408 research outputs found

    Factores de riesgo asociados al asma bronquial ocupacional en trabajadores de la industria textil (industrias modernas) : corregimiento de Bethania, Panamá, 1999.

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    Conociendo que las enfermedades profesionales son la consecuencia de la ruptura M equilibrio estable entre el hombre y el medio ambiente de trabajo efectuamos el presente estudio Descriptivo Transversal sobre los Factores de Riesgo Asociados al Asma Bronquial Ocupacional en trabajadores de la industria textil (Industrias Modernas) en Panamá Se encontró que la prevalencia del Asma Bronquial Ocupacional entre los trabajadores de la empresa textil fue del 12%, siendo los más afectados los del área de producción y de corte. Se determinó que la prevalencia de Rinitis entre estos trabajadores fue del 24% De forma interesante se presenta que a pesar de que el 30 5% de los trabajadores tenían antecedentes de alergias, de estos solo 3 (10 3%) desarrollan Asma Bronquial Ocupacional La Tasa de Ataque de Asma Bronquial Ocupacional por grupo de edad se incrementa en forma lineal con la antiguedad laboral Se presenta la posible relación entre el polvo en el ambiente laboral, y los solventes, en la aparición de ciertos trastornos respiratorios y en especial del Asma Bronquial Ocupacional Al realizársele las pruebas Espirométricas se detecta que el 55% de los trabajadores presentaban cambios obstructivos en sus patrones respiratorio

    Comparación con grafos de programas de pregrado de estudio en informática del Perú

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    Computer science education in Peru receives different names and different orientations according to the time and place of origin of the profession. Regardless of that, each proposal has curricula, areas of knowledge, skills and professional profiles that establish a varied offer adapted to the country's economic system. The present study proposes a quantitative approach to identify similarities and differences between curricula of this educational offer. The project incorporates modeling in graphs to convert study plans and international guides into models that allow us to study them in this context. Once a plan or international reference is modeled as a graph, we can study the relationships and thus have a level of approximation between the models. In this way, we can have measures of closeness or distance with the referents or even between the study plans.La educación en informática en el Perú recibe distintos nombres y distintas orientaciones según el lugar de origen de la profesión. Independiente de eso, cada propuesta tiene curriculas, áreas de conocimientos, competencias y perfiles profesionales que establecen una oferta variada y adaptada al sistema económico del país. El presente estudio plantea un acercamiento cuantitativo para identificar semejanzas y diferencias entre planes de estudio de esta oferta educativa. El proyecto incorpora el modelamiento en grafos para convertir los planes de estudio o las guías internacionales en modelos que nos permita estudiarlas en ese contexto. Una vez modelado como grafo un plan o referente internacional podremos estudiar ciertas propiedades y con ello tener un mejor entendimiento del desarrollo de las escuelas peruanas. De modo que podemos evaluar medidas de acercamiento con estos referentes o entre propuestas educativas


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    ABSTRACT A study has been undertaken to understand the effects of swirl-promoted turbulent flow on the spatial distribution of emulsified canola oil droplets. To fully understand the effects of swirling flow on fuel droplets, the discrete phase model (DPM) has been adopted to simulate straight vegetable oils (SVO) blend droplets. The stochastic break-up model has been used to simulate the aggregated dynamic behavior of fuel droplets in the combustion chamber. A robust and stable numerical algorithm has been selected and validated using experimental data in terms of mean flow velocity profiles and fuel droplet spray distribution using known fuel characteristics. The interaction between the swirling air flow and fuel droplets have been simulated using LES by considering two swirl numbers. The effects of swirl number on droplet spatial distributions in the combustion chamber have been considered and evaluated correspondingly. Specifically, the effects of air flow structure on fuel droplet distributions have been evaluated via numerical simulation. Results reveal that fuel droplet distribution is affected by the vortices generated by the swirler. Moreover, the results also indicate that swirl number (SN) has a distinct effect on the distribution of droplets and the evolution of vortices in the combustion chamber

    A model to predict the oscillation frequency for drops pinned on a vertical planar surface

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    Accurate prediction of the natural frequency for the lateral oscillation of a liquid drop pinned on a vertical planar surface is important to many drop applications. The natural oscillation frequency, normalized by the capillary frequency, is {mainly} a function of the equilibrium contact angle and the Bond number (Bo), when the contact lines remain pinned. Parametric numerical and experimental studies have been performed to establish a comprehensive understanding of oscillation dynamics. {An} inviscid model has been developed to predict the oscillation frequency for wide ranges of Bo and contact angles. The model reveals the scaling relation between the normalized frequency and Bo, which is validated by the numerical simulation results. For a given equilibrium contact angle, the lateral oscillation frequency decreases with Bo, implying that resonance frequencies will be magnified if the drop oscillations occur in a reduced gravity environment

    The short-form of the Cyberchondria Severity Scale (CSS-12): Adaptation and validation of the Spanish version in young Peruvian students

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    BACKGROUND: Cyberchondria is defined as the increase in health-related anxiety or anguish associated with excessive or repeated online searches for health-related information. Our objective was to cross-culturally adapt and validate the CSS-12 scale for Peruvian Spanish speakers, to determine whether the Bifactor model works as well in our population as in previous studies' and to explore whether the Bifactor-ESEM is a more suitable model. METHODS: We performed a cultural adaptation using the Delphi method and a validation study on medical students between 2018 and 2019. Reliability was evaluated by using Cronbach's alpha (α) and McDonald's omega (Ω) for internal consistency, and Pearson's r and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), for test-retest reliability. We evaluated construct validity by contrasting four measurement models for the CSS-12 and the convergent validity against health anxiety. RESULTS: The Spanish CSS-12 showed excellent reliability (α = .93; Ω = .93; ICC = .93; r = .96). The Bifactor ESEM model showed the best fit, supporting a unidimensional measure of the general cyberchondria. This measure was positively associated with health anxiety (r = .51). CONCLUSIONS: The Spanish CSS-12 provides a valid and reliable unidimensional measure of cyberchondria, which is distinguishable from the more general health anxiety. This can be applied to similar populations and future research. The Bifactor-ESEM model appears to offer a more accurate and realistic representation of the multifaceted nature of cyberchondria. We provide a free-to-use form of the Spanish CSS-12 as supplemental material

    Suicide of physicians. An ignored reality

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    Hoy se conoce que la tasa de suicidio entre médicos es más elevada que en la población general, en Estados Unidos una revisión halló que la tasa de suicidio en médicos es de 28 a 40 por 100.000, mayor a la presentada en población general de 12,3 por cada 100.0003. Schernhammer, et al. encontraron que el Riesgo Relativo (RR) para suicidio en los hombres médicos era 1,41 (IC del 95% 1,21 a 1,65) y 2,27 (IC de 95% =1,90 a 2,73) para las mujeres médicas, comparado con la población general4. Situación que puede estar subestimada, dado a las malas codificaciones al momento de los registros, por ejemplo, reportando como muerte por intoxicación los casos de suicidio por sobredosis, esto quizás producido por el estigma social que conlleva.Hoy se conoce que la tasa de suicidio entre médicos es más elevada que en la población general, en Estados Unidos una revisión halló que la tasa de suicidio en médicos es de 28 a 40 por 100.000, mayor a la presentada en población general de 12,3 por cada 100.0003. Schernhammer, et al. encontraron que el Riesgo Relativo (RR) para suicidio en los hombres médicos era 1,41 (IC del 95% 1,21 a 1,65) y 2,27 (IC de 95% =1,90 a 2,73) para las mujeres médicas, comparado con la población general4. Situación que puede estar subestimada, dado a las malas codificaciones al momento de los registros, por ejemplo, reportando como muerte por intoxicación los casos de suicidio por sobredosis, esto quizás producido por el estigma social que conlleva.Hoy se conoce que la tasa de suicidio entre médicos es más elevada que en la población general, en Estados Unidos una revisión halló que la tasa de suicidio en médicos es de 28 a 40 por 100.000, mayor a la presentada en población general de 12,3 por cada 100.0003. Schernhammer, et al. encontraron que el Riesgo Relativo (RR) para suicidio en los hombres médicos era 1,41 (IC del 95% 1,21 a 1,65) y 2,27 (IC de 95% =1,90 a 2,73) para las mujeres médicas, comparado con la población general4. Situación que puede estar subestimada, dado a las malas codificaciones al momento de los registros, por ejemplo, reportando como muerte por intoxicación los casos de suicidio por sobredosis, esto quizás producido por el estigma social que conlleva.&nbsp

    Epidemiologic surveillance of nosocomial infections in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit of a developing country

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Nosocomial Infections (NI) are a frequent and relevant problem. The purpose of this study was to determine the epidemiology of the three most common NI in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit from a developing country.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We performed a prospective study in a single Pediatric Intensive Care Unit during 12 months. Children were assessed for 3 NI: bloodstream infections (BSI), ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) and urinary tract infections (UTI), according to Center for Disease Control criteria. Use of devices (endotracheal tube [ETT], central venous catheter [CVC] and urinary catheter [UC]) was recorded.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Four hundred fourteen patients were admitted; 81 patients (19.5%) developed 85 NIs. Density of incidence of BSI, VAP and UTI was 18.1, 7.9 and 5.1/1000 days of use of CVC, ETT and UC respectively. BSI was more common in children with CVCs than in those without CVCs (20% <it>vs</it>. 4.7%, p < 0.05). <it>Candida </it>spp. was the commonest microorganism in BSI (41%), followed by Coagulase-negative <it>Staphylococcus </it>(17%). <it>Pseudomonas </it>(52%) was the most common germ for VAP and <it>Candida </it>(71%) for UTI. The presence of NI was associated with increased mortality (38.2% <it>vs</it>. 20.4% in children without NI; p < 0.001) and the median length of ICU stay (23 <it>vs</it>. 6 days in children without NI; p < 0.001). Children with NI had longer average hospital stay previous to diagnosis of this condition (12.3 <it>vs</it>. 6 days; p < 0.001).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>One of every 5 children acquires an NI in the PICU. Its presence was associated with increased mortality and length of stay. At the same time a longer stay was associated with an increased risk of developing NI.</p


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    The amount of atmospheric pollen ofallergological concern was monitored inthe metropolitan area of Monterrey duringthe period from March 2003 to February2005. Pollen collection was made usinga Hirst type trap (Burkard ManufacturingCo. Ltd., Rickmansworth, UK) placed 15m above the ground over the top of twobuildings. The total count registered duringthe sampling period was 68 962 grains. Themonths of maximum pollen incidence wereFebruary and March 2004 with 13 225 and10 384 grains respectively. The averagemonthly value was 2 873 grains. Taxaof major occurrence and perhaps of mainallergological concern for the metropolitanarea of Monterrey were Fraxinus sp (14 312grains), Cupressaceae-Taxodiaceae (12 448grains), Parietaria pensylvanica (12 354grains) Poaceae (4 808 grains), Celtis sp(3 153 grains), Moraceae (1 806 grains),Pinus sp with 2 693 grains, Ambrosia confertiflora (2 132 grains), Ricinus communiswith 1 697 grains, Amaranthaceae-Chenopodiaceae (1 691 grains), Quercus sp(1 360 grains), Prosopis sp (1 227 grains), Platanus occidentalis (725 grains) andCarya sp with 687 grains.Se estudió la cantidad de polen atmosféricode importancia alergológica presente en elárea metropolitana de Monterrey duranteel periodo de marzo del 2003 a febrero del2005. Para la captura del polen se utilizaroncaptadores volumétricos tipo Hirst (BurkardManufacturing Co. Ltd., Rickmansworth,UK), colocados a una altura aproximada de15 metros en dos edificios en el área metropolitana de Monterrey (AMM). La cantidadtotal de polen registrada durante el periodoestudiado fue de 68 962 granos. Los mesesde máxima incidencia de polen fueron febrero y marzo del 2004 con 13 225 y 10 384granos, respectivamente y con un promediomensual de 2 873 granos. Los taxa de mayorocurrencia y posiblemente de importanciaalergológica para el área metropolitana deMonterrey son Fraxinus sp (14 312 granos),Cupressaceae-Taxodiaceae (12 448 granos),Parietaria pensylvanica (12 354 granos),Poaceae (4 808 granos), Celtis sp (3 153 granos), Moraceae (1 806 granos), Pinus sp con2 693 granos, Ambrosia confertiflora (2 132granos), Ricinus communis con 1 697 granos,Amaranthaceae-Chenopodiaceae (1 691 granos), Quercus sp (1 360 granos), Prosopis sp(1 227 granos), Platanus occidentalis (725granos) y Carya sp con 687 granos