636 research outputs found

    Integrating a computer-based flashcard program into academic vocabulary learning

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    The main goal of this thesis is to investigate the extent to which a computer-based flashcard program, Anki, can help college-level ESL learners improve their vocabulary as well as the learners` perceptions about the program. The vocabulary targeted for the study consisted of Coxhead`s (2000) Academic Word List, including the most common words in university textbooks. An academic vocabulary dictionary which encompasses 210 academic words was designed for the study and thirteen students coming from two ESL classes used the Anki dictionary for ten minutes every day during the three week intervention process. Pretest and posttest scores of students were compared to evaluate the effectiveness of the learning process. Learners` perceptions about the training were investigated by means of surveys, interviews and observations. The results present the benefits that might be gained from the integration of flashcard programs into a language classroom, as well as the perceptions of learners about the process

    Teaching of Focus Structures in English

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    English permits certain non-prototypical sentence forms that have focusing or foregrounding effect. Focus structures place certain elements of the basic version of the sentence in different positions in order to make them more prominent. Due to the widespread usage of them, EFL/ESL teachers should be familiar with the grammar of these structures and how they are usually used, the points learners have difficulty with, and the necessary pedagogical implications for teaching these structures. However, the problems that ESL/EFL students have while using English focus structures have not been widely investigated. Thus, this paper firstly looks into the cleft sentences, formed through movement of constituents and other changes, and the sentences with fronting and left-dislocation involving only movement. Then, studies which reveal a clearer picture of learners' problems with these structures are presented. Finally, some activities are designed in order to show how focus structures can be handled in language learning classroom

    Influences of CO2 Bubbling Types on Preparation of Calcite Nanoparticles by Carbonation Process

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    This study investigates the comparison of influences of CO2 bubbling into the calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) slurry through a microbubble generator (MBG) and an ordinary CO2 generator (OCG) on the preparation of calcite nanoparticles by a carbonation method. Each obtained precipitate was characterized using XRD, SEM and particle size analyses. During the carbonation process at each CO2 flow rates, it was determined that the MBG generates tiny bubbles whereas an increase in CO2 flow rates led to an increase bubble size when the OCG was used. The flow rate of CO2 was not an important parameter with using the MBG as calcite nanoparticles were prepared (<125 nm) at each CO2 flow rates. The necessary time for the complete reaction decreases with an increase in the CO2 flow rates through the MBG in comparison to the OCG. To produce calcite nanoparticles with a high production recovery in shorter times, the MBG should be adopted to the carbonation reactor


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    The best preserved Permian-Triassic boundary beds in Turkey are found in the Hadim region of the central Taurides. The succession is exposed in one of the allochthonous units of the Tauride Belt, the Aladag Unit, whose stratigraphy includes beds ranging from the Devonian to the Cretaceous systems. In the Aladag Unit, the Permian-Triassic boundary beds are entirely composed of carbonates. The Permian portion of these beds belongs to the Paradagmarita Zone, whereas the lowermost Triassic contains the Lower Griesbachian marker Rectocornuspira kalhori. The uppermost Permian carbonates, composed of meter-scale upward shallowing subtidal cycles, are characterized by oolitic limestones of regressive character at the top and are overlain sharply by Lower Triassic stromatolites. Cyclic Upper Permian carbonates are interpreted as highstand sytems tract deposits of the last third-order sequence of the Permian System. The Permian-Triassic boundary is an unconformity corresponding to both erosional and non-depositional hiatuses. The gap at the Permian-Triassic boundary partially corresponds to the shelf-margin systems tract and partly to the transgressive systems tract of the overlying third-order sequence. Stromatolites are interpreted as transgressive systems tract deposits. Special issueInternational Conference on Paleozoic Foraminifera, Paleoforams 2001Edited by Demir Altiner (Guest Editor


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    The deposition of Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous carbonates in the Pontides was controlled mainly by the evolution of an Atlantic-type continental margin in the Tethys. The study of several stratigraphic sections from allochthonous slices and blocks of the North Anatolian Ophiolitic Melange provided insight into the Middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous paleogeographic evolution of the Central Pontide Belt. The Callovian-Aptian successions span the Globuligerina gr. oxfordiana, Clypeina jurassica (equivalent of the Tubiphytes morronensis zone), Protopeneroplis ultragranulata (with the Haplophragmoides joukowskyi subzone), Montsalevia salevensis, Hedbergella delrioensis - Hedbergella planispira - Leupoldina - Globigerinelloides and Globigerinelloides algerianus biozones. Two major stratigraphic gaps corresponding to the pre-Callovian and Hauterivian-Early Aptian ages are recognised within the successions. Lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic studies indicate strong similarities in the evolution of the successions in the Amasya region (Central Pontides) and Biga-Bursa-Bilecik (BBB ) Platform (North-western Anatolia).&nbsp


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    Lower Murgabian (Roadian) beds have been discovered for the first time in a thick carbonate sequence ranging from Devonian to Triassic in the Hadim area, central Taurides, southern Turkey. The Roadian limestone consists of black algal fusuline packstone and black bioclastic packstone, and contains Presumatrina ciryi n. sp., an evolved form of the genus, Verbeekina erki n. sp., an earliest species of Verbeekina, Dunbarula protomathieui n. sp., an ancestral form of Dunbarula mathieui, and several smaller foraminifera.

    Diffuse pulmonary hemosiderosis after exposure to pesticides - A case report

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    This report describes the clinical, radiological, microscopical and ligandohistochemical findings in a 17-year-old woman who suffered from an acute onset of pulmonary hemosiderosis after inhalation of pesticides used for the cultivation of strawberries. She complained of headache, dyspnea, rhinitis, weakness and recurrent severe hemoptysis. Chest radiographs revealed bilateral patchy infiltrates, predominantly in the lower parts of both lungs. The consecutive severe anemia was treated by multiple blood transfusions which were repeated every 4-5 days. Open lung biopsies displayed signs of diffuse hemorrhage with hemosiderin-loaded macrophages, some hyaline membranes, focal fibroid deposits with intermingled histiocytes, mild interstitial fibrosis and focal intra-alveolar calcified bodies surrounded by foreign body giant cells. Analysis of endogenous lectins failed to demonstrate expression of binding capacities for maltose, fucose, mannose; lactose and sialic acid. Neither binding capacities for the macrophage-migration-inhibitory factor nor its presence, as analyzed by labeled sarcolectin, could be detected histochemically. The light microscopical findings are consistent with a longer-lasting diffuse pulmonary hemosiderosis; the presence of calcified bodies and foreign body giant cells (including the ligandohistochemical data) argues for a causal role of inhaled substances. The patient's clinical course improved after cyclophosphamide treatment, which restored her ability to work and released her from the need for recurrent blood transfusions

    Positioning on the dynamic Earth : Pozicioniranje na dinamiÄŤnoj Zemlji

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    Increasing mobility of people and goods, as well as the rapid growth of users of mobile devices with positioning services expands constantly the need for geospatial information. Today, the challenge for suppliers and users or sellers and buyers is how to use this information to identify and accelerate profitable measures in public and private affairs like security, environment, resource, disaster and transportation or risk assessment for industry and insurers. In this context, georeferencing of geoinformation is the key instrument to visualise the location of events of interest. This paper deals with the background of spatial reference for precise positioning on the dynamic Earth and focuses on the ETRS89 regarding applications in real-estate cadaster and similar services provided by the official authorities
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