47 research outputs found
Iddq testing of a CMOS 10-bit charge scaling digital-to-analog converter
This work presents an effective built-in current sensor (BICS), which has a very small impact on the performance of the circuit under test (CUT). The proposed BICS works in two-modes the normal mode and the test mode. In the normal mode the BICS is isolated from the CUT due to which there is no performance degradation of the CUT. In the testing mode, our BICS detects the abnormal current caused by permanent manufacturing defects. Further more our BICS can also distinguish the type of defect induced (Gate-source short, source-drain short and drain-gate short). Our BICS requires neither an external voltage source nor current source. Hence the BICS requires less area and is more efficient than the conventional current sensors. The circuit under test is a 10-bit digital to analog converter using charge-scaling architecture
Reproductive ecology of Allmania nodiflora, Celosia argentea var. margaritacea, and Digera muricata (Amaranthaceae)
Allmania nodiflora, Celosia argentea var. margaritacea, and Digera muricata are annual herbaceous weeds which reproduce exclusively by seed. The plants appear in June, while flowering time is August-February in agricultural fields and August-October/November in other habitats. The synflorescence is an elongated erect spike in A. nodiflora and C. argentea, while it is a long pedunculate spicate raceme in D. muricata. The flowers anthese acropetally in A. nodiflora and C. argentea var. margaritacea, while there is no such clear-cut anthesis pattern in D. muricata. Allmania nodiflora is functionally hermaphroditic. Digera muricata is partially hermaphroditic because the central flower in three-flowered groups is fertile, while the lateral flowers are sterile. Celosia argentea var. margaritacea is functionally gynodioecious. In A. nodiflora and D. muricata, the flowers facilitate autonomous selfing due to synchrony in maturation of the male and female sex. In C. argentea var. margaritacea also, the flowers facilitate autonomous selfing, but it is precluded by strong protandry. All three species are anemophilous and entomophilous. Allmania nodiflora and D. muricata produce one-seeded fruits, while C. argentea var. margaritacea produces multi-seeded fruits. Allmania nodiflora and C. argentea var. margaritacea dehisce by means of a circumscissile lid and disperse seeds, while D. muricata produces indehiscent fruits. All three species are anemochorous, but A. nodiflora is also myrmecochorous
Pump mechanism, secondary pollen presentation, psychophily and anemochory in Emilia sonchifolia (L.) DC. (Asteraceae)
Emilia sonchifolia flowers profusely during August-November. The plant produces capitulum inflorescence with only disc florets presenting nectar and pollen as rewards. It is temporally dioecious with strong protandry which prevents autonomous autogamy, minimizes geitonogamy and maximizes xenogamy. The florets exhibit secondary pollen presentation using pump mechanism. The florets produce minute amount of sucrose-rich nectar, and essential and non-essential amino acids. The floral characters typify psychophily but other insects also pollinate the florets. Thrips use this plant as breeding and feeding sites; they largely contribute to geitonogamy. The high natural fruit and seed set rates recorded indicate that geitonogamy and xenogamy are functional but both modes are essentially vector-mediated. The function of dual modes of breeding suggests that the plant is self-compatible, self- as well as cross-pollinating. The fruit is typically an achene and is anemochorous. Seeds germinate only during rainy season and produce new plants within a short time to reproduce sexually. The study suggests that this plant grows in open well drained areas, important as a pioneer species and hence is useful for the restoration of ecologically degraded, damaged and deteriorated habitats
Improving Quality: A Reader's Advice to C&RL Editors
published or submitted for publicatio
I would like to dedicate my work to my parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.Sreedhar Rao and my brother Seshu, for their constant prayers and encouragement throughout my life. I am very grateful to my advisor Dr. A. Srivastava for his guidance, patience and understanding throughout this work. His suggestions, discussions and constant encouragement have helped me to get a deep insight in the field of VLSI design. my committee. I would like to thank Dr. P. K. Ajmera and Dr. Martin Feldman for being a part of I am very thankful to Electrical Engineering Department, for supporting me financially during my stay at LSU. I would like to thank my friend Miss. Chandra Srinivasan for her constant love and support for me through out my life. I take this opportunity to thank my friends Anand, Uday, Vijay and Harish for their help and encouragement at times I needed them. I would also like to thank all my friends here who made my stay at LSU an enjoyable and a memorable one. Last of all I thank GOD for keeping me in good health and spirits throughou