1,000 research outputs found

    Portugal and latin american studies : (1980-2000)

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    The studies on Latin America developed in Portugal in the last 20 years have basically focused on the traditional geographical area of Brazil as a consequence of the strong historical ties between the two countries which have strong cultural and economic relations and share Portuguese as their official language. As a result, the number of studies produced on the other Latin American countries is much less in spite of the fact that Portugal has important emigrant communities in countries such as Argentina and Venezuela, or that many of the situations experienced in other Latin American countries constitute important case studies in several domains. Although history is my disciplinary background, I believe that the area of humanities studies has been quantitatively more significant in Latin America research produced in Portugal last twenty years

    Satisfation and loyalty of customers of a financial institution: a case of study

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    The present study aims to observe and evaluate the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty of Caixa de Crédito Agrícola Mútuo da Região de Bragança e Alto Douro. With this analysis is intended that the administration of the institution identify and assess strengths and weakness that may be able to improve. Thus, applying the European Customer Satisfaction Index model a survey was carried out by questionnaire to customers of financial institution object of study , where the size of the sample was 1705 customers. From the results obtained based on descriptive and inferential analyses as well as logistic regression models, was possible to verify the existence of statistically significant relationships between latent variables of the model in study.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Satisfação e lealdade dos clientes e sua relação com indicadores económico-financeiros. O caso da CCAM da região de Bragança e Alto Douro

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    Com o presente estudo pretende-se observar e avaliar a satisfação e lealdade dos clientes da Caixa Crédito Agrícola Mútuo da Região de Bragança e Alto Douro e relaciona-la com indicadores económico-financeiros. Desta forma, aplicando o modelo ECSI - European Customer Satisfaction Index, foi efetuado um inquérito por questionário aos clientes da Caixa Crédito Agrícola Mútuo da Região de Bragança e Alto Douro. Dos resultados obtidos pode concluir-se que existem de facto relações entre a satisfação dos clientes e alguns indicadores económico-financeiros da instituição, assim como se observou que existem diferenças no índice de satisfação ao longo dos anos e entre agências.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Para que servem os meus olhos? Notas sobre o trabalho feminino na indústria têxtil de Guimarães

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    Ligadas à auto-suficiência da vida rural, as actividades de fiar e tecer surgiram historicamente em complementaridade da faina agrícola, essencialmente como trabalho feminino que aproveita os tempos vagos das cadências da terra para transformar o linho ou a lã, dando utilidade social a estes produtos, criando riqueza através da incorporação de trabalho. Fiava-se, com a roca colada à cintura, em casa, de dia ou ao serão, de pé ou em marcha no caminho de vigia do gado aos lameiros. E, casa agrícola que se prezasse, tinha o seu tear, para do fio passar ao tecido

    Leituras sobre a emigração em Portugal : revisitação da Teoria Geral de José Frederico Laranjo (1878)

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    The article, which is part of a project that revisits Portuguese authors and works related with emigration, is developed around the General emigration theory and its application to Portugal, a work by José Frederico Laranjo published in 1878. It discusses the main lines of that work from the point of view of archaeology of discourse

    Liberdade de consciência, liberdade de cultos: o papel da lei da separação do estado das igrejas (1911)

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    The Law of Separation of State and Church, a dictatorial law passed on 20th April 1911 by Afonso Costa, Minister of Justice of the Provisional Government, was intended to introduce a «new regime of cults». However, it proved an ill-fated law, leading to practices which collided with the status detained by the Catholic Church in Portuguese society, to become one of the main targets of both counter-revolutionary forces and conservative republican proposals. This paper aims to analyse the main thematic lines of the Law of Separation, as well as explore enlightening complementary interpretations of its implementation, integrating it in the process of laicisation of State and Nation, now radicalised but which had been initiated with a few laws under the administration of the Marquis of Pombal, and particularly with several measures taken during the constitutional liberalism

    A difusão da técnica actuarial e as primeiras companhias de seguros no Porto (século XIX)

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    This study aims to question the assurances companies establishment in Porto in the liberal period in the context of the actuarial techniques development and its generalization in the maritime, fire and life branches of assurance. After giving a general outline of the assurance practices in Porto, we proceed to recapitulate some aspects of Segurança, Garantia and Previdente companies, seen as case studies
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