shows that the land is 29375.47 ha (29.50%) of primary forest, 22140.01 ha (22.23%) of secondary forest, 26618.74 ha (26.73%) of shrubs, 21177.60 ha (21.27%) of open land, and 267.83 ha (0.27%) of water bodies. As a comparison, the post tsunami classification (2009) shows that the lands is 27892.378 ha (28.01%) of primary forest, 33537.58 ha (33.68%) of secondary forest, 16662.18 ha (16.73%) of shrubs, 21275.38 ha (21.37%) of open land, and 212.14 ha (0.21%) of water bodies. Based on this observation, the changes in land coverage of the state-owned forest area along the watershed of Krueng Aceh within the period of 2001 - 2009 is as follows: there is a reduction of 1483.10 ha (5.05%) of primary forest and 9956.56 ha (37.40%) of shrubs, while extension occurs to secondary forest and open land in the order of 11397.57 ha (51.48%) and 97.78 ha (0.46%) respectively.Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan tutupan lahan kawasan hutan pada daerah aliran sungai Krueng Aceh dengan menggunakan SIG dan penginderaan jarak jauh. Metode yang digunakan dalam klasifikasi data citra adalah klasifikasi terbimbing dengan terlebih dahulu mengetahui kondisi tutupan lahan sebelum diklasifikasi terhadap citra. Hasil klasifikasi citra Landsat 5 pra tsunami (2001) pada kawasan hutan di DAS Krueng Aceh adalah hutan primer 29.375,47 ha (29,50%), hutan sekunder 22.140,01 ha (22,23%), semak belukar 26.618,74 ha (26,73%), tanah terbuka 21.177,60 ha (21,27%), dan badan air 267,83 ha (0,27%), sedangkan hasil klasifikasi citra Landsat 5 pasca tsunami (2009) adalah hutan primer 27.892,37 ha (28,01%), hutan sekunder yaitu 33.537,58 ha (33,68%), semak belukar 16.662,18 ha (16,73%), tanah terbuka 21.275,38 ha (21,37%), dan badan air yaitu 212,14 ha (0,21%). Perubahan lahan yang terjadi periode tahun 2001-2009 pada kawasan hutan di DAS Krueng Aceh yaitu terjadi pengurangan hutan primer sebesar 1.483,10 ha (5,05%) dan semak belukar sebesar 9.956,56 ha (37,40%), sedangkan penambahan tutupan lahan terjadi pada hutan sekunder sebesar 11.397,57 ha (51,48%) dan tanah terbuka sebesar 97,78 ha (0,46%)

    Kelembaban Limbah Kakao dan Takarannya terhadap Kualitas Kompos dengan Sistem Pembenaman

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    Abstrak.  Limbah kakao adalah bahan organik yang mampu menyediakan hara makro dan mikro untuk tanaman, di samping memperbaiki struktur tanah sehingga mempermudah pengolahan tanah. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan penelitian tentang pengaruh limbah kakao basah dan kering serta takarannya terhadap kualitas kompos dengan sistem pembenaman.  Penelitian ini dilaksanakan April sampai Juli 2010, dengan menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Kelompok pola faktorial.  Jenis kulit kakao terdiri atas limbah kulit kakao basah, kering dan campuran basah kering. Takaran limbah kulit kakao terdiri atas 30, 60, dan ton ha-1. Hasil analis ragam menunjukkan bahwa, Kelembaban limbah kulit kakao hanya berpengaruh nyata terhadap parameter K2O, sedangkan parameter lainnya tidak berpengaruh nyata. Perlakuan takaran limbah kulit kakao hanya berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap P2O5 dan K2O, sedangkan parameter lain tidak nyata. Interaksi jenis dan takaran limbah kulit kakao hanya berpengaruh nyata terhadap parameter pH dan P2O5, sedangkan parameter lainnya tidak berpengaruh nyata.Cacao Waste Measuring Influence to Quality of Compost by the Incubation SystemAbstract. Cacao waste is organic material capable to provide macro and micro nutrients for crop, besides repairing soil structure causing to tilt.  For the purpose need to be done research about cacao skin measuring influence to quality of compost with masking system. This research executed April until July 201, by using completely randomized block design method with factorial. Cacao skin type is consisted: wet, drought, and mixer wet drought. Cacao skin waste measuring is consisted: 30, 60, and 90 tons ha-1. Result of manner analyst indicates that, treatment of influence cacao skin waste type only be real to K2O, while other parameter doesn't have an effect on reality. Treatment of cacao skin waste measuring only have an effect on very reality P2O5 and K2O, while other parameter not reality. Interaction of type and cacao skin waste measuring only have an effect on reality to hydrogen ion exponent parameter and P2O5, while other parameter doesn't have an effect on reality

    Proceeding of Annual International Conference Syiah Kuala University 2011

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    The main objective of this conference is to provide a forum for researchers, government officers, educators, students and industries. This forum is a media for exchange ideas, communicate and discuss research findings and new advancement in science from multi-disciplines, and explore possible avenues to foster academic as well as scientific activities at international level

    Peran Hukum Adat dalam Penanggulangan Bencana Gempa Bumi dan Tsunami Aceh

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    In the wake of earthquake and tsunami in Aceh, Indonesia, Desember 26th 2004, it caused almost all village governance. It is the lawest structure of governance based on customary law. Its community may apply the law to manage their community relationship and also in running the governance. In Acehnese customary law, the common interest must be privilege than personal one. Working together is a main principle based on the law. In emergency time, it was famous among victims of the disaster. The helped each other to fins the lasing, families efforts of recovery and the governance empowerment is priority.   The Role of Customary Law in Preventing Earthquake and Tsunami in Ace


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    Gold mining activities in Aceh Jaya District could lead to mercury contamination of the environment.This research was conducted to assess the status of mercury in Krueng Sabee river as impacted bygold processing waste dumped into the river in the District of Aceh Jaya. Water, sediment, andaquatic animal (biota) samples were taken at three locations along the river, i.e. downstream, half-waycenter, and upstream. Mercury concentrations in the samples were analyzed by using SNI 02-0086-2005 method for sediment and biota, and SNI 01-3554-2006 method for water, and measured usingAtomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). The results were then compared to water qualitystandards for mercury Indonesian Govermental Regulation (KepMenLH No.02/ MenKLH/ 2002, PP.No. 18 Tahun 1999, dan BPOM No. 3725/ B/ SK/ VII/ 1989). The results showed that mercury levelsin Krueng Sabee river at all locations sampled during wet and dry seasons were below that of thewater quality standards, whereas mercury concentrations in sediment and biota samples at allsampling locations in Krueng Sabee river were above the maximum contaminant level. High levelsof mercury in the aquatic environment may pose a health concern for the community living in thecontaminated area

    Karakteristik Sifat Tanah pada Berbagai Tipe Penggunaan Lahan di DAS Meureubo, Provinsi Aceh, Indonesia

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    Alih fungsi lahan pada berbagai tipe penggunaan lahan yang kurang bijaksana menyebabkan perubahan karakteristik sifat tanah pada DAS Meureubo Provinsi Aceh.   Penelitian ini menggunakan metode parametrik USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation) dengan pendekatan survei deskriptif melalui observasi lapangan serta pemanfaatan data-data spasial dan studi literasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perubahan tata guna lahan memunculkan nilai kehilangan tanah TBE (Tingkat Bahaya Erosi) aktual kelas V kategori sangat berat meliputi; SPL (Satuan Peta Lahan) 5, 12, dan 16.  Nilai TBE aktual kelas IV dengan katagori berat terjadi pada SPL 2, 6, 7, 10, dan 13. Nilai TBE aktual Kelas III dengan katagori sedang terjadi pada SPL 3, 4, 8, 9, 14, 17, dan 20, sedangkan SPL 1, 18, 19, 21 dan 11, 15 katagori tidak berbahaya yaitu sangat ringan sampai ringan. Nilai TBE aktual ini dipengaruhi oleh nilai konservasi dan pengelolaan tanaman (CP) yang tinggi.  Nilai TBE potensial kategori berat sampai sangat berat, sedangkan nilai ancaman erosi IBE (Indek Bahaya Erosi) pada masing-masing SPL masuk dalam kategori sangat tinggi.  Tingginya nilai TBE aktual pada SPL 5 dan 12 disebabkan oleh penggunaan lahan pertanian lahan kering dengan nilai erosi 36 kali lebih besar dibandingkan dengan macam tutupan lahan berupa belukar pada DAS Meureubo Provinsi Aceh pada kelerangan lahan 25 - 45 % dan >45%.  Agar nilai TBE aktual, TBE potensial dan Nilai IBE yaitu dapat ditekan dengan melakukan perbaikan terhadap lahan-lahan yang terlanjur rusak akibat alih fungsi lahan dan illegal logging. Diperlukan tindakan konservasi terhadap lahan, seperti menjaga tanaman penutup tanah dengan deforestasi berbasis manajemen pengelolaan lahan secara lestari, di samping itu pendekatan secara mekanik seperti teras bangku pada lahan yang agak curam sampai curam, serta perlu adanya regulasi berupa peraturan dari pemerintah secara fokus dan konsisten berbasis pemantauan, serta adanya usaha mengembalikan fungsi hutan dengan menghutankan kembali daerah yang berstatus hutan secara undang-undang di DAS Meureubo Provinsi Ace

    Proceedings: life sciences chapter

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    vii, 727 hlm. : ilus. ; tab. ; 28 cm