941 research outputs found

    Development and Validation of an IMU/GPS/Galileo Integration Navigation System for UAV

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    Several and distinct Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle (UAV) applications are emerging, demanding steps to be taken in order to allow those platforms to operate in an un-segregated airspace. The key risk component, hindering the widespread integration of UAV in an un-segregated airspace, is the autonomous component: the need for a high level of autonomy in the UAV that guarantees a safe and secure integration in an un-segregated airspace. At this point, the UAV accurate state estimation plays a fundamental role for autonomous UAV, being one of the main responsibilities of the onboard autopilot. Given the 21st century global economic paradigm, academic projects based on inexpensive UAV platforms but on expensive commercial autopilots start to become a non-economic solution. Consequently, there is a pressing need to overcome this problem through, on one hand, the development of navigation systems using the high availability of low cost, low power consumption, and small size navigation sensors offered in the market, and, on the other hand, using Global Navigation Satellite Systems Software Receivers (GNSS SR). Since the performance that is required for several applications in order to allow UAV to fly in an un-segregated airspace is not yet defined, for most UAV academic applications, the navigation system accuracy required should be at least the same as the one provided by the available commercial autopilots. This research focuses on the investigation of the performance of an integrated navigation system composed by a low performance inertial measurement unit (IMU) and a GNSS SR. A strapdown mechanization algorithm, to transform raw inertial data into navigation solution, was developed, implemented and evaluated. To fuse the data provided by the strapdown algorithm with the one provided by the GNSS SR, an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) was implemented in loose coupled closed-loop architecture, and then evaluated. Moreover, in order to improve the performance of the IMU raw data, the Allan variance and denoise techniques were considered for both studying the IMU error model and improving inertial sensors raw measurements. In order to carry out the study, a starting question was made and then, based on it, eight questions were derived. These eight secondary questions led to five hypotheses, which have been successfully tested along the thesis. This research provides a deliverable to the Project of Research and Technologies on Unmanned Air Vehicles (PITVANT) Group, consisting of a well-documented UAV Development and Validation of an IMU/GPS/Galileo Integration Navigation System for UAV II navigation algorithm, an implemented and evaluated navigation algorithm in the MatLab environment, and Allan variance and denoising algorithms to improve inertial raw data, enabling its full implementation in the existent Portuguese Air Force Academy (PAFA) UAV. The derivable provided by this thesis is the answer to the main research question, in such a way that it implements a step by step procedure on how the Strapdown IMU (SIMU)/GNSS SR should be developed and implemented in order to replace the commercial autopilot. The developed integrated SIMU/GNSS SR solution evaluated, in post-processing mode, through van-test scenario, using real data signals, at the Galileo Test and Development Environment (GATE) test area in Berchtesgaden, Germany, when confronted with the solution provided by the commercial autopilot, proved to be of better quality. Although no centimetre-level of accuracy was obtained for the position and velocity, the results confirm that the integration strategy outperforms the Piccolo system performance, being this the ultimate goal of this research work

    Proposal for teacher training focusing on digital literacy

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    A possibilidade de apresentar uma proposta de modelo de formação de professores com foco na literacia digital se reforçou durante a vertente empírica da pesquisa de doutoramento Formação de professores, Literacia Digital e Inclusão Sociodigital: Estudo de caso em curso a distância da Universidade Federal do Tocantins (ALVES, 2017). O estudo parte do pressuposto que a formação de professor, que desenvolve habilidades para a literacia digital, o introduz na sociedade em rede e por consequência gera sua inclusão sociodigital. Neste sentido, realizou-se um estudo de caso, de cunho qualitativo, com professores da rede pública em formação num curso de licenciatura a distância em instituição pública. Os instrumentos metodológicos foram questionários (sondagem do perfil de uso de tecnologias no campo cotidiano e na prática pedagógica) e entrevistas semiestruturadas com o objetivo de compreender mais profundamente as percepções dos professores em relação às tecnologias nos dois campos. A investigação constatou um baixo nível de literacia digital do grupo de professores participantes de uma formação a distância.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Percepções e atitudes de professores frente às TDIC no cotidiano e na ação docente: estudo de caso com professores cursistas de formação a distância no Brasil

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo aprofundar as questões discutidas no artigo Literacia digital de professores: um estudo de caso em curso de licenciatura a distância no Tocantins, Brasil (Alves & Silva, 2015). Ambos trabalhos apresentam dados da pesquisa de doutoramento em educação intitulada Formação de professores, Literacia Mediática e Inclusão Sociodigital: estudo de caso em curso a distância na Universidade Federal do Tocantins em processo de conclusão na Universidade do Minho. Esta pesquisa, cujos participantes são professores da rede pública que são cursistas de uma formação a distância, teve o objetivo investigar se o fato destes professores estudarem na modalidade a distância contribuiu para o desenvolvimento da literacia digital na sua vida social, práticas cotidianas e na sua prática docente. No presente artigo apresentamos a análise e discussão dos dados levantados nas entrevistas com os participantes. As entrevistas proporcionaram um aprofundamento sobre a percepção que os participantes têm da presença das tecnologias na vida cotidiana e na prática pedagógica. Os resultados indicam uma tendência para o uso das tecnologias de forma elementar e instrumental no dia-dia dos participantes. Quanto a presença dos dispositivos móveis com Internet nas mãos dos alunos em sala de aula, constatou-se que uma resistência dos professores e que estes tiram pouco proveito do potencial das TDIC na prática pedagógica. O estudo aponta a formação voltada para a literacia digital como uma necessidade urgente na preparação dos professores para lidar com a crescente presença das tecnologias na vida social e profissional.This paper aims to deepen the issues discussed in the article Digital Literacy of Teachers: an ongoing case study of distance education in Tocantins, Brazil (Alves & Silva, 2015). Both papers present data from the PhD research In education entitled Teacher Training, Media Literacy and Sociodigital Inclusion: a case study underway at a distance at the Federal University of Tocantins, in the process of completion at the University of Minho. This research, whose participants are public school teachers who are distance learning students, had the objective of investigating whether the fact that these teachers study in the distance modality contributed to the development of digital literacy in their social life, daily practices and in their practice. In the present article we present the analysis and discussion of the data collected in the interviews with the participants. The interviews provided a deepening of participants' perception of the presence of technologies in everyday life and pedagogical practice. The results indicate a tendency for the use of the technologies of elementary and instrumental form in the day-day of the participants. As for the presence of mobile devices with Internet in the hands of students in the classroom, it was found that resistance of teachers and that they take little advantage of the potential of the TDIC in pedagogical practice. The study points to training in digital literacy as an urgent need to prepare teachers to deal with the growing presence of technologies in social and professional life.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Formación docente em línea: la inclusion sociodigital más allá del acceso a las tecnologias digitales de informacíon y comunicación

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    Este artigo apresenta dados parciais da pesquisa de doutoramento Formação de professores, Literacia Digital e Inclusão Sociodigital: Estudo de caso em curso a distância da Universidade Federal do Tocantins. O estudo teve como objetivo investigar as prováveis mudanças que uma formação docente online pode promover na literacia digital e inclusão sociodigital dos professores participantes. A revisão teórica da pesquisa partiu do pressuposto de que vivemos numa sociedade em rede interligada por computadores e internet (CASTELLS, 2003), mas que nem todos estão conectados, o que gera uma parcela considerável de excluídos e marginalizados digitalmente (ALVES, 2017). Os professores, entretanto, têm sido alvo de políticas públicas voltadas à inclusão digital. No entanto, existem controvérsias se estas formações realmente contribuem para a inclusão destes professores. Neste sentido, o texto apresenta conceitos teóricos sobre o binômio inclusão/exclusão e ainda os níveis de desigualdades que podem ocorrer em diferentes contextos. Assim, o artigo faz o recorte da citada tese no que diz respeito à apresentar os dados sobre o acesso às tecnologias dos professores de formação online participantes da pesquisa e a relação deste acesso com a inclusão sociodigital dos mesmos. O texto conclui apontando para a importância da formação docente voltada para a literacia digital visando a inclusão, integração e permanência dos professores na sociedade em rede.This article presents partial data of the PhD research Teacher training, Digital Literacy and Sociodigital Inclusion: Case study in distance course of the Federal University of Tocantins. The aim of the study was to investigate the probable changes that an online teacher education can promote in the digital literacy and sociodigital inclusion of the participating teachers. The theoretical review of the research was based on the assumption that we live in a networked society connected to computers and the internet (Castells, 2001), but not all of them are connected, which generates a considerable number of digitally excluded and marginalized individuals. Teachers, however, have been the target of public policies focused on digital inclusion. However, there are controversies as to whether these formations really contribute to the inclusion of these teachers. In this sense, the text presents a theoretical concept about the inclusion / exclusion binômio and also the levels of inequalities that can occur in different contexts. Thus, the article makes the cut of the aforementioned thesis regarding the presentation of the data about the access to the technologies of online training teachers participating in the research and the relation of this access with the sociodigital inclusion of the same. The text concludes by pointing to the importance of teacher education focused on digital literacy for the purpose of inclusion, integration and permanence of teachers in the network society.Este artículo presenta datos parciales de la investigación de doctorado Formación de profesores, Alfabetización digital e Inclusión Sociodigital: Estudio de caso en curso a distancia de la Universidad Federal de Tocantins. El estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar los probables cambios que una formación docente en línea puede promover en la alfabetización digital e inclusión sociodigital de los profesores participantes. La revisión teórica de la investigación partió del supuesto de que vivimos en una sociedad en red interconectada por computadoras e internet (Castells, 2001), pero que no todos están conectados, lo que genera una parte considerable de excluidos y marginados digitalmente (Alves, 2017). Los profesores, sin embargo, han sido objeto de políticas públicas orientadas a la inclusión digital. Sin embargo, existen controversias si estas formaciones realmente contribuyen a la inclusión de estos profesores. En este sentido, el texto presenta concepto teórico sobre el bimonio inclusión / exclusión y aún los niveles de desigualdades que pueden ocurrir en diferentes contextos. Así, el artículo hace el recorte de la citada tesis en lo que se refiere a presentar los datos sobre el acceso a las tecnologías de los profesores de formación online participantes de la investigación y la relación de este acceso con la inclusión sociodigital de los mismos. El texto concluye apuntando a la importancia de la formación docente orientada a la alfabetización digital para la inclusión, integración y permanencia de los profesores en la sociedad en red.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    FIPELD- Integrated, Permanent and Evolutionary Training for Digital Literacy: a proposal for teacher training focused on digital literacy

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    Este artigo apresenta uma proposta de formação de professores com foco na literacia digital. A Formação Integrada, Permanente e Evolutiva para a Literacia Digital – FIPELD, foi elaborada a partir das reflexões e constatações da pesquisa de doutoramento na Universidade do Minho intitulada Formação de professores, Literacia Digital e Inclusão Sociodigital: Estudo de caso em curso a distância da Universidade Federal do Tocantins. O estudo teve como objetivo investigar os impactos dos cursos de formação a distância de professores sobre as suas habilidades e competências para o uso das tecnologias digitais no seu cotidiano e práticas pedagógicas.This article presents a proposal for teacher training focused on digital literacy. The Integrated, Permanent and Evolutionary Training for Digital Literacy - FIPELD, was elaborated from the reflections and findings of the doctoral research at the University of Minho entitled Teacher Training, Digital Literacy and Sociodigital Inclusion: A case study in progress at a distance from the University Federal do Tocantins. The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of distance learning courses on teachers' abilities and competences for the use of digital technologies in their everyday life and pedagogical practices.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O novo quadro-negro nas mãos dos estudantes: desafios emergentes para a educação

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    O cenário de mudanças na área das tecnologias avança numa velocidade acelerada e a escola, uma instituição tradicional, ainda encontra resistência em acompanhar a dinâmica das reconfigurações que as tecnologias digitais de informação e comunicação (TDIC) causam nos âmbitos sociais, econômico, político e educacional. Assim, muda-se a forma de aprender e ensinar, modifica-se o papel do professor e altera-se a finalidade da escola. Este artigo apresenta reflexões sobre as mudanças ocorridas na educação com a inserção das tecnologias digitais em contraponto com a resistência da escola em se adaptar a estas mudanças por manterem o modelo pedagógico e de infraestrutura do século XIX. A primeira seção descreve este cenário antagônico de tecnologias subestimadas enquanto a concepção de pedagogia da transmissão predomina no contexto escolar. A segunda seção apresenta propostas inovadoras de integração das TDIC no cenário em que os tablets e smartphones são o novo quadro-negro nas mãos dos alunos.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Literacia digital de professores: um estudo de caso em curso de licenciatura a distância no Tocantins, Brasil

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    Este trabalho apresenta dados parciais coletados na pesquisa de doutoramento em Educação da Universidade do Minho intitulada: “Formação de professores, Literacia Mediática e Inclusão Sociodigital: Estudo de caso em curso a distância da Universidade Federal do Tocantins” (UFT). Trata-se de um estudo de caso realizado com professores que são estudantes de licenciatura a distância numa universidade pública no interior do Brasil. O estudo teve como objetivo investigar se o fato destes professores estudarem na modalidade a distância contribui para o desenvolvimento da literacia digital na sua vida social, práticas cotidianas e/ou na sua prática docente. Este trabalho apresenta dados coletados na aplicação de questionários online enviados aos participantes. O total de alunos frequentes do curso de licenciatura em estudo é de 32 alunos, destes, 25 (78%) participaram. Os resultados revelam um baixo nível de literacia digital dos participantes nas questões relacionadas com o cotidiano e nas aplicações pedagógicas das tecnologias. O estudo aponta para a necessidade de investimento na formação dos professores voltada para a literacia digital em contextos educativos.This paper presents partial data collected in the PhD in Education at the University of Minho research entitled: "Teacher training, literacy and inclusion sociodigital Mediatic: Ongoing Case study the distance from the Federal University of Tocantins" (UFT). It is a case study with teachers who are undergraduate students the distance in a public university in the interior of Brazil. The study aimed to investigate whether the fact that these teachers study in the distance contributes to the development of digital literacy in their social life, daily practices and / or in their teaching practice. This paper presents data collected in applying online questionnaires sent to the participants. Total students frequent the degree of ongoing study is 32 students, of whom 25 (78%) participated. The results show a low level of digital literacy of the participants on issues related to the daily life and the educational applications of technology. The study points to the need for investment in the training of teachers turned to digital literacy in educational settings.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Remote experimentation: integrating research, education, and industrial application

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    This paper presents a low-cost scaled model of a silo for drying and airing cereal grains. It allows the control and monitor of several parameters associated to the silo's operation, through a remote accessible infrastructure. The scaled model consists of a 2.50 m wide × 2.10 m long plant with all control and monitor capacities provided by micro-Web servers. An application running on the micro-Web servers enables storing all parameters in a data basis for later analysis. The implemented model aims to support a remote experimentation facility for technological education, research-oriented tutorials, and industrial applications. Given the low-cost requirement, this remote facility can be easily replicated in other institutions to support a network of remote labs, which encompasses the concurrent access of several users (e.g. students)

    From cheating to teaching: a path for conversion of illegal gambling machines

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    Video poker machines, a former symbol of fraud and gambling in Brazil, are now being converted into computer-based educational tools for Brazilian public primary schools and also for governmental and non-governmental institutions dealing with communities of poverty and social exclusion, in an attempt to reduce poverty risks (decrease money spent on gambling) and promote social inclusion (increase access and motivation to education). Thousands of illegal gambling machines are seized by federal authorities, in Brazil, every year, and usually destroyed at the end of the criminal apprehension process. This paper describes a project developed by the University of Southern Santa Catarina, Brazil, responsible for the conversion process of gambling machines, and the social inclusion opportunities derived from it. All project members worked on a volunteer basis, seeking to promote social inclusion of Brazilian young boys and girls, namely through digital inclusion. So far, the project has been able to convert over 200 gambling machines and install them in over 40 public primary schools, thus directly benefiting more than 12,000 schoolchildren. The initial motivation behind this project was technology based, however the different options arising from the conversion process of the gambling machines have also motivated a rather innovative and unique experience in allowing schoolchildren and young people with special (educational) needs to access to computer-based pedagogical applications. The availability of these converted machines also helps to place Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the very daily educational environment of these children and youngsters, thus serving social and cultural inclusion aspects, by establishing a dialogue with the community and their technological expectations, and also directly contributing to their digital literacy