350 research outputs found

    Potential antioxidant activity of pomegranate peel and seed extracts and synergism with added phenolic antioxidants in a liposome system: a preliminary study

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    peer-reviewedThis study describes the use of liposomes as biological membrane models to evaluate the potential of natural antioxidants as inhibitors of lipid peroxidation. Antioxidative effects of by-products from the pomegranate juice industry, i.e., pomegranate peel (PPE) and seeds extracts (PSE) and combined antioxidative effects of PPE or PSE with a-tocopherol (TOH), quercetin (QC) and ascorbic acid (AA) on peroxidation of L-aphosphatidylcholine liposomes as initiated by lipophilic or hydrophilic azo-initiators were investigated. Extracts from PPE and PSE had an antioxidative effect as evidenced by a lag phase for formation of phosphatidylcholine-derived conjugated dienes. A combination of TOH or QC with PPE or PSE respectively, showed synergism in prolonging of the lag phase. Thus, the results of the present study show the possibility of utilising waste PPE or PS

    From Architecture To Infrastructure: The Reduction Of A Profession

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2009Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2009Yaşamın diğer alanları gibi mimarlık da üretim biçimlerinin bir sonucudur. Modern mimarlık endüstriyel üretim biçiminin bir sonucu olarak endüstriyel dönemin diğer ürünleriyle benzerlikler gösterir. Modern üretim biçimleri yoğun bir gösteri üretimini beraberinde getirdi. İmgeler yaşamın diğer alanlarından ayrıldılar ve kendilerine ait bir dünyada var olmaya başladılar. Bu yüzden yaşam bütünlüğünü yitirdi. Endüstriyel dönemde mimarlık da bir gösteriye dönüştü. Bazı özelliklerinden ayrılarak bütünlüğünü yitirdi. Yaşamın alanlarının birbirinden ayrılması yaşamın bütünlüğünün yitirilmesine yol açtı. Bunun sonucunda yaşamın tüm alanları indirgendi (yozlaştı). Yaşamın alanlarının birbirinden ayrılması ve indirgenmesi modern toplumsal iş bölümü ile başlamıştır. Modern mimarlığın altyapıya indirgenişi de modern toplumsal iş bölümü ile başlar. İnsan uğraşlarının birbirinden ayrılması tüm uğraşların indirgenmesi (yozlaşması) için yeterlidir çünkü bir uğraşı alanı diğer uğraşı alanlarından ayrık olarak tasavvur edilemez. Bir uğraş diğerlerinden ayrıldığında indirgenir (yozlaşır) çünkü diğer uğraşı alanlarındaki kaynaklarından mahrum kalır. Modern mimarlık kuramları faydaya yaptıkları vurguyla mimarlığın diğer uğraşı alanlarından, özellikle sanattan ayrılmasını hızlandırdılar. Öznel niteliklerinden ayrılan (koparılan) mimarlık - ki bu nitelikler Modernizmde kasıtlı olarak mimarlık dışındaki sanatlara mahsus bırakılmıştır - faydaya yapılan vurguyla yozlaşarak altyapıya indirgenmiştir.Architecture is an outcome of conditions of production. Modern architecture is an outcome of the industrial mode of production and bears a resemblance to all other products of the industrial era. The modern conditions of production bring forth an accumulation of spectacles. Images become separated from other aspects of life and exist in a world of their own. As a consequence, the unity of life is lost. In the industrial era, architecture, too, has become a spectacle. It has been separated from some of its aspects and has therefore lost its unity. The separation of aspects of life from each other causes a loss of unity in life and reduces all aspects of life. This separation of aspects of life from each other begins with the modern division of labour. The reduction of modern architecture to infrastructure begins with the modern division of labour as well. This separation of fields of human activity alone effects a reduction in all fields: one human activity cannot be conceived in isolation from others. When a certain activity is separated from others it is reduced, since it is robbed of its sources within those fields from which it is now isolated. Modern theories of architecture, with their stress on usefulness, have helped to separate architecture from other fields of human activity, most importantly from the arts. Separated from its subjective qualities (which are in Modernism exclusively attached to the remainder of the arts) and crushed with the stress made on usefulness, architecture has been reduced to infrastructure.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Sources of Reading Anxiety among the Learners of Turkish as a Foreign Language

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    Language instruction is conducted by utilizing the data provided by contemporary educational sciences and based on the fact that learning is both a cognitive and affective process. Instruction of reading skills, one of the four basic language skills in Turkish as a foreign language instruction, is a complex process that range from the introduction of sounds to the reading comprehension process. During this education, in addition to cognitive training of learners, reading anxiety, which is considered as an affective dimension of reading, can also be considered as a factor that affect the reading process. The present study was conducted with the interview technique, which is one of the qualitative research methods. A focus group interview was conducted with six Turkish instructors as a foreign language and eight students learning Turkish as a foreign language using the developed semi-structured interview form. In the study, the sources of reading anxiety in learning Turkish as a foreign language were determined as "tonal attributes and pronunciation", "language levels (Course levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2)", "the fact that Turkish is an agglutinative language", "properties of reading texts", "unknown words" “unknown topics", "culture" and "fear of making mistakes"

    On Polynomial General Helices in n-Dimensional Euclidean Space R-n

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    WOS: 000427260400031In this work, we study the so-called polynomial general helices in an arbitrary dimensional Euclidean space. First, we give a method to construct helices from polynomial curves in n-dimensional Euclidean space R-n, and another method to construct polynomial general helices in R-n from polynomial general helices in Rn+1 or Rn+2. Then, we proceed with a method to construct rational helices from polynomial general helices

    Pročišćavanje i karakterizacija polifenolne oksidaze, peroksidaze i lipoksigenaze iz svježe salate (L. sativa)

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    Enzymatic reactions taking place in minimally processed vegetables are considered as a major problem, because they adversely affect sensorial and nutritional quality. Polyphenol oxidase (PPO), peroxidase (POD) and lipoxygenase (LOX) from lettuce were purified on a column packed with positively charged diethylaminoethyl (DEAE) cellulose by applying pH gradient elution from pH=4.0 to 9.0. The main purified fractions (PPO1 and PPO4, POD1 and POD2, LOX1 and LOX2) were characterized for enzyme concentration-reaction rate relationship, thermal stability, pH activity and kinetic parameters. Kinetic properties of each isoform were considerably different. Cysteine was found as the most effective inhibitor of both fractions of PPO. Kinetic parameters of lettuce POD were presented using guaiacol at various H2O2 concentrations. β-carotene directly influences lettuce LOX in the reaction medium available for the catalytic conversion of linoleic acid into hydroperoxides. Ascorbic and oxalic acids appear as effective PPO inhibitors, protecting phenolic compounds against oxidation in lettuce. Understanding the characteristics of deteriorative enzymes becomes important to maintain suitable conditions for fresh-like quality of lettuce. The results can be useful to keep the nutritional quality of minimally processed lettuce during shelf-life.Enzimske reakcije što se odvijaju u minimalno obrađenom povrću veliki su problem, jer nepovoljno utječu na njihova senzorska i hranjiva svojstva. Polifenolna oksidaza (PPO), peroksidaza (POX) i lipoksigenaza (LOX) izdvojene su iz salate i pročišćene eluacijom pomoću gradijenta pH (s pH=4,0 na pH=9,0) na koloni napunjenoj pozitivno nabijenom dietilaminoetil celulozom. Ispitane su ove značajke glavnih pročišćenih frakcija (PPO1 i PPO4, POD1 i POD2, te LOX1 i LOX2): odnos koncentracije enzima i brzine reakcije, toplinska stabilnost, optimalna pH-vrijednost za aktivnost enzima, te kinetička svojstva, koja se znatno razlikuju za svaki izo-oblik. Cistein je najučinkovitije inhibirao obje frakcije polifenolne oksidaze. Kinetičke su značajke peroksidaza iz salate ispitane pomoću gvajakola i različitih koncentracija vodikova peroksida. Na aktivnost lipoksigenaze izravno je utjecao β­-karoten pri pretvorbi linolne kiseline u hidroperokside. Askorbinska i oksalna kiselina učinkovito su inhibirale polifenolnu oksidazu i tako sprečavale oksidaciju fenolnih spojeva u salati. Radi održavanja odgovarajućih uvjeta čuvanja svježe salate važno je razumijeti osobine enzima koji uzrokuju njezino propadanje. Dobiveni su rezultati korisni pri određivanju uvjeta skladištenja minimalno obrađene salate radi očuvanja njezinih hranjivih svojstava

    Helix preserving mappings

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    In this study, we define two types of mappings that preserve the constant angle between the tangent vector field and the axis of a given helix in Euclidean spaces. The first type generates helices in the n-dimensional Euclidean space from helices in the same space. The second type generates helices in the (n+1)-dimensional Euclidean space from helices in the n-dimensional Euclidean space. In addition, we give invariants of these mappings and study polynomial, rational, conical, ellipsoidal, and hyperboloidal helices supported by examples. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Dünyadaki farklı tarifelere uyarlanabilen yeni bir taksimetre algoritması tasarımı ve uygulaması

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Anahtar kelimeler: Taksi, taksimetre, taksi tarife, hesaplama algoritması Dünyadaki taksi tarifeleri, ülkelerin veya şehirlerin gelişmişlik ve gelir düzeyi, şehrin planı, coğrafi, idari ve kültürel yapısı ile yaşanan tecrübeler gibi birçok faktöre bağlı olarak basitten karmaşığa çeşitlilik göstermektedir. Tarifelerdeki bu çeşitliliğe rağmen taksimetrelerin çoğu bulundukları ülke veya yakın bölgelerdeki şehirlerin taksi tarifelerine hitap etmektedir. Günümüzde özellikle şehirler geliştikçe artan sorunlara bağlı olarak insanların ve araçların yönlendirilmesine ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Genellikle şehirlerde taksiler için alınan tarife kararlarında mevcut taksimetrelerin kapasite ve kabiliyetleri dikkate alınmaktadır. Bu sistem sayesinde birçok şehirde parça parça uygulanan farklı taksi tarifelerindeki alternatifli şartların hepsinin kullanılabilmesi mümkün hale getirilmiştir. Böylece tarife konusunda karar alıcıların ellerindeki seçeneklerle, şehrin durumuna göre taksi ve müşterilerini yönlendirme kabiliyetleri artmaktadır. Bu çalışma ile dünyadaki birçok ülke ve şehirdeki taksi tarifelerinde var olan ve olabilecek birçok şart dikkate alınmıştır. Olabildiğince farklı tarifeler incelenerek parametre ve seçenekler listelenmiş, ortak noktalar belirlenerek taksimetreler için kapsayıcı ve bol seçenekli bir tarife yükleme ve hesaplama sistemi oluşturulmuştur. Sistem basit ve karmaşık tarifelerde denenerek sonuçlar değerlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca oluşturulan hesaplama algoritması kullanılarak çalışan taksimetre tasarımı endüstriyel bir ürüne dönüştürülmüştür.Keywords: Taxi, taximeter, taximeter tariff, calculation algorithm Taxi tariffs in the World have a lot of diversity from simple to complex as depend development and income level of the country or city, city plans, experiences, geographical, administrative and cultural structure of the cities. Despite the diversity of the rates, most of taximeters have been designed according to taxi tariffs of their countries or near region cities. Today, to steer vehicles and humans are needed as depends increasing problems especially with development of cities. Generally, capacity and ability of present taximeters are took into account at the tariff changes for taxis in the cities. Thanks to this system, it is made possible to use of all alternative conditions in different taxi tariffs which applied as pieced in the a lot of cities. So, with options in hand of decision-makers about tariff, ability of steer of decision-makers taxi and their customers will increase. With this study, it has been taken into account several conditions which are available or may be occured related to taxi tariffs in a lot of country or city of the World. All parameter and options have been listed after as much as possible different tariffs was examined, with inclusive and plenty of choice a tariff loading and calculation system has been realized determining common points for taximeters. Results have been evaluated after the system was tried on simple and complex tariffs. Also, running meter design by using the realized calculation algorithm has been converted a product