11 research outputs found

    Proportionality Analysis as an ‘Analytical Matrix’ Adopted by the Supreme Court of Mexico

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    This paper explores proportionality analysis as a constitutional standard that allows courts to engage in a public conversation, especially with the legislature. This conversation would consider the concept, structure and normative force of fundamental rights, the way in which two or more rights compete and collide, and as to how a particular disagreement about rights can be addressed. What is particularly appealing is the way in which this approach to proportionality analysis does not prescribe any legitimate means ‘per se’. It is relational because it must apply the means to achieve a particular aim in a real situation and decide if the sacrifice applied to a particular right is proportionate. This may eventually offer better public engagement with judicial arguments and endorse judicial independence by rendering the decision more structured, open and transparent. A further aim of this paper is to fulfill the knowledge gap about the migration of proportionality analysis as a rights adjudication mechanism to Latin America and, at the same time, make a claim for a context-sensitive approach. The hope is that judiciaries will learn from recent pitfalls that occurred under authoritarian regimes in Latin America where decisions were based upon excessive formality and disregard of relevant factors involved in rights claims. The recent adoption of proportionality analysis by the Mexican Supreme Court in 2007 has created the option of a new appraisal of its migration to Latin America

    Political Participation and opportunities for women in Chile, as perceived by first-year students at the University of Concepción

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    Esta investigación da cuenta de algunas concepciones y actitudes que posee el estudiantado de carreras de las áreas de educación, ciencias sociales y ciencias jurídicas de la Universidad de Concepción, sobre algunos aspectos vinculados a la participación política de las mujeres en Chile. Ello se ha obtenido a partir de los resultados de una encuesta aplicada a estudiantes de primer año. Tales resultados demostraron que al iniciar sus estudios universitarios valoran positivamente la consagración formal de la participación política de las mujeres, consideran un deber del Estado garantizar la igualdad de oportunidades y manifiestan desconfianza en los partidos políticos y en el Congreso Nacional. Sin embargo, a la hora de las oportunidades, la confianza tiende a ser mayor en los hombres para depositar responsabilidades de carácter político, lo que introduce la necesidad de avanzar desde la formalidad del buen discurso sobre igualdad a la acción práctica en políticaThis research gives an account of several views and attitudes held by students in the areas of Education, Social Sciences, and Legal Sciences at the University of Concepción, related to the participation of women in politics in Chile. The results obtained from a survey given to first year students show that at the beginning of their university studies, students value the participation of women in politics, believe the State has a duty to ensure equal opportunities, and express distrust in political parties as well as the Chilean National Congress. However, in practice, men are more often entrusted with political responsibilities, highlighting the need to move away from a formal discourse of equality and towards practical action in politic

    La Consulta indígena en Chile: ¿Derecho de participación o de libre determinación?

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    The purpose of this paper is to develop the contradictions of the international standard of the right to indigenous consultation expressed in the confrontation between two paradigms: a decolonial one of self-determination, and that of a human right to participate within the democratic framework of a State. Discussions of the reliable history - from the mid-19th century - of the discussion of the main instruments of international law referring to indigenous peoples as subjects of international law, and in particular the right to indigenous consultation, are examined. This is complemented by specialized doctrinarian literature and official interpretation agencies. We conclude that there is a paradoxical coexistence to the extent that, even though the participation paradigm has been prioritized in abstract and formally, the weak consolidation of the right to consultation, added to certain particularities, brings with it the increase in the legitimacy of self-determination.El presente trabajo tiene por objeto desarrollar las contradicciones del estándar internacional del derecho a la consulta indígena expresadas en la confrontación entre dos paradigmas: uno decolonial de libre determinación, y la de un derecho humano a la participación dentro del marco democrático de un Estado. Se examinan los debates de la historia fidedigna -desde mediados del siglo XIX- de la elaboración de los principales instrumentos de derecho internacional referentes a los pueblos originarios como sujetos de derecho internacional, y en particular del derecho a la consulta indígena. Se complementa aquello con la literatura de doctrina especializada y organismos de interpretación oficial. Concluimos que existe una coexistencia paradójica en la medida que, aun habiéndose priorizado en abstracto y formalmente el paradigma de participación, la consolidación débil del derecho a consulta, sumado a ciertas particularidades, trae aparejado el incremento de la legitimidad de la autodeterminación

    Water commons as a socioenvironmental project for the 21st century in Chile

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    We describe how the water commons agenda has been mobilized by different social groups of Chilean society, including water social movements and indigenous people, and the way it was included in the constitutional debate (2021–2022). Although the draft for the new Constitution was rejected in September 2022, we argue that the water commons agenda is still being mobilized as a socioenvironmental project for the 21st century. Simply put, the water commons agenda does not disappear with the defeat of the proposed new Constitution. It continues to challenge the neoliberalization of nature and water imposed during the Pinochet dictatorship, proposing to create new ways to sustain the territories of life. HIGHLIGHTS Water and social crisis in Chile.; Social movements and indigenous people mobilize both the water commons agenda and the constituent process.; Constituent Convention declares water as a common good.; Proposed Constitution is rejected by citizenship.; Water commons agenda for the 21st century.

    At the crossroads: can desalination be a suitable public policy solution to address water scarcity in Chile's mining zones?

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    Water scarcity is a global issue that is threatening social and economic development. One approach to alleviating scarcity is the incorporation of new water sources into supply systems, including desalinated seawater for industrial and municipal use. In Chile, large volumes of water are used in water-scarce regions where mining takes place, alongside agriculture and small communities. This situation has driven a debate around policies to increase the use of seawater to satisfy the water demand of the mining industry. The economic, social and environmental implications of such a policy, however, are poorly understood and the current regulatory framework to address concerns and uncertainties is inadequate. This paper presents a technical, legal, economic and environmental appraisal of such a policy and considers options to improve outcomes. The appraisal suggests that clear regulations derived from economic, social and environmental analysis must be generated to provide legal certainty and reduce risks. Alternative or complementary water supply options should be allowed where mining operations can demonstrate negligible hydrological and social impacts or use innovative solutions such as stakeholder water rights swaps and water efficiency technologies. We provide insight that will help to drive a better policymaking process aimed at tackling water scarcity in Chile and in similar areas of the world

    Percepção de estudantes que entram para estudar pedagogia do que é um bom cidadão, instituições públicas e a eficácia da ação política

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    The goal of this report is to study University of Concepcion preservice teachers’ conceptions about what it means to be a good citizen, public institutions, and efficiency of the political action. The study was conducted by using an exploratory and quantitative method. Data about conceptions, attitudes and actions was gathered by using a test developed by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA). In 1999, the test was applied to Chilean students and in 2009; the test was applied to primary and middle school students (Mineduc, 2004). Findings show that pre-service teachers have a low interest as well as comprehension about politics. In addition, they show very low confidence in public institutions such as government, congress, police, justice system, and political parties. On the other hand, they show high value regarding civil rights, the rol of the government and opportunities provided by democracy.El artículo informa los resultados de una investigación que tuvo como objetivo estudiar las concepciones, con las que ingresan el universo de estudiantes de pedagogía a estudiar en la Universidad de Concepción, sobre lo que es un buen ciudadano, las instituciones públicas, y la efectividad de la acción política.La investigación, de carácter cuantitativa y exploratoria, utilizó, como instrumento para recoger la información, la encuesta de conceptualizaciones, actitudes y acciones utilizada en la prueba de la International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), aplicada en Chile en 1999 y 2009 en la educación general (Mineduc, 2004).Los resultados demostraron que los estudiantes, al comenzar sus estudios de pedagogía, manifiestan un bajo interés y comprensión de la política y, a la vez, una muy baja confianza en las instituciones públicas, como el gobierno, el congreso, la policía, los tribunales de justicia y los partidos políticos. Se destacan por la valoración que hacen de sus derechos, del rol del Estado y de las oportunidades que ofrece la democracia.O artigo informa os resultados de uma pesquisa que teve como objetivo estudar as concepções com as que ingressam o universo de estudantes de licenciatura a estudar na Universidad de Concepcióm, sobre o que é um bom cidadão, as instituições públicas, e a efetividade da ação política.A pesquisa, de caráter quantitativo e exploratório, utilizou como instrumento para colher a informação o questionário de conceitualizações, atitudes e ações utilizado no exame da International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), aplicada no Chile em 1999 e em 2009 na educação em geral (Mineduc, 2004).Os resultados demonstraram que os estudantes, ao começar seus estudos em licenciatura, manifestam um baixo interesse e compreensão da política e, ao mesmo tempo, uma confiança muito baixa nas instituições públicas como o governo, o Congresso, a polícia, os tribunais de justiça e os partidos políticos.Destacando-se pela avaliação que fazem dos seus direitos, do papel do Estado e das oportunidades que oferece a democracia