25 research outputs found

    Family Health Strategy professionals' view on the effects of Hansen's disease training

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    OBJECTIVEEvaluating how professionals of family health teams from three municipalities of Pernambuco perceive and interpret the effects of Hansen's disease training.METHODSA qualitative study using the perspective of Habermas. Six focus groups, totaling 33 nurses and 22 doctors were formed. The guide consisted of: reactions to training, learning, transfer of knowledge and organizational results.RESULTSThere were recurrent positive opinions on instructor performance, course materials, and an alert attitude to the occurrence of cases; the negative points were about lack of practical teaching, a lot of information in a short period of time and little emphasis on basic content. Low perceived self-efficacy and low locus of control, ambiguity, conflict of skills and the lack of support for the learning application. Nurses showed greater dissatisfaction with the organizational support.CONCLUSIONThe low effectiveness of training reveals the need to negotiate structured training from work problematization, considering performance conditions

    Investigation of reaction mechanisms by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry: characterization of intermediates in the degradation of phenol by a novel iron/magnetite/hydrogen peroxide heterogeneous oxidation system

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    Electrospray ionization (ESI) mass spectrometry (MS) and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) were used to monitor the oxidation of phenol by a novel heterogeneous Fenton system based on a Fe-0/Fe3O4 composite and H2O2. On-line ESI-MS(/MS) shows that this heterogeneous system promotes prompt oxidation of phenol to hydroquinone, which is subsequently oxidized to quinone, other cyclic poly-hydroxylated intermediates and an acyclic carboxylic acid. A peroxide-type intermediate, probably formed via an electrophilic attack of HOO. on the phenol ring, was also intercepted and characterized. ESI-MS(/MS) monitoring of the oxidation of two other model aromatic compounds, benzene and chlorobenzene, indicates the participation of analogous intermediates. These results suggest that oxidation by the heterogeneous system is promoted by highly reactive HO. and HOO. radicals generated from H2O2 on the surface of the Fe-0/Fe3O4 composite via a classical Fenton-like mechanism. Copyright (c) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.20121859186

    Atividade antibacteriana de óleos essenciais em cepas isoladas de infecção urinária Antibacterial activity of essential oils on microorganisms isolated from urinary tract infection

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    A análise da atividade antibacteriana de óleos essenciais de ervas medicinais (Ocimum gratissimum, L., Cybopogum citratus (DC) Stapf. e Salvia officinalis, L.) foi verificada frente a 100 cepas de bactérias isoladas de indivíduos da comunidade com diagnóstico de infecção urinária. Os microrganismos foram semeados em ágar Muller Hinton e os extratos aplicados com replicador de Steers e incubados a 37&deg;C por 24 horas. Verificou-se que Salvia officinalis, L. apresentou ação inibitória superior às outras ervas, tendo eficácia de 100% quando testadas em espécies de Klebsiella e Enterobacter, 96% em Escherichia coli, 83% contra Proteus mirabilis e 75% contra Morganella morganii.<br>The antibacterial activity of essential oils extracted from medicinal plants (Ocimum gratissimum, L., Cybopogum citratus (DC) Stapf., and Salvia officinalis, L.) was assessed on bacterial strains derived from 100 urine samples. Samples were taken from subjects diagnosed with urinary tract infection living in the community. Microorganisms were plated on Müller Hinton agar. Plant extracts were applied using a Steers replicator and petri dishes were incubated at 37&deg;C for 24 hours. Salvia officinalis, L. showed enhanced inhibitory activity compared to the other two herbs, with 100% efficiency against Klebsiella and Enterobacter species, 96% against Escherichia coli, 83% against Proteus mirabilis, and 75% against Morganella morganii

    Polygodial, the fungitoxic component from the Brazilian medicinal plant Polygonum punctatum

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    Polygonum punctatum (Polygonaceae) is an herb known in some regions of Brazil as "erva-de-bicho" and is used to treat intestinal disorders. The dichloromethane extract of the aerial parts of this plant showed strong activity in a bioautographic assay with the fungus Cladosporium sphaerospermum. The bioassay-guided chemical fractionation of this extract afforded the sesquiterpene dialdehyde polygodial as the active constituent. The presence of this compound with antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and anti-hyperalgesic properties in "erva-de-bicho" may account for the effects attributed by folk medicine to this plant species

    Eleutherinone, a novel fungitoxic naphthoquinone from Eleutherine bulbosa (Iridaceae)

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    The dichloromethane extract prepared from the underground parts of Eleutherine bulbosa (Miller) Urban (Iridaceae) showed strong activity in the direct bioautography assay with the phytopathogenic fungus Cladosporium sphaerospermum. This assay was used to guide the fractionation of this extract and allowed the isolation of four compounds: the new naphthoquinone eleutherinone[8-methoxy-1-methyl-1,3-dihydro-naphtho(2,3-c)furan-4,9 -dione] and the known compounds, previously isolated from this species, eleutherin [9-methoxy-1(R),3(S)-dimethyl-3,4-dihydro-1H-benzo(g)isochromene-5,10-dione], isoeleutherin [9-methoxy-1(R),3(R)-dimethyl-3,4-dihydro-1H-benzo(g)isochromene-5,10-dione], and eleutherol [4-hydroxy-5-methoxy-3(R)-methyl-3H-naphtho(2,3-c)furan-1 -one]. All quinonoid compounds showed strong antifungal activity in the bioautography assay at 100 µg/spot, while eleutherol was inactive