21,346 research outputs found

    Percepción de la salud de los niños expresada en el lenguaje creativo de los dibujos

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    Objective. Children’s health perception through creative drawing language the identification of external factors perceived as negative or positive to health by children. Methodology. A descriptive study that describes the analysis of the expressive language of drawings and written comments. The sample consisted of 130 children in 3rd and 4th classes from four randomly selected schools, in the region of Central Portugal Continental (Coimbra district). The study was conducted during the first semester of 2011. The data collection was performed by means of Rodrigues’ drawing/writing sheet. This sheet is divided in 4 areas (2 of them to draw what children consider good for health and the other 2 to write the content or message of the drawings). The themes expressed are classified based on the priority areas for the promotion of healthy lifestyles. Results. children value healthy food, physical activity, mental health, prevention of inappropriate substance consumption and health and environment. The drawings and comments show links between diet and physical exercise, and between mental health and interpersonal relationships. Conclusion. Drawings and comments facilitate health professionals understanding of children’s perception of health positive and negative factors. The results of the study allow planning intervention strategies in school health from infant perception


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    Resumo Propomo-nos a apresentar elementos a respeito do orçamento público do país problematizando a redução do aporte financeiro destinado às políticas sociais em detrimento da considerável parcela destinada ao pagamento da dívida pública. Pretende-se também indicar o porquê da “relativa” centralidade do programa “Bolsa Família” em relação às demais políticas públicas. O referencial teórico a que recorremos é composto basicamente de estudiosos das políticas sociais, abrangendo o campo do Serviço Social e da Economia

    Perspectivas para o marco legal do terceiro setor

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    A existência de um ambiente regulatório moderno, claro e estável é fator fundamental para promover a expansão e a qualificação do investimento social privado no Brasil. Com base nessa premissa, o GIFE -- Grupo de Institutos, Fundações e Empresas desenvolve, desde 2003, ações com o objetivo de contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento da legislação brasileira do terceiro setor, construindo um ambiente mais favorável ao investimento social e à atuação das organizações da sociedade civil. Essa publicação tem como objetivo orientar a atuação de advocacy do GIFE

    Catastrophe Theory for Γ\Gamma-invariant Unfoldings with Applications to Quantum Many-body Theory

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    The theory of singularities and its broad ramifications, especially catastrophe theory, have found fertile ground in some areas of physics (e.g., caustics, wave optics) for their applications. In the context of quantum many-body theory, however, their results, despite being useful, are not generally known by the scientific community and often require a non-trivial adaptation, mainly due to the effects of symmetries in the associated physical system, which are not encompassed by the original theory. In this article, we provide an extension of the main results of Ren\'e Thom's catastrophe theory for the case of germs and unfoldings possessing special symmetries. In a more mathematically precise language, we provide a proof of the determinacy theorems for germs that are invariant under the action of an arbitrary compact Lie group, and of the transversality and stability theorems for the case of invariant unfoldings. The results obtained can be seen as an extension and adaptation of the works of [7] and [8] on singularity theory of Rn\mathbb{R}^n to Rn\mathbb{R}^n mappings to the particular scenario of catastrophe theory. Finally, we also provide a classification theorem for unfoldings invariant under the action of Z2\mathbb{Z}_2, and present some of the possible applications of the theory to the study of phase transitions in quantum many-body systems

    A mean-variance look at robo-advising

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    Mestrado em FinançasNos últimos anos, a indústria de gestão de riquezas enfrentou desafios significativos e tendências impactantes, tais como a diminuição da confiança dos clientes nos serviços financeiros tradicionais, novos encargos regulatórios e aumento da concorrência. Neste contexto, a ascensão de gestores de investimento automatizados, conhecidos como "roboadvisors" e a nova combinação de ciência e capital humano tem desafiado a indústria de gestão de capital a encontrar novas formas de criar valor para beneficiar o cliente. Sobre esse assunto, esse projeto contribui para uma análise de risco-retorno e analise das fronteiras eficientes do portfólio recomendado de cinco plataformas online nos Estados Unidos em março de 2017: Charles Schwab, SigFig, Wealthfront, ToleRisk e RiskAlyze. Nessa análise, são realizados "backtesting" para avaliar o desempenho, a volatilidade, o valor em risco e os índices de Sharpe. Esse projeto é baseado na Teoria da Variação Média e é baseado em preços históricos de fechamento semanal de fundos de investimento abertos negociados em bolsa. Os resultados indicam que a prática atual de utilizar questionários para determinar o perfil de risco do investidor é de confiabilidade limitada. Os resultados também mostram que o modelo "robo-advisory" aparentemente beneficia investidores conservadores. Assim, esta dissertação contribui para uma visão sobre os benefícios e limitações das plataformas de investimento online, fornecendo um parâmetro para uma melhor compreensão do seu potencial futuro.In the last few years the wealth management industry has experienced significant challenges and impactful trends, such as a decrease in customers' trust of traditional financial services, new regulatory burdens and increase of competition. In this context, the rise of automated investment managers, well known as "robo-advisors" and the new combination of science and human capital has been challenging the wealth management industry to find new ways to create value benefiting the client. On this matter, this project contributes to a analysis of risk-return look and efficient frontiers of the recommended portfolio of five online platforms in United States in March 2017: Charles Schwab, SigFig, Wealthfront, ToleRisk and RiskAlyze. In this analysis, back-testing is conducted to assess performance, volatility, value at risk and sharpe ratios. This project is based on the Mean-Variance Theory and uses historical weekly closing prices of exchanged traded-funds. Results indicates that the current practice of using questionnaires to determine investor risk profiles is of limited reliability. It also benefits investing that the robo-advisor model is seemingly benefits investingting conservative investors the most. Thus, this dissertation contribute to a view on Robo-advisors benefits and limitations, providing a parameter for better understanding its future potential.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Equity valuation : DIA–Distribuidora Internacional de Alimentacion, SA

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    The purpose of this Master thesis is to demonstrate a plausible and effective valuation for DIA, SA. This is a very well-known Spanish retailer, mainly focused in grocery and domestic products. The performed valuation aims to evaluate the company in the 1st January, 2016. In order to complete this Thesis, all the materials and subjects learned during this master program played a fundamental role, especially “Firm Valuation”, whose topics matched exactly with the contents applied here. In order to perform the Valuation of DIA, and after reviewing relevant literature about the subject, three major methods were chosen. DCF (Discounted Cash-Flows), APV (Adjusted Present Value) and Multiples Valuation were the models applied. The final results were then compared with an equity research from a leading investment bank, JP Morgan. This comparison was an important mark, as by applying the similar methods, the results found in this thesis were confirmed.O objectivo desta dissertação de mestrado é demonstrar uma avaliação plausível e efectiva para a DIA, SA. Esta empresa é um distinta retalhista espanhola, principalmente focada na mercearia e produtos nacionais. A avaliação efectuada tem como objetivo avaliar a empresa em 1 de janeiro de 2016. Para concluir esta tese, todos os materiais e conteúdos aprendidos durante este programa de mestrado desempenharam um papel fundamental, especialmente a cadeira de "Firm Valuation", cujos temas corresponderam exatamente com o conteúdo aqui aplicado. A fim de realizar a Avaliação da DIA, e depois de rever a literatura relevante sobre o assunto, foram escolhidos três métodos principais. DCF (Discounted Cash-Flows), APV (Adjusted Present Value) e Múltiplos de avaliação foram os modelos aplicados. Os resultados finais foram então comparados com uma Equity Research de um banco de investimento líder, JP Morgan. Esta comparação foi um marco importante, porque através da aplicação de métodos semelhantes, foram confirmados os resultados encontrados nesta tese