7 research outputs found

    Algorithm development for night charging electric vehicles optimization in big data applications

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    In this paper a night charging method that optimizes the recharging process of electric vehicles (EVs) depending on hourly energy price in a peer to peer (P2P) energy trading system is presented. This algorithm determines how much energy should be recharged in the battery of each EV and the corresponding time slot to do it, avoiding the discontinuities in the charging process and considering the users’ personal mobility constraints

    Electrical machines-based multi-disturbance device for testing distribution grid technologies

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    The growth of distributed energy resources in power systems, mainly converter-coupled generators, has forced the evolution of grid codes, increasing the requirements to be fulfilled by the generators before their connection to the mains. Solving this problem is crucial to guarantee the reliability and stability of the power system. Current standards force the generators to remain connected when facing voltage and/or frequency disturbances and, in some advanced grid codes, also when the generators are facing transient phase jumps produced as a consequence of those disturbances. If considering that the increment of the distributed generation is mainly done at a distribution level, it is unrealistic to consider voltage and frequency events as decoupled phenomena in the testing and certification procedures, as it is currently done. The testing device proposed in this paper is able to reproduce voltage, frequency and phase jumps disturbances of a controlled value simultaneously, being able to reproduce the real grid behavior reliably. Its design is based on standard components with a simple control system, which makes it easily replicable and scalable up to the power of the device to be tested. Therefore, the proposed device is an interesting commercially competitive testing equipment suitable for certification.This work has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competiveness under research grants PN-ENE2009-13276 and BES- 2010-034386


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    En este trabajo se presenta una nueva forma de reducir el impacto de la recarga de vehículos eléctricos (VE), basado en aplicaciones de economía colaborativa. La propuesta consiste en que VEs con excedente de energía almacenada en sus baterías puedan vender energía a aquellos VEs que requieran recargar sus baterías durante el día y que estén aparcados en la misma zona y a la misma hora. A través del mercado propuesto, es posible reducir significativamente el coste de la recarga a aquellos usuarios que necesitan recargar fuera del horario nocturno (hasta un 70% dependiendo de la situación) y reducir también el impacto de la recarga sobre la red, puesto que dicha recarga se realiza intercambiando la energía entre vehículos aparcados en la misma zona, sin necesidad de estar conectados a la red eléctrica.Este estudio se ha realizado con fondos del Proyecto Europeo DATA science for SIMulating the era of electric vehicles, FP7-ICT-270833

    Carbon-Free Electricity Generation in Spain with PV–Storage Hybrid Systems

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    Climate change motivated by human activities constitutes one of the main challenges of this century. To cut carbon emissions in order to mitigate carbon’s dangerous effects, the current energy generation mix should be shifted to renewable sources. The main drawback of these technologies is their intermittency, which will require energy storage systems to be fully integrated into the generation mix, allowing them to be more controllable. In recent years, great progress to develop an effective and economically feasible energy storage systems, particularly motivated by the recent rise of demand for electric transportation, has been made. Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery prices have fallen near 90% over the past decade, making possible the affordability of electric vehicles and transforming the economics of renewable energy. In this work, a study on storage capacity demand previously presented as conference paper is expanded, including a deep analysis of the Spanish generation mix, the evaluation of the energy storage requirements for different low-carbon and carbon-free scenarios in Mainland Spain, and the calculation of the CO2 emissions’ reduction and the associated storage costs.This research was partially funded by eNeuron Project from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement number 957779

    Using Dynamic Neural Networks for Battery State of Charge Estimation in Electric Vehicles

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    Due to urban pollution, transport electrification is being currently promoted in different countries. Electric Vehicles (EVs) sales are growing all over the world, but there are still some challenges to be solved before a mass adoption of this type of vehicles occurs. One of the main drawbacks of EVs are their limited range, for that reason an accurate estimation of the state-of-charge (SOC) is required. The main contribution of this work is the design of a Nonlinear Autoregressive with External Input (NARX) artificial neural network to estimate the SOC of an EV using real data extracted from the car during its daily trips. The network is trained using voltage, current and four different battery pack temperatures as input and SOC as output. This network has been tested using 54 different real driving cycles, obtaining highly accurate results, with a mean squared error lower than 1e-6 in all situationsThis work has been partially financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness within the framework of the project DEMS: “Sistema distribuido de gestión de energía en redes eléctricas inteligentes (TEC2015-66126-R)"

    Impacto de las políticas de autoconsumo y recarga del vehículo eléctrico en comunidades energéticas

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    Self-consumption is a key element to integrate renewable energies and foster consumer participation in the energy sector. To expand it, self-consumption regulation needs to incorporate policies such as shared self-consumption, energy communities, storage and electric vehicles. In this article, an optimization problem for the total cost of an energy community considering different self-consumption and electric vehicle management policies is presented. The problem is applied to a set of electric vehicle usage scenarios with diverse work schedules and daily consumptions. Results show that the involved policies have a greater impact on the community’s energy cost than the usage of the electric vehicles.El autoconsumo es una herramienta fundamental para integrar energías renovables y fomentar la participación activa de los consumidores en el sector energético. Para ello, la regulación del autoconsumo debe expandirse, incorporando figuras como el autoconsumo compartido, las comunidades energéticas, el almacenamiento y los vehículos eléctricos. En este artículo se presenta un problema de optimización del coste energético de una comunidad que considera diferentes políticas de autoconsumo compartido y gestión del vehículo eléctrico. El problema se aplica a una comunidad de energía compuesta por cinco consumidores domésticos para escenarios de uso del vehículo eléctrico con diferentes horarios de trabajo y consumos diarios. Los resultados muestran que las políticas involucradas tienen mayor impacto en el precio de la comunidad que el uso dado a los vehículos eléctricos

    Shared Self-Consumption Economic Analysis for a Residential Energy Community

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    Self-consumption is a growing public demand in an energy environment with growing electricity costs and decreasing photovoltaic installation costs. Shared self-consumption is an imperative aspect for bringing self-consumption into Multi-Family Residential Buildings (MRB), where most families live. Nevertheless, current legislation in most countries does not consider shared self-consumption or does not exploit its full potential; such is the case of Spain or Portugal. This paper will present a novel optimization problem for studying the economics of a shared self-consumption installation in a MRB (composed of five family demands, a PV installation and a battery) with the aim of reducing the total bill of the MRB during an entire year. The impact on energy communities of two different types of energy policies is analysed: the remuneration scheme for the surplus energy (net metering, net billing, and exclusive self-consumption policies) and the regulation for shared self-generated energy (demand-dependent, proportional output and no sharing). It is found that the regulation for the sharing energy can be more important that the remuneration scheme, which has been the traditional target of the self-consumption policy