38 research outputs found

    Clinical presentations and diagnostic work-up in sarcoidosis: A series of Turkish cases (clinics and diagnosis of sarcoidosis)

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    Sarcoidosis is an idiopathic granulomatous disease. It usually affects the lung. The diagnosis may be problematic since the known causes of granulomatous inflammation must be excluded. This multicenter study aimed to evaluate the clinical presentations and diagnostic approaches of sarcoidosis. The study protocol was sent via internet, and the participants were asked to send the information (clinical, radiological and diagnostic) on newly diagnosed sarcoidosis cases. 293 patients were enrolled within two years. Pulmonary symptoms were found in 73.3% of the patients, and cough was the most common one (53.2%), followed by dyspnea (40.3%). Constitutional symptoms were occured in half of the patients. The most common one was fatigue (38.6%). The most common physical sign was eritema nodosum (17.1%). The most common chest radiograhical sign was bilateral hilar lymphadenomegaly (78.8%). Staging according to chest X-ray has revealed that most of the patients were in Stage I and Stage II (51.9% and 31.7%, respectively). Sarcoidosis was confirmed histopathologically in 265 (90.4%) patients. Although one-third of the bronchoscopy was revealed normal, mucosal hyperemi (19.8%) and external compression of the bronchial wall (16.8%) were common abnormal findings. The 100% success rate was obtained in mediastinoscopy among the frequently used sampling methods. Transbronchial biopsy was the most frequently used method with 48.8% success rate. Considering sarcoidosis with its most common and also rare findings in the differential diagnosis, organizing the related procedures according to the possibly effected areas, and the expertise of the team would favor multimodality diagnosis

    D-dimers Revisited

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    Gânglio inguinal como única evidência de cancro progressivo do pulmão

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    Resumo: Os tumores que metastizam para os gânglios inguinais têm frequentemente origem nos órgãos genitais e reprodutores, na pele, no recto ou ânus, ou na bexiga 1,2. Há, no entanto, algumas descrições de casos raros de metástases inguinais de tumores localizados acima do diafragma2â5, e apenas três destes apresentavam uma metástase inguinal reconhecida antes da morte. Estes casos estão detalhadamente descritos na literatura médica de língua inglesa3â5. Os tumores primários destes casos eram mesotelioma maligno e carcinomas do conduto salivar e da mama. Descrevemosum caso de carcinoma do pulmão que metastizou para gânglio inguinal, como única evidência de cancro do pulmão progressivo.Rev Port Pneumol 2008; XIV (5): 709-713 Abstact: Tumours that metastasise to groin nodes most frequently originate in genital and reproductive organs, skin, rectum or anus, or urinary bladder 1,2. However, rare cases of inguinal metastases from tumours above the diaphragm have been reported 2â5 and only three of them had an inguinal metastasis which was recognised antemortem and reported in detail in the English medical literature 3â5. The primary tumours of these cases were malignant mesothelioma, salivary duct and breast carcinoma. In this paper, we report a case of carcinoma of the lung metastatic to an inguinal lymph node as the only evidence of progressive lung cancer.Rev Port Pneumol 2008; XIV (5): 709-713 Palavras-chave: Carcinoma do pulmão de não pequenas células, gânglio inguinal, metástase, progressão da doença, Key-words: Non-small cell lung carcinoma, inguinal lymph node, metastasis, disease progressio

    Inguinal lymph node as the only evidence of progressive lung cancer Gânglio inguinal como única evidência de cancro progressivo do pulmão

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    Tumours that metastasise to groin nodes most frequently originate in genital and reproductive organs, skin, rectum or anus, or urinary bladder1,2. However, rare cases of inguinal metastases from tumours above the diaphragm have been reported2-5 and only three of them had an inguinal metastasis which was recognised antemortem and reported in detail in the English medical literature3-5. The primary tumours of these cases were malignant mesothelioma, salivary duct and breast carcinoma. In this paper, we report a case of carcinoma of the lung metastatic to an inguinal lymph node as the only evidence of progressive lung cancer.Os tumores que metastizam para os gânglios inguinais têm frequentemente origem nos órgãos genitais e reprodutores, na pele, no recto ou ânus, ou na bexiga1,2. Há, no entanto, algumas descrições de casos raros de metástases inguinais de tumores localizados acima do diafragma2-5, e apenas três destes apresentavam uma metástase inguinal reconhecida antes da morte. Estes casos estão detalhadamente descritos na literatura médica de língua inglesa3-5. Os tumores primários destes casos eram mesotelioma maligno e carcinomas do conduto salivar e da mama. Descrevemos um caso de carcinoma do pulmão que metastizou para gânglio inguinal, como única evidência de cancro do pulmão progressivo

    11 Pneumologia 14-5 - Caso Clín.PDF

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    R e v i s t a P o r t u g u e s a d e P n e u m o l o g i a Caso Clínico Clinical Case Resumo Os tumores que metastizam para os gânglios inguinais têm frequentemente origem nos órgãos genitais e reprodutores, na pele, no recto ou ânus, ou na bexiga 1,2 . Há, no entanto, algumas descrições de casos raros de metástases inguinais de tumores localizados acima do diafragma 2-5 , e apenas três destes apresentavam uma metástase inguinal reconhecida antes da morte. Estes casos estão detalhadamente descritos na literatura médica de língua inglesa Abstact Tumours that metastasise to groin nodes most frequently originate in genital and reproductive organs, skin, rectum or anus, or urinary bladder 1,2 . However, rare cases of inguinal metastases from tumours above the diaphragm have been reported 2-5 and only three of them had an inguinal metastasis which was recognised antemortem and reported in detail in the English medical literature 3-5 . The primary tumours of these cases were malignant mesothelioma, salivary duct and breast carcinoma. In this paper, we report a case Gânglio inguinal como única evidência de cancro progressivo do pulmão Inguinal lymph node as the only evidence of progressive lung cancer Recebido para publicaçã