79 research outputs found

    Pedigree analysis of eight Spanish beef cattle breeds

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    The genetic structure of eight Spanish autochthonous populations (breeds) of beef cattle were studied from pedigree records. The populations studied were: Alistana and Sayaguesa (minority breeds), Avileña – Negra Ibérica and Morucha ("dehesa" breeds, with a scarce incidence of artificial insemination), and mountain breeds, including Asturiana de los Valles, Asturiana de la Montaña and Pirenaica, with extensive use of AI. The Bruna dels Pirineus breed possesses characteristics which make its classification into one of the former groups difficult. There was a large variation between breeds both in the census and the number of herds. Generation intervals ranged from 3.7 to 5.5 years, tending to be longer as the population size was larger. The effective numbers of herds suggest that a small number of herds behaves as a selection nucleus for the rest of the breed. The complete generation equivalent has also been greatly variable, although in general scarce, with the exception of the Pirenaica breed, with a mean of 3.8. Inbreeding effective population sizes were actually small (21 to 127), especially in the mountain-type breeds. However, the average relatedness computed for these breeds suggests that a slight exchange of animals between herds will lead to a much more favourable evolution of inbreeding. The effective number of founders and ancestors were also variable among breeds, although in general the breeds behaved as if they were founded by a small number of animals (25 to 163)

    Effect of growth selection on morphology in Pirenaica cattle

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    Twelve variables were identified to define morphology in 109 calves sired by eight Pirenaica bulls widely used in artificial insemination. The effect of selection for weight at 210 days of age (W210) was detected from the regression coefficient between the 12 variables and the selection index for W210 used in the breeding plan. Unbiased estimates of the genetic correlated responses on the morphology were obtained without previously estimating the genetic correlation among traits. In Pirenaica cattle, selection for W210 increased slaughter live weight, chest depth and corporal length. The expected changes on height (withers, back and rump), rump width and thoracic perimeter were lower but positive and statistically significant

    In processu Ioannis Sarsuson super apprehensione

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    Copia digital : Diputación Provincial de Zaragoza. Servicio de Archivos y Bibliotecas, 2010Datos de tít. tomados de p.1, y mención de responsabilidad del final del textoSign.: A-B\p2\sInic. grab. xil. en p.

    En la privilegiada contra Francisco Ivan

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    Copia digital : Diputación Provincial de Zaragoza. Servicio de Archivos y Bibliotecas, 2010Datos de tit. tomados de p.1, mención de responsabilidad del final del textoSign.: A-B\p2\sInic. grab. xil. en p.

    Por Ivan de Bierlas en la firma

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    Copia digital : Diputación Provincial de Zaragoza. Servicio de Archivos y Bibliotecas, 2010Datos de tit. tomados de p.1, mención de responsabilidad del final del textoInic. grab. xil. en p.1Precede al texto cruz de Malt

    Por Juan de Paul contra Jusepe Gil : ante el Justicia de la villa de Sariña, en 24 de Iulio de 1632, se diò un apellido criminal à instancia de Iuan de Paul, contra Iusepe Gil, por los delictos que son contenidos en la demanda ...

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    Copia digital : Diputación Provincial de Zaragoza. Servicio de Archivos y Bibliotecas, 2010Datos de tít. tomados de p.1, mención de responsabilidad del final del textofecha de p.1 1632Sign.: A\p4\sInic. grab. xil. en p.


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    Este trabajo de fin de grado ha tratado de contribuir al conocimiento sobre la raza bovina autóctona, muy rústica y en peligro de extinción del País Vasco denominada Betizu. La búsqueda de bibliografía existente relacionada con el tema, ha permitido recopilar y actualizar la información acerca del origen, situación actual y demás aspectos relacionados con la raza para tener una mejor aproximación a la misma. Además, se han detectado algunos vacíos como la comparativa genética entre la Betizu y Casta Navarra y la existencia de un grupo funcional y morfológicamente diferenciado del resto, denominado históricamente Larrabehi. Por otro lado, se ha investigado su funcionalidad mediante análisis de campo con visitas, estancias e intervenciones en el manejo de campo en las ganaderías donde perviven, así como con entrevistas a sus propietarios y a conocedores de esta raza. Así, hemos podido determinar tanto el papel que juega en el mantenimiento del medio ambiente y su biodiversidad, limpiando los montes para evitar incendios, como el complemento que supone para la economía de los caseríos. Por último, se ha realizado un análisis genético de una muestra representativa de individuos que fue genotipada con el chip Axiom™ Bovine Genotyping v3. El objetivo de este análisis fue detectar posibles subpoblaciones dentro del rebaño, así como estudiar el grado de consanguinidad presente en la población. Teniendo en cuenta que es una raza en peligro de extinción, la consanguinidad no resultó excesivamente alta, obteniendo una media del 13,4%. Se detectaron tres subpoblaciones diferentes que coincidían con las principales poblaciones de Betizus que han repoblado la cabaña ganadera actual. El parentesco se ha podido determinar mediante el cálculo de la matriz de relaciones genómicas y se ha comprobado la capacidad de la información molecular para desvelar parentescos que genealógicamente eran desconocidos. Los resultados de este análisis ofrecieron información relevante para la toma de decisiones en el programa de conservación de la raza, ya que puede permitir un diseño de apareamientos que evite la aparición de la depresión endogámica.<br /

    Betizu behi arrazaren karakterizazio genealogiko eta genomikoa

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    The ultimate goal of this research work is to contribute to the knowledge of the native, very rustic and endangered cattle breed in the Basque Country called Betizu. A genetic analysis has been carried out on a representative sample of individuals that was genotyped with the chip Axiom™ Bovine Genotyping v3. The aim of this analysis was to detect possible subpopulations within the herd, as well as to study the degree of consanguinity present in the population. Considering that it is an endangered breed, inbreeding was not excessively high, obtaining an average of 13.4%. Three different subpopulations were detected that coincided with the main Betizus populations that have repopulated the current cattle population. The kinship was determined by calculating the matrix of genomic relations and the capacity of the molecular information to reveal kinships that were genealogically unknown was verified. The results of this analysis provided relevant information for decision making in the conservation program of the breed, since it allows to design a mating strategy to avoid inbreeding depression.; Ikerketa lan honen bidez, Euskal Herrikoa, hemengoa den eta galtzeko zorian dagoen betizu behi-arraza erdi basatiaren ezaguera handitu nahi izan da. AxiomTM Bovine Genotyping v3 genotipazio-txiparekin abereen lagin adierazgarri baten azterketa genetikoa egin da. Azterketa horren helburua behi-taldearen barruan egon zitezkeen azpipopulazioak atzematea eta taldean dagoen odolkidetasun-maila aztertzea izan da. Galtzeko zorian dagoen arraza den arren, odolkidetasuna ez da espero zen bezain handia izan: batez beste % 13,4. Gaur egungo betizuen abere-azienda birpopulatu duten animalia talde nagusiekin bat egiten duten hiru azpipopulazio aurkitu dira. Ahaidetasuna zehazteko, erlazio genomikoen matrizea kalkulatu da, eta informazio molekularrak genealogikoki ezezagunak diren ahaideak argitzeko duen gaitasuna egiaztatu da. Azterketa horren emaitzek informazio garrantzitsua eman dute arraza kontserbatzeko programan erabakiak hartzeko; izan ere, depresio endogamikoa agertzea saihesten duten gurutzamenduak diseinatzeko aukera eman dezake, informazio genealogikoa ez dagoen egoera batean

    Identification of genomic regions associated with reproductive longevity in the Rubia Gallega beef cattle breed using a censored threshold model

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    In beef cattle, the economic viability of farms is heavily influenced by the cow's ability to survive subsequent pregnancies. To understand the genetic basis of reproductive longevity in Rubia Gallega beef cattle breed, a ssGWAS was performed by back-solving the output of ssGBLUP under a censored threshold model. It considers the number of parities each cow reaches during its productive life as a phenotypic trait. The results of the study showed that the main source of variation of reproductive longevity is the herd. However, the posterior mean of the heritability of reproductive longevity was 0.173, indicating the potential for an appropriate genetic response to selection. Furthermore, it is shown that four genomic regions in chromosomes 2, 11 and 29 explain a large proportion of the additive genetic variance. The most important signal was detected on chromosome 2 in the vicinity of the MSTN (myostatin) gene that is associated with double muscling, and that it is segregating in the Rubia Gallega population. Some other interesting genes located within these regions encoded for several PAGs (Pregnancy-associated glycoprotein), LHCGR (luteinizing hormone/choriogonadotropin receptor), FSHR (follicle stimulating hormone receptor), PROKR1 (prokineticin receptor 1) and EHD3 (Eps15 homology domain-containing protein 3). This confirms the relevance of the reproductive performance in the reproductive longevity of cows. These findings provide valuable insights for the Rubia Gallega breeding program, as they can be used to define future selection strategies to improve reproductive longevity of the breed

    Appendix por el procurador astricto en la apellacion contra Ivan de Bonilla

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    Copia digital : Diputación Provincial de Zaragoza. Servicio de Archivos y Bibliotecas, 2010Datos de tit. tomados de p.1 y mención de responsabilidad del final del textoSign.: A-D\p2\sInic. grab. xil. en p.