5 research outputs found

    Assessment of Lead Concentration in the Aerosol Sampling Using Different Analytical Techniques

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    The instrumental methods of analysis with destructive and non- destructive used to determine metals concentration in aerosol samples. The purpose of this study is to determine the lead concentration in aerosol samples using different analytical techniques. We have selected 8 aerosols samples, which are divided in two parts and only one in four parts. We have analyzed a total 18 filter aerosol samples. Aerosol samples are collected in Tirana and Elbasan cities and were analyzed for lead content by using Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry and X-ray Fluorescence in the Institute of Applied Nuclear Physics, University of Tirana, Albania. From the results obtained show that the level of lead in the aerosol samples that are collected in Elbasan is higher than in samples are collected in Tirana. By the use of various techniques in the measurement of lead in aerosols it is noticed that the more information is obtained from the technique of X-ray while for the presence of lead in low concentrations, GFAAS technique has the highest accuracy and sensitivity


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    Both natural and anthropogenic contributions are the sources of leademissions to the environment. Lead is easily accumulated in the edible partsof leafy vegetables, as compared to grain or fruit crops. The accumulation oflead in agricultural soils is potentially hazardous to human, livestock andplants species. The purpose of this study is: determination of lead in soil anddifferent spontaneous plant species grown it, as well as calculation ofdeterminate bioaccumulation factors (BAF) soil to plant. We have selected21 sampling point at a distance 80-600 m around Former Factory Productionof Batteries to Berat, Albania. We have collected a total of 42 samples where21 are soil samples and 21 are vegetation samples. All the representativesamples for this study were analyzed using Atomic Absorption Spectrometryfor their lead content, at the Institute of Applied Nuclear Physics, Universityof Tirana, Albania. From results obtained, the concentrations of lead inrepresentative soil samples were found in the levels: 126 mg/kg-24207mg/kg while in the biological samples, the levels of lead were: 0.238-4.572mg/kg. The concentration ranges of lead in soil samples collected at differentpoints are compared with the Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCL)recommenced by European Union according the Directive 86/278/EEC.Also, we have calculated Hazardous Quoted (HQ) for each sampling point ofsoil. The concentration ranges of lead in biological samples collected arecompared with the Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCL) specified by theDirective No. 1881/2006, Brussels. Concentrations of lead were measuredalso in surface soil, near the root of plant species, in one of the most pollutedareas in Albania, Uznove, Berat. Also we have calculated bio accumulationfactor (BAF) soil to plant

    Evaluation of Lead Concentration on Agriculture Surface Soil around the Former Battery Production, Berat, Albania

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    A study was performed to investigate the distribution of lead concentration on the surface soils samples at a distance 80-2000 m around the former Factory Production of Batteries to Berat, Albania. There were two goals of this study: to assessment of the environmental and impact of the industrial lead waste in the surface soil around the former Factory of Battery Production; and comparison the concentration of lead in the planted areas where the inhabitants cultivate agricultural products with untreated surface soil. To achieve the goals of the work, initially are selected 33 surface sampling points of soil. 20 of them represent the untreated soils and other 13 represent soil samples where the plants are cultivated. All the representative soil samples were analyzing using Atomic Absorption Spectrometry for their lead content, in Institute of Applied Nuclear Physics, University of Tirana, Albania. From results obtained the fraction of lead in surface soil samples ranged from 78 mg/kg to 24207 mg/kg and average concentration of lead was 1821mg/kg. Concentration of lead in uncultivated soil samples was found higher than the concentration of lead in cultivated surface soil samples, soils which have been worked for cultivated crops. The fraction of lead in soil samples that are collected at different points are compared with the MCL specified by the Directive 86/278/EEC. Also, we have calculated factor of Hazardous Quoted for each sampling point

    Non-destructive testing methods and their Applications

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    Non-destructive testing is a wide group of analysis techniques used in science, technology, industry and cultural heritage to detect defects in materials and structures. NDT field include evaluation, detection and examination of a flaw or a defect for all objects, systems, materials, structures, equipment, construction systems, bridges etc without causing damage, without destroying the material or components. There are different fundamentals of physical phenomena that can be used NDT methods: electromagnetism and optics, light, longitudinal and transverse waves, penetrating, surface tension, capillary action, radiation, x-ray, gamma ray. The science to research non-invasive methods based on physical principles to evaluate the integrity and characteristics of material for: The safety of people; the protection of environment; the conservation of the cultural heritage. The practical applications of this science follow definite rules acquired across about 90 years and signed in the international applied norm ISO EN 9712 supported by ICNDT (International Committee for NDT). There are five the common NDT techniques: PT, MT, RT, UT and VT, that can be evaluating both volumetric and surface defects and indications. Some of defects to evaluation by NDT are: porosity, undercutting, cold lap, slag inclusion, poor penetration, crack, voids etc. NDT used to inspect the components such as forgings, castings, welds, to check and determine the size, shape, or orientation of a indications, dimensions, thickness of a material or coating, the hardness and composition of a material, electrical conductivity etc. NDT plays an important role in the quality control of a product manufacturing, fabrication to final product. Also Nondestructive testing play a important roles in transportation, infrastructure and in the investigation the cause of structural failure of a building, of historic structures and heritag

    Influence of Concentration and Temperature on the Speed of Chemical Reaction

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    One of the most important laws in chemistry is the mass action law. On the basis of the mass action law the rate of a chemical reaction is directly proportional to the product of the activities or concentrations of the reagents, which means that for a chemical reaction mixture that is in equilibrium, the ratio between the concentration of reagents and products. There are two aspects in the law, first the equilibrium aspect, regarding the composition of a reaction mixture at equilibrium and second the kinetic aspect regarding the rate equations for elementary reactions. During this work we tried to introduce to achieve an empirical description of the rates of chemical reactions on a macroscopic level and to relate the laws describing those rates to mechanisms for reaction on the microscopic level though react between reagents sodium thiosulfate with sulfuric acid. In experimentally way, it’s tried to find the depending of rate of a reaction in change the temperature and the concentrations of the reactants and products. This paper presents the dependencies of the reaction speed by changing the concentration and by changing the temperature experimentally by using the differential rate of reaction. The results are presented in table and graphical forms