195 research outputs found

    Estimating the reproduction number of Ebola virus (EBOV) during the 2014 outbreak in West Africa

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    The 2014 Ebola virus (EBOV) outbreak in West Africa is the largest outbreak of the genus Ebolavirus to date. To better understand the spread of infection in the affected countries, it is crucial to know the number of secondary cases generated by an infected index case in the absence and presence of control measures, i.e., the basic and effective reproduction number. In this study, I describe the EBOV epidemic using an SEIR (susceptible-exposed-infectious-recovered) model and fit the model to the most recent reported data of infected cases and deaths in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia. The maximum likelihood estimates of the basic reproduction number are 1.51 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.50-1.52) for Guinea, 2.53 (95% CI: 2.41-2.67) for Sierra Leone and 1.59 (95% CI: 1.57-1.60) for Liberia. The model indicates that in Guinea and Sierra Leone the effective reproduction number might have dropped to around unity by the end of May and July 2014, respectively. In Liberia, however, the model estimates no decline in the effective reproduction number by end-August 2014. This suggests that control efforts in Liberia need to be improved substantially in order to stop the current outbreak.Comment: Published version, PLOS Currents Outbreaks. 2014 Sep

    The approximately universal shapes of epidemic curves in the Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Recovered (SEIR) model.

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    Compartmental transmission models have become an invaluable tool to study the dynamics of infectious diseases. The Susceptible-Infectious-Recovered (SIR) model is known to have an exact semi-analytical solution. In the current study, the approach of Harko et al. (Appl. Math. Comput. 236:184-194, 2014) is generalised to obtain an approximate semi-analytical solution of the Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Recovered (SEIR) model. The SEIR model curves have nearly the same shapes as the SIR ones, but with a stretch factor applied to them across time that is related to the ratio of the incubation to infectious periods. This finding implies an approximate characteristic timescale, scaled by this stretch factor, that is universal to all SEIR models, which only depends on the basic reproduction number and initial fraction of the population that is infectious

    Importation of Alpha and Delta variants during the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in Switzerland: Phylogenetic analysis and intervention scenarios.

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    The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has led to the emergence of various variants of concern (VoCs) that are associated with increased transmissibility, immune evasion, or differences in disease severity. The emergence of VoCs fueled interest in understanding the potential impact of travel restrictions and surveillance strategies to prevent or delay the early spread of VoCs. We performed phylogenetic analyses and mathematical modeling to study the importation and spread of the VoCs Alpha and Delta in Switzerland in 2020 and 2021. Using a phylogenetic approach, we estimated between 383-1,038 imports of Alpha and 455-1,347 imports of Delta into Switzerland. We then used the results from the phylogenetic analysis to parameterize a dynamic transmission model that accurately described the subsequent spread of Alpha and Delta. We modeled different counterfactual intervention scenarios to quantify the potential impact of border closures and surveillance of travelers on the spread of Alpha and Delta. We found that implementing border closures after the announcement of VoCs would have been of limited impact to mitigate the spread of VoCs. In contrast, increased surveillance of travelers could prove to be an effective measure for delaying the spread of VoCs in situations where their severity remains unclear. Our study shows how phylogenetic analysis in combination with dynamic transmission models can be used to estimate the number of imported SARS-CoV-2 variants and the potential impact of different intervention scenarios to inform the public health response during the pandemic

    Modeling the consequences of regional heterogeneity in human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination uptake on transmission in Switzerland

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    Background: Completed human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination by age 16 years among women in Switzerland ranges from 17 to 75% across 26 cantons. The consequences of regional heterogeneity in vaccination coverage on transmission and prevalence of HPV-16 are unclear. Methods: We developed a deterministic, population-based model that describes HPV-16 transmission among young adults within and between the 26 cantons of Switzerland. We parameterized the model using sexual behavior data from Switzerland and data from the Swiss National Vaccination Coverage Survey. First, we investigated the general consequences of heterogeneity in vaccination uptake between two sub-populations. We then compared the predicted prevalence of HPV-16 resulting from heterogeneous HPV vaccination uptake in all of Switzerland with homogeneous vaccination at an uptake that is identical to the national average (52%). Results: In our baseline scenario, HPV-16 prevalence in women is 3.34% when vaccination is introduced and begins to diverge across cantons, ranging from 0.19 to 1.20% after 15 years of vaccination. After the same time period, overall prevalence of HPV-16 in Switzerland is only marginally higher (0.63%) with heterogeneous vaccination uptake than with homogeneous uptake (0.59%). Assuming inter-cantonal sexual mixing, cantons with low vaccination uptake benefit from a reduction in prevalence at the expense of cantons with high vaccination uptake. Conclusions: Regional variations in uptake diminish the overall effect of vaccination on HPV-16 prevalence in Switzerland, but the effect size is small. Cantonal efforts towards HPV-prevalence reduction by increasing vaccination uptake are impaired by cantons with low vaccination uptake. Although the expected impact on national prevalence would be relatively small, harmonization of cantonal vaccination programs would reduce inter-cantonal differences in HPV-16 prevalence

    Heterogeneity in District-Level Transmission of Ebola Virus Disease during the 2013-2015 Epidemic in West Africa.

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    The Ebola virus disease (EVD) epidemic in West Africa in 2013-2015 spread heterogeneously across the three hardest-hit countries Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone and the estimation of national transmission of EVD provides little information about local dynamics. To investigate district-level transmissibility of EVD, we applied a statistical modelling approach to estimate the basic reproduction number (R0) for each affected district and each country using weekly incident case numbers. We estimated growth rates during the early exponential phase of the outbreak using exponential regression of the case counts on the first eight weeks since onset. To take into account the heterogeneity between and within countries, we fitted a mixed effects model and calculated R0 based on the predicted individual growth rates and the reported serial interval distribution. At district level, R0 ranged from 0.36 (Dubréka) to 1.72 (Beyla) in Guinea, from 0.53 (Maryland) to 3.37 (Margibi) in Liberia and from 1.14 (Koinadugu) to 2.73 (Western Rural) in Sierra Leone. At national level, we estimated an R0 of 0.97 (95% CI 0.77-1.18) for Guinea, 1.26 (95% CI 0.98-1.55) for Liberia and 1.66 (95% CI 1.32-2.00) for Sierra Leone. Socio-demographic variables related to urbanisation such as high population density and high wealth index were found positively associated with R0 suggesting that the consequences of fast urban growth in West Africa may have contributed to the increased spread of EVD

    Towards More Robust Estimates of the Transmissibility of Chlamydia trachomatis

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    There is a lack of a common concept on how to estimate transmissibility of Chlamydia trachomatis from cross-sectional sexual partnership studies. Using a mathematical model that takes into account the dynamics of chlamydia transmission and sexual partnership formation, we report refined estimates of chlamydia transmissibility in heterosexual partnerships

    Social contacts and attitudes towards vaccination during the COVID-19 pandemic: Insights from the CoMix study.

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    During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, individuals adapted their patterns of social contact to avoid pathogen exposure and due to government restrictions that aimed to slow down disease transmission. Studying the changing social contact patterns during the pandemic can play an important role to improve future pandemic responses. Furthermore, a better understanding of COVID-19 vaccination uptake and attitudes towards vaccination in different age and socioeconomic groups can help inform vaccination strategies. CoMix is a social contact survey that follows households across Europe in real-time over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. In Switzerland, we conducted the CoMix study over 24 survey waves from January 2021 to May 2022. Across all survey waves and participants, the average number of reported contacts was 4.8 per day. The number of contacts were highest in the age group of 0-18 year olds and lowest in people who are 65 or older. The survey captured the vaccination uptake in the general population well and participants provided detailed insights into their reasons to get vaccinated and to not get vaccinated. The CoMix study provides the first detailed data on social contact patterns in Switzerland. The results from the study can be used to improve pandemic preparedness, parameterize mathematical models of infectious disease transmission, and design future vaccination strategies

    Intracellular transactivation of HIV can account for the decelerating decay of virus load during drug therapy

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    Linking the intracellular transactivation circuit of HIV into a virus dynamics model can account for activation of infected cells and reversion into latency.We hypothesize that the activation of latently infected cells is governed by the basal transcription rate of the integrated provirus rather than through extracellular stimuli.This systems approach to modelling virus dynamics offers a promising framework to infer the extracellular dynamics of cell populations from their intracellular reaction networks

    How Relevant Is Sexual Transmission of Zika Virus?

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    Christian Althaus and Nicola Low reflect on the contribution of sexual transmission to the spread of Zika virus

    EpiLPS: A fast and flexible Bayesian tool for estimation of the time-varying reproduction number.

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    In infectious disease epidemiology, the instantaneous reproduction number [Formula: see text] is a time-varying parameter defined as the average number of secondary infections generated by an infected individual at time t. It is therefore a crucial epidemiological statistic that assists public health decision makers in the management of an epidemic. We present a new Bayesian tool (EpiLPS) for robust estimation of the time-varying reproduction number. The proposed methodology smooths the epidemic curve and allows to obtain (approximate) point estimates and credible intervals of [Formula: see text] by employing the renewal equation, using Bayesian P-splines coupled with Laplace approximations of the conditional posterior of the spline vector. Two alternative approaches for inference are presented: (1) an approach based on a maximum a posteriori argument for the model hyperparameters, delivering estimates of [Formula: see text] in only a few seconds; and (2) an approach based on a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) scheme with underlying Langevin dynamics for efficient sampling of the posterior target distribution. Case counts per unit of time are assumed to follow a negative binomial distribution to account for potential overdispersion in the data that would not be captured by a classic Poisson model. Furthermore, after smoothing the epidemic curve, a "plug-in'' estimate of the reproduction number can be obtained from the renewal equation yielding a closed form expression of [Formula: see text] as a function of the spline parameters. The approach is extremely fast and free of arbitrary smoothing assumptions. EpiLPS is applied on data of SARS-CoV-1 in Hong-Kong (2003), influenza A H1N1 (2009) in the USA and on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic (2020-2021) for Belgium, Portugal, Denmark and France