753 research outputs found

    Leading particle effect, inelasticity and the connection between average multiplicities in {\bf e+e−e^+e^-} and {\bf pppp} processes

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    The Regge-Mueller formalism is used to describe the inclusive spectrum of the proton in ppp p collisions. From such a description the energy dependences of both average inelasticity and leading proton multiplicity are calculated. These quantities are then used to establish the connection between the average charged particle multiplicities measured in {\bf e+e−e^+e^-} and {\bf pp/pˉppp/{\bar p}p} processes. The description obtained for the leading proton cross section implies that Feynman scaling is strongly violated only at the extreme values of xFx_F, that is at the central region (xF≈0x_F \approx 0) and at the diffraction region (xF≈1x_F \approx 1), while it is approximately observed in the intermediate region of the spectrum.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, to be published in Physical Review

    Comment on "Quantum Scattering of Heavy Particles from a 10 K Cu(111) Surface"

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    In the original paper Althoff et al. (see ibid., vol.79, p.4429 (1997)) reported a study of scattering of thermal Ne, Ar, and Kr atoms from a Cu(111) surface in which they assessed the corresponding Debye-Waller factor (DWF) as a function of the particle mass m in a wide range of substrate temperature T. The experiments were interpreted by the semiclassical DWF theory in which the projectile moves on the classical recoilless trajectory and the surface vibrations are quantized. Siber and Gumhalter claim that the experiments described by Althoff et al. were carried out in the quantum scattering regime in which the semiclassical scalings of Althoff et al. do not hold and the semiclassical DWE significantly deviates from the exact quantum one both in the low and high T limits. Hence, it is claimed, the quantum scattering data of Althoff et al. cannot be reliably interpreted by the semiclassical theory.Comment: 1 page (2 figures) - comment in Phys. Rev. Let

    Pion photoproduction on the nucleon in the quark model

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    We present a detailed quark-model study of pion photoproduction within the effective Lagrangian approach. Cross sections and single-polarization observables are investigated for the four charge channels, Îłp→π+n\gamma p\to \pi^+ n, Îłn→π−p\gamma n\to \pi^- p, Îłp→π0p\gamma p\to \pi^0 p, and Îłn→π0n\gamma n\to \pi^0 n. Leaving the πNΔ\pi N\Delta coupling strength to be a free parameter, we obtain a reasonably consistent description of these four channels from threshold to the first resonance region. Within this effective Lagrangian approach, strongly constrainted by the quark model, we consider the issue of double-counting which may occur if additional {\it t}-channel contributions are included.Comment: Revtex, 35 pages, 16 eps figures; version to appear on PR

    Inducing safer oblique trees without costs

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    Decision tree induction has been widely studied and applied. In safety applications, such as determining whether a chemical process is safe or whether a person has a medical condition, the cost of misclassification in one of the classes is significantly higher than in the other class. Several authors have tackled this problem by developing cost-sensitive decision tree learning algorithms or have suggested ways of changing the distribution of training examples to bias the decision tree learning process so as to take account of costs. A prerequisite for applying such algorithms is the availability of costs of misclassification. Although this may be possible for some applications, obtaining reasonable estimates of costs of misclassification is not easy in the area of safety. This paper presents a new algorithm for applications where the cost of misclassifications cannot be quantified, although the cost of misclassification in one class is known to be significantly higher than in another class. The algorithm utilizes linear discriminant analysis to identify oblique relationships between continuous attributes and then carries out an appropriate modification to ensure that the resulting tree errs on the side of safety. The algorithm is evaluated with respect to one of the best known cost-sensitive algorithms (ICET), a well-known oblique decision tree algorithm (OC1) and an algorithm that utilizes robust linear programming

    An SU(3) model for octet baryon and meson fragmentation

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    The production of the octet of baryons and mesons in e^+ e^- collisions is analysed, based on considerations of SU(3) symmetry and a simple model for SU(3) symmetry breaking in fragmentation functions. All fragmentation functions, D_q^h(x, Q^2), describing the fragmentation of quarks into a member of the baryon octet (and similarly for fragmentation into members of the meson octet) are expressed in terms of three SU(3) symmetric functions, \alpha(x, Q^2), \beta(x, Q^2), and \gamma(x, Q^2). With the introduction of an SU(3) breaking parameter, \lambda, the model is successful in describing hadroproduction data at the Z pole. The fragmentation functions are then evolved using leading order evolution equations and good fits to currently available data at 34 GeV and at 161 GeV are obtained.Comment: 24 pages LaTeX file including 11 postscript figure file

    Systematic event generator tuning for the LHC

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    In this article we describe Professor, a new program for tuning model parameters of Monte Carlo event generators to experimental data by parameterising the per-bin generator response to parameter variations and numerically optimising the parameterised behaviour. Simulated experimental analysis data is obtained using the Rivet analysis toolkit. This paper presents the Professor procedure and implementation, illustrated with the application of the method to tunes of the Pythia 6 event generator to data from the LEP/SLD and Tevatron experiments. These tunes are substantial improvements on existing standard choices, and are recommended as base tunes for LHC experiments, to be themselves systematically improved upon when early LHC data is available.Comment: 28 pages. Submitted to European Physical Journal C. Program sources and extra information are available from http://projects.hepforge.org/professor

    Statistical approach for unpolarized fragmentation functions for the octet baryons

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    A statistical model for the parton distributions in the nucleon has proven its efficiency in the analysis of deep inelastic scattering data, so we propose to extend this approach to the description of unpolarized fragmentation functions for the octet baryons. The characteristics of the model are determined by using some data on the inclusive production of proton and Λ\Lambda in unpolarized deep inelastic scattering and a next-to-leading analysis of the available experimental data on the production of unpolarized octet baryons in e+e−e^+e^- annihilation. Our results show that both parton distributions and fragmentation functions are compatible with the statistical approach, in terms of a few free parameters, whose interpretation will be discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 7 eps figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.
